Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 20, 2008, Page 7, Image 7

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    îlK ^ o rtla n h ©bseruer
August 20, 2008
Page A7
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Northwest Explorer's""'1 Native Peoples
Project exhibit
T he public is invited to visit
a very special ex hibition o f the
desig n s and m odels for the
C onflu en ce Project by w orld-
renow ned artist and architect
M aya Lin.
T h e e x h ib itio n co in c id e s
w ith the public dedications o f
the C onflu en ce P ro ject’s tw o
recently com pleted m ajor pub­
lic art, the V an co u v er Land
B r id g e
th e
F o rt
V an co u v er N ational H istoric
Site and the Bird B lind on the
S a n d y R iv e r D e lta , n e a r
T routdale.
approach for this ex c e p tio n ­ to show everyone these w on­
ally large public art project. derful designs for our several
T he w ork integrates en v iro n ­ sites. I hope the exhibition will
m ental concerns and history, m ake everyone w ant to visit
w ith sensitivity to the tre m e n ­ them all, from the Idaho bor­
dous changes the jo u rn e y o f der to the Pacific O cean, and
Lew is and C lark brought to b a c k ,” said Jan e Jac o b se n ,
N ative A m ericans and their C o nfluence Project executive
hom elands.
T he L and B ridge and the
“ W e are so happy to be able
Bird Blind, both opening offi­
cially to the public on S atur­
day, A ug. 23, are the second
World-renowned artist
and architect Maya Lin
and third o f seven planned
tells the story o f the
sites c o m p risin g the en tire
Northwest through a
C onfluence Project.
series o f art works
D e ta ils a b o u t a ll th e se
known as the
events and the p ro je c t’s am bi­
Confluence Project.
tious w ork are available at
co n flu enceproject.org .
T he ex h ib it is free to the
public and w ill be open 9 a.m .
to 5 p.m ., M onday through
Friday, at the A m erican Insti­
tute o f A rchitects G allery , 403
N .W . 11th Ave. at Flanders
Street in P o rtland’s Pearl D is­
Early on in conceiving these
d esig n s for the C o n flu en ce
Project, M ay a Lin said, “ It wi 11
be as if w e are holding up a
m irror to the L ew is and C lark
sto ry .”
V isitors w ill have the o p ­
portunity to ex p erience M aya
L in ’s m astery upclose through
.scaled m o d els and draw ings.
T h is special ex h ibit allow s in ­
sight into the artist’s unique
Record Producer Helped Shape R&B
Worked with Aretha Franklin,
Ray Charles and other greats
(AP) - Legendary record pro­ F ra n k lin . W ilson P ic k e tt,
ducer Jerry Wexler, who helped Solomon Burke and Percy Sledge
shape R&B music with influential were among the other R&B greats
recordingsof Aretha Franklin, Ray who benefited from Wexler's deft
Charles and other greats, is being recording touch. He also pro­
remembered after his death last duced Dusty Springfield's clas­
sic "Dusty in Memphis," consid­
Friday at age 91.
W exler earned his reputation ered a masterpiece of "blue-eyed"
as a music industry giant while soul.
Among the standards pro­
a partner at Atlantic Records.
Atlantic provided an outlet for duced by Wexler: Franklin's "Re­
the groundbreaking work of spect," a dazzling, feminist re­
African-American performers in working of an Otis Redding song;
the 1950s and '60s. Later, it was Sledge's deep ballad "When A
a home to rock icons like Led Man Loves A W om an" and
Z e p p e lin and T h e R o llin g Pickett's "In the Midnight Hour,"
Stones. He later helped Bob * with a horn vamp inspired by
Dylan win his first Grammy by Wexler's admittedly rhythmless
producing his 1979"Slow Train dancing.
Wexler was named to the Rock
Coming" album.
Wexler helped boost the ca­ and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.
In the studio, Wexler was a
reers of both the "King of Soul,"
Charles, and the "Queen of Soul," hands-on producer. Once, dur-
"You got it, baby!" Charles
W exler produced 16 albums
and numerous hit singles for
Franklin, who switched to A t­
lantic in the m id-1960s and re­
discovered her gospel roots
after several unhappy years
singing show tunes for C olum ­
bia. "When it cam e to the stu­
dio, you could say the two o f us
were joined at the hip," he once
Wexler was the quintessential
Jewish street kid who found a
Legendary R&B record
home in black music. He was bom
producer Jerry Wexler in
in 1917 in the Washington Heights
1979. (AP Photo)
section of Manhattan, just north
ing a session with Charles, the of Harlem. Hedidn't take to school,
tambourine player was off the preferring to hang out at places
beat. Wexler, in his award-win­ like Artie’s Pool Room on 181st
ning autobiography, recalled Street.
In his teens, he began haunt­
grabbing the instrument and play­
Harlem'sjazzclubs and record
ing it himself.
"Who's that?" asked Charles. stores, developing a life-long
"Me," Wexler told the blind passion for jazz and blues.
One Nightin Frogtown
more, One Night in Frogtown
brings togetherclassicaljazz, R&
B, and hip-hop performers to
present a heartwarming, amphibi­
ous allegory — drum­
ming, singing, rapping,
L OMeNroéit.
and b-bopping the val­
Oregon Coast resi­
ues of cultural diversity.
dent and Em m y
Frogtown is equally
A w ard-w inning au­
thor and com poser
especially with its all-star
Philip Pelletier has
northwest talent lineup.
joined forces with Port-
Pelletier will present a free all­
land illustrator Verne Lindner to
create a story of cultural diversity ages reading and singing on Sat­
told through music in a new urday, Aug. 28 at 11 a.m. at the 7
children’s book-with-CD, One Comers New Seasons Market,
1954S.E. Division St.
Night in Frogtown.
For more information about
Featuring Portland talents
Night in Frogtown, visit
C u rtis
S alg ad o ,
L inda
Hombuckle, Andy Stokes, and
children’s book
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