Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 20, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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F ood
Carb Contol
Carbohydrates do raise blood sugar, because they provide
so much of your body's preferred source of fuel: glucose.
When glucose levels rise, your pancreas releases a flood
of insulin that prompts cells to store sugar. Advocates say
that eating a diet low in carb makes weight loss easier
because low, steady blood sugar conquers food cravings.
But the next step in the low-carb equation is open to
debate: Proponents say these diets also change your
metabolism so your body breaks down more fats, a n d -
voila-few er of the calories you eat are stored as flab.
August 20. 2008
Ingredients for life.
Getting Started on a Low Carb Diet
Six Steps fo r the Beginner
So you’ve decided to reduce the carbohydrate
in your diet. Now w hat? It’s tim e to think ahead a
bit so you can have your best chance o f success.
Here are six steps to give you a strong start.
1. Become Informed
Read about various low carb diets, or zero in on
one. Above all, d o n ’t fall for the com m on m yths
about eating low carb - such as that there are no
vegetables or fruit, that it c a n 't be healthy, that it
has to be boring, etc. Like other w ay so f eating, low
carb eating can be healthy or not, balanced o r not,
and there is certainly no reason for it to be boring.
2. Start M aking Easy Changes
W hile you are learning about low -carb eating,
you can start to m ake som e changes tow ards
reducing unhealthy carbs in your diet. C hoose one
or two things to change at a tim e. You may be
surprised that som e results can be achieved with
less effort than you thought.
3 . Decide on an Approach
There is no one low carb diet. T he popular plans
span a range o f carb levels and food choices,
though essentially all o f them cut out m ost sugars
and starches.
A lternatively, if you just know you’re not the
kind to read a book and follow som eone else’s idea
o f a diet, the “No W hite Diet" w orks for m any
people. Basically, you just stop eating food with
sugars, white flour (pasta, bread, cake, donuts,
etc), white rice, and potatoes (som e include milk).
This effectively cuts back on the carbohydrate in
your diet, especially the high glycem ic types. Just
realize that there are also w hite foods, such as tofu,
cauliflow er, and onions, which are low incarbs and
good for you!
cium p in ci
Pork Shoulder
Country Style Ribs
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4 . Get Fam iliar with W hat You Can Eat
It’seasy to fall into thinking a lot about what you
can ’t eat, but much more productive to focus on
what you can eat. At first, it's probably best to keep
it sim ple - for exam ple, you can just eat the same
dinner as before, substituting vegetables for the
5. Plan Your First Week
N othing stops a new eating plan faster than
getting to the fourth day and realizing you have no
idea w hat to snack on, or fix for dinner. Planning a
full w eek o f m enus and snacks gives you a buffer
period when you d o n ’t have to worry about it.
6. Get Support
Inevitably, things you d id n ’t think o f will com e
up. The first tw o w eeks o f a diet change can be
difficult. T he tem ptation when trying som ething
new is to chuck it overboard at the first obstacle.
T o be successful, you must accept that unex­
pected “speedbum ps” will happen, and make a
com m itm ent ahead o f tim e to work through them.
This is the tim e to get advice from others w ho are
ahead o f you on the road.
Low Carb Chicken
Cordon Bleu
“ ‘Cordon Bleu' is a French term, literally
translated as ‘blue ribbon’. This yummy
version adds paprika and a creamy white wine
sauce worthy of its own blue ribbon.”
Calories: 580
Total Fat: 40.8 g
Total Carbs: 6.7 g
• 6.skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
• 6 slices Swiss cheese
• 6 slices ham
• 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon paprika
• 6 tablespoons butter
• 1/2 cup dry w hite w ine
• 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch
• I cup heavy w hipping cream
1. Pound chicken breasts if they are too thick. Place a
cheese and ham slice on each breast within 1/2 inch of the
edges. Fold the edges o f the chicken over the filling, and
secure with toothpicks. Mix the flour and paprika in a small
bowl, and coat the chicken pieces.
2. Heat the butter in a large skillet over m edium -high heat,
and cook the chicken until brow ned on all sides. Add the
w ine and bouillon. Reduce heat to low, cover, and sim m er
for 30 m inutes, until chicken is no longer pink and juices
run clear.
3. Remove the toothpicks, and transfer the breasts to a
warm platter. Blend the cornstarch with the cream in a small
bowl, and w hisk slow ly into the skillet. Cook, stirring until
thickened, and pour over the chicken. Serve warm.
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Low Carb Oreo Cookie Bark
"For this hatch I used the mint Oreos.
This is really more o f a candy than a cookie,
but it is always a hit on my cookie trays!!
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• I (20 ounce) package chocolate sandwich cookies with crèm e
• 2 ( 1 8 . 5 ounce) packages w hite chocolate
t i ll « PRIE t
D irections
1. Line a 10x15 inch jellyroll pan with waxed paper. Coa, paper with non-stick vegetable spray and set
2. In a large m ixing bowl, break half o f the cookies into coarse pieces with fingersor the back o f a wooden
3. In a m icrow ave safe glass or ceram ic m ixing bow l, melt one package o f the w hite chocolate according
to package directions. Rem ove from m icrow ave and quickly fold in broken cookie pieces. Pour mixture
into prepared pan and spread to cover half the pan.
4. Repeat process with rem aining chocolate and cookies, spreading mixture into the other half o f pan.
Refrigerate until solid, about 1 hour.
5. Remove bark from the pan and carefully peel o ff waxed paper. Place bark on a large cutting board and
cut with a large c h e fs knife. Store in airtight container.
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Calories: 59
Total Fat: 2.7 g
Total Carbs: 8.5g
Florence, A2. Not responsible (or typographical or pictorial errors Wa reserve the right to correct all printed error» © 2008 Safeway ho