Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 13, 2008, 2008 Diversity special edition, Page 15, Image 15

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    Jlortlattb (Obseruer
August i3.2008
C lassifieds / B
Certified Nursing Assistant position- OPEN UNTIL CLOSED
$ 10hr+ full benefits after 30days of employment (40hours M-Fri)
Volunteers of America Oregon- Marie Smith Health and Social Center
(Albina neighborhood)
(a senior adult day service program , w orking in partnership
with Providence ElderPlace)
The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) provides a broad range
of personal care, therapeutic and health & w ellness support
for the disabled adult and elderly participants of the Adult Day
Center, with a focus on care for clients identified as having
high care needs/specialized care needs.
CN A certification and tw o years relevant experience
Experience adm inistrating m edications for seniors and/or
person’s with disabilities in a nursing, ALF, RCF or Adult Day
Care setting, is a preferred, but not required.
The employee will be required: To be certified for CPR and First Aid
(m ust be kept current)
W ebsite for application: http://www.voaor.org
To Apply send: Resum e and cover letter, a com pleted agency
application, and 3 professional references:
Volunteers of Am erica-Oregon
M arie Sm ith Health
and Social Center
co/ Tiffany M cKenna,
Program Director
4616 N. Albina
Portland, OR 97217
Advertise in *r '" Jìc u rth u iì» (D fescv u er
Celebrating Diversity__________ PaseAIS
ads@portlandot( server.coin
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing
a key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am e rica 's most
livable cities is the Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission's
mission. PDC is the C ity’s urban renewal agency, charged
with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision.
W e're currently looking for qualified individuals to
com plem ent our w orkforce for the follow ing positions:
Senior Human Resources Consultant
Human Resources Generalist
Lawson Systems Administrator
Trim Systems Administrator
GIS Research Student
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work.
PDC values diversity in its w ork force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Roosevelt Boulevard from Beltline Highway to Chambers Connector
W e’re hiring. And, if you're a high
school graduate, w e ’ll train you
in a great NAVY job. In addition
to training and good paycheck,
the Navy will help you pay for
co lle g e . S a la ry a n d b e n e fits
worth over $35,000 a year to
start! How far you go is up to you.
If you are 17-34 years old, Mon-
Fri, 8am -4pm , (800) 914-8536
Are you tired of m inim um pay
a n d no b e n e fits / W e h a v e
openings in various fields, with
above a ve ra ge pay and paid
training plus 100% medical and
dental coverage. 30 days paid
v a c a tio n e a rn e d p e r ye a r,
retirem ent plan. 17-34 year old
H .S . d ip lo m a g ra d s , no
experience necessary. Call 1-
8 00-914-8536
REACH CD C offers studio, one, tw o and (a few) three
tw o bedroom floor plans. The w aitlist is now open for
the follow ing properties:
Grand Oak/W ilshire 503-235-2941 (Studio.. 1BR)
Laurelhurst 5 0 3 -2 3 0 -8 9 1 8 (1 BR only)
Dresden 503-235-3778 (Studio, 1 & 2 BR)
Rex Arm s503-238-2915 (Studio. & 1 BR)
Albina Corner 503-281-7227 (1,2 and 3 BR)
M cCuller Crossing 503-236-0265 (1,2, and 3 BR)
W estShore 503-827-7918 (Studio., 1 BR)
Please see our w ebsite at w w w .reachcdc.org
for m ore detailed inform ation.
The Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission
(MERC) is soliciting written proposals from qualified design
firm s to provide architectural and design services for the
Portland C e nte rforth e Performing Arts (PCPA) Arlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall (ASCH) Renovation & Main S treet Project.
T h is is a so licita tio n for R equest for Q u a lifica tion (RFQ )
subm ittals from qualified design firm s interested in providing
design services for major building renovations and conceptual
Design services subm ittals for the PCPA, ASCH Renovation &
Main S treet Project m ust com ply with the full detailed RFP
and delivered to MERC Offices at 777 N.E. Martin Luther King
Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232, to the attention of Heather Peck,
Capital Projects Division M anager, no later than August 25,
2 0 0 8 , at 1 1 :0 0 A M P a c ific T im e , p e r th e U .S . N a va l
O bservatory M aster Clock.
The work contem plated consists architectural and design
services in accordance with the RFP Documents. The complete
RFP Package m ay be ob ta in ed in the fo llo w in g m anner:
packages m ay be picked up at the M ERC Business Office,
located at 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland, Or. 97232 by request,
viewed and downloaded at www.m ercvenues.org. (go t o “Doing
Business”), via fax request (attn: Renee Pace) 503-731-7870
or by calling Renee Pace at 503-7321-7927. The location of
the design w ork contem plated will be located at 1037 SW
Broadway, and Main Street between 1037 SW Broadway and
1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205.
For questions regarding this RFP please contact Heather Peck
at 503-731-7846 or heatherpeck@ m ercvenues.org.
for the work contemplated herein is available on the BXWA website
at or call Procurem ent Services at (360) 619-1030.
NE 87 th AVE TO NE 92 nd AVE AND NE 97™ AVE TO SE 98™ AVE
Bids shall be in accordance with the specifications and other
contract docum ents on file in Procurem ent Services, phone
(360) 619-1030, w here copies may be obtained. Bid results
may be obtained w ithin 24 hours after th e bid opening by
accessing our w ebsite, shown above.
Notice is hereby given that the City o f Vancouver, W ashington,
will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 a.m ., Pacific
Local Tim e, T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 2 6, 2008, and publicly opened
and read aloud at that tim e on the sam e day in the Procurem ent
S e rv ic e s C o n fe re n ce Room , 610 E sth e r S tre e t, 2nd Floor,
Vancouver, W ashington, for the following:
This contract provides for the improvement of curb and sidewalk including
ramps, minor paving, minor utility adjustments and striping and other work,
all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract
Provisions, and the Standard Specifications.
Technical questions regarding this project may be addressed to
Leslie Ernstrom, Project Engineer at (360) 487-7710. Bidding or
Procurem ent related questions regarding this project may be
addressed to Lynn Reude, Sr. Procurem ent S pecialist at (360)
B idding docum ents may be exam ined in O w ner's office, City of
Vancouver, W ashington,
P rocurem ent S ervice s, 610 Esther St, 2nd Floor, Vancouver
W ashington. B idding docum ents may be obtained from :
1. The B uilder’s Exchange of W ashington website, http://
bxw a.com and clicking on Posted Projects, Public W orks, City
of Vancouver and Projects Bidding links. These are available
for viewing, dow nloading and printing at your own equipm ent
free of charge. You may also link to the B uilder’s Exchange
w ebsite through the City of Vancouver’s Projects Currently out
for Solicitation page.
2. The Procurem ent Services office upon paym ent of $54.10,
which includes 8.2% W A State sales tax o r $50.00 if you are
exem pt from paym ent of sales tax (AK, DE, OR, NH, MT), for
each set of docum ents. D o n o t s e n d c a s h . Return of the
d ocum e nts is not required, and th e a m o unt paid for the
d o cu m e n ts is n o n re fu n d a b le . (C ity O rd in a n ce M -3 4 27 )
Com pany/Cashiers Checks or m oney orders shall be made
payable to City of Vancouver. Firm s ordering docum ents shall
p rovide an em ail a d d re ss and m a ilin g w h ere a d d itio n a l
. Inform ation may be delivered.
It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to learn of Addendum , if
any. Such inform ation may be obtained from th e B uilder's
Exchange of W ashington (BXW A) w eb site, http://bxwa.com and
clicking on Posted Projects, Public W orks, City of Vancouver and
P ro je cts B id d in g links; h o w e ve r the so le re sp o n s ib ility for
obtaining and learning of Addendum belongs to the Bidder. The
City of Vancouver accepts no responsibility or liability and will
provide no accom m odation to bidders w ho fail to check for
addendum s and subm it inadequate or incorrect responses.
A list of plan centers that have received sets of Bidding Documents
All bids shall be delivered to the attention of the Procurem ent
Services Manager, City of Vancouver, P. 0. Box 1995, Vancouver,
W ashington 9 8668 or 610 Esther Street, 1 " Floor. Bids shall
be placed in an envelope which is sealed and which clearly
states the nam e o f the bidder, the date of the bid opening, and
appropriate w ording to indicate definitely the nature of the
contents. D o n o t s a n d bid * b y F A X o r e m a il. Bids subm itted
via FA# or em ail will not be accepted.
The (Local Agency) in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252,
42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal
Regulations, Departm ent of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of
the Secretary, P art 21, nondiscrim ination in federally assisted
programs of the D epartm ent of Transportation issued pursuant
to such Act, hereby
notifies all bidders that it will affirm atively insure that in any
c o n tra c t e n te re d in to p u rs u a n t to th is a d v e rtis e m e n t,
d isa d va n ta ge d b u sin e ss e n te rp ris e s w ill be a ffo rd e d full
opportunity to subm it bids in response to this invitation and will
not be discrim inated against on the grounds of race,
color or national origin in consideration for an award.
T h e C ity o f V a n c o u v e r is c o m m itte d to p ro v id in g e q u a l
o p p o rtu n itie s to S ta te of W a s h in g to n c e rtifie d M in o rity,
D is a d v a n ta g e d a nd W o m e n ’s B u s in e s s E n te rp ris e s in
contracting activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56, Laws of 1975,
1st Ex. Sess., State of W ashington).
All bid proposals must be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit
in cashier's check, or surety bond in an am ount equal to five
percent (5%) of the am ount of such bid proposal. Should the
successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish
satisfactory perform ance bond within the tim e stated in the
specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the
City of Vancouver.
The City of Vancouver reserves the right to cancel this invitation
or reject any and all bids subm itted or to w aive any m inor
form alities of this call if in the jud gm ent of the City Council the
best interest of the City would be served.
No bidder may w ithdraw his/her bid after the hour set for the
opening thereof, unless the award of contract is delayed for a
period exceeding forty-five (45) days. If it is determ ined to be in
the best interest of the city, the city reserves the right to request
an extension of bid prices during the review process.
Julianna M. M arler
Procurem ent Services Manager
Notice is hearby given that the City Council of the City of Eugene,
Oregon will receive sealed bids until W ednesday, August 27,
2008. until the Bid Closing time of 2:00 pm. at the office of the City
of Engineer, 244 East Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. The Bid Opening
will be at 2:05 p.m., on Wednesday, August, 27,2008, at the above
location, at which tim e and place those Bids will be opened
and read.
Plans and specifications may be reviewed and/or obtained at
the office of the City Engineer, 244 East Broadway, Eugene,
Oregon 97401, for a non refundable fee of $15.00 plus $6.50
postage. For othe r re vie w in g loca tions and a n y qu e stion s
regarding the project please call (541) 682-5560, or use our
Engineering Bid Website www.ci.eugene.or.us/PW/Engineering/
Bids to review Plans and Specifications.
Goods and Supplies
MERC Request for Bids -
The M etropolitan Exposition Recreation Com m ission (M ERC)
is soliciting bids for Audio Equipm ent and S upplies at the
Portland Center for the Perform ing Arts - Arlene Schnitzer
C o n c e rt H a ll.
S p e c ific a tio n s a re p u b lis h e d at
w w w .m ercvenues.org and can also be obtained by contacting
M E R C C a p ita l P ro je c ts D iv is io n at 5 0 3 -7 3 1 -7 9 2 7 o r
reneepace@ m ercvenues.org. Bid packets are also available
at the M ERC Business Office located at 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd
(inside the Oregon Convention Center) by request.
Bids are due by 11:00am A u gu st 26, 200 8 and can be
subm itted via certified mail, fax (503)731-7870, electronic
mail to heatherpeck@ m ercvenues.org, or hand delivered in
person to the attention of Heather Peck at the M ERC Business
Office. Bid opening will be at 1:30 p.m. at the M ERC Business
MERC reserves the right to reject all or any Bids not confirm ing
to the intent and purpose of the Contract Docum ents and
specifications or to reject for good cause any and all Bids upon
a finding of M ERC that it is in the public interest to do so or to
waive any inform ality or irregularity in any Bid or Bids. M ERC
further reserves the right to award the Contract at any tim e
within thirty (30) days follow ing the Bid opening date.
For any additional information concerning this request for bids,
please contact Heather Peck, M ERC Construction/C apital
Division M anager at (503) 731-7846.
SE 4th Street Pedestrian Improvement Project
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received
until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 28, 2008. Bids may be
mailed to Scott Sawyer, City of Battle Ground, 109 S.W. 1st
Street, Ste. 122, Battle Ground, W ashington 98604 or hand
delivered to Scott Sawyer, City of Battle Ground, 109 SW 1st
Street. Ste. 127, B attle G round, W A for th e SE 4th Street
Pedestrian Improvement Project, then publicly opened and read
aloud at the City of Battle Ground City Hall, 109 SW 1st Street,
Suite 127, Battle G round, W ashington, at 10:00 a.m . on
Thursday, August 28, 2008. Bidders and other interested
parties are invited to be present at the bid opening.
SCOPE OF W ORK: The construction of the SE 4th S treet
Pedestrian Im provem ent project will include the construction
of half street improvements including asphalt, curb and gutter,
sidewalk, and planter strip.
THE CITY COUNCIL shall proceed to award the contract to the
lowest and best bidder, but may reject any or all bids if, in its
opinion, good cause exists, therefore, to waive inform alities in
the bidding and to accept the bid from the lowest responsible
obtained as of Tuesday, August 12,2008 from the City of Battle
Ground Public W orks - Engineering Department at 109 SW 1st
Street, Suite 127, Battle Ground, WA 98604 upon a non­
refundable deposit in the exact am ount of Twenty Five Dollars
($25.00), check only, made payable to the City of Battle Ground.
All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal
deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond
in an am ount equal to five percent (5%) of the am ount of such
proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such
contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the
tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall
be forfeited to the City of Battle Ground Road Fund.
This project is financed through the Com m unity Developm ent
B lock G ra nt Program w ith fund s obtained from the U.S.
Departm ent of Housing and Urban Development.
The contract will be subject to regulations of the Departments
of Labor and Housing and Urban Development.
Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Em ploym ent
Opportunity, HUD Section 3 requirem ents, and the federal
m inim um wages as set forth in the contract documents.
Inform ation copies of maps, plans and specifications are on
file for exam ination at the follow ing location: City of Battle
Ground. Public W orks, 109 SW 1st Street, Ste, 122, Battle
Ground, W ashington 98604.
No bid may be w ithdraw n after the scheduled tim e for receipt
of bids unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding
thirty (30) days.
Pursuant to RCW 36.32.250, SEALED BIDS accom panied by a
BID DEPOSIT in the form of a surety bond, postal money order,
cash, cashier’s check or certified check in an am ount equal to
five percent (5%) of the am ount of the bid proposed must be
delivered with the bid Bids not accompanied by the required BID
DEPOSIT will be rejected pursuant to RCW 36.32.250
Bids received after the bid deadline will not be considered.
Telephoned bids will not be accepted.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish appropriate
bonds and insurance as set forth in the contract docum ents.
All contractors m ust file and com ply with the prevailing wage
laws of the State of W ashington, and pay all associated fees.
For project information, please contact Scott Sawyer, Assistant
City Engineer at 360 342-5072.