Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 13, 2008, 2008 Diversity special edition, Page 6, Image 6

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'n’1'^Jortlanh (Dhseruer
Celebrating Diversity________ August 13.200«
H ealth
Once is Enough to Hook Some Smokers
For som e people, one cigarette
is all it takes to becom e hooked on
nicotine, whi le others are repelled
by it.
R esearchers in C anada have
found a region in the brains o f rats
that may be the key to these dif­
By m anipulating specific m o­
lecular doorw ays into brain cells
called receptors, they were able
to control w hich rats in the study
enjoyed their first exposure to
nicotine and w hich were repelled
by it.
"O ur findings m ay explain an
in d iv id u a l's v u ln e ra b ility to
n ic o tin e a d d ic tio n an d m ay
/ X \
African American
Health Coalition. Inc
For s o m e p e o p le , o n e c ig a re tte
point to new p h arm aco lo g ical
treatm en ts for the p rev en tio n
o f it and the treatm en t o f nico-
ca n g e t y o u h o o k e d .
tine w ithdraw al," said Dr. Steven
L av io lette o f the U n iv ersity o f
W estern O n tario , w ho rep o rted
his findings in the Jo u rn al o f
N eu ro scien ce.
Several studies have found
that certain people are especially
responsive to the effects o f nico­
One, published last O ctober
in the journal Pediatrics, found
teens who felt relaxed after their
first drags on a cigarette were far
more likely to becom e addicted
to smoking.
"During the early phase o f
tobacco exposure, m any indi­
viduals find nicotine highly un­
pleasant and aversive, w hereas
others may becom e rapidly d e­
pendent on nicotine.
6th Annual AAHC
O regonians with serious m en­
tal illness are dying years earlier
than their neighbors in the gen­
eral population, and a grassroots
health m ovem ent is under way to
reverse this trend.
T he O regon D epartm ent o f
H um an Services A ddictions and
M en tal H ea lth D iv isio n has
teamed with consum ers o f mental
health services and their families,
health care professionals and oth­
ers to im plem ent a statew ide
w ellness initiative aim ed at im ­
p ro v in g m en tal an d p h y sical
health and longevity.
D eath com es before age 50 for
one third o f those treated for
lor the
6th Annual AAHC HEALTH w a lk!
Medicare Options Explained - If
you are confused by M edicare,
Mt. Hood Community College can
help with a free class called “W el­
com e to M edicare.” T he course
will be offered on T hursday, Aug.
14 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the
M HCCC Bnining C enter, 1484
N.W . Civic Dr. in G resham . A
second session will be held S at­
urday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to
noon in Room 1266 on the M HCC
cam pus.
1.5 m ile loop and 5K W alb!
Music, food, & fun!
$20 registration,
children under 6 FREE (must be accompanied by an adult)!
Interested in form ing a team? Discounts available!
Contact the AAHC
a t 503.413.1850 or w w w .aahc-portland.org
6II1 Annual AAHC HEALTH Walk Registration
first name
zip code
Non-refwndeble registration fee is $20 00 per person.
Please send registration and check to: African American Health Coalition. Inc.
2800 N Vancouver Ave. Suite 100 Portland, OR 97227 ph: $03-413-1850
To pay by credit card ga to www aahc-portland org
phone number
» úona'iort »© AAHC
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science departm ent at O H SU and
a research scientist at the Port­
land V eterans A ffairs M edical
Center. "That's w hat you w ant in
a treatm ent, because we don't get
to people until after they becom e
addicted to alcohol.”
Earlier research has show n that
som e people's brains becom e sen­
sitized as a result o f chronic expo­
sure to alcohol. This change in
the brain does not subside after
people quit drinking. So when
they begin consum ing alcohol
again, "they get a bigger jolt,"
Phillips said.
m ental health problem s, accord­
ing to results o f a seven-year
m ortality study. A staggering 89
percent o f people treated for both
m en tal illn ess an d su b stan ce
abuse die before age 50.
T he early death toll am ong this
segm ent o f O regonians falls in
line with sim ilar results from n a­
tional and state studies.
M ore importantly, it brings into
focus what many individuals with
mental illness already knew; by
taking charge o f their health, hab­
its and lifestyle they can add years
- and quality - to their lives, said
Bob Nikkei, DHS assistant director
for addictions and mental health.
H ealth W atch
Saturday, Aug. 16th a t 9 :0 0 AM
in Dawson Parb (a t N. Vancouver & Stanton)
An ex p erim en tal drug that
blocks the euphoric feelings as­
sociated with drinking m ay pre­
vent alcoholics from relapsing.
The finding, the result o f a mouse
study at O regon H ealth & Sci­
ence U niversity, could lead to
hum an clinical trials w ithin the
next year.
"W e show ed we could block
behavior in mice that resem bles
this increased euphoria even af­
ter the anim als had been given a
lot o f alco h o l," said T am ara
Phillips, Ph.D., professor and vice
chair o f the behavioral neuro­
Mental Illness Factor in Deaths
Please Join
Chip Shields, Oregon State Representative &
Ken Coleman, former contestant on NBC’s Biggest Loser
Blocking Drug May
Help Alcoholics
signature of participant
signature of parent or legal guardian (for participants under age 18)
Bereavem ent Support G roups -
Free, safe confidential group meet­
ings for those w ho have experi­
enced the death o f a loved one
offered on various nights and
locations. For inform ation and
registration, call 503-215-4622.
M am m ograp hy S creen in g —
Early detection is a key factor in
the prevention o f breast cancer.
Call 503-251-6137to schedule your
high-tech, soft-touch m am m o­
Newborn C are - Saturday, Aug. Cancer Resource Center - Provi­
16 from noon to 5 p. m ., ex pectant dence St. V incent M edical Center
parents get a com plete look at and the A m erican Red Cross have
preparing for the new arrival, top­ jo in ed forces to create the first in-
ics include bathing, diapering, hospital resource center provid­
safety and answ ers to com m on ing books, printed m aterial, co m ­
questions; $45 fee per couple. To puter access and m ore for indi­
register, call 503-574-6595
viduals and fam ilies dealing with
N ew born C are and F eeding fro cancer. The center is open M on­
M ultiples-Tw o Session C lass - day through T hursday, 9 a.m. to
Saturday, Aug. 16 from 1 p.m . to 4p.m .
5 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 17 from Free B ody Basics - This physi­
5 p.m. to 8 p.m ., this class series is cian recom m ended class is ap ­
designed for parents expecting propriate for all ages and health
tw o or more babies teaching the conditions. Plan to attend this
basics o f feeding, caring and es­ one-session class and learn the
tablishing routines. T o register, sim ple guidelines for safe ex er­
call 503-574-6595.
cises, including stretching. Call
503-256-4000 to register.
Heart TalkSupportGroupM eets
— on the second M onday o f each
m onth; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For
m ore inform ation, call 503-251-
M aternity W ater W orkout —
Helping new moms regain muscle
tone, strength, and flexibility, all
in the support and freedom o f the
water. Call 503-256-4000form ore
P a r e n tin g C lasse s — Newborns
d o n ’t co m e w ith in stru c tio n
m an u als but p aren ts and par-
en ts-to -b e can learn ab o u t a
v arie ty o f to p ics from pain and
c h ild b irth to b rea stfeed in g to
in fan t C PR and m uch m ore. For
a sch ed u le o f ev e n ts, call 503-
5 7 4 -6 5 9 5
v is i t:
p ro v id e n c e .o rg /c la s s e s .
Reflections Coffeehouse & Bookstore
446 NE Killingsworth Street, Portland
Free Fam ily E n te rta in m e n t
•'Free Food - *Free G ifts fo r Kids
’■ 'w h ile s u p p lie s la s t
[ H l SfSTiyFI
Ì a
wL kb
> uBí&áiSJ
O steoporosis Screening - An
ultrasound bone density screen­
ing with personalized education;
fee $30. T o schedule an appoint­
ment, call 503-261 -6611.
d u c a tio n and C hildcare In fo
T 7
' 1,
Cardiac-Rehab Exercise Classes
- A m edically supervised ex er­
cise program for people dealing
w ith heart conditions. For more
information, call 503-251 -6260.
Stroke Alert Screening - Check
your carotid arteries with a pain­
less ultrasound to assess your
risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a
screening, call 503-251-6137.