Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 27, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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    August 27. 2008
F ood
O. If
Ingredients for life,.
Beef Kabobs!
W hat could be more appetizing for
supper than a pe rfe ctly portioned
skewer o f bite-sized, ju ic y chunks o f
beef g rille d to perfection in less than
15 minutes? Sound like a good idea?
Here’ s how;
To make Classic Beef, Sweet Pepper & Mushroom
Kabobs, begin by cutting lean beef top sirlo in steak
into I - 1/4-inch pieces. The pieces d o n 't have to be
perfect cubes - ju st make sure they’ re all sim ila r in
size - a few rounded edges are O K .
N ext, season the b eef and vegetables w ith
oregano, garlic and pepper, and then alternately
thread them onto skewers. It is im portant to leave
small spaces between the pieces to ensure that they
cook evenly. N ow , just g rill fo r 7 to 9 minutes over
medium heat. T h a t’ s all there is to it.
M ix the ingredients fo r the tangy cucumber d ip ­
ping sauce w hile the kabobs cook. Serve w ith
lemony iced tea and “ dinner on a stick” is ready!
Beef shou Ider top bl ade ( fl at iro n ) or beef shou Ider
center (ranch) steaks, cut I inch thick, may be sub­
stituted fo r top sirlo in o r tenderloin steaks. E ight 12-
inch bamboo skewers may be substituted fo r metal
skewers. Soak bamboo skewers in water 10 minutes
before using; drain. T o prepare on gas g rill, preheat
g rill according to manufacturer’ s directions fo r me­
dium heat. Place kabobs on grid as directed above.
G rill kabobs, covered, 9 to 11 minutes fo r medium rare
to medium doneness, turning once (do not over­
cook). Makes 4 servings.
Total preparation and cooking time: 30
to 35 minutes
Classic Beef, Sweet Pepper
& Mushroom Kabobs
• 1 pound w ell-trim m ed boneless beef top
sirloin or beef tenderloin steaks,
(cut one inch thick)
• 8 ounces medium mushrooms
• 2 medium red, yellow or green bell peppers,
cut into one inch pieces
• Salt
• 2 tablespoons olive o il
• I tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or
crushed dried oregano
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Cucumber-Yogurt Sauce:
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/3 cup fin e ly chopped cucumber
2 tablespoons crum bled feta cheese
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
Low Carb Pan-
Fried Asparagus
"This garlic asparagus dish
is a Northern Italian side
dish. My family loves it! "
Calories: 191
Total Fat: 18.5 g
Total Carbs: 6g
• 1/4 teaspixm ground black pepper
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• I pound fresh asparagus spears, trim m ed
• 1/4 cup butter
• 2 tablespoons o live o il
• I teaspoon coarse salt
1. M e lt butter in a skillet over m edium -high heat. S tir in the o live o il, salt, and pepper. Cook garlic
in butter fo r a minute, but do not brown. 2. Add asparagus, and cook fo r 10 minutes, turning
asparagus to ensure even cooking
Low Carb Yellow
Squash Casserole
"Tender squash, gooey cheese and
crunchy crackers make this a memo­
rable side dish or a hearty main
course. This is a great dish that can be
made with low-fat ingredients and is
still just as good!"
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
2. Place squash and onion in a large skille t over
medium heat. Pour in a small amount o f water. Cover,
and cook until squash is tender, about 5 minutes.
Drain w ell, and place in a large bow l.
3. In a medium bow l, m ix together crackercrum bs
and cheese. S tir h a lf o f the cracker m ix tu re in to
the cooked squash and onions. In a sm all b o w l,
m ix together eggs and m ilk , then add to squash
m ixtu re . S tir in 1/4 cup m elted butter, and season
w ith salt and pepper. Spread in to a 9x13 inch
baking dish. Sprinkle w ith rem aining cracker m ix ­
ture, and dot w ith 2 tablespoons butter.
4. Bake in preheated oven fo r 25 minutes, or until
lig h tly browned.
The Misunderstood Fruit
Some say T u h -M A Y -to h , some say T u h -M A H -
to. Pronunciation doesn't mat­
ter when it comes to this fabu­
lous nutritious fru it known as
4 cups sliced ye llo w squash
1/2 cup chopped onion
35 buttery round crackers, crushed
I cup shredded Cheddar cheese
2 eggs, beaten
3 /4 cu p m ilk
1/4 cup butter, melted
I teaspoon salt
Ground black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons butter
Calories: 196
Total Fat: 14.8 g
Total Carbs: 10.3 g
Lycopene is fat soluble, w hich means that
when tomatoes are consumed w ith small
amounts o f o il, the lycopene is more readily
absorbed into the body,
increasing the healthful e f­
fects o f tomatoes.
Lutein, Lycopene, Quer­
cetin, Taurine, Beta Caro­
tene, are prim ary antioxi­
dants that prevent and slow
a vegetable.
Tomatoes contain an abun­
dance o f nutrient and non-nu­
trient substances believed to
K, potassium, fiber and the phy-
tochemical lycopene. Lycopene
gives tomatoes their red color.
The redder the tomato, the more lycopene it contains.
Research indicates Lycopene helps in m itigating
down the progression o f
eye disease. The caro­
tenoids lutein and lyco ­
pene also reduce the risk o f
heart disease and cancer.
Processed tomato prod­
ucts contain more nutrients than fresh toma­
toes due to higher concentration levels in a
Prostate Cancer.
small amount o f product.
be associated w ith certain
health benefits.
This includes vitamins C, A,
I ts Peak Seasoj1,
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