œi’*• IJartlanh (Ohseruer Celebrating Diversity August 13, 2008 Page All Ar,s V IMIll IMIIIMSHtM x Laid-back Soul and Blues com m ercial success in 1976 with "Silk Degrees." Featuring a soar­ ing, soulful voice that Rolling Stone said "could easily hold its own on any street corner in New York," the album reached N o.2on the pop charts and featured hits lik e "L o w d o w n " an d "L id o Shuffle." Like S caggs, Jaco b s-S train flexed his musical muscles at a very young age. At 9, he pur­ chased a guitar at a garage sale and becam e enraptured with the folk scene o f his hom etow n of Eugene. A fter seeing a Taj Mahal co n ­ cert, Jacobs-Strain gravitated to ­ ward the blues. He released his first album, "Skin and Bones," w hile still in high school. Tickets for the concert can be purchased at the O regon Zoo for $24 each. Tickets can also be purchased with service charge online or at T icketm aster locations. Boz Scaggs teams up for Sunday concert Blowing in like acool sum m er breeze, Boz Scaggs brings his sm ooth, laid-back soul sound to the O regon Zoo, Sunday, Aug. 17, at 7 p.m ., as part o f the zoo's sum m er concert series presented by Fred M eyer and W ells Fargo. O pening the show is 24-year-old b lu es prodigy D avid Jaco b s- Strain. Scaggs began playing guitar w hen he w as 12, and found a m usical kindred spirit in his prep- school friend Steve Miller. In 1967, he joined the S te ve M i I ler B and as a guitarist. A fter playing on the group's first tw o records, "C hil­ dren o f the Future" and "Sailor," Scaggs left to pursue a solo c a ­ reer. Scaggs attained w idespread Blues prodigy David Jacobs-Strain is from Eugene. Catering Chicken * * Events Sausages * * Meetings Pork Boz Scaggs will perform Sunday at the Oregon Zoo. Reggie Houston & Janice Scroggins &/or special guest * Beef Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express Fast Track Marketing Local DJ O.G. One has returned to Portland's airwaves. Supplying Northwest Cooking Woods lin New Season's shopping center) 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Hip Hop DJ Back on Air I’ Sunshine, BBQ and a free, ' all-ages, outdoor show by a [New Orleans’ sax legend and Fsome'of the'best players in- town! Call For Appointment D J O .G . O n e is b ac k on Portland’s airw aves with his un­ forgettable m ixes, hottest new music and laid back swagger. Listeners anticipated hearing the m aestro during the m ixshow on FM 95.5 and did not want to say goodbye when the form at was changed to sports talk radio earlier thissum m er. O .G . O ne is now telling listen- ers to say hello because h e 's back to com plete your radio experi­ ence on FM 107.5, the new KXJM Jam m in hip hop and R&B station. O.G. O ne leaves listeners, club goers and concert crow ds w ant­ ing more. He never m isses a beat, spinning for the corporate events, the packed out clubs, the sold out concerts, N BA gam es and o f course in the com m unity. MRMMMnMRRRMNNNMHRNMMMRMRMMMMMMMMHB U sher C leans H ouse (503) 254-0774 — Portland, OR a. What could be better? Ask for Paul )“jid d e n [ re a s u re s Musicians are welcome to sit in tor a jam, ' so you never X_know.who_ will show MARGIE BOOKER PROPRIETOR G ift & R esale Shop 503-281-0927 Open The - Sat • NEW AND RESA LE • CLO TH IN G • LOCAL ARTIST •C O L LE C TA B LE S • BATH & BEAUTY • G IFT BASKETS • HOM E DECOR • VINTAGE • FURNITU RE & MORE A m id disappointing sales for his new album, R&B singer Usher has cleaned house, parting ways w ith his m anager and publicist. In a short statem ent issued by his L aFace/Z om ba label, it was announced last w eek that the art­ ist "has dissolved his m anage­ m ent arrangem ent with Benny M edina and has re-engaged (his m other) Jonnetta Patton as his manager." Patton m anaged her son until M ay 2007. He then hired M edina, w ho also m anages M ariah Carey. T he industry veteran was inte­ gral in the launch o f Usher's al­ bum , "Here I Stand." In 10 weeks, it has sold 948,000 units in the U n ite d S ta te s , a c c o rd in g to Nielsen SoundScan. It's the No. 8 best-selling album o f 2008 so far. H ow ever, it hasn't com e close iwww . re g g ie h ou s toru c om 1703 NE A lberta Portland, Oregon 97211 Pretonted by Cannon'» Rib Eiprois _____and new SEASONS EZXHZO Bring this ad to receive $2 off your purchase o f $10 or more • Xx $5.00 Tees 5 p J J New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. % $45.00 FAMILY REUNION LA N E FAMILY REUNION PORTLAND, ORIOON Screen Printing 503-762-6042 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I sm all H allw ay) Usher to m atching the gaudy numbers o f its predecessor. 2004's "Con­ fessions," which sold 3.77 million copies in its first 10 weeks and is at 9.6 m illion to date. A A M C , INC. PRESENTS 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (W ith O ther Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 Advertise w ith diversity in A 1)1)1 T1ONA I. SER VIC ES ( . ill Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet O dor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection 5O3-288-(K)33 ads@ portlandob servcr.com ! I J S U u U b s d c t l rib e I 503-288-0033 lU L I HP HOES TER Y CEEA V7VG F ill Out & Send To: |Jnrtlanb (ftbserurr A ttn : S u b s c rip tio n s . PO B o x 31 3 7 , P o rtla n d O R 9 7 2 0 8 | s u b s c r ip tio n s are ju s t $60 TICKETS per year | (p le a se in clu d e ch e ck w ith th is su b sc rip tio n fo rm ) $20 p»r P»r «on $ J5 p»r Coopt» TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM In P o rtie n » rail N ame : I T elephone :. A ddress : I ________ I o r e m a il subscriptions@ portlandobserver.com k — -. — — — — — — — — - - .. — - .- - — — — — J Cynthia Canrwn'* Rib f »prat» Ona Stop Mo Mt Int U N tM k Gann»/» Shear Pvrtrr’ (buril Hinten In Vancouver rail lorvná» Mu# M.iytoM $03 211 ' $01 $01 SO 5O 28A » 3 « 214 1103 Î2 W H I0 3 W ’ 1$$ AUGUST 30, 2008 S h erato n * t th e A irp o rt M t $t H r ia n t F oyer • 2 3 ) N t A irp o rt W ay • Po rtto n d . O R » 7 J2O (SOU 2 1 1 2 $ 0 0 • FOOD • FUN — .RAFFLE • 50/5 0 SPLIT DJ MUSIC— 8:00 PM TO 1:00 AM rw moth has * K ioto nmouw • hi arxw wait roa w i r t * * * stav «, "AAMC. INC IN THE COMMUNITY FOR THE COMMUNITY" 1 Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows $79.00 $59.00 $109 - $139 $35 - $49 $5.00 ( W ith ( f ille r Services) See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949