‘ ^Jnrtlanb (©bseruer PageA8 September 3, 2008 DIVERSE-PO SITIVE-PRO G RESSIVE C lassifieds / B ids FU N -E M P O W ER IN G -M E A N IN G FU L Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder T R IM M E T Phone: 503-288 0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com See where it takes you City of Portland OffìceMates, LLC is seeking a Senior Human Resources Analyst - Recruiting Approximate Monthly Salary: • • • • • • Typing Data Entry Notary Services Calendar Management Appointment Management Email management 4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland Oregon 97211 Phone: 503-281-1568 $4,602 to $6,134 R e sp o n sib le fo r a p p lyin g experience and judgm ent in p ro vid in g p ro fe ss io n a l and technical advice and counsel about recruitment processes to City m anagers, supervisors, e m p loye es and th e pu blic; p a rticip a te s in re cru itm e n t related outreach activities. The S e n io r Hum an R e so u rces Analyst must function as an e ffe c tive , k n o w le d ge a b le , helpful and responsive member of the E m p loym e n t and Development team and carry o ut th e ir in d ivid u a l responsibilities with initiative, independence and creativity w hile e xe rc is in g sound p ro fe ssion a l ju d g m e n t and problem-solving skills. To Apply please go to www.cl.oortland.or.us/ fobs ___ Portland State University Facilities & Planning Environmental Health and Safety M anager LPN Needed! Youth e m ploym en t tra in in g program is s e e k in g your expertise! We would like to hire an O n-call LPN w ith an unemcumbered license and a m inim um of one yea r experience. In addition to being available on-call, the successful candidate will proctor nursing assistant clinical training for students on a set schedule, 75 hours, 4 times per year. Salary range is $ 15 .00 -$18.00, depending on qualifications and experience. All applications must be received by Friday, September 12, 2008. Apply on-line at mtctrains.com. Applicants may also fax resume and cover letter to 503-695-2245 or mail to: Springdale Job Corps Center Attn: Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 We are an equal opportunity Employer Budget Analyst Multnomah County Recruitm ent # 6 0 2 6 -1 5 Closes 9 / 1 2 / 0 8 For full job posting please Visit our website at: www.multcojobs.org or our jobs center located a t 1 1 2 0 SW 5th Ave., 1st floor lobby downtown Portland. Facilities & Planning seeks FT E n viro n m e n ta l H ealth and S a fe ty M anager to pro vide o ve rs ig h t of cam pus e n viro n m e n ta l, health and safety issues, and supervise staff who adm inisters these program goals. Salary range up to $75,000 commensurate on qualifications and experience. EXCELLENT benefits package Public Works Supervisor II including m edical, dental & vision. Other benefits include Apprx. Monthly Salary paid sick & vacation leave & $ 4 ,6 0 2 - $ 6 ,1 3 4 Deadline: 4:30 pm, 09/22/08 Staff Fee Tuition Reduction for ♦Position: The Public W orks - you or a dependent. PSU is an Supervisor II in the Office of AA/EO institution and welcomes T ra n s p o rta tio n , B ureau of a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rse M a in te n a n ce , p ro vid e s candidates and candidates who leadership and works with staff s u p p o rt d ive rs ity. See full for to create a high performance, a n n o u n ce m e n t service-oriented, safety sensitive qualifications requirements & work environment that supports for instructions on howto apply, w w w .h rc .o d x.e d u / the City's and Bureau's missions v is it o p e n in g s / u n c l a s s if ie d / and objectives. Please visit our index.htm Application review w e b site at: h tto :// will begin on August 29, 2008 www.cl.portland.or.us/lobs or and remain open until finalists contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Human identified. Resources Analyst, (503) 823- 5738. The City of Portland isAn Transportations Systems Equal Opportunity Employer Group Manager Neighborhood Program Coordinator Apprx. Monthly Salary $4,384 - $5,841 Deadline: 4:30 pm, 09/15/08 ♦Position: The Neighborhood P rogram C o o rd in a to r is responsible for working with n eighborhood association s, district coalitions and other community-based organizations to provide a variety of services, w hich include con tract and sm a ll g ra n t m anage m e nt, technical assistance on non­ profit issues, leadership and organ izationa l developm ent training. Please visit our website at: http://www.cl.portland.or.us/ jobs or contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Hum an R e so urces A n a lyst, (503) 823-5738. The City of Portland is An Equal Opportunity Employer Addiction Counselor Train for a valuable, fulfilling career. Earn Addiction Counselor Professional C ertification in Washington State. Clark College classes begin September 22. Call Dr. Marcia Roi, 360 992-2171. (Limited term through 9/2009) Qualified applicants will have the following background: • Associate's degree in safety, engineering, physical sciences, fire s c ie n c e s , or related discipline. • Three years experience in the safety field, including facility in sp e c tio n s and a c c id e n t in v e s tig a tio n s , p re fe rre d . Experience in transit operations and construction safety desired. • E xperience with personal c o m p u te rs and a p p lic a b le b u sin e ss s o ftw a re , i.e. spreadsheet, word processing and database. in Plastic. Can Deliver (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7 Portland State University Facilities & Planning Accounting M anager (Supervisory) Portland State University Facilities & Planning Construction Project Manager Facilities & Planning seeks FT Facilities & Planning seeks FT S u p e rvis o ry A c c o u n tin g Construction Project Manager to Manager to provide oversight of oversee the planning, design, financial planning, budgeting, and construction of small to a c co u n tin g, re p o rtin g and large capital construction and financial analysis. Salary range repair projects. Salary range for up to $60,000 commensurate th is p o sitio n is $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 - on q u a lific a tio n s and $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 plus E X C E LLE N T e xp e rie n ce . E XC E LLE N T benefits package including fully ben efits package in clu d in g paid medical, dental & vision. medical, dental & vision. Other Other benefits include paid sick benefits include paid sick & & vacation leave & Staff Fee vacation leave & S ta ff Fee Tuition Reduction for you or a Tuition Reduction for you or a dependent. PSU is an AA/EO dependent. PSU is an AA/EO in s titu tio n and w e lco m e s in stitu tio n and w elco m e s a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rs e a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rse candidates and candidates who candidates and candidates who su p p o rt d iv e rs ity. See fu ll s u p p o rt d ive rs ity. See fu ll a n n o u n ce m e n t fo r an n o u n ce m e n t fo r qualifications requirements & to qualifications requirements & a p p ly o n lin e at for instructions on how to apply, www.hrc.pdx,edu/Q penings/ v is it w w w .h rc.b d x.e d u / u n c la s s ifie d / in d e x .h tm o p e n in g s / u n c la s s if ie d / Applications will be accepted index.htm Application review until 10/07/08. will begin on August 29, 2008 and remain open until finalists identified. • Or an y e q u iva le n t com bination of training and experience. Competitive starting hiring range $3,823 - 4,785 per month Submit your cover letter, resume, professional references, and completed TriMet application form . To review com plete announcement and to apply on- lin e go to, http:// w w w .trim e t.o rg / jo b s or to request information by mail, call 503-962-7635. Announcement w ill be m ade a va ila b le in alternate format upon request. This recruitm ent will close Friday, S ep tem bers, 2 0 0 8 . CONTRUCTION TRAINEES Over two dozen trades. Training on the job. Must be 17-34 years of age. Excellent salary and benefits. Travel available. No e xp e rie n c e needed. Paid relocation. Mon - Fri, 8am-4pm, (800) 914-8536 A Absolutely New Queen Plllowtop M attress with Box Set. Still Sealed $21,000-30,OOO/year + full benefits and perform ance bonuses 5 0 3 -2 3 3 -8 4 9 0 TriMet, (Tri-County Metropolitan T ra n s p o rta tio n D is tric t of O re go n ), th e re g io n 's p ro g re s sive p u b lic tra n s it agency, has an exceptional o p p o rtu n ity fo r a S a fe ty Specialist. The ideal candidate will provide assistance to the M anager of S yste m S a fety Programs in the implementation and monitoring of system safety pro gra m s, pro ce du re s, regulations, and guidelines. C o n d u ct in s p e c tio n s and in v e s tig a tio n s to id e n tify h azard s and a s s is t in the development of action plans to eliminate or control hazards. Apprx. Monthly Salary $7,198-9,594 Deadline: 4:30 pm, 09/19/08 ♦Position: The Transportation Systems Group Manager for the P o rtla n d B ureau of Transportation is responsible for a wide variety of management responsibilities ranging from M etro tra ffic e n g in e e rin g and in v e s tig a tio n s to p a rkin g Food and Banquet Captain. Oregon enforcement and management, Zoo, $ 14 .88 - $ 19 .91 /hr, and d e ve lo p m e n t of s ta rtin g pay: $ 14 .88 /hr, tra n sp o rta tio n alte rn ative s. deadline: 9/9/08. Please visit our website at: http:/ O p e ra tin g E n g in e e r, O regon Convention Center, $27.26/hr, contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Human FT. deadline: 9/15/08. Resources Analyst, (503) 823- 5738. The City of Portland is An To access the com plete job Equal Opportunity Employer announcem ent and required application materials, visit our $200. TR AV E L Action/adventure is more than a section in a video store. The Navy gives you opportunity to travel the globe: Hawaii, Iceland, Italy, Japan and Spain. Before you find your place in this world, maybe you should see it first. Call now. We'll tell you more. 1- 877-6G0-NAVY Safety Specialist Want these words to describe YOUR workplace? Come to ours... Working America, AFL-CIO, is a powerful voice for working people. With the combined strength of 9 million union men and women and 2 million nonunion workers, we fight for good jobs, fair pay, affordable healthcare, quality education, and secure retirement. Experience is a plus; passion for seeing real change in our community and strong communication skills are a must. Paid training, leadership development, and career opportunities available. EOE. or pick up a complete packet at Metro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer OREGON LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Recruiting staff to serve the 2009 Legislative Assembly: Copy Editors (8 positions) • Edit and proofread bills, am endments and legislative publications • Salary of $2,882/month, benefits • Positions begin 12/1/08 Workflow Assistant/PuQUcation Specialist (1 position) • Track production of legislative documents and perform some word processing • Salary of $2,749/month, benefits • Position begins 11/3/08 Application deadline: 9/17/08 on Teatri ! (503) 986-1373 http://www.lsg, stato.qr.us/jqtis Job Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer For application information contact: Karen Hupp Employee Services 900 Court St. NE, Rm. 140-B Salem, OR 97301-4043 MULTNOMAH COUNTY ww.multcojobs.org A __