P ageA 9 A u g u s t 27, 2 0 0 8 Bicycle Shop Grows with Community C ascade C ycling is a business that ju st had to happen. T he full service bicycle shop, w hich o pened in A ugust 2006, sits along a m ajor bicy cle lane o f traffic on N orth V ancouver A v­ enue and K illingsw orth S treet in an up and com in g area. T he o w n er o f this great bi­ cycle shop, Ben B artlett, lives in the area and used to com m ute to his jo b in d ow ntow n P ortland via V ancouver A venue alm ost every day. W hen he noticed that a bu ild ­ ing w as being renovated on the c o rn e r o f V a n c o u v e r and K illin g s w o rth , he b o rro w e d m oney, quit his jo b , found the best bicycle m echanics around and opened the bicycle shop. C ascade C y clin g carries bi­ cy cles for ju st about everyone from eight to eighty-four. T here are easy -b o ard in g bicycles w ith photo hs In Loving M emory V a n n essa A n n B ak er Vannessa Ann Baker was bom to the union o f Jewel ine Banks and Lablase Blocker on Sept. 1,1954 in Vancouver. She later moved to Portland with her mother and sister Rhonda. Her mother later married Claudius Banks Sr., who raised both children as his own. V annessa attended Hum boldt and H ighland Elem entary schools. After graduating from Cleveland H igh S c h o o l in 1972, V an n e ssa c o n tin u e d her education at Pacific U niver­ sity, graduating in 1976 with a degree in sociology. H er deg ree led h er to A lbina Head Start and later moved to Self Enhancement, Inc., in 1992 where she was a dedicated and faithful em ployee until Funeral services w ere held M onday at V ancouver Avenue First Baptist Church forOtisGhant. one of the first black car dealers in Oregon. He was born in Shaw, Miss., to Louis and Iola Ghant. At the age o f 7. the fam ily m oved to Venice, 111., where he later married his childhood sw e e th e a rt L o rra in Washum. To that union was born Vanessa Ghant. To further his career, he moved to San Diego, Calif, and later mar­ ried Ali Robinson and had his sec- ondchild, Marilyn in 1958. He later returned to Portland, where three morechildren, Maxine. W alterand Otie were bom. At age 31 he entered the car dealership business and was part o f the Auto Dealers Union. During a period o f adversity and turbulent times, he made the decision to go into business lor himself and in 1967 launched the successful ( ).G. Motors Co. and remained in busi­ ness until 2(H) 1,34 years. In 1974, he m arried Helen Massey; they were married for 17 years. In 1978, he gave hislifetothe L ord and faith fu lly atten d ed V a n c o u v e r A v en u e B a p tist C h u rch and b ecam e a church deacon. It was said of Otis that he w as a g o o d fa th e r, a hardworking and success­ ful businessman, a faithful and trusted deacon, and a man; who despite adver­ sity, defied the odds. He leaves to mom his children, daughters Vanessa Ghant of St. Louis, Mo., Marilyn D ixonof Port­ land, Maxine Lawrence o f Portland and Otie Williams of Redford. Mich.: a son W alter A. Ghant of Harrisonburg. Va.; brothers Bobby Felts and Mike Felts; an aunt R uhie Jackson and husband Lorenzo Jackson o f St. Louis; an uncle Wardel Dennisand wife Virginiaof Detroit: Helen Massey and Lana Matthew: and a host of grandchil­ dren, great grandchildren, relatives, friendsand the community at large. Arrangements by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel. her passing on June 17, 2(H)8. V annessa loved gardening and tell­ ing jokes. She w as p reced ed in death by her m o th er Jew elin e Banks, her lath er L ablase B locker and grandm other and g r a n d f a th e r , S im o n e an d V io la W a tso n . She leaves to mourn and cherish her m em ories her husband Vernon Baker; father Claudius Banks Sr. and wife Greta; two daughters; Angela Benson and Jessica Ellis; six sisters, Rhonda Bayer of Tacom a, Stephanie Banks, C athy Banks o f P o rtlan d . C eleste i w a le ra of Las Vegas, Nev., Deborah Blocker of Oakland, Calif, and Lola Blocker of New York; five brothers. C laudius Banks II, C hris Blocker, Antwan Blocker, Craig Blocker, all of Portland and Sonny Conley o f Las Vegas; grandchildren Samiah, Corey an d J 'N ia , T ra v e o n te an d M iss Shandrea: numerous aunts and uncles and a host o f nieces, nephews, cous­ ins. and many friends. Celebration o f Life C h r is t o r L e w is A celebration of life musical for Christor Lewis, w ho passed away June 5 ,2 0 0 8 in King W ood, Texas, will be held Friday. Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. at the Highland Christian C enter, 76(H) N.E. Glisan St. He was the founder o f the Portland gospel group “ Disciples in Song” and a participant in many other choirs in the city. Church Leader Remembered Auto Dealer, Father Defied Adversity O t is G h a n t M ark W \ siii \<; to \/T iii P orti and O bservkr Ben Bartlett is open for business at his Cascade Cycling shop at the intersection of North Vancouver Avenue and Killingsworth Street. a low c e n te r o f g rav ity and easy internal gearin g for those w ho w ant added stability; light w eight single speeds and e v ­ ery th in g else in betw een. T h e m ain em p h a sis is on p ro v id in g b icycles that fit o n e 's needs and p ersonality. T h ere are low cost co m m u te r bikes, cu sto m an d to uring bikes and the fastest folding b icy cles on the p lan et for those that use b icycles along w ith altern ate form s o f tran sp o rtatio n . C ascade C ycling has m echan­ ics on site seven days a w eek. They often bui Id custom bicycles to fit a cu sto m er's body size and specific needs. They tlx flats, do tune-ups and give technical in­ form ation. T he shop also carries all the supplies necessary to m ake y o u r ride a good ride o r they can o rder it. J o h n n i e M a e H a s t in g s Funeral services were held Monday at Allen Tem ple Church for Johnnie Mae Hastings who died Aug. 19,2008. She was born Nov. 11, 1932 to Van and L u v e n ia ( E llio tt) Alexander in Louann, Ark. She was the 16th c h ild born to th is union which yielded four sets of twins. She united with New Jerusa­ lem Missionary Baptist Church in Louann at an early age and moved to Portland in 1949. She was a graduate o f Jefferson High School in 1950. She later enrolled in a nursing program at Clark College and became a Licensed Practical Nurse. She worked many years al Holiday Park Hospital. Johnnie Mae had many hob­ bies but the one she loved and enjoyed most was fishing. She was an active member of Ada Chapter Eastern Stars since the 1970s. holding titles such as secretary, past matron, mem­ ber of the executive board and the grand building com ­ mittee. Johnnie Mae was a faith1 t ul mem berof Allen Temple Church for many years and was on the Stewart board. She was also an active member of Volunteers of America and has received several awards. Johnnie Mae leaves to mourn her daughter Rhonda I Hastings, Roundtree (Ray); grandson John Newel I III: granddaughter V ictoria New ell; great grandchildren Romel and Sir James Newell; and a host of nieces and nephews. She will be dearly missed by many. Arrangements by Cox & ( ’ox Funeral Chapel. Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael@ bridgetownrealty.com NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. B ishop I L L . H o d g e, P h .I) . Pastor/Teaelter/Kevivalisl W h a t: "The Voice Speaks" * A D if ie r e n , L o c a tio n * Now at Emmanuel C(X1ICU 48(H) NE 30,h Avenue, Portland. OR 9 7 2 11 W h e re : Finish Line Automotive, LLC where honesty and quality matter W hen: Jason Sharp Sundays 8:00 A.M. W orship Service BRID G ETO W N r REALTY 1 W ednesdays 7:(H) P.M. Bible Study Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone Io join us at our appointment with Jesus. 1033 NE 82rvd Ave Portland, OR 97220 We Reach, Teach. & Preach in Jesus' Name!!! Phone: 503-254-1216 FAX. 503-261-7361 E- mail;Finlineauto@aol.com To inquire about our Training Ministry call 5 0 3 - 8 6 3 - 6 5 4 5 or email: hodgehspksi« m sn.com I t ’ s H a p p e n in g EVERY S unday It’s not your standard funeral home... it’s the new standard in funeral homes. MATT DISHM AN C O M M U N ITY C EN TER F R E E S oup & S a l a d B ar @ 2 pm C o m m unity C hurch S ervice @ 3 pm S p o n s o r e d RRY FAMILY by royal P riestho o d M in istr ies FUNERAL H O M X I n D is h m a n ' s A u d it o r iu m 7 7 NE K n o t t In a business where things seemingly slay the same, a change has taken place. A change that may raise the bar on the level of service a family can experience from a funeral home. T erry i You see, when we aspired to be so far and away the best that a new level of excellence was to be created. We would like you to know that we've achieved our goal. Pas Kevin Jenkins W W W .R O Y A L P M .O R G Sis. Patrma Jenkins E v e r y o n e is W e l c o m e !!! J u st C o m e a s You A r e !!! E n j o y G o o d F o o d . G o o d M u s ic a n d G o o d L e s s o n s 2 Í ,7 N Williams Ave (5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 • www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com at Advertise wtilt diversity in r n V t la nb (0 h * 111111 Call 5O3-2SS 0033 ads<8porttandob servei <«>m I