$l»e ^flortlauï» ffihseruer Page Alò C lassifieds / B ids Urban League © of Portland Case Manager Provide assistance to seniors (those age 60 years old and above) so that they may remain in their homes with a degree of safety and independence. Arrange home visits with clients; provide support and advocacy; provide information to clients re g a rd in g th e p ro g ra m ’s services; determ ine c lie n t’s e ligib ility and identify which services are appropriate to fit the client’s needs. Develop and implement case plan s. P ro v id e o n go in g monitoring and intervention on behalf of the client. Complete accurate, legible and tim e ly docu m e n ta tio n of services provided. A p p lic a n t sh ou ld be s e lf- directed and able to multi-task. E xc e lle n t com m u n icatio n abilities and high energy is a must. Education Requirements: • Bachelor’s Degree preferred in a re la te d fie ld or any com bination of training and e xp e rie n c e in case management. Work/Other Experience Requirements : • Two years work experience and dem onstrated ability to provide the above services. Must posses a valid O regon d riv e r's licen se application Procedures: • Please Apply by mailing your cover letter, resume and three references to Urban League of Portland Attn: D'Norgia Price 10 N. Russell Street Portland, OR 97227 For q u e stio n s please call D'Norgia Price at (503) 280- 2638 Last day to Apply: August 15th Position Announcement for Applicant Pool/ Research Associate - Modified Dear Deanna! I’ve fallen victim to society’s double standard that pertains to dating. I'm single and have no intentions o f being in a rela­ tionship because it’s not on my agenda. I feel I should be able to see as m any people I w ant w ith­ out being judged. Why can men go around the world and sam ple everything but when w om en do it, w e’re called out o f our name and everything else? —Karla; Floor Coordinator positlon- Educational and Community Supports University of Oregon OPEN UNTIL CLOSED $12hr+ full benefits after 30days of Educational and Com m unity Supports, a research unit in the NO WEEKENDS or HOLIDAYS College of Education at the Volunteers o f Am erica Oregon- University of Oregon, is creating M arie Smith Health and Social an open applicant pool for full Center (Albina neighborhood) time Research Associates for the (A se n io r adult day service 2 00 8-2009 academ ic year. program, working in partnership Positions are for one year or with Providence ElderPlace) less, with the p o ss ib ility of The Floor Coordinator will lead, renewal based on available coordinate and assist direct care fu n d in g , n eed, and staff who serve our senior and performance. Applications will disabled client base, under the be accepted until August 1, gu id a n ce of th e Program 2009, and be considered as Director and RN. needs arise. Job duties include This position is responsible for research, statistical analysis creating and managing the day re la te d to all pha se s of ce n te r flo o r sch e d u le , and preparation of scientific papers, m onitor the needs of staff, p re s e n ta tio n s , g ra n t vo lu n te e rs, and day center applications, leadership ability, supplies. and research activities with a variety of populations including The Floor Coordinator will serve person w ith id e n tifie d as a liasion for day center direct developmental disabilities. care staff and bring issues/ concerns and/or solutions to Requirements: Ph.D. in special P rogram D ire cto r/R N / education, psychology or Ph.D. partnership center staff. in special education, psychology employment (M-F, 8am-4:30p) Required: Must have valid drivers license and car to perform some duties of this job. Minuim Qualifications: Associate degree in Gerontology or Social services, plus 2 years of successful expereince in a leadership role. Preferred but not required: BA degree in Gerontology or/Social se rvice s an d/or 5 yea rs of sp e c ia lize d tra in in g in the p ro visio n of c a re g ive r techniques to the disabled/ elderly population w/leadership experience. Other Qualifications & Skills: C o m fo rta b le w o rk in g with M icro so ft W ord, E xcel and Outlook Website for application: http:// www.voaor.org ToApplysend: Resume and cover letter, a com pleted agency application, and 3 professional references: Volunteers of America-Oregon Marie Smith Health and Social Center co/ Tiffany McKenna, Program Director 4616 N. Albina Portland, OR 97217 SUB BIDS REQUESTED McKinstry Portland Campus Bid Package #4 - Tenant Improvement Bids Due: August 2 6 ,2 0 0 8 at 2:00pm Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or www.bxwa.com H Celebrating Diversity____ Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway. Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97 20 5 - CCB LIC# 28417 Questions concerning Subcontract/Purchase Agreement Terms and Conditions, Insurance. Bonding, and/or M/W /ESB requirements should be directed to: Jon Grasle, Tel 5 0 3 /22 1 8811, Fax 5 0 3 /2 2 1 8 8 8 8 , or E-mail: Jon-Grasle@Hoffmancorp.com. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://wvvw.hoffmancorp.com Portland Development Commission Request for Qualifications (RFQ) # 08-02 Construction Management and Cost Estimating Services Proposals due September 9, 2008 by 3:00 pm (PT) The Portland Developm ent Comm ission (PDC) is seeking competitive proposals from qualified firms for the provision of providing Construction M anagement and Cost Estimating Services, as outlined in RFQ #08-02. The full RFQ may be obtained from the PDC website , (under Formal Bid Opportunities), or may be obtained from the Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) , notice number KP0042- PDC #08-02-08. No pre-proposal m eeting is scheduled. Proposals must be received no later than the proposal due date and time listed above at 222 NW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209. Fax or email proposals will not be accepted. Direct any questions regarding this RFQ to Larry Wright, 503-823- 3328 (office) or wrightl@pdc.us (email). PDC encourages participation of M /W /ESB firm s in this and all contract opportunities. State Fann* Michael E Harper Dear Karla: A man leaves his dirt in the street but a w om an takes hers home. You need to be honest and see your lifestyle for what it is. Y ou’re footloose, fancy free and aren’t responsible. W om en are expected to behave with mor­ als and values when it com es to dating and life in general. If you choose otherw i se, as only a fool­ ish w om an will, then you d e­ serve all the hard knocks that com e your way. Dear Deanna! My boyfriend has been a stay- at-hom e dad for too long. W hen he lost his jo b I was a team player com m itted to keeping things together. He helps with the kids, but I still cook and clean. It’s been over a year and I’m tired. W e argue a lot and Real People, Real Advice An advice column known fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! My best friend wants me to be a bridesm aid in her wedding. 1 want to decline because her future husband is cheating. H e’s been seeing som eone else the w hole tim e h e 's dated my friend. I d o n ’t want to tell her because it would break her heart but I d o n ’t want her to marry him either. Do I need to go through with the wedding to make her happy or risk the friendship by telling her? -Shan­ non; Omaha, Neb. Dear Shannon: Y ou’re a lousy friend because you should be able to tell your there’s no intim acy. I’m ready to best friend anything. You would end the relationship because I be as guilty as the future husband see him as a lazy, trill ing man and if you know h e’s cheating but I’m not supporting him anym ore. w on’t tell it. T h ey ’re going before W hat do I do? -Anonymous; I ms G od with adultery on the plate and you can prevent this by be­ Angeles ing m ature and doing the right Dear Anonymous: thing. Pray for strength and words It's too late to call him lazy and o f w isdom as you get the facts. trilling because y o u ’ve already Tell your friend about the situa­ had children with him and you tion and y o u ’ll be able to sleep w eren’t married. You should’ve better at night. had w arning signs before now and th ere’s no use com plaining. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna H e's not helping you financially, M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: em otionally or spiritually so it askdeannal @ yahoo.com or 264 won ’ t m atter if you ’ re together or S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 not. In order to save the relation­ Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: ship, sim ply dem and that your www.askdeanna.com Youth Football Signups Train for a valuable, fulfilling career. Earn Addiction Counselor Professional C ertification in Washington State. Check our website for full job descriptions and compensation www.voaor.org Clark College classes begin September 22. Call Dr. Marcia Roi, 360-992-2171. Volunteers of America Oregon, Adult Day Centers’ Job Openings 3910 SE Stark Street Portland OR 97214 Registration will continue un­ til team s are filled, and form s are available at w w w .palkids.org or call 503-823-0250. Football offi­ cials are also be recruited. T he league’s jam boree w eek­ end is scheduled for Aug. 30 and opening day is Saturday, Sept. 6. yding Bicycle sale and repair shop with a full line of accessories for all your cycling needs 503-281-0255 122 N. Killingsworth St www.cascadecycling.com Leon's Barber Shop A . D. Williams Barber 1319 NE Fremont St. Portland, OR 97212 8 AM - 6 PM Tuesday - Saturday Shop: (503) 282-2920 Cell: (503) 309-4488 o cv 7 m p u s GYM Family owned/operated. Extremely Competitive Monthly Membership Rates! “It's NEVER too late to get in shape!!" 4 5 4 5 N E M L K Jr. B lv d . P D X , 9 7 2 11 503.288.4717 ■a •«'I •’) Drivers: Flat Broke?Think Flatbed! Phone: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax: 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 1 5 Excellent Hom e-Tim e + Pay! Take Truck Home. Class A CDL. l y r Exp.Req. 866-394-1944x117 3 Be>ys M a rk e t (formerly The Old Bee Company) Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael @ bridgetownrealty.com Please call me. your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. IT A T I I t i « IN IU IA M C I X, Dear Deanna! Orlando, Fla. or related field, documented knowledge about school-wide p o s itiv e b e h a vio r su p p o rt, documented experience with w e b -b a se d e va lu a tio n applications, knowledge about im p le m en ta tio n te ch n o lo g y re la te d to e d u c a tio n a l In n o va tio n s, d ocu m e n te d e x p e rie n c e / tra in in g w ith s ta tis tic a l m o d e lin g of The Police Activities League, educational data (e.g., use of which serves youth in the Port­ structural equation modeling, land metro area and m anages hierarchical linear m odeling, the former Portland Youth Foot­ re g re s sio n a n a lys e s ), ball and Pop W arner Football do cu m e n te d e xp e rie n c e League, oversees m ore than 20 p u b lis h in g p ro fe ss io n a l football team scom prisedof kids m a n u sc rip ts fo c u se d on in the fourth through eighth evaluation and syn thesis of grade. e d u c a tio n a l d a ta , and C oaches are actively recruit­ d o cu m e n te d e xp e rie n c e ing players to field the C leve­ providing leadership and active land & Franklin team in south­ p a rtic ip a tio n in e va lu a tio n east Portland and the Jefferson w o rk g ro u p s . An a b ility to team in north and northeast Port­ c o m m u n ic a te and w ork land. effectively with individuals from varied backgrounds and an Volunteers of America in te re s t in c re a tin g and Oregon’s Senior Services maintaining a diverse learning Division is hiring for the and w orking environm ent is following nursing positions: re q u ire d . For a d d itio n a l • RN/Nurse Manager: 30 hrs/ in form ation please see the week fo llo w in g p o sitio n • RN: 20 hrs/week announcement on the University • Floor Coordinator: 40 hrs/ o f O re g o n ’s Jo b W e b site week. www.uoregon.edu. • Certified Medication Aide: 2 Application: Send vita and letter positions of interest to Priscilla Phillips, • Certified Nursing Assistant: 2 1235 U n ive rsity o f O regon, positions Eugene, Oregon 97403-1235 • On C a ll/ R e lie f C e rtifie d or e le c tro n ic a lly to Nursing Assistants pphillip@uoregon.edu. Refer to A ll c a n d id a te s m ust have Job # 070804M . You may experience working in Home and contact our office at (541)346- Community-Based Care 2460. All positions are daytime hours An e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity, with weekends off! affirm ative-action institution committed to cultural diversity All Full Tim e and Part Tim e and c o m p lia n c e w ith the positions receive paid holidays Americans with Disabilities Act. off, annual paid leave, health/ dental benefits, and retirement Addiction Counselor plan. Classified Ads Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Ask o August 13, 2008 .z 6728 NE MLK Blvd Corner of MLK & Dekum Mon-Sat 10am-6pm <503 2 8 3 8818 Discount Foods. Cleaning Supplies, Fresh Produce Daily Tired of high prices on groceries? CHECK US OUT Agent B R ID G ETO W N r REALTY We moved to our new location at: 9713 S .W . Capitol, Portland, O R □ 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 ♦ We are a DEEP DISCOUNT grocery store ♦Cereal starts at 99e • Lighters 6/$ 1 * P ay S tatio n fo r u tility hills SOME ORGANIC PRODUCTS AVAILABLE