Page A9 September 3, 2008 Porflaod OL s e r v e r .A u to 2009 Nissan A rm ada LE 4x4 b v K athleen C akk The A rm ada seats up to eight people and is available in either rear- or four-w heel drive. Class leading tow ing capability conies from a 317-hp5.6-liter V8 mated to a five-speed autom atic. A Flex Fuel V ehicle (FFV ) version o f the V-8 is available, giving drivers the choice betw een gasoline or E85. Standard safety features include electronic stability control, ac­ tive head restraints, side curtain airbags, and anti-lock brakes with electronic brake force distribu­ tion an d b rak e a s sist. S eat- m ounted side-im pact airbags for the front seats are standard on the LE trim, optional on SE. Nissan uses the sam e 5.6-liter. V-8 engine in the 2(X)9Armada that pow ers the Titan pickup. It is a Ilex-fuel engine, capable of run­ ning on E85. W ith output o f .317 horsepow er and 385 lb.-ft. o f torque, there is more than suffi­ cient pow er to m otivate the nearly 6,(XX) lbs. of curb weight that makes up the Armada. Likewise with the five-speed autom atic overdrive transm ission, which is electroni­ cally controlled and has tow and haul modes. T he transfer case can be sw itched from two-wheel S p e c ific a tio n s: 5 .6 Liter DOHC V8 E ngine; 5 - S p e e d A u to m a tic $ 5 0 , 8 1 0 .0 0 M R SP drive to autom atic to four-wheel drive high and low. The V-8 en ­ gine perform s well and the auto­ matic transmission performs (law­ lessly, with no hunting on long uphill clim bs. T he engine pulls strongly from ju st above idle all the way to redline, with plenty o f torque for passing. Engine noise is m uffled at cruising speed, but under acceleration the V-8 pro­ duces a nice growl C ruising along city streets or on the freeway the ride is com fort­ R e v ie w strong points. Up front are large, co m fo rta b le leath er seats, with eig h t-w a y p o w er a d ju stm e n t p lu s m an u al lu m b a r for the d riv er, and six-w ay p o w er ad ­ ju stm en t w ithout lu m b a rfo rth e p a s s e n g e r. T h e se a ts th e m ­ selves are firm w ith good su p ­ port for the low er legs. T h e re 's a fo ld -d o w n arm rest on the in ­ b oard side o f each seat and it’s w ell padded, w hile the arm rests on the d o o rs are n o ticeab ly less p lu s h . D u a l- s e ttin g h e a te d seats w arm up q u ick ly . The leath er-w rap p ed steering wheel has c ru ise co n tro l buttons on the right side and au dio and te lep h o n e b u tto n s on the left. T he leath er-w rap p ed w heel is h eated and has m anual tilt, but d o e s n 't telesco p e becau se the A rm ad a has a d ju sta b le foot pedals instead. H ead and leg room are p len tifu l, and getting in and out o f the front is m ade e a s ie r b e c a u s e o f r u n n in g boards and assist han d les above the d o o rs and on the w indshield tra n s m issio n w /T o w Haul M ode; 1 2 City, 1 8 H ighway MPG; p illars. O ne b o n u s fo u n d in larg er v eh icles is a spacious able; big bumps are absorbed w ell thinking it’s acar, but it deals with seco n d row , and the A rm ada and pavem ent seams aren 't beat­ the tw isty sections without is­ d eliv ers as m uch, w ith plenty o f ing their way into the cabin. Steer­ sues, for a large SUV. T he A r­ head and leg room . The Arm ada has the power ing is heavy with vague on-cen- m ada is at its best on the inter­ and size to accom m odate what­ ter feel, but it’s stable in long state, where it can cruise along. T he 2008 A rm ad a’s spacious ever o w n er's ask o f N issan’s flag­ sweeping turns. In the mountains, the SUV w o n 't trick you into in terio r is one o f the v e h ic le ’s ship.SUV. Student Ambassador Expands Horizons cre d it req u irem en ts related to the program 's culture and heritage excur­ sions. She attended several orientation m eetings w ith program leaders and fel­ low delegates to learn about t he desti­ nation and prepare for the journey. President Dwight D. Eisenhow er founded People to People in 1956 be­ lieving that ordinary citizens o f differ­ ent nations could make a difference where governm ents could not. Josephine M. G am ez Reyes, a stu­ dent at O ckley G reen M iddle School in north Portland,just returned home from a 20-day People to People Student A m bassador Program to Italy, France and Spain. G am ez-R eyes traveled with a del­ egation o f 40 students, participating in activities such as rappelling off a 100 foot tow er in A ssisi, Italy, doing a service project in France, learning to make paella and playing soccer in Barcelona, Spain. “ It was a very rew arding experience and 1 w ouldn't trade it for the w orld,’’ she said. Gamez-Reyes was specially selected to participate in the educational pro­ gram and is com pleting the academ ic Lorenzo Thornton was horn April 14,1941 In Birmingham Alabama to Willie and Frances Thornton. Lorenzo passed aw ay on Saturday August 2,2008. Lorenzo past away on Satur­ day August 2,2008. Lorenzo was the third child o f Mr. and Mrs. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and his sis­ ter Patricia Sanders and his nephew Patrick Sanders preceded him in death. Lorenzo worked in his early years as a cook for the M ultnomah A thlete C lub in Portland. He retired after 25 years o f service from C hev­ ron Oil. Lorenzo was a devoted and P eo p le to P eo p le a m b a s s a d o r J o s e p h in e M. G a m ez-R eyes, a s tu d e n t a t O ckley G reen M iddle S ch o o l, ra p p e ls o ff a 1 0 0 -fo o t to w er in A s s is i, Italy. loving father and grandfather. His passion were fishing, hunt­ ing, mush ball, and he was die hard Portland T railblazer Fan, Chicago Bears and San F rancisco49er's fan. Lorenzo is survived by his life long girlfriend A lice Chaney, his daughter Kimberly Thornton, step-son Brian W oods, and step-daughter Andrea Woods. Lorenzo and Alice have five loving grandchildren, Brian X, Joceyson, Daylen, D avid and Zyon. Brother Leroy Thornton In Loving M em ory (Obituaries Willie B. Holloway W illie B. Holloway was born Jan. 22, 1961 to Jessie Lee W aters-H ollow ay and Rufus Holloway in Picayune, M iss. In 196.3, the fam ily relo­ cated to Portland w here he attended BoiseG rade School, Roosevelt High School and the Job Corps. He accepted the Lord at an early age. In 1979, he met Sherry Lewis, a com panion, friend, and wife o f more than 29 years. He held several jobs, but his most recent em ploym ent was as a host at L V ’s Sports Bar R estau­ rant and Lounge (Tw elve 22) w h e re he e n jo y e d g r e e tin g News and reviews on new motor vehicles people, laughing, talking and be­ ing in control. He was an am ateur boxer in 1968 and liked lo u se his talent to protect others. He had a big heart for people and lots o f love. On a hot sum m er day. you often could find him in Daw son Park under a tree, playing cards and dominoes, ju st kicking it with friends. He w as p reced ed in death by his parents and a nephew , Jero m e P ow ell. He leaves to ch erish his m em ories, his w ife; a d au g h ter. N aom i C a rru th e rs-H o llo w a y ; a son, W illie D o n ta e H o llo w a y ; an d a g ra n d d a u g h te r B rianna B ohlen; tw o sisters. M ary E laine H o llo w ay and G e ra ld in e H o llo w ay -C ra in (L ester); tw o b rothers. R ufus H ollow ay Jr. and Jim m y Lee H ollow ay (S h eri); and many o th e r fam ily m em bers and friends. Funeral services were held Aug. 25 at Phila­ delphia Full Gospel M issionary Baptist Church with intennent in Columbian Cemetery. A rrange­ m ents by Terry Family Funeral Home. M other, G randm other R em em bered and Sister G lenda Anderson. Three nieces and 5 nephew s and a host o f family and friends who loved him. L orenzo's Memorial Opal Ruth Roberts-Jordan 1:30pm. Service will be held Saturday S e p te m b e r6 ,2008. It will be held malt Dishman C om m unity Center, located at 77 NE Knott St. at Opal Ruth Roberts died Aug. 21,2008 in her hom e surrounded by her loving family as she went hom e to be with the Lord. She was 82. She was born in Joplin, Mo. on March 18, 1926 to Allie D ora T aylor and Harvey C. Taylor. She married W illiam M. Roberts and W illie Jordan. She was preceded in death by her daughter Diane Jordan; a sister. Dorothy Pace; and brothers. Harvey. Bennie and Charlie Taylor. She leaves behind six surviving children. W illiam Roberts, Kenneth Roberts, Juanita Jordan and Sandra Jor­ dan Graham, all of Portland; Y vonne Roberts Stubbs o f Eugene; and Nadine Jordan of Denver; sisters, Edith Smith and Alberta Mack; brothers. Igusta. Sylvester and Deaustin Taylor; a host o f grandchil­ dren, great grandchildren, and a great-great grand­ child and other family mem bers and friends. A memorial service was held on Aug. 28al High­ land Christian Center, 76(X)N.E.GIisan St. A rrange­ m ents by Terry Family Funeral Home. Happy Birthday! Audrey Washington & Joe Collins From your families, "We love you" Screen Printing 503-762-6042 Carimi hands in vour lime o f need Enjoyed Rapping, Fashion Christopher Richardson C h r is to p h e r D a rre ll Richardson was born on Jan. 7, 1987 in Los A ngeles, to the union o f C a ro l F u ltz an d D a rre ll Richardson. He enjoyed rapping, singing, family functions and fashion. He loved to hxtk good. He also had a sense of hum or that would make you laugh uncontrollably. He leaves to cherish his m em o­ ries his son C h ris to p h e r D. R ichardst mi Jr.: m< ,ther C an>1 Fultz; father Darrell Richardson; b r o il­ ers Antonio Daniels, Jam ico H ar­ ris and Rom ello Harris; sisters: Erica Daniels and Karyzm a Har­ ris; grandm other Dorothy Watts; other relatives and host of friends. A rrangem ents by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel 503-281-4891 nr (r()\ ( ' (ro \ Fast Track Marketing T R IN E R A I. v HAPI I Supplying Northwest Cooking Woods Complete’. Traditional Burial Package W/Casket & Cemetery Gravespace 100% Mesquite Charcoal Mesquite Wood. Hickory, Pecan Wild Cherry, Oak. Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Crem ations Available Cox & Cox Property Only! Call For A p p o in tm e n t (503) 254-0774 — Portland. OR Ask for Paul Arthur A. Cox, Sr. hud a vision to help others. t atering That vision enables us to carry out his Legacy, with the utmost respect and professionalism. ». 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