September 3, 2008 Page A4 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to SH akíng © f Ctfr&M Defining Moment Barack Obama's nomination » J-J by R alph B. E verett As we recognize the nom ination o f Sen. Barack O bam a, D-111., as the D em ocratic Party's candidate for President o f the United States, we mark the realization o f an A m erican ideal. It has been less than a half-century since African w. A m ericans could only d rea m o f participating inour dem ocracy and civic life. Senator O bam as victory will forever alter the politicso f our nation. He is an exam ple o f talent, diligence and passion at its finest. We com m end his success and share in his triumph. This defining m om ent in our history will forever impact our children and their beliefs in their ow n possibilities to reach their full potential. As we celebrate this m ilestone, we must rem em ber where we began. Dr. M artin Luther King's dream is no longer a dream, but it is a symbol of progress. Senator O bam a and the Am erican people have breathed life into Dr. King's lofty dream that he first spoke o f 45 years ago at the Lincoln Memorial. "Now is the time to make real the prom ises o f dem ocracy," Dr. King said during the M arch on W ashington, A ugust 28, 1963. The prom ­ ises o f dem ocracy are indeed com ing to life and we hope to continue to see them realized by all citizens o f all colors. This is a great day for America. «STErÄ*«* H» 7 POINTING . w ® T kettle BLACK Ralph B. Everett is president and chief executive officer o f the Joint Center fo r Political and Economic Studies. Stop Spinninglhe Truth The facts don’t lie by L oey P owell thoughtful consideration about what might be done to address them. Here are some stats to chew on: For all the rich countries in the world for which there is data, the U.S. has the highest infant m or­ tality rate, hom icide rate, teen­ age birth rate, incarceration rate, child poverty rate, overall pov­ erty rate and people living alone. The U.S. has the sm allest m iddle class, the largest wealth gap between the rich and the rest o f the population and the lowest voter turnout. It’s time we stopped spinning the truth - like the truth repre­ sented in these stats - and start taking a long, hard look in the mirror, admit that there are sig­ nificant problem s confronting our country and that there ju st might not be easy answers to any o f them. If w e sto p p e d sp in n in g enough to regain our balance, we will recognize that we have to work to g e th e r- across the aisles, across the streets, across neigh­ borhoods. across self-interests - to turn things around posi­ tively for those who bear the greatest burden o f our dysfunc­ tion. A resource on how to get your questions answered is included in "O ur Faith, O u rV o te ,” now' a v a ila b le at u c c .o rg / ourfaithourvote. E v e ry b o d y s p in s it. T he spokespeople for politicians spin it. The talking heads on news shows spin it. The teacher in the classroom spins it. The preacher spins it. Your last lousy date spins it. Everybody spins it. The truth, that is. If I say the glass is half full, y o u 'll say it's half em pty. If she says the dog ate her hom ework, he ’ 11 say it was the cat. Truth i s an illusory thing so m e tim e s-a real­ ity for one, a nightm are for an­ other, a facade for som eone else. How do we know who is telling the truth? How do we know when a candidate is lying to us or telling us Fite it really is? Does it have to take investiga­ tive journalists to uncover the real story? Dr are we going to hold onto the distortions and lies put out initially about o n e’s oppo­ nent even when they are clearly shown to be false a week later'? (R em em ber those w eapons of mass destruction that led the U.S. intow arw ith Iraq? N o tth e re -y e t a significant portion o f the public- still believes that the presence of W M Ds is why we invaded Iraq.) Statistics - hard, cold num ­ bers - d o n ’t lie. They sim ply ex­ pose what is there w ithout com ­ mentary. I wish we had more dis­ cussion in the com ing months leading up to election day about some statistics that paint a trou­ Loey Powell is a co-team bling picture o f our country. I leader with justice ministries in w ish w e c o u ld h a v e so m e the United Church o f Christ. What Are College Presidents Thinking? and je o p ard ize the I ives o f more te e n s .” In the early 7 0 ’s, a num ber of states lowered the drinking age and nighttim e fatal crashes in­ creased 17 percent in the 18-20 age group. by J udy C ushing But in 1984, President Reagan The recent announcem ent by some lOOcollege presidents float­ signed the N ational M inimum ing the proposal to low er the D rinking Age Act, which said if drinking age from 2 1 to 18 is noth- states d id n 't adopt a drinking age ing short o f irresponsibility and o f 2 1, they would see 10 percent o f their federal highw ay funding foolishness. It’s also a selfish copout that cut. So now. all 50 states and the would have horrific im plications District o f Colum bia have set a in our state and throughout the drinking age o f 21. There is no doubt that the law country. A s an O re g o n n o n -p ro fit has been effective in saving lives. d ed icated to the p rev en tio n o f Studies by the National Highway alco h o l and d ru g a b u se, we Traffic Safety Administration has agree w ith M ark R osenker, the show n that raising the drinking actin g c h ie f o f the N atio n al age to 2 1 from 18 has resulted in T ran sp o rtatio n S afety B oard, 900 few er traffic fatalities annu­ w ho called the idea “a national ally involving teens. And according to recent polls, tragedy to turn back the clock Lowering the drinking age is a copout the A merican public overw helm ­ strong correlation betw een stu­ ingly agrees that the current drink­ dent drinking and physical and sexual assault, depression, anxi­ ing age is ju st fine. So instead o f saying that the ety, and school failure. And as problem of binge drinking on cam ­ alarm ing, is alcohol poisoning puses would sim ply go aw ay by from binge drinking that can re­ legalizing it-w h ic h is ludicrous- sult in death. And college adm inistrators are - college adm inistrators need to finally step up and tackle the prob­ going to need to com m unicate loud and clear that the overriding lem head on. It’s time for real leadership in m essage to students, parents, form ulating cam pus alcohol poli­ trustees and alumni is that alco­ cies, instead o f dream ing up ways hol is o f f lim its if y o u ’r e n o t2 1 . This would be a radical shift in to limit potential liability. And any such policy should the college culture, no doubt. But include strengthening efforts in cultures’ change and this one can p rev en tio n , in te rv en tio n , and too. Make no m istake — partying enforcement. Colleges need to inform and students drink to get drunk. With educate students and their par­ this latest move by som e college ents (which still hold alo t o f influ­ presidents, one w onders what in ence on their kids, not to mention the world they’ve been drinking. Judy Cushing is the president helping with tuition) about the wide range o f consequences of and chief executive officer o f binge drinking. There is a very Oregon Partnership. Wake Up Call on HIV by M arc M orial TheCenters for Dis­ ease Control and Pre­ vention recently re­ leased a report show- i ng that ne w HIV infec- tions are 40 percent higher than previously estim ated, with the majority o f new infections occur­ ring among African Americans. Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 African Americans make up only 13 percent o f the popula­ tion, yet account for 45 percent of all new HIV infections. The CDC report begs the question: As the face o f AIDS in America has turned increasingly black, have our federal government and many o f our fellow citizen s sim ply stopped paying attention? About 6< X).(XX) African Ameri­ cans are now HIV positive and as many as 3().(XX) are infected each year. According to an analysis by the Black Aids Institute, despite extraordinary improvements in HIV (503) 284-7838 treatment, AIDS remains the lead- ing cause of death among black women aged 25-34, and the second leading causeof death among black men aged 35-44. Blacks make up 70 percent of new HIV cases among teenagers and 65 percent o f HIV-infected newborns. At a time when the ac­ tions of our federal government • Professional Services • Affordable Prices Payment Plans: OAC • Over 20 years experience • Full & Partial Dentures • Natural Appearance Full Service Lab * Accepting Oregon Health Plan Melanie Block, L.D. We 've Moved! R ussell Si 8 Cl’‘‘ JJnrthutb (Observer Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 CminK is-CHiif. Pi k ii s h i h : Charles H. Washington Coiron M ich a e l L eig h to n Oisimmnos Msssi.m: M ark W ashington CsfsTivr. Dimi mu: P aul N eu fe ld t D enturisi 503-230-0207 W Parknie \ie.i 200 N.E. 20"’ Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking The Portland Observer w elvnm cs freelance tubm isM onv M a n u s c rip t' and photographs P ostmastcr : should he clearly labeled and w ill he relumed i f accompanied by a sell addressed envelope. Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0 Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland. OR 97 2 0 8 A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f lhe newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent o l the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position ot such ad " > 2008 I H L P O R T l.A N D O B S E R V E R A L L R IG H TS R ESE R V E D . R E P R O D U C TIO N IN W H O L E OR IN PAR T W IT H O U T PER M ISSIO N IS P R O H IB IT E D lh e Portland Observer CALL 503-288-0033 PAX 5O3-288-OOI5 -Oregon's Oldest M u ltic u ltu ra l P u b lic a lto n -is a member o f the National Newspaper Association -Founded in HISS, and The Nariom d A dve rtisin g Representative Am nlgam ated Publishers. Inc. New Y ork. N Y . and The West Coast Black Publishers Association I and others are resulting in fewer deaths and greater access to af- fordable antiretroviral drugs in places like Namibia and Cambodia, African Americans make up only 13 percent o f the population, yet account fo r 45 percent o f all new HIV infections. Dentures Worth Smiling About! Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the corner ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Are we still paying attention? sub.wnpti<>n