il"' 3 J o rtlanì» © b se r Her August 27. 2008 Page A3 McCain’s Temper Assailed Democrats cite anger problem John M cC ain’s D em ocratic colleagues in the Senate are zero­ ing in on his oft-discussed tem ­ per, questioning whether the pre­ sum ptive Republican presiden­ tial nom inee is too volatile to be com m ander in chief. In separate interview s with Politico on Tuesday, Senate M a­ jority W hip Richard J. Durbin (D- John McCain III.) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D- C alif.) said they have seen McCain tim e s .... He has exploded at me a couple tim es.” “explode.” Boxer said McCain has always “ He has a huge anger prob­ lem," Boxer said. "A nd he never apologized after the dust-ups. hid th a t.... I have seen it happen N onetheless, she insinuated that on the Senate Boor many, many McCai n' s temperament makes him unfit for the W hite House. also spoken out about his volatil­ "It' s all well and good to apolo­ ity, highlighting an incident told gize," Boxeradded, "but if you are to the Biloxi Sun Herald by Sen. in charge of that blackbox, I worry Thad Cochran (R-M iss.). about that.” Cochran told the new spaper Durbin noted M cC ain’s tem ­ that he watched M cCain get in­ per is "well docum ented," saying volved in a physical confronta­ that he had been on the receiving tion with a N icaraguan govern­ end o f it for what he considered ment official during a 1987 trip “ minor things.” there. A ccording to C ochran, "I was in a confrontation with McCain grabbed the official by him ... and he was quick to ex ­ the shirt collar and "snatched him plode," said Durbin. "It sim mered up like he was throwing him up f o ra long tim e.” out o f the chair." R e p u b lic an s have accu sed M cCain has said the account D em ocrats o f inventing the tem ­ was "simply not true.” per line o f attack to knock the A rizo n a senator. But D urbin called it "an important issue.” Boxer pointed out that many of M cC ain's G O P colleagues have (AP) — Family members say a Lincoln High School student hit by a car during the Hood to Coast relay has a broken leg and serious internal injuries but is expected to survive. The victim, 18-year-old C helsea Jean C askey, was struck from behind o v e t h e weekend at night while on the shoulder o f U.S. 30 near Scappoose. Her head hit the w indshield, and she u as carried on the hood o f the car until it crashed through a fence. State police say the driver, 20-year-old Chrystal Marie M eyer ol Rainier, was arrested Sunday and charged with drix ing under the influence o f drugs and assault. About 17,000 people participated in the annual Hood to Coast and Portland to Coast relays on Friday and Saturday. State troopers say Caskey was running for her school relay team and w earing a reflective vest and a runner's headlamp. diversity Elephant Mom, Calf Doing Well Oregon Zoo official s were delighted Tuesday with the progress o f an adult female elephant and her newborn, but saddened by the death of a polar bear. Rose-Tu, the first-tim e el­ ephant mother, is now w arm ­ ing to her 286-pound baby boy. Rose-Tu gave birth on Saturday and initially was confused and was aggres­ sive to her newborn. T uesday, the mom and cal f w ere beginning to bond so well that keepers released both from chains and a har­ ness and let them w ander freely together in the elephant barn. "She seems especially calm around him and w hen he nurses it looks like Rose is alm ost sleeping, she’s so re­ laxed - it’s a very good sign," said M ike Keele, the zo o 's deputy director. A 22-year-old polar bear at the zoo was euthanized T ues­ day. Yugyan suffered from term inal kidneytlisease. She was described by keepers as a cleaver bear who invented her own games. Lincoln Hood Relay Runner Recovers "Print Participate in Democracy Zote Return your ballot by mail or drop i f o ff at any designated voter dmpsite. Call 1-866-673-8683 to find a location near you. (Llj 1 (Dhserner •City d Rc wrrmofl tamtotmiK r.wm ! sljhlishcd in 19 A) • ■ • O ttoberl) 2OÜ4 WMtimt XXXIV • N..-,.b««y Thai »« w a »-»«1 » «db Mat «d ••mwly dahy*«- : taa «la» aid < ante wut , at Û» b«A <*« •4 ha Toyota l'aav People o f color find a political fit 'Aum ih» a rJ o M B * t r a Tm fcm « ab O met « ? italiota » the Hovatdr« im e ii Kk-Ud. '«nil be mob-1 < fne* FaailMi Pr -nn Tie tattiftd« u*a> k-»* •/»< (ota k the >» aty 39 uuliy». mt «» taub«' •*)> •«.(( «t. x». u»«»y to