Ch Page A6 1'Jllnrtlattò CObscrucr August 27. 2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to O pinion Olympic Gold Swimming Diversity in sport saves lives b \ M arc M oriai . One o f the most thrilling moments o f the 2008 Summer O lym pic games in Beijing was the Gold Medal performance by s w im m in g phenom M ich a e l Phelps and his teammates, Jason Lezak, Garrett Weber-Gale and Cullen Jones in the4x I (M) freestyle beside a pool and one de­ cides it w ould be funny to push the otherone in," said Jones. " I f the one who gets pushed can swim, maybe it's funny. I f he can't, you've got a real problem." S ta tis tic s show that about 58 percent o f black children don't know how to swim. C learly, more A frica n A m e ri­ cans need to know how to sur- Cullen Jones' Olympic win gives us a golden opportunity to teach our children that learning to swim is not only fun, it can save lives too. relay. W hile most o f the adulation has rig h tfu lly focused on Phelps and Lezak, whose record setting com e-from -behind surge earned ÜdHT SE S o by M arian W right E delman In Am erica, m illio n s o f lo w -in c o m e fa m ilie s struggle each month to ob­ tain a m in im a lly adequate diet. In 2006, 12.6 m illio n children and 22.9 m illio n adults lived in households struggling against hunger, and those numbers are expected to g ro w a m id a w e a k e n in g econom y, rising joblessness, and increased food prices. It is an outrage that hunger w ould plague so many in one o f the w orld's biggest food export­ The U.S. men celebrate winning gold in the 4x100 meter freestyle relay. Pictured are Jason Lezak (from left). Garrett Weber-Gale, Cullen Jones and Michael Phelps. the team a split-second victory, there was another notable mem­ ber o f that team who deserves recognition not only fo r his part in bringing home the gold, but also fo r his comm itment (censur­ ing that more A frican-A m erican boys and girls make it home safely from the pool or the beach. T w enty-four-year-old, Bronx- native, Cullen Jones is only the second A frican American to ever w in O lym pic gold in swim m ing. Jones began sw im m ing at age 5 after he nearly drowned at an amusement park in Pennsylva­ nia. He subsequently developed a love fo r the sport, becoming a star member o f the North Carolina State sw im team and has been a standout amateur and profes­ sional competitor. W hile he is a fierce competitor. Jones does not just sw im for per­ sonal glory. He wants to make sure that more African-A m erican youth learn to swim and keep from drowning. "Let's say two kids are walking Am erica backed effort that w ill include swim meets and clinics fo r m in o rity youth throughout the country. Jones adds his golden touch to efforts by such pioneers as Jim Fll is. the legendary founder o f the Philadelphia Department o f Rec­ reation Swim Club, whose com ­ mitment tolum ing out world-class black swimmers was chronicled in the 2007 movie, "Pride," star­ ring Terrence How ard. And this year, the National Black Heritage C ham pionship Swim Meet attracted more than 500 African-American swimmers toils annual event in Orlando, Fla. As the summer winds down, we are reminded that every day, nine African American children drown and that number is rising. Cullen Jones' O lym pic w in gives us a golden opportunity to teach our children that learning to swim is not only fun. it can save lives too. Marc Moriai is president and chief executive officer o f the Na­ tional Urban League. AVAS j ATMANS Too Many Kids Struggle With Bad Diets vive in the water and Cullen Jones is on a mission to see that they do. One way he plans todeal w ith that problem is through the Cullen Jones D iversity Tour, a Bank o f AKt ers, where more than enough food is produced to feed every American. W hile few Americans actu­ a lly endure starvation, chronic, m ild m alnutrition takes its toll on ch ild re n , damaging their physical, mental and psycho­ logical health. Poorly nourished children often suffer from stunted devel­ opment and impaired learning. W hat we need fo r all o f our people is food security-assured access at all times to enough food fo r a healthy life w ithout having to resort to skipping m eals o r c u ttin g back on the quality or quantity o f food bought. The g ro w th o f hunger is related to the grow th o f pov­ erty and stagnant and d e c lin in g wages among low -incom e w o rk­ ing families. W hile incomes have fallen, the cost o f food, gasoline, housing and health care have skyrocketed. The cost o f food rose 5.1 percent fro m February 2007 to February 2008, according to the D epartm ent o f Labor. The per­ centage hikes in the cost o f basics, such as m ilk , eggs, bread, rice and cheese, have reached double d ig its. S ubsistence supports lik e food stamps are in s u ffic ie n t fo r many fam ilies' nutritional needs. As more and more require as­ s is ta n c e to p u rch a se fo o d , those already re ce ivin g food stamps are fin d in g they are able to buy fe w e r groceries. Food pantries' supplies are stretched to bare shelves. V ital food supplement projects supported by the federal govern­ ment need to be fu lly funded to accommodate the grow ing need to provide basic nutrition fo rc h il- dren in low -incom e fam ilies. Pro­ grams w ith long track records o f success are the W IC program, the Our nation must end this cruel paradox o f hunger in the midst o f plenty. Food Stamp Program, and the to cut Food Stamp e lig ib ility fo r School Lunch and School Break­ three years in a row , although Congress has consistently re­ fast programs. This com bination o f services jected that. O ur nation must end this cruel has been shown to im prove a paradox o f hunger in the midst o f e h iftl's chances o f h a v in g a plenty. We have both the eco­ healthy start in life by increasing nomic means and the governmen­ the lik e lih o o d that pregnant tal resources to ensure every­ women w ill seek early prenatal care, reducing the rates o f infants body an adequate diet. It is past b o rn p re -te rm o r at lo w tim e to correct and strengthen national nutritional programs i f birthw eight. As effective as they are, all o f we are to prevent fam ilies in need these programs are com ing up from being abandoned. Hunger must no longer plague short o f providing the nutritional support many low -incom e fa m i­ Am erican households. Marian Wright Edelman is lies require, and the benefit most fam ilies receive is not enough to president o f the Children's De­ support a healthy diet through an fense Fund and a working com­ entire month. In addition, red tape, funding BV R alph N ader The T roy U n i­ versity Rosa Parks Museum is located on the side o f the old Empire Theatre in M o n tg o m e ry , A la ., w here th is courageous A frican-A m erican woman declined to "m ove to the back o f the bus" in 1955. A visit to the museum honor­ ing her and other c iv il rights cham pions is a sobering re­ m inder o f just how coura­ geous such a refusal was in that very segregated South. Mrs. Parks was prom ptly ar­ rested and thus was launched the h is to ric M o n tg o m e ry Bus Boycott, w hich is cred­ ited w ith ig n itin g the C iv il Rights M ovem ent o f the 1950s. W hat most people do not know about Rosa Parks is that she was a trained c iv il rights w orker who knew the significance o f staying in her front seat and not g iving it up to a w hite man. But she could not have predicted what happened after the police took her away. Four days after she was ar­ Louise Sm ith— who earlier that year were arrested and fined lo r refusing to give up their seats. The fly e r went on to urge "e v ­ ery Negro to stay o ff the buses Monday in protest o f the arrest and trial. D o n 't ride the buses to w ork, to town, to school, or any­ where on M onday." They stayed o ff in the thousands. Since th re e -fo u rth s o f the Montgomery bus riders were "N e ­ groes," the grow ing boycott grew to become a serious economic drain on the bus company. Each historic, citizen-m oving movement has its own style and personality. Granted, the mass media can be very picky indeed, as it has been w ith the soldiers who have refused to return to the I WORK ON OREGON’S HIGHWAYS Please, be patient, be safe and be prepared: Visit or dial 5-1-1 before you go. SLOW DOWN! BETTER ROADS AHEAD I TICKETS $20 per Person $15 per Couple TICKETS AVAILABLE FI In PoriUnd cell One Stop W eak D t 12 Nads GerevA , Sheer Peder Chmk Heiton In Vancouver r a il In n rlr Man M ayfwM tw o teenage “ N egro" women— C la u d e tte C o lv in and M a ry rested, the bus boycott started on Dec. 5. 1955. A fly e r d istrib ­ uted on that date by the W om en's Ti Please drive cautiously in all work zones. Because at the end of the day, just like you, I want to come home to my family. This summer the Oregon Department of Transportation is working on our highways, repairing and replacing bridges on Interstate 5. P olitical C ouncil o f M ontgom ery noted the arrest o f Mrs. Parks and Each historic, citizen-moving move­ ment has its own style and personality. O regon D e p a rtm e n t o f T ran spo rtatio n • « ( M N T M M SPM TITIM «VISTMOT ACT mittee memberof the Blin k Com­ munity Crusade for Children. ROSS Parks, Hail to Thee! We need your rightious example AAMC, INC. PRESENTS OB cutbacks, and shifting national p olicy are denying e lig ib le fa m i­ lies access to benefits. A nd about a third o f those elig ib le fo r food stamps do not receive them. The president has proposed AUGUST 30, 2008 Sheraton at the Airport Mt. St Helen* Foyer t a 15 NF Airport Way • Portland. OR 97220 (SOU 2»1 2500 unconstitutional, illegal war-oc­ cupation in Iraq. * One must believe there is al­ ways a way to produce the human spark fo r a broader public m oral­ ity and a deeper com m itm ent to a more ju st society. FOOD -FUN ■RAFFLE ■ 50/50 SPLIT — DJ MUSIC— 8:00 PM TO 1:00 AM "AAMC, INC IN THE COMMUNITY FOB THE COMMUNITY" Rosa Parks, hail to thee! \d\ertisc withdivei sitv tit yl" P o t t lattò (Dh< I'l tier Call 503-288-0033