JJnrtlanh (©hseruer PageA4 Celebrating Diversity_______ August20,2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story’ ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. O pinion Revving up for a Dirty Campaign A sOCcMLôîT OfeNER. First they charged Obama with being eloquent ©? BA c T s V, EÚ t C s Y by x ^4^ZS7 r 9W yM*O/A HÄJ1& CvTsiNE x u * 'N ‘ A\'t-KTT« /VsMA Get on Board with Life Saving Defibrillators I presented my concerns to was too busy and someone else C ity C o m m issio n e r R andy would get back to me and I have Leonard who in turn wrote a reso- not yet been contacted. I have evening in February. by C hristeen J ohnson lution asking Portland Public worked and continue to work tire­ Since Eddie’s death I found out My son Eddie died February Schools to put AEDs in all its lessly to save lives and families a lot of information about this dis­ 23, 2005 while playing varsity the devastation that my family] schools. ease along with sudden cardiac basketball for Grant High School We presented this resolution has suffered from this loss espe arrest and how Automated Exter­ while at Madison High. to the City Council and it passed cially if it can be prevented. nal Defibrillators( AEDs) have been Eddie was diagnosed with a My concern is that Portland unanimously. I attended a PPS life saving in these cases. heart condition in 2001 called Hy­ My fo u n dation’s m ission, board meeting the year my son Public Schools seems to be reluc­ pertrophic Cardiomyopathy or HCM. He was banned from play­ since it was established in 2005, passed and stated my concerns. tant in putting these units in all of ing any sports for one year and has been to raise awareness of I also met with the head of Safety their schools while all the sur­ then his doctor changed his diag­ undetected heart defects in ath­ and Risk Management and dis­ rounding school districts have nosis to hypertension and re­ letes and youth. Todeploy AEDs cussed this issue. To date PPS done this immediately. As you may know, just recently into the com m unity, mainly has refused to put AEDs in all the leased him to play. a life was saved at Bally Fitness by After an autopsy it was found schools. I helped with legislation schools. Donations were offered one of these machines which is that the doctor’s first diagnosis with Rep. Mark Hass and a law so money should not be an issue. one of many stories of survival in I also tried to contact the new was correct and Eddie went into was passed to require all school our community since my son’s sudden c ard iac arrest that districts to have AEDs in them. Superintendent and was told she death. I am deeply saddened that after my son’s death on one of PPS’s courts, and out of all school dis­ tricts, they are refusing these machines despite donations be­ ing offered. It leads me to believe that not only is PPS not taking the loss ol Return your ballot by mail or drop i f o ff at any designated voter my son’s life seriously but also dmpsite. Call 1-866-673-8683 to find a location near you. not concerned about the remain­ ing children, teachers and staff that are in these school buildings with the potential to need these machines. VU.mr XXXIV • N,„. I I pray that another life doesn’t have to be lost for PPS to get on board. One life was truly enough and three years is more than enough time to realize this. I am asking that others sup­ port me in asking the question “why?” I plead for your help with making the district accountable! tocitizensof thiscommunity they service and that contribute their* 1 * tax dollars for these schools to continue to operate. Why not Portland Public Schools? diversity111 Print Participate in Democracy V ite Christeen Johnson is the mother o f E ddie B a rn ett Jr. a n d the fo u n d er o f the Eddie Barnett Jr. Foundation, Inc. Visit the fo u n d a ­ tion website at ebjrfbundation. org.\ D onald K aui . First, they charged Barack Obama with being eloquent . Then they called him a celebrity. And now, finally, they're accusing him of being black. Will these Republicans stop at nothing? In truth, it would be an exag­ geration to call John McCain's campaign tactics thus far “dirty.” Tacky, certainly, but they have not yet risen or fallen to the level of “dirty.” Although the ad lying about Obama blowing off a visit to wounded troops in Iraq so he cou Id get a photo op comes close. Right now, it's more at the level of a high school jock yelling in­ sults at the smart kid who's stealing his girl. "Nyah, Nyah, you're an intellectual and your mother dresses you,” that sort of thing. Kid stuff. Dirty, 1 image, is not far away; it depends on thepolls.IfM cCainfalls behind in the poiis, you ? I f McCain falls behind in the polls, you are rea lly gOUlg tO See some nasty ads. are really going to see or emai 1 ads @ portlandob server.com USPS 959-680 — 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, 0R 97211 EniTon-iM-CHitt. I’tw isum : C harles H. W ashington EniTon M i c h a e l L e ig h to n D is t r ik u t io n M a n a o k k : M a r k W a s h in g to n C nnTivt I b m i m e : P a u l N e u f e l d t A im n n siso : K a t h y L i n d e r D an Kaul is a W ashington co rresp o n d en t w hose opinion p ie c e is m a d e a v a ila b le b y m inulem anm edia.org. 503-281-4891 cox * ; F uneral C hapel Complete: Traditional Burial Package W/Casket & Cemetery Gravespace Send address changes to Portland Observer, P 0B ox3137, Portland, OR 97 2 0 8 Subscriptions are $60.00 per year 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 news@portlandobserver.com subscriptions@portlandobserver.com ads @portlandobserver. com classifieds@portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill he relumed if accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot he used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad © 200« THE PORTLAND OBSERVER. A L L RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART W ITH O U T PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED The Portland Observer-Oregon’ s Oldest Multicultural Publication- is a member o f the National Newspaper Association Founded in IS«5. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York. NY. and The West toa st Black F amily owned & operated 64 years ; Publishers Association. Serving Portland and Vancouver. i ■ calling attention to the fact that Obama is black without actually having to say it. People, most of them, don't like to admit their racism. They ex­ press it in other ways, largely by believing ridiculous rumors. Here is a sampling of the things people say about Obama and what they actually mean: —“He's arrogant." (He's black.) — "He's not patriotic.” (He's black.) — “Won't say the Pledge of Allegiance.” (Black.) — “H e's a M uslim .” (Way black.) M c C a in ’s c a m p a ig n scratches those itches and will continue to do so because he doesn't have much of a cam ­ paign without them. However, more than the race card, the McCain people are play­ ing the dumb card. They think the A m erican people are dumb enough to take seriously these trivial, empty “charges” they keep leveling against Obama (including that Barack's suggestion that we keep our tires inflated is somehow silly). The dumb card worked for George Bush against A1 Gore when the Republicans used Gore's smarts (“He invented the Intemet- -h a -h a .” ) against him. Let us, in these dire times, hope it does not work again. Caring hands in yo u r tim e o f need ffl"' ^(.lortlanh (©bseruer Call 503-288-0033 Established 1970 ...................................... .......... .......... some nasty ads. Right now, the McCain camp is content to go with the tried- and-true Republican tactic of at­ tacking its opponent's strengths. Does Obama have a remark­ able gift for phrase making? He is accused of being glib. So was Winston Churchill, of course, but nevermind. Is he able to draw huge, en­ thusiastic crow ds w herever he goes? He is accused of being a celebrity, a fellow traveler of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Is that w eird or w hat? The McCain people have a candi­ date who can barely fill a coffee shop and they're trying to paint that as an advantage? This is w hat Paris H ilton's m other— a M cCain contributor by the w ay— had to say about that ad: “ It is a com plete waste o f the country's time and atten­ tion at the very moment when millions of people are losing their hom es and their jobs. And it is acom pletely frivolous way to choose the next president of the United States.” The McCain peopleeven went so far as to show Obama hitting that three-point shot in front of thetroopsinlraq. It was a marvel­ ous moment and a great shot but the only reason you might want to call attention to an opponent's basketball skills like that is to emphasize that he is, well, black. Although, frankly, black guys tend to take it to the rim. If s white, suburban players who settle for the J. Then, when Barack predicted To contact Il!'P o rtla n d (Observer R e p u b lic a n s w ere going to stress the fact that he didn't look much like the pictures of presidents- on our money, the M cCain cam p was quick to yell “ Race card, race card. He's play­ ing the race card.” Oh please. Black candidates— -unless they're running for office in a predominantly black city or congressional district—have no advantage in playing the “race card.” For every person who votes for them because of their race, two or three will vote against them for the same reason. If anything, w henever the McCain campaign says "race card,” it's playing the race card. 2736 NE Rodney, Portland Oregon 97212