August b . 2008 ______________ 11,1 |In rtla n h © bseruer Celebrating Diversity__________ Pa«eAIZ A GREAT CAREER WITH A FAMOUS NAME. Kraft Foods has built a reputation for quality and innovation As an employer with one of the most famous names in the industry, we’re proud of our tradition of knowing what people want and providing it. Currently, we have the following opportunities available in our Portland Bakery: Production and Maintenance Supervisors Production supervisors are responsible for the management of personnel and manufacturing operations Maintenance supervisors will direct skilled craft employees in the maintenance of equipment and assets. Both positions require excellent team building and problem solving skills, 5* years' supervisory experience in a manufacturing environment and a Bachelors degree. Industrial Electrician Responsible for the electrical maintenance and repair of all production related machinery and equipment. Qualified applicants will have an Oregon Journey-Level Electrician license, an Oregon Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant License or the ability to obtain either license. Required experience and qualifications include: electrical/electronic troubleshooting m a high-speed manufacturing plant; expertise with Allen Bradley PLCs, instrumentation, troubleshooting, repair and calibration; and experience with Windows based PCs. Minimum high school diploma or 6ED. Maintenance Mechanic Responsible for the maintenance and repair of all production related equipment. Requires 5+ years' experience in a high-speed manufacturing plant with expertise in operating standard machine shop equipment, reading and interpreting blueprints, and welding (GMAW, MIG, TIG) and fabrication. Must have personal hand tools. Minimum high school diploma or GED Stationary Engineer Responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of pumps, piping and HVAC equipment. Operate boilers, compressors, chillers and industrial control systems Requires 5+ years' experience in a high-speed manufacturing plant with hands-on knowledge of gas and oil boilers, refrigeration systems, piping and HVAC equipment, and welding. Must have excellent troubleshooting skills. Minimum high school diploma or GED. Qualified applicants for all positions will be self-motivated, meet all job requirements with verifiable work histories, work well in a team-based environment with limited supervision, and be able to work any shift, including weekends and holidays as required. All positions require a commitment to Safety, Quality, and Productivity. Only individuals meeting minimum requirements will be considered. Kraft offers an excellent pay and benefits package. Qualified individuals should apply online at, job search, current job openings, manufacturing, Oregon, search jobs. Kraft Foods is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, M/F/D/V. Best People Best Brands Brightest Future. Jimmy “Mac” McNeal brings ethnic diversity to action sports with his "Bulldog Bikes" team. Hip Hop Moves into Action Sports Brings diversity to Dew games The world o f action sports was bom in the streets and pools of Southern C alifornia back in the late 1970s, and with it, the rebel­ lious spirit and individualism ol A m erica's youth was given a new outlet to thrive. Since then, action sports has becom e a part o f the A m erican m ainstream sports and entertain­ ment landscape thanks to the in­ fluence o f m ajor TV networks and tours like the X -G am es and AST Dew Tour. T he rise o f the urban and hip hop m ovem ents also found its Portland to Host Dew Tour T he top athletes in skate­ boarding, BMX and freestyle m otorcross will be in Portland for the A ST Dew T our (Action Sports Tour), Aug. 21 through Aug. 24 at the Rose G arden A rena. The T our is m ade up o f five m ajor events that take place over the course o f five m onths, June thru O ctober, aw arding cham pi­ o n s b ased on a cu m u lativ e points system. There is $2.5 m il­ lion in prize money and an addi­ tional $1 m illion bonus pool based upon year-end standings. T he A ST D ew T our is broad­ cast on NBC, M TV and USA N etw ork, as well as distributed worldwide, in over 100 different countries. At each Dew T our event there is also a live concert featuring top artists and a huge Festival with video gam ing. BMX and skate interactive courses, give­ aw ays with tons o f new prod­ ucts to try out. way into the action sports world, thanks in large part to the vision o f one m an from New York City, w ho believed -that action sports w asn’t strictly for white America. Enter Jim m y “ M ac” McNeal and his vision for an urban action sports m ovem ent that celebrated ethnic diversity and provided a platform to enco u rag e young A frican A m ericans and other ethnicities to let their individual­ ity an d p e rso n a l s ty le so a r through action sports, by devel­ o p in g his co m p an y . B ulldog Bikes. M cN eal in essen ce built a B M X com pany and a brand based on his vision o f the collision of the hip and hop and alternative/ punk rock culture o f action sports, creating the first ever “urban” action sports brand. The Bulldog Bikes team - a m ulticultural team o f talented young BM X riders, com petes at the top actio n sp o rts ev en ts around the world. Aug. 22-23,2008 I Waterfront Park I Free I B la z e r s P r o m o te L o c a l E x e c u tiv e Assigned top job in sales, marketing T he Trail Blazers have ap- pointed Portland native Sarah ; M ensah to the position o f chief , marketing officer. An em ployee o f the NBA fran- jc h ise since 1993, M ensah has J served the past tw o season's as ’ the organ izatio n ’s senior vice 5 president, sales and m arketing. ; "Sarah is one o f the driving J forces behind our success," Blazer President Larry M iller said. "Her ‘ leadership has been - and will I continue to be - instrum ental in J grow ing our business." M ensah's expanded role will includeoversightofallT rail Blaz- J ers m arketing, ticket sales, corpo- ' rate partnership, broadcast, pro­ du ction and gam e operatio n s : Sarah Mensah functions. U nder her direction last sea­ son, the Trail Blazers had the NBA s top attendance percent­ age increase w hile gaining na­ tional acclaim for the "Rise With Us" m arketing cam paign that d e­ buted with an encouragem ent to fans to ‘honk’ their preference for ¿KNFWg’ ». HMM G reg Oden or Kevin Durant in the 2007 NBA Draft. T he m o th er o f an au tistic child, M ensah is a p assio n ate ad v o cate fo r local and sta te ­ w ide effo rts su p p o rtin g autism research and aw aren ess. She also serves as the V ice C h a ir o f the P ortland S ch o o ls F o u n d a­ tion. on the b oard o f d irecto rs for the U rban L eague o f P o rt­ land and on the U nited W ay annual giv in g fund cam paign. T his past year M ensah re ­ ceived a Portland Business Jour­ nal "Orchid Award" for outstand­ ing w omen in business and also helped establish a Portland chap­ ter o f the National A ssociation of Black Sports Professionals. A graduate o f the University o f Oregon, she holds degrees in journalism and telecom m unica­ tions. Prior to joining the Trail Blazers she worked at KGW -8. K IN K FM an d K U F O F M . fro m Front in his "T a lk in g L ea v es,” an an- ' (h o logy o f N ativ e A m erican • w ritings. T hat sam e year he pub- • lished a co llec tio n o f short po- < em s, “T h e se Few W o rd s o f : M ine.” T he late author Ken Kesey and noted poets W illiam Stafford and Penny A vila gave him support and encouragem ent. Blue Heron Press published his "W alking on W ater” in 1994. E d m o 's career as a traditional N ative A m erican story teller has flo urished too. He w orked w ith stu dents and sta ff at T ubm an M iddle School through the state A rtist in E ducation program , and as a perfo rm er for the E u­ gene B allet C om pany. He w as hired to perform a trad itio n al prayer cerem ony at the ribb o n -cu ttin g for the V era K atz East Bank E splanade. He I now serves on the A dvisory C ouncil o f the P o rtlan d State U n iv e rsity N ativ e A m erican S tu d e n t C o m m u n ity C e n te r. ( E dm o notes w ith som e am u se­ m ent that he w as kicked o ff the PSU cam pus in the 1960s for sellin g heroin from his dorm room .) T o d ay he is b u sy w ith a schedule o f read in g s, and a p ­ p earances at N ative A m erican g a th e rin g s bo th lo c a lly and acro ss the co untry . T h ese in- run 0 WAYFM unin tC /ffe li K LOVE. Il I Christian Supply | / m £D ical T t ams "54 M ultnomah 4- PhillipsA xnpany *,i J m o tio n Brooks Staffing Supports Diversity in Portland B rooks S taffing A D ivision of S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. A Full Service Staffing Company 1**'W Rooted in Cultural Understanding con tin u ed kK irh F ra n k lin I C h ris Tom lin I T o b y M a c M e rc y M e I K u tle s s I And M ore! cludc an Indian S to ry tellers' co n feren ce in N ovem ber. " T h a t's ap p ro p riate, Edm o says. "W inter is the best time lor telling coyote stories. You spend a lot o f tim e in the lodges and you need som ething to pass the time. The coyote is one o f the most important figures in Native Ameri­ can folklore. R eaders and keep track of Edm o’s w ords and w orks by vis­ iting w isdom . “ Where Temporary Staffing leads to Permanent Satisfaction” Experienced employees are carefully screened and unconditionally guaranteed. ■ No surplus labor ■ No interviewing ■ No insurance costs ■ No tax records Simply sign the temporary employee’s weekly time card. You will receive an itemized invoice, that’s it! We give you the individualized attention you deserve! Call, to start saving 5 0 3 .284.7930 Grandfather storyteller ! come to you with thirsty ears Grandfather story teller weaving words o f ancient strength Words colored with ageless time Words that are carried on welcome wind Words floating on rivers o f purity by Ed Edmo ♦ B rooks S taffing A Division of S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. A F u ll Service Staffing Company 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 FAX: 503.284.7977 < t