Page as Celebrating Diversity_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ August 13,2008 ____________ ®'r$Jnrtlnnb ©becrUer The m ission o f the ‘Food S ection’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland O bserver respectfully requests all com m ents, and/or family recipes that you w ould like to share w ith us are addressed in em ail to foods@ Blackberry Snack Cake Recipe Using Berries as the Basis for Desserts Ingredients: • 4 tablespoons butter • 3/4 cup flour • 3/4 cup granulated sugar • 1 1 / 2 teaspoons baking pow der • dash salt • 1/2 cup evaporated milk • 2 cups fresh blackberries • 2 tablespoons brown sugar B erries are one o f the things that set su m m er apart from o th er seasons. B ushes and v ines in the co u n try sid e are heavy w ith blueberries, rasp b erries and b lackberries, w hile in p roduce m arkets and superm ark ets bask ets o f berries are b anked on display. Preparation: 1. Preheat oven to 325°. Melt butter in an 8-inch square bak­ ing dish in the preheated oven. 2. C om bine flour, sugar, bak ­ ing pow der, salt, and m ilk in a sm all bowl and beat until smooth. Pour batter over the m elted butter, top with the blackberries, then sprinkle the brow n sugar evenly over the fruit. 3. Bake for 45 to 55 m inutes, or until browned. SAFEWAY O Blackberry Bars Blackberry bars, made with fresh blackberry recipes, butter, brown sugar, sour cream, and spices. Ingredients: • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 3/4 cup brow n sugar, packed • 1/4 cup butter • 1/2 cup sour cream • 1 egg, beaten • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda • 1/4 teaspoon salt F ood Ingredients for life IT'S EASY! " * ’ * Each tim e your spending adds up to $100, you save 10« per gallon. 1 teaspoon ground cinnam on 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup fresh blackberries pow dered sugar, sifted S p e n d ’ $ 1 0 0 o n g r o c e r ie s o r g i f t c a r d s * t o e a r n a 10« o f f p e r g a llo n P o w e r P u m p R e w a rd . CM Pitot: $1.00 6. SAVE up to $990 on 10-bs imported Minneola Tangetoat2-6.toi$3 Y o u r R e w a r d s ’ a d d u p q u ic k ly I S a v e 2 0 « , 3 0 « , Preparation: 1. C om bine flour and brown sugar; cut in butter with pastry blender until mixture resem bles coarse meal. Press I 1/3 cups o f m ixture in bottom o f an ungreased 8-inch square pan. 2. Com bine rem aining crum b m ixture, sour cream , egg, baking soda, salt, cinnam on, and vanilla; blend well. Stir in blackberries. Spoon overcrust, spreading evenly. Bake at 350° f o r 30 to 40 minutes. Cool; cut into 2 1 /2 x 2 1/2-inch bars. 3. Sprinkle with pow dered sugar. M akes about 12 bars CLUB PRICE Imported Orange Navels 4 0 « . 5 0 « o r m o r e a g a llo n , ju s t b y s h o p p in g a t S a fe w a y . Blueberry Pie Here's a flavorful cinna­ mon-spiced blueberry pie. Use your favorite pastry recipe or purchased refrigerated pastry to make this recipe. Cook Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: • 1 1/4 cup sugar • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnam on • pastry for 2-crust pie [y e llo w Large Hass Avocados ta il imported Out) Price S I.M w SAVE i f to $9 90 OHIO S A I* * » Beef London Brel 6MriM.EltNRWlMMML • I tablespoon butter, cut in small pieces • ju ice and grated zest from 1/2 medium lemon • 5 cups fresh or frozen thawed blueberries, rinsed well Preparation: 1. In a large bowl com bine sugar, flour, salt, cinnam on, lemon juice and grated rind, and blueberries. Roll out half o f the pastry; line an 9-inch pie pan and trim edges. 2. Pour berry mixture into pie crust and dot with small pieces o f butter. Roll out rem aining pastry to about 1/8 inch thick. 3. Cover pie; trim, turn edge under and crim p. Cut a few vents in top o f crust to allow steam to escape. 4. Bake at 425° for 40 minutes, or until crust is nicely browned. CLUB CLUB P R IC E P R IC E Heirloom Style Cantaloupes New York Strip Steak FRUMHLlMgdt/JB« Or BmstUmMcIi 34. tutunut? aa. Ben-in. E x *« im Mm Pack. SAVE up to $380 1 Sweet an) Unortul C M P ik e S IM » SAVE up to Si » »12 Strawberry and Spinach Salad Spinach salad with straw­ berries and a red wine vinaigrette. Dressing may be prepared several hours before serving. Ingredients: • 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesam e seeds • 6 cups fresh spinach leaves, torn • 2 c u p s fresh stra w b e rrie s, rinsed, dried, hulled • D ressing CLUB CLUB P R IC E Fresh Cooked U m .4 4 - . u u J I • 1/4 cup salad oil • 2 tablespoons red w ine vinegar • 1 1 / 2 tablespoons sugar • 1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed • 1/8 teaspoon onion pow der • 1/8 teaspoon garlic pow der • 1/8 teaspoon dry m ustard P R IC E Dulcmea Pureheart Mini Seedless Watermelons Fresh Coho Salmon M e ts --------------1 NomwvBsi Minvnpmeai Weather permtting. Or chôme 80 to 120-ct PeBta Sea Scalops at $6.99 b franndtiavied SMupte$3A)h U feariw * nM nriH hui f r M t h r « im rw ir eaiariel i î v q u " pcilintUliJ). 1X991 W S ili» Ilei tgr U m Breyers Ice Cream 1 5 -qt. or larger with your Chit» Card. 8 /1 3 /0 8 to 8 /2 1 /0 8 SAVE i f lose 99 no 2 Nabisco Ritz Crackers or Chips Ahoy! 13.66 to 16-02 Selected varieties. SAVE up to « 2 9 on 2 Preparation: 1. In a large bow l, toss spinach with sesam e seeds. Prepare straw ber­ ries, cutting large ones in half. Add straw berries to salad. C over and refrigerate. 2. C om bine dressing ingredients in a screw -top ja r or shaker; shake well then refrigerate to chill. 3. Pour chilled dressing over straw berry and spinach salad mixture in bowl and toss gently to distribute well. Final cost per carton 12-Pack Coca-Cola or 7’IK1 12-02. cans. Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon SAVE up to $17 97 on 5 Tropicana Pure Premium Safeway Butter Top Breads 64-ez Chfcd Selected varieties. CM) Price :$3J0ea SAVE n to (3.18 on 2 22-or. While or Wheat. Club Prie : $150 sa SAVE up to (138 on 2 6-oi Organic Blackberries C M Price S J M e t SAVE i f to $0 9« m 2 C l UR PRICE Easy Strawberry Trifle Recipe Ingredients: • 4 tablespoons sugar, divided • 2 cups w hipping cream • 1 pound cake, purchased • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened • 2 pints fresh straw berries, hulled, halved • 1/4 to 1/2 cup m elted seedless raspberry jelly • cream sherry or a straw berry liqueur, optional Preparation: 1. G ently stir 2 tablespoons sugar into sliced berries; set aside. Beat the rem aining 2 tablespoons sugar into cream cheese. W hip cream until stiff peaks form , then fold into the cream cheese mixture. 2. Cut cake into slices about l/3-inch thick. A rrange a layer o f slices in the bottom o f a glass bowl; sprinkle with a teaspoon o f sherry and drizzle with m elted jelly, then add a layer o f straw berries and a layer o f cream cheese mixture. 3. C ontinue layering, ending with a layer o f cream cheese mixture. 4. G arnish with a few w hole or sliced berries. Lucerne” Butter Regular nr Unsatted CMi Pitee: $2.50 ea. SAVE up to $2 90 on 2 16-02 Safeway Batti Fissile or Paper Towels 30-Pack Bud, Miller or 24-Pack Coors Selected varieties SAVE up Io $3.50 12-02. cans Selected vartehes Plus deposit >t Oregon SAVE up Io $9.00 6-oz. Organic Red Raspberries toa. C M Price $2 SAVE t f In 14 90 m 2 Turn your paycheck into an Onlyl Visa* Prepaid Card for FREE! Get groceries delivered to your home. S a fe w a y .c o m S ee in s e r t P rie « in this a d g o o d th ro u g h A u g u s t 1 9 th Prices In this ad are ptfecttve 6 AM Wednesday. August 13 thru Tuesday, August 1 9 ,2 0 0 8 in all Safeway stores m Oregon (except Milton-Freewater) and S.W Washington stores serving Wahkiakum Cowlitz. Clark. Skamania and Klickitat Counties Items ottered tor sate are not available to other dealers or wholesalers Sales of products containing epbednne. pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanotemtne limited Ity law Quantity rights reserved. SOME ADVERTISING ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES. Some advertised prices may be a w n lower in some stores On Buy One. Get One Free ("BOGO") otters, customer m ie t purchase the first hern to teceive the second Item tree. BOGO o tte rs are not 172 price sates it only a single item purchased, the regular price applies Manufacturers .»noons m a y b e used on purchased items only — not on free kerns lim a one coupon per purchased item Customer will he responsible tor tax and deposit.1, as required by law on the purchased arid free Items. No liquor sales In excess of 5 2 gallons No liquor sales for resale liquor sales at licensed Safeway HU stores only. 0 2 0 0 8 Safeway Inc. Availability of Items may vary by store