« ^ ^ ’ ^ J n r t la X X Ò ( O b s c r U c r September 3. 2008 Page A3 Aging and Memory Resources Health event scheduled Saturday African A m erican seniors and their fam ily caregivers can once again com e together and learn about resources available to them and hear from speak­ ers w orking in cutting-edge health pro­ grams that positively impact their com ­ munities. A Hold O nto Your M emory: Aging and M em ory in the African Am erican C om m unity conference will be held Saturday, Sept. 6from 9a.m .to3:30p.m . at Portland C om m unity College C as­ cade Cam pus, 705 N. K illingsw orthSt. The second annual event is spon­ sored by V olunteers o f Am erica O r­ e g o n , T h e L a y to n A g in g a n d A lzheim er’s disease Center at Oregon H ealth and Sciences University and the Urban League o f Portland. The free conference is dedicated to addressing the concerns around health disparities o f African American seniors and their families. Free transportation Dear Deanna! I think I’m in a relationship that is one-sided. In the be­ ginning my boyfriend and I shared a lot, communication was good and we talked about our goals. Now we don’t do anything recreational unless I make a suggestion and pay for everything. I keep trying to love him, support him and find out what’s going on. He won’t respond but he won’t be rude nor leave the house. I’m very confused and these mixed signals make it worse. How do I get through to him? —Going Crazy; Toledo, Ohio Dear Going Crazy: Your boyfriend has simply fallen out oflove with you. He thinks he’s being nice and respectful but he’s really be­ ing dishonest with you. He has some pent up feelings and thoughts that will only come out if you ask direct ques­ tions. You should ask him to share his feelings about the relationship, find out where you stand and if he wants to be with you. Don’t make as­ sumptions but rely on his di­ rect response and actions and be willing to take the good with the bad. Dear Deanna! My cousin is dating someone but they have an open rela­ tionship and have been known to date other people. They still have a good relationship because they are upfront with everything. Now, her boy- Corliss McKeever o f the African American Health Coalition and Tiffany McKenna o f the Marie Smith Health and Social Center support the “Hold On To Your Memory" health conference Saturday at Portland Community College's Cascade Campus. Ask ö Real People, Real Advice An advice cot mini known fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! friend is interested in dating me on the side. I am also interested in him but I don’t know how my cousin will react. I know it wouldn't be anything serious because they often joke about the people that try to come between them. Should I date him any­ way? —Anonymous; Dallas, Texas Dear Anonymous: This is not the solution if you want something meaningful in a relationship complete with respect and sincerity. You al­ ready know going in that you would have your cousin’s left­ overs and everyone else’s be­ cause h e’s a recreational dater. Then you have to ask yourself if this man is worth the confusion withyourcousin and family drama that will be sure to follow. Choose some­ one else to date unless you purposely want to be second fiddle with no options. Dear Deanna! I’m engaged to a good man and we love each other. He cheated on me and got some­ one pregnant and I stuck by his side from the beginning to the end. He has no plans of leaving me but the child’s mother doesn’t understand that. She’s using every trick she can think of but he won’t budge. We are getting mar­ ried soon. Am I supposed to sit and watch or is there some­ thing I can do to help him? - -Committed; Hickory, N.C. Dear Committed: It’s good that you're standing by your man and even better that you’re getting married. Your future husband obvi­ ously told this woman things she wanted to hear because there’s a baby and she has hope. Your husband is the key to this puzzle. He needs to establish a paternity suit, make child support decisions and a custody arrangement. You need to support him while he puts things in order and then go into a clean marriage with no tjaggage. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 902! I. Website: is also available thanks the sponsor­ ship o f T riM et’s Ride Connection. T o p ic s in c lu d e tra d itio n a l and co m p lem en tary ap p ro ach es to d e a l­ ing w ith ag ing and m em ory loss. W o rk sh o p s and reso u rce in fo rm a­ tion will also ex p lain how som e m edi­ cin es can play a large ro le in the p rev en tio n and m anag em en t o f ag ­ ing and m em ory loss. Participants can leant and take part in hands-on dem onstrations in stress and d ep ressio n , healthy soul-food cooking, acupuncture, and horticul­ tural, arom a and massage therapies, with an em phasis on better ways to com m unicate with a doctor. A free healthy soul food lunch will be served at noon with entertainm ent provided by local storyteller & drum ­ m er Nyewesi Askari. O therevents will include free health screenings, sample com puter games that stim ulate the brain, and an intro­ duction to "m indfulness” mediation practice, w hich helps reduce stress. For more inform ation, call Tiffany M cKenna, director of the M arie Smith Center at 503-802-0453. Activist Appointed to School Board The Portland School Board has selected an activ­ ist for the His­ panic community to serve an open seat on the volun­ teer board. M artin G on­ zalez of north Portland will take the position va­ cated by Dan Ryan, another north Portland resident. Gonzalez is the former executive Martin Gonzalez director of the Portland Schools Alliance and was recently hired as an outreach coordinator for TriMet. "Martin Gonzalez has been deeply engaged with schools in Portland for many years," Director David Wynde noted, "he brings great experience in engaging parents and families who have not tradi­ tionally had a voice in the district. His integrity, intelligence and commitment to to all students will serve the district well." Gonzalez will serve until June. If he wishes to run for a full four-year term, he will have to file for election by March to be on the May Primary ballot. Public Servant Ted Winters Remembered Was founder o f prison ministry M arc "T ed” W inters, husband o f Sen. Jackie Winters, R-Salem, and a form er aide to G overnorsTom McCall and Bob Straub, died Aug. 26. He was 84. A memorial service will be held at the State Capitol on Friday, Sept. 5 at 2 p.m. The service is open to the public. "W inters was a devoted husband, father and dedicated Christian w hose life was a true testam ent to the pow er o f the hum an spirit and faith in G od," said Senate Republican L eaderT ed Ferrioli o f John Day. “He will be missed and rem em bered by many. O ur hearts and deepest prayers are with Jackie and her family.” Ted W inters w orked for the state o f O r­ egon for 15 years, including seven years as staff to Govs. McCall and Straub. M ost recently he was a legislative assistant to his wife. D uring the M cCall adm inistration, he served as the director o f the State Econom ic Opportunity O ffice where he helped to es­ tablish the H ousing D ivision w hich later becam e the O regon H ousing and C om m u­ nity Services Department. He assisted with the creation o f the O r­ egon D epartm ent o f Human Resources, and also served as G overnor's liaison to the Model Cities Program and Portland M ulti-Service Center. He established state om budsm an program s for nursing hom es and correc­ tions. As a private citizen, he founded M AJAC Institute and New Life Christian Netw ork, Inc., a post- prison m inistry for w hich he served as executive director. He, along with Jackie, served "Jackie's Ribs" to thousands o f O regonians. A published author, he w rote short sto­ ries as well as two autobiographical books. Never Kill Lions and Lifer. The books related his rem arkable life story of transform ation and redemption. His unique transform ation from a life of crim e to a governor’s aide, made a positive difference in the lives o f people around the world. In 1972, Gov. McCall stated "no indi­ vidual has given stronger proof o f Reform a­ tion than Marc P. W inters". He is survived by his wife; son Mark; d a u g h te r T h e re sa ; ste p so n s, A n th o n y , Marlon, Bill and Brian McClain, 11 grandchil­ dren, three great-grand children and several nieces and nephews. In lieu o f flowers, the family requests that donations be m ade in his honor to Family Building Blocks, 2425 Lancaster Dr. NE, Sa­ lem, OR 97305, a non-profit child abuse pre­ vention program serving high risk children and their families; or the Y atim aG roup Fund, 8 9 1 23rdSt. NE, Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 1, a non-profit that helps care for children w ho have been orphaned in Tanzania because o f HI V/AIDS. www,askdeanna.com Verdict Finds Workplace Racism con tin u ed fro m Front and used cars annually. "W e need people to be in­ formed about w ho not to do busi­ ness w ith,” he said. “Ashbury is one o f those com panies that have shown a total disregard for people o f color, seniors and gay and lesbian com m unities.” The Thom ason Auto G roup i n 2(K)1 paid 11 form er em ployees $2.5 million after the Equal Em ­ ploym ent O pportunity C om m is­ sion upheldclaim sof racial, sexual and religious harassm ent and found the com pany had tolerated a hostile work environm ent. A witness for the dealership o w n er said m anagem ent took steps to com bat racial harass­ ment, according to court papers. A ssociated Press contributed to this story. D ate : S eptember It 2008 L o c a t io n : M ississippi A v e . I. I N I BETW EEN THE STREETS ! ! M A I N ST A G E ( lo c ated o n beech ) BEECH & SHAVER E vent T ime : < A , 6 i X> m - KXIV m G R E T C H E N M IT C H E L ) & B A N L ' I HE C O I L IM P IA N PRINCESS P A N L ? O N 'Q ’ W • I IOS I T O BY. LT| O G ONE StRfct r r i K k ’K v iR s ( V a r io u s A Come join us for a day of connecting with the neighborhood, pitching-in, and a good o f fashioned block party to recognize our local heroes. THF P O E T S C O R N E R F. R O C H F I LE D . 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