PagcAi2_______________________ ^ '^ o r t l a n h (©bserUcr Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Youth Creators enhances community involvement with a Multi Cultural Talent show Portland, OR, August 8, 2008: After the Mayor’s relocation to Jefferson High School a group of outstanding students applied for and received the Youth In Action grant from the City of Portland to showcase and acknowl­ edge the cultural diversity in their community by hosting a Multi Cultural talent show this September. The Youth Creators are currently seeking cultural performers to participate in their event. If you have or know of a Celebrating Diversity_______ August 13.2008 Shields Serves Needs of the Hispanic Commission R ep. C h ip S h ie ld s, D -N / N E P o rtla n d , h a s been a p ­ p o in te d by O re g o n H o u se S p e a k e r J e f f M e rk le y to the C o m m is s io n o n H is p a n ic A ffa irs. The c o m m is s io n is c h a rg e d w ith "w o rk in g to ­ w ard e c o n o m ic , so c ia l, p o ­ litic a l an d le g a l e q u a lity fo r O re g o n 's H isp a n ic p o p u la ­ tion." "R ep. Shields is an e x c e l­ lent appointm ent to the C o m ­ m ission on H ispanic A ffairs. He b rin g s a great deal o f in- tegrity to the com m ission. He is a strong su p p o rter o f the L atino and im m igrant com m u­ nities," said R am on R am irez, d irecto r o f the farm w orkers union P ineros Y C am pesinos U nidos Del N oroeste. S h ie ld s sa id he w as h o n ­ o re d by the a p p o in tm e n t. "L a st le g isla tiv e se ssio n 1 fo u g h t to a d v a n c e a m in o rity b u siness a g en d a and th ro u g h ­ o u t m y tim e in the le g is la ­ tu re , I h av e trie d m y b e st to fig h t fo r e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity a n d e q u a l ju s tic e ," he said. Chip Shields youth group who would like to share their artistic talents please contact: The Youth Creators at NE Coalition of Neighborhoods 503-823-4113 4815 NE 7 Avenue or Email Auditions bogln on August 23, 2008 at NE Coalition of Neighborhoods Please call or email to sot up your audition time With the Youth in Action Grant funding ;and additional community help and support we will reach our goal to provide a fun, safe, and rewarding event where we can all come together and plan, organize, recruit, and Metro Internship Opens Career Path A jo b training and intern­ ship program can lead to a full tim e jo b . T ak e L aw rence R ussell for an exam ple. R ussell, w ho had a diverse w ork history w ith the U .S. m ilitary and as an account m anager for the banking in­ dustry, w as injured three years ago w hile w orking fo r H om e D epot distribution services. T h ro u g h h is v o c a tio n a l re- h a b ilita tio n c o u n s e lo r, W a lla c e and A sso c ia te s, he w as tra in e d on fin a n c e and c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s through P ortland C om m u n ity C o lle g e ’s P ro fe ssio n a l S k ills T ra in in g P ro g ra m . H e received credit for both classroom w ork and for the on -th e-jo b training at M etro Lawrence Russell re g io n a l g o v e rn m e n t. A s a p ro c u re m e n t sp e c ia list, his duties included w orking in the autom ated finance and pur­ chasing system , preparing bid­ ding and contract d o cum ents, and w orking on the a g e n c y ’s asset inventory project. M etro officials credited his “can d o ” attitude. W hen a jo b opened in the C entral Procurem ent and C on­ tract A dm inistration O ffice at M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , L aw rence applied for the po­ sition and w as hired. B ecause o f his ex p erience at M etro he w as able to hit the ground running, officials said. L aw rence is active in his ch u rch and has also served on the planning advisory group for the P ortland International A irport. H is o th e r activities include p articipation on the E nvironm ental A ction T eam fo r M etro and m em bership in the O regon P ublic P urchasing A ssociation. celebrate our diverse communities, our youth, our future. Participate in Democracy Return four ballot by mail or drop ifo ff at any designated voter dmpsite. Call I -866-673-8683 to find a locabon near you. ^íartíatth ODbserUer ‘City of Rows’ XJUtlY • Nimbrr «O G w *» At ft/ In td lM il Dnvretly ■wwpnrthntfabK rw i . t a WkdnrwGy • OckWrrll X 04 Election Ballots On Way People o f color fin d a political fit ’ The intim ate X,” ffinningstatlforms a XÏ theater in the romiti “*• where a m e e t basketball » - r court dominates... v Flu Vaccine in Short Supply To contact I,!e Fortiani» (Ohseruer Call 503-288-0033 or emai 1 ads @ portlandob I