tTliv I ' | J o r t la n ò (O h s c vu c r September 3, 2008 PageA7 Law Enforcement Backs Early Education early education program, showed that kids left out o f the program were 70 percent more like ly to have been arrested fo r a violent crime by age IS than those who participated in the program. "M o re ofte n than not, the people we arrest who end up in our courts and then in our ja ils and prisons, dropped out o f school and never graduated from high school." D istrict Attorney Schrunk said, "W e don’ t loose these kids all o f a sudden in high school. We loose them early in life and they ju st take tim e to fade and 175,000 assaults will be pre­ vented in America every year. A new report, entitled "Break­ ing the Cycle: School or the Streets," includes research show­ ing that high quality pre-kinder­ Multnomah County District garten is the most effective deter­ Attorney Michael Shrunk, Port­ rent against high school dropouts. land Police Bureau Chief Rosie “Early childhood education is Sizer and Beaverton Police Chief an essential component of keep­ David Bishop took part in a Back ing a co m m u nity safe and to School press conference last healthy,” said Chief Sizer. "Law week to push for increased high enforcement leaders like me have school graduation rates to help long supported Head Start. It’s a cut crime rates. cost effective strategy to increase The group released a report graduation rates and reduce vio­ showing that by increasing gradu­ lence.” ation rates among males by 10 A study of Chicago’s Child- percentage points, 3,(XX) murders Parent Centers, a high-quality To boost graduation rates, cut crime away and eventually disconnect from life. Evidence shows that early childhood education stops Rosie Sizer this process. More kids graduate from high schixtl and fewer of them end up as criminals.” Research shows that high school dropouts are three and a halftimes more likely than gradu­ ates to be arrested and eight times more likely to be incarcerated. Nearly 70 percent of al I inmates in our nation’s prisons failed to earn a high school diploma. In Oregon, approximately 30 percent of students fail to gradu­ ate in four years. The law enforcement officials called on Congress and the state legislature toexpand quality early education programs for at-risk kids. Sowing Seeds for Career Opportunities “I want to learn how to build things, build my confidence and be more com fortable around power tools,” said 14-year-old Caroline, one of the many girls who attended a construction day camp this summer offered by Or­ egon Tradeswomen, Inc. through funding from the Oregon Depart­ ment of Transportation. Working with women instruc­ tors, the girls learned basic con­ struction skills using hand and power tools and discovering the wide variety of highway construc­ tion careers, such as carpentry, sur­ veying and masonry, through field trips to apprenticeship training cen­ ters and job sites. In addition to gaining skills and learning about highway construc­ tion careers, the girls build a garden shed as a donation to a Portland Parks and Recreation community gar­ den. They also build a cedar arbor and benches for the school garden at Harriet Tubman Leadership Acad­ A group of local middle school girls build confidence and explore career skills by attend emy for Young Women. a summer construction camp sponsored by Oregon' Tradeswomen, Inc. h o m e o w n e rs ju s t need to c re ­ cre a sin g tree c a n o p y, F riends than Friends o f Trees pays the fo r u p c o m in g P o rtla n d n e ig h ­ ate an o n lin e a cco u n t at " O r ­ o f T re e s p ro v id e s trees to w holesale nursery to buy the b o rh o o d s w h e re F rie n d s o f d e r S treet & Y a rd T re e s " at hom eow ners at less than h a lf— trees, and we also need to co ve r T rees is o rg a n iz in g c o m m u ­ F rie n d s o fT re e s .o rg . n ity tree p la n tin g s . T o o rd e r street o r ya rd trees, so m e tim e s less than fiv e p e r­ the cost o l staff, insurance, trucks T o f u l f i l l o u r m is s io n o f c e n t— o f the actual $ 175 cost. and gas. tools, volunteer re cru it­ b u ild in g c o m m u n ity and in ­ M o st hom eow ners pay less Packing Healthy School Lunches W ith the start o f school, it’s important to know that nutrition and learning go hand in hand. Providence dieticians say kids who are nutri­ tionally fit are more likely to have the energy, stamina and self-esteem that enhance their abil­ ity to learn. D on’t forget a good breakfast, but also pack meals that are easy to prepare and fun to eat, as well as healthful, safe and nutritious. Forexam ple, sandw iches, raw veggies, crack­ ers, string cheese, whole fruit and pudding are fun foods that still supply good nutrition. W om en and youth are in­ vited to enjoy the laughter a n d f r ie n d s h ip o f o th e r w om en w hile sh arin g the hope found in C hrist during the W om en and Youth Pink Lady Day L uncheon. T he free celebration will take place Saturday, Sept. 13 at I I a.m. at the H ighland C hristian C enter. 7600 N.E. G lisan St. E vangelist V elm a Jones will serve as speaker. O ther highlights include m usic,door prizes, facial m akeovers, a fashion parade, inform ation on health issues, testim onials and m uch more. Shirlene Carson Friends of Trees Takes Orders for Plantings Y o u can o rd e r trees n o w Church Celebrates Women, Youth i a ff u r a M iu 407 NE Mason St Suite 1 Pontana o n a r z t t SO3-2SSB9/7 e*ectrav@>aol com To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: ment, and tra in in g . ‘Donut Hole’ Gap Observed (AP) — Many people in M edicare with diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic conditions stop taking their medicine when faced with pick­ ing up the entire cost o f their prescrip­ tions, researchers say. About 3.4 million older and disabled people hit a gap, known as the dough­ nut hole, in their M edicare drug cover­ age in 2007. W hen that happened, they had to pay the entire costs o f their medicine until they spent $3.850 out of pocket. Then, insurance coverage would kick in again. About 15 percent o f those hitting the coverage gap stopped their treat­ Finish Line Automotive, LLC ment regimen. That rate varied de­ pending upon illness. For example, about 10 percent of diabetes patients stopped buying the medicine, as did 16 percent of patients with high blood pressure and 18 percent o f patients with osteoporosis. "If a new president and C ongress consider changes to the drug b e n ­ efit, it will be im portant to keep in mind that the coverage gap has c o n ­ sequences for som e patients with se rio u s h e a lth c o n d itio n s ," said Drew A ltm an, the c h ie f executive officer and president o f the K aiser Fam ily Foundation. State Farm• where honesty and quality matter pHiviil'i't) Instit,» -> i. aw: I i . Jason Sharp Home Oftire, Bloowijim: I , : , '! Ernest J. Hill, Jr. 1033 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 Aqent 494b N Vancouver Avi ' m I ' 503 THfi 1103 I ax »1.3 m, ' ' L urritE lull hbnilr^slaicI-H-u ,.t- •• Phone: 503-254-1216 FAX: 503-261-7361 E- mail:Finlineauto@aofcom 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service6 I t ’ s H a p p e n in g EVERY S u n d a y a t It’s not your standard funeral home... it’s the new standard in funeral homes. MATT D ISH M AN C O M M U N ITY C EN TER F R E E S o u p & S a l a d B a r @ 2 pm C o m m u n it y C h u r c h S e r v ic e @ 3 pm S p o n s o r e d pTERRY FAMILY by R oyal P riestho o d M in is tr ie s FU N ERA L H O M E I n D is h m a n ' s A u d it o r iu m 7 7 NE K n o t t In a business where things seemingly stay the same, a change has taken place. A change that may raise the bar on the level of service a family can experience from a funeral home. T erry I You see, when we went into business we aspired to be so far and away the best that a new level of excellence was to be created. 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