S e p te m b e r 3. 2 0 0 8 Page A IO F ood SAFEWAY Ö If Ingredients for life. Mt. Hood Adds Culinary Arts M t. Hood C o m m u n ity C o lle ge has added a C u lin a ry A rts Program to prepare stu­ dents fo r careers in restaurant w o rk , pro fe s­ sional c o o k in g o r food service. C u lin a ry A rts students can com p le te th e ir tra in in g in six m onths and be prepared to enter the w o rk fo rc e w ith hand-on expe­ rience in a coo pe rative education in te rn ­ ship. The in te rn sh ip w ill he lp d e velop stu­ d e n ts' m arke ta ble w o rk p la c e readiness s k ills , ap ply classroom le arn ing on the jo b and gain specific occupational skills through a liv e le arn ing lab. Students w h o success­ fu lly com plete the tra in in g w ill receive as­ sistance in securing em p lo ym e nt. Students w h o are interested in pu rsuing a d d itio n a l education m ay ap ply all o f th e ir CLUB PRICE courses to an associate degree in h o sp ita l­ Cornish Game Hens Twin Pack Or Beef Back Ribs Bone-m. Frozen SAVE up toil 30 It ity and to u rism managem ent. F or m ore in fo rm a tio n , contact C o u rt C a r­ rie r at 5 0 3 -4 9 1 -7 4 8 6 IT'S EASY! or Each tim e y o u r s p e n d in g * adds up to $100, yo u save 10« p e r g a llo n . C ourt.C arrier@ m hcc.edu o r Steven Storla, at 503-491-7251 orSteven.Storla@ mhcc.edu. GREAT MEAT SALE! Manicotti • S p e n d * $ 1 0 0 o n g ro c e rie s o r s e le c te d g i f t c a rd s * t o on These Family Favorites It ju st w o u ld n ’t be a holiday w ithout my m om p reparing a pasta course, w hether it preced es the turkey at T hanksgiving o r follow s antipasti at Easter. My m om 's m anicotti recipe (w hich com es from her Italian m other), feeds our im m ediate fam ily o f 40, but I've scaled it dow n to feed a sm aller group o f 6. T he ten d er m anicotti w rappers are m ade by quickly cooking a batter to form a pastalike crepe. e a r n a 10< o f f p e r g a llo n P o w e rP u m p R e w a rd . • Y o u r R e w a rd s * a d d u p q u ic k ly ! S a v e 10<, 2 0 c , 30< , 40< o r m o re a g a llo n , ju s t by s h o p p in g a t S a fe w a y . Only with your IB CIDI ERKE osa G reat w a y s to ■199 '© ' 2®9 save even m o re. I teaspoon salt For sauce • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil • F or crêpes • 3 tablespoons o liv e o il • 1 m ed iu m o n io n , chopped 90% or 93% Lean Ground Beef Sold whole m a bag. SAVE up to S3 00 Id. SAVEuptoS1.50i>. Rancher’s Reserve* Boneless Beef Top Sirloin or Petite Sirtoin Steak • 2 (2 8 -to 3 2 -o z )c a n s Ita lia n to m a to e s in ju ic e , Tri-Tip Roast. SAVE up to 5330 1 W hatever you buy, pick up a g ift card fro m Safeway firs t to earn PowerPump Rewards • 1 1/4 cups all-pu rpo se flo u r • 1/2 teaspoon salt • I tablespoon unsalted butter, m elted fin e ly chopped • 1/2 cup w a te r • 1 teaspoon sugar 'r " A c tiv e tim e : I 1/4 h r Start to • 2 large eggs • I oz fin e ly grated P a rm ig ia n o -R e g g ia n o ! 1/2 cup) m ain-course servings. S p e c ia l fin is h : 2 hr. S erving s: M akes 6 • 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley e q u ip m e n t: 2 glass o r cera m ic • 1/2 teaspoon salt b a kin g dishes, one 13 by 9 • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper inches and one 8 inches square Fill your . prescriptions' and your tank! Earn a 10« o ff per gallon PowerPump Reward w ith every 2nd prescription you fill. For fillin g • 2 lb fresh ric o tta (3 cups) Buy selected gift cards' for big gas savings. Extreme Value Pack. Or Boneless Beef • 3 large eggs • 1 1/2 cups w ater • 3 g a rlic clo ves, m in ced drained, rese rving ju ic e , and Whole Boneless Pork Loin Large Tree Sweetened Yellow Peaches Captain’s Choice Cooked or Raw Shrimp 2-lb Of White Peaches SAVE up to $1.81 lb. Bags Frozen Selected varieties • 1/2 Ib fre sh m ozzarella Fresh 1-lb. Strawberries SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 Pasta and Chicken Gratin T h in k m acaroni and cheese — o n ly ten For m ore in fo rm a tio n about PowerPum p Rewards, call 1-877 SAFEWAY or see Customer Service fo r details. • Rewwos ewwr on * » IM day o' eerit utond* '»*'1« tv M ',» Vil « » .» » . U/U) pun hases »«OuOe I qua Tobecm US hMagv Sunex («et Punhaws art Serwoex lottwy Trtrtx '.mitr-atR Hurt Oury Piodutn. M.»wy Ordm f vent T«Ms TiwnW BvVf onwnuMr f onUMwr Deposits Club Card $*nngx SAwey Store C oepora. u * U» and Satonad GHi Cards tAmentan bgmx (iradeneM SYS Mastened. Money Cantor My Cwt». '►Ae»*v Visa »rt Nenpend) Meet tart pur, haxrs are not ekghe ky PowerPump rewards ledrmtRion. am may t» R Hub Cart Reward Pharmaty presi nonore, part m whnto or « pan by gmemmem or other prnxnpwn oenekt peogarut toil 'espici pamupaiKri nsuch "xentorepU-n (eg.. Medwart Medea« tot.), and «fcgftto »»chases towards SI OC spend eadudr pharmacy prwtietw puehases and copays Produis may not be a rto abl e m aH sues, fiber««- gto cards prepart cards and stored valut lin k I'Cerdi’ ihaw ddeeem torn - tv norms tees and rJcs Tlenn '). Math are Irwepl ««»«' prttoarted by law) «dieci to change See ( ardi and C art ramen tor Terms AM Vathwurts are property of the« restretti» tim es better. T h is sophisticated version com b in es the nuttiness o f G ruyère w ith the intense fla v o r o f parm esan, ju ic y poached )o w e r pum p ch icke n , and a crisp , cheesy crust. I f you're short on tim e , feel free to use cooked rotisserie chicken s (see cooks' note, b e lo w ). In that case, though, don't add salt Broccoli Crowns or Cauliflower to the sauce, as the stock made fro m the SAVEi«>to7UHJ rotisse rie chicken s w ill already be salty. For ch icken and stock For ch eese sauce and casserole • 2 ( 3 1 /2 -to 4 -lb ) chicken s • I stick ( 1/2 c up ) unsalted bu tte r plus a d d itio n a l • 10 cups co ld w ater fo r greasing g ra tin dishes • I ce le ry rih , quartered • I g a rlic clo ve , m inced • I carro t, quartered • 1/2 cup a ll-pu rpo se flo u r • 1 m edium o n io n , quartered • 3 cups w h o le m ilk • 1 large g a rlic clo ve , smashed • 1 cup crèm e fraîche ( 8 o z ) • 2 fresh thym e sprigs • I teaspoon salt • I teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper • I /4 teaspoon w h o le black peppercorns • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 12-Pack 7-UP Cool Packs 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $3 20 Ruffles Potato Chips Prego Pasta Sauce 10to12-oz Selected varieties ClubPnce S2.50ea. 25.5to26-oz Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 29 on 2 t,•* XfOR !«dnwy In Aw» 4»H, Spread I tablespoon fd lin g on un bro w ne d side o f 24 m in i crepes, fo ld in quarters. Place in ungreased pan and heat uncovered in 350 degrees F. oven 10 m inutes. 10. G arnish w ith shaved chocolate P0