Page A5 September 3. 2008 Politically Charged Art Kennedy School to Open Boiler Room Bar Multi-ethnic portraits mix more than color T he historic M cM enam ins K ennedy School. 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave., will offer yet another spot w here guests and visitors can enjoy a drink, have a meal, play som e pool and more when it opens a new bar, set oddly enough, in the school's form er boiler room. An ordinary-looking hall way door opens to reveal a huge, multilevel bar with room for KM) guests, a jukebox, two pool tables and shuffleboard, all paired with a full menu of handcrafted M cM enam ins ales, wines and spirits plus a food menu offering pizza, calzones, panini and more. T he m assive boiler itself has been taken out, although its heavy doors were retained for display; much o f the original artw ork done by the M cM enam ins artists also depicts the old plumbing. The Boiler Room B arw illofficiallyopenon Friday, Sept. 5 at 4 p.m. Masqueradeat Devine Designs ately Pink for the C u re, a program o f the Susan G. Komen for theC ure foun­ d ation, and will include m usic, refresh m en ts, a ra ffle , v e n d o rs, h air and fashion show and a pretty in pink c o s ­ tum e contest. A dm ission is $4. F or m ore in fo rm atio n . call 5 0 3-282-1209. A B lack, W hite and Pink M asq u erad e to supp o rt the fight to end breast cancer will be held S at­ urday, Sept. 6 from 7 p .m . to m id n ig h t at D evine D esigns Salon and Spa. 331 I N .E . M ar­ tin L uther King Jr. Blvd., a b o v e th e new M id-K B eauty S upply. T he event benefits P assio n ­ Dance W eekend — L ouisiana'sow n Brian Jack Band and P ortland's Too Loose Cajun Band will participate in the Cascade Zydeco sum m er cam p in the Mt. Hood N ational Forest. Sept. 12-14. The event is for dancers new and old and for those who want to learn to dance. For information and 360-571 -4453 or visit . • Loveless Wesa — Zim babw e native and local musician Loveness W esa w ill bring hertraditional African danc­ ing, singing and drum m ing to the stage when she perform s Saturday. Sept. 13 at the A lberta Street Fair. Hip Hop to Native A m ericans - Andrew M orrison draw s on his Native A m erican culture, hip-hop and street art in a cutting edge, exciting and uniqueexhibit on dis­ play in the artists' gallery in the adm inistration building on the V ancouver cam pus o f W ashing­ ton State University through Sept. 18. M ulti-ethic portraits mix more than color in G w enn Seem el’s politically charged exhibit "A pple Pie," currently on display through Sept. 20 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. The subjects are m ostly first and second generation A m eri­ cans, along w ith an A frican- American and a Native American, com bined with iconic American images, yielding som e interest­ ing— and uniquely A m erican— com binations, including a Rus­ sian-A m erican Neil Armstrong and a Taiw anese-A m erican. As the daughter o f a French imm igrant, Seemel spent a good deal o f her childhood in a small village in France. Now 27, she is living the Am erican dream. She is The “First American" is one of Gween Seeme s multi-ethic portraits on display at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. a painter with a unique visual style w ho sets out to connect with other multi-ethnic Americans to see if their experiences were anything like hers. For her eighth solo conceptual show in the past five years, Seemel gathered subjects that don't al­ w ays com e to mind when one thinks o f a U.S. citizen, first and second generation A m ericans. And, instead o f simply painting the p articip a n ts as they are. Rapper T I Jumps to No. 1 (AP) -- Rapper T.I. established the mark for biggest ju m p to the top o f the Billboard Hot 100 w hen his single "W hatever You Like" soared from No. 7 1 to No. 1 in its third w eek on the list. Last w eek’sN o. 1 opening on the Hot Digital Songs Billboard chart with d e­ but-week sales o f 205,000 dow nloads is the im petus for the record-setting Hot 100 move, which surpasses the leap from No. 64 to No. 1 that Maroon 5's "M akes Me Wonder" took in May 2007. "Like" is the rapper's first No. I as a lead artist (he was featured on Justin Tim berlake's 2006 chart-topper "My Love"), and his opening-w eek digital sum is the best by a rap track since Nielsen SoundScan began com piling dow nload data in 2003. T .I.'s new G rand H ustle/A tlantic album , "P ap erT rail," will be released Sept. 30. T. I. W illamette Riverjoin in end of summ er blast tocelebrate the W illamette River. This family-fun event features live m usic, river tours, and D ragonboat racing; for a com ­ plete calendar o f events visit Phantom o f the Opera - A ndrew Lloyd W ebber's The Phantom o f the O pera plays at Keller A uditorium , dow n­ town through Sept. 7. Tickets are on sale at the Portland Opera Box Office, 2 11 S.E.Caruthersorat all Ticketmaster outlets. KBOOBIock P arty-K B O O will celebrate 40 years of com m unity radio with a fun street party in­ cluding live music. DJs, perfor­ mances and much more, Friday, Sept. 5 from 5 p.m. to 10p.m., one Southeast Ei block from the KBOO studios Avenue between Ankeny and Ash Streets. N orthw est C hocolate Festival —Sept. 12 thru Sept. 14. at 721 N.W . Ninth Ave. Suite 900, enjoy a delicious adventure with decadent chocolates at P ortland's first- ever free chocolate festival; volunteers are needed, for more information call 503-715-0068. Ri veriest — Currently through Sunday, on and along (he Poetry at Miracles - Local and national artists and musicians share an evening of spoken word and music at the Miracles Club, 4069 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. each W ednesday’s, between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. O M SI $2 Days - The first Sunday o f every month can spark your passion for science at the OMSI when adm ission is ju st $2. For more inform ation, visit O M &/or special guest J u n e 29 J u ly 6 J u ly 13 8 2 6 SW 2nd Ave, Portland/OR F e a tu rin g J a rtis te fro m th e n e w R a in m a k e r m u sic CD “ F ir e w a te r " Kolvane Rollie Tussing Colin Lake This is an official KMHD 89 1 Fundraiser Tickets available at Music Millenniurr online at KMHD.FM or by calling the KMHD Development office 503 491.7271 Quality Design and Business Support Sundays 5-8pm Graphic Design Logos at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave 27 3 10 24 Season's shopping center) 4 ' Sunshine, BBQ and a free, v* all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans' sax legend and ’some’of the'bcst playersin town! What could be better? Musicians are welcome to sit in for a jam, so you never _know.who. will show up! Jjf S e p t 21 S en t 28 September 1 4 th -3 p m to 8pm on the roof @Jax Restaurant & Bar June 22 Sept 7 “SHAKE EM’ DOWN” The KM HD R o o fto p R uckus Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 Janice Scroggins J u n e 15 J u ly Aug Aug Aug K M H D 8 9 .1 fm p re s e n t's T ic k e ts: $ 1 0 p e r p e r so n Ancient and C ontem porary-B ro th e rs o f the Baladi, a P o rtla n d g ro u p that bring a m es­ sage o f hope and change with their p erfo rm an ces o f M id d le E a ste rn music will perform Sunday, Sept. 6 at noon the W orld Trade Center on Southw est Salmon Street and First Avenue; and the w eekend o f Saturday, Sept.2O at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 21 at 11:45 a.m. at Cathedral Park in St. Johns. Reggie Houston & June 8 Seem el has blended their likenesses with American icons. A pple Pie is a series of images that starts a con­ v ersatio n — and a political debate or two! Some o f the m ore uniquely A merican paintings in the show inc I ude a Zi m babwean-American woman who wears white "bunny- face" to fit into her adopted country's decidedly com partm en­ talized concept o f her ethnicity and an Iranian-German-American version o f Rosie the Riveter. In this refiguring o f the U.S., Nixon reveals his T aiw anese- American heritage and a Native A m erican G eorge W ashington finally earns the title First A m eri­ can. $ j í 3 Beys M a rk e t • • Signage Company Identity • • Outdoor Events Ad Design • State Farm * Providing Insurance and Financial Services (formerly The Old Bee Company) Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 6728 NE MLK Blvd Corner of MLK & Dekum Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Michael E Harper <503-283-8818 Discount Foods, Cleaning S u p p lie s Fresh Produce Dail\ Web Design S" 1 SIAM f««M iN IV IS M t I Aaenl We m oved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Leon's Barber Shop f ired of high prices on groceries? CHECK US O UT ' P re » *n te d by C annon’s Rib Eapre»« and tw w w .r e g g ie h o u s t o n SEASONS Advertik with diversify in 111,1 P o ( .ill 503 -2 88 -1 X 1 .4 la nit (0 b s cru e r a d s @ p o r t la n A r se rve We are a DEEP DISCOUNT grocery store *Cereal starts at 99c • Lighters 6/$! * Pay Station for utility hills SOME O RGANIC PRODUCTS A V A ILA B LE 1319 NE Eiemont St. Portland. OR 97212 8 AM - 6 PM Tue,day - Saturday Shop: (503) 282-2920 Cell (503) 309-4488