50< ■tHwnunllv strvtee Lower at the Pump General Election Nov. 4 The average price o f regular gas was $3.91 on Tuesday, a drop o f 8 cents a gallon from last week Last Day to Register: Oct. 14 www.oregonvotes.org 1-866-ORE- VOTES VOTE < ÎSartÎanh (©bgertœr City of Roses ^ \| Established in 1970 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII, Number 33 .W eek in The Review Phelps Sets Olympic Record A m e r ic a n Dangerous Heroin on Streets Portland police say three drug overdose deaths over the w eek­ end are due to the trafficking o f a dangerous form of heroin. Since June, local authorities have re­ sponded to more than 115 heroin- related calls. Camp Push: New Voters continued on page A2 A Seat with History Local Democrats to Join Obama at Convention by L aura M eehan T he P ortland O bserver The countdow n has begun! The D em o­ cratic N ational Party Convention, which be­ gins on M onday, will nom inate Sen. Barack O bam a o f Illinois as the first-ever African- Am erican presidential candidate o f a major political party. And this year, the convention will make history for the diversity o f Am erica in other ways. Dem ocratic Party rules specify that at least half o f the delegates will be women and large blocksof representatives will m irror the nation’s m inority populations. O regon's convention delegation will in­ clude eight African Am ericans, seven H is­ panic A m ericans, tw o Native Am ericans, four Asian Am ericans, and five mem bers o f the gay com m unity. Portland residents Shirley Minor, Bob Boyer and M oses Ross are three o f the convention delegates w ho have helped ex ­ ceed the state party’s diversity goals. W hile P a k is ta n i P re s id e n t P e rv e z M usharraf announced his resig­ n a tio n M o n ­ d ay to avoid im p e ac h m e n t c h a rg e s o v e r his attem pts to im p o s e au­ thoritarian rule on his turbulent nation. M any Pakistanis blam e the rising militant violence in their country on M usharrafs alliance with the U nited States. The Presentation Hall Jazz Band, hailing for New Orleans, is one of the headline acts at this weekend's Vancouver Wine and Jazz Festival. Guns for Texas Teachers < continued on page A2 Table set for wine and jazz Musharraf Resigns A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States. they are excited about being present on this historical occasion, they also are extrem ely focused on the issues confronting Oregon and the nation. Boyer, a form er state senator and alternate delegate for O bama, will go to Denver with his wife to cast his vote should another delegate become unable to participate. Boyer described the growing excitem ent he has w atched O bam a inspire in people during his three cam paign visits during the Primary. He looks back at the 17,000 people who Vancouver Festival Features Diverse Line Up H e a v ily a rm e d in s u r g e n ts m ounted tw o o f the biggest at­ tacks in years Tuesday in A f­ ghanistan, killing 10 French sol­ diers in an am bush and then send­ ing a squad o f suicide bom bers in a failed assault on a U.S. base near the Pakistan border. A Portland w om an has been charged with fatally stabbing a man on 82nd Avenue she claim s was trying to get her to w ork as a prostitute. Police say Donyel Hormats, 19 stabbed Christopher Richardson, 21 once in the chest after 8 p.m. on Friday. He died later that night at a hospital. M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver photo by Local political activists Moses Ross (from right) Shirley Minor and Robert Boyer gather at Barack Obama for President headquarters on Northeast Killingsworth Street Sunday as they prepare to go to Denver as delegates to next week's National Democratic Party Convention where Obama will become the first African American nominated for President. Militants Kill 10 French Alleged Pimp Murdered Wednesday • August 20. 2008 Obama s w im m e r M ic h a e l Phelps took d o w n th e grandest o f O ly m p ic re c o rd s (A P )— Democratic presiden­ Saturday, earning tial his eighth hopeful gold Barack O bam a's O r­ medal, one more than ark Spitz egon M cam paign says it will co n ­ in 1972. Phelps now has 14Olym- tinue its push to sign up new pic gold m edals in total, more voters for the N ovem ber elec­ than any other athlete. tion, an effort that could help produce the largest num ber o f voters ever registered for an O regon election. So far this year D em ocrats have added 122,518 registered voters statew ide, m ainly be­ cause o f the heated May Pri ­ Williams Sisters Win Gold m a ry rac e a n d th e O b am a V enus and S erena W illiam s cam paign’s intensive effort to earned a gold medal in tennis at register new voters. Republi­ the 2008 BeijingOlympicGames, cans have lost 13,349 voters beating A nabel M edina and V ir­ since the start o f the year. ginia R uano in the final 6-2,6-0. At a news briefing M onday, O bam a's state director, Rob Hill, Recovery Expected said the 700,000eligible but un­ Trail Blazer registered voters in O regon will and NBA all be a key cam paign focus in the s ta r g u a rd w eeks ahead. B ra n d o n "If we saw 100,(XX)new Demo­ R oy is ex crats betw een the prim ary the p e c te d to general election, w e’d be feeling c o m p le te ly pretty good,” Hill said. recover from If it's achieved, that num ber knee surgery and be ready to o f new Dem ocrats alone would play w hen the season opens on push total overall registration Oct. 28, team officials announced past the 2.14 m illion record that T h u rs d a y , f o llo w in g th e w as set in the 2004 presidential arthroscopic surgery. election, in w hich D em ocrat Push to Lower Drinking Age John Kerry defeated President U niversity presidents from Pa­ Bush to win Oregon's seven elec­ cific, W illam ette and Lewis and toral votes. Clark have joined 100 other col­ If current trends continue "we lege presidents from around the could certainly reach that level country w anting to see the legal by the Oct. 14 registration dead­ drinking age low ered from 21 to lin e ," sa id D o n H a m ilto n , 18 because they believe the cur­ spokesm an for the O regon sec­ rent law encourages dangerous retary o f state's office. binge-drinking on their respec­ As o f right now, D em ocrats tive cam puses. m ake up 43 percent o f registered H www.portlandobserver.con www.portlandobserver.com Melissa Manchester Nicholas Payton Judy Collins The 11th Annual V ancouver W ine & Jazz Festival takes off this weekend, Friday, Aug. 22 through Sunday, Aug. 24 at Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver. This year’s festival features a diverse lineup o f vocal jazz, straight ahead, fusion, popular and crossover artists. The slate o f major bands includes G ram m y­ winning artists— as well as some of the music icons o fth e past 3 0 years: Judy Collins. N icho­ las Payton, the Brubeck Brothers. BeauSoleil. Melissa M anchester. The Rippinglons, The Gospel Hum m ingbirds. Rita Coolidge. John Pizzarelli, and Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Lo­ cal and regional jazz ensem bles will also be performing. The festival is recognized as one o fth e most important jazz festivals on the W est Coast and the largest event o f its kind in the Northwest. In addition to the great m usic, the festival features over 200 wines from around the world. Attendees can sample w ines or purchase a glass to sip with food from nine restaurants. Cuisine ranges from Thai to N orthwest C u i­ sine to Southern barbecue. Art lovers can shop the 50 fine artists from California. W ashington and Oregon. “The Festival is almost a sensory overload o f music, art. wine and food" says Dr. M ichael Kissinger, artistic director. “O ur goal has al­ ways been to create a rich artistic environm ent, a palate from which people can sam ple and hear great music, drink a nice Northwest wine, pur­ chase or com m ission a piece of art and just immerse them selves in an arts-rich w eekend." Tickets are available through TicketsW est o u tle ts . F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n , v is it vancouvcrwincjazz.com or call 360-906-0441. I