il!l ^Jnrtlattb © bseruer August 6. 2008 PagcA9 L aw & J ustice Few Black Military Officers in Ranks CRIME STOPPERS (5 0 3 ) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon Protect Your Vehicle Police offer prevention tips I f you own o r drive a 1995 Honda C iv ic , a 1991 Honda A c ­ cord, a 1997 Ford F-150 o r a 1989 Toyota C aniry, you may he sur­ prised to know that, despite their age, these cars are among the m ost p o p u la r cars stolen by thieves across the country. No matter what make o r model o f car you own there are a number o f things you can do to improve the security o f your vehicle. The Portland Police Bureau recom­ mends the fo llo w in g a basic pre­ vention policy to help ensure your vehicle is not an easy target fo r thieves on the prow l: Never leave your car running w ith the keys in the ig nition when you ’ re away from it, even fo r "just a m inute.” A lw a ys ro ll up the w indow s and lock the car, even i f it's in front o f your home. Never leave valuables in the car. I f you must, never leave them in plain view . Park in busy, w ell-lighted areas. C arry the registration and in ­ surance card w ith you when you leave your vehicle. When paying to park in a lot or garage, leave just the ignition key w ith the attendant. Make sure no personal inform ation is attached. Do the same when you take your car fo r repairs. For added auto theft protec­ tion you can also etch the V e ­ hicle Id e n tific a tio n N um ber (V IN ) on (he windows, doors, fenders and trunk lid. This helps to d isco u ra g e p ro fe s s io n a l thieves who have to either re­ move o r replace etched parts before selling the car. Install a mechanical locking device - com m only referred to as clubs, collars o r j-bars - that locks to the steering wheel, c o l­ umn o r brake to prevent the wheel from being turned more than a few degrees. Consider installing a secu­ rity system i f you live in a high theft area or drive a vehicle that is popular among thieves. For more in fo rm a tio n on keeping your vehicle secure visit to ac­ cess A Guide to Home and V e ­ hicle Security. 60 Years after desegregation G l - 111 J ( A P ) - Sixty years after Presi­ dent Truman desegregated the m ilita ry , senior black officers are s till rare, particularly among the highest ranks. Blacks make up about 17 per­ cent o f the total force, yet ju st 9 percent o f all officers. That frac­ tion falls to less than 6 percent fo r general officers w ith one to four stars. The rarity o f blacks in the top ranks is apparent in one startling statistic: O n ly one o f the 38 four- star generals o r admirals serving 11 II H b «W Wr j K • z f a s o f M ay was black. A nd ju st 10 black men have ever gained four- star rank— fiv e in the A rm y, four in the A ir Force and one in the Navy, according to the Penta­ gon. The dearth o f blacks in high- ranking positions gives younger A frican-A m erican soldiers few African American airmen train at Tuskegee Airfield in Alabama In 1943. mentors o f their own race. A nd as the overall percentage o f blacks stars is retired Gen. C olin Powell, cation. sky's the lim it when they look up in the service falls, particularly in who later became the country's As a young recruit, he found and don't see anyone" who looks combat careers that lead to top first black secretary o f state, un­ that the older, black noncom m is­ like them. posts, the situation seems un­ der President Bush. A nother is sioned o ffice rs were eager to The A rm y has led the way w ith lik e ly to change. retired Gen. Johnnie E. W ilson, guide him . and they urged him to black officers, w ith nearly double S till, o fficia l s can point to some who in 1961, at age 17, spied an try fo r O ffic e r Candidate School. the percentage at times over the historic gains by blacks in the "Uncle Sam Wants Y ou" poster O ver the next 38 years, he rose past three decades as the other services as the Pentagon com ­ and joined the A rm y. through the ranks to become a services. Blacks represented 11 memorates Trum an’s signing o f The second o f 12 children, four-star general. percent to 12 percent o f all A rm y an executive order on July 26, W ilson grew up in a housing W hy haven't more done the officers during that tim e, com ­ 1948, mandating the end o f segre­ project outside Cleveland. E nlist­ same? pared w ith 4 percent to 8 percent gation in the m ilita ry. ing in the A rm y, he said, was the For one thing, W ilson said, in the Navy, A ir Force and M a­ Best known among the four- only way he'd get a college edu­ "it's hard to tell young people the rines. Army Scientist Tied to Anthrax Terror, Takes Own Life (A P ) -- A nthrax-laced letters that k ille d five people and se­ verely rattled the post-9/11 na­ confounded the FBI for nearly seven years. Las, month, the Justice De­ partment cleared I v ins' col league, Steven H a tfill, who had been w rongly suspected in the case, and paid him $5.8 m illio n . tion may have been part o f an A rm y scientist's warped plan to test his cure fo r the deadly toxin, o fficia ls said. The b rillia n t but troubled sci­ e n tist c o m m itte d suicide last week, know ing prosecutors were closing in. The sudden naming o f scientist Bruce E, Ivins as the top — and perhaps only — suspect in the anthrax attacks marks the latest bizarre tw ist in a case that has House Apologies for Slavery ( A P) — The U.S. House o f Rep­ resentatives issued an unprec­ edented apology to black A m e ri­ cans las, week fo r the wrongs com m itted against them and their ancestors w ho suffered under slavery and Jim C row segrega­ tion laws. The re s o lu tio n , passed by voice vote, was the w ork o f Ten­ nessee Democrat Steve Cohen, the only white lawmaker to repre­ sent a m a jo rity black district. Congress has issued apolo­ gies before — to Japanese-Ameri- cans fo r their internment during W orld W ar II and to native Ha- waiians fo r the overthrow o f the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893. In 2005, the Senate apologized for fa ilin g to pass anti-lynching laws. Five states have issued apolo­ gies fo r slavery, but past propos­ als in Congress have stalled, partly over concerns that an apol­ ogy w ould lead to demands for reparations — payment fo r dam­ ages. The Cohen resolution does not mention reparations. It does com m it the House to rectifying "the lingering consequences o f the misdeeds com m itted against African-Am ericans under slavery and Jim C row ." Classified Ads Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 5 0 3 2 8 8 0 0 3 3 Fax: 5 0 3 2 8 8 0 0 1 5 cording to papers filed last week in local court by a social worker. The letters contained anthrax powder were sent on the heels o f Ivins worked at the A rm y's biological warfare labs at Fort Detrick. Md., fo r 18 years until his death on July 29. He was one o f the government's leading scientists researching vaccines and cures fo r anthrax exposure. But he also had a long history o f hom icidal threats, ac- Bruce E. Ivins the terror attacks o f Sept. 11,2001, and turned up at congressional offices, newsrooms andelsewhere, leaving a deadly trail through post offices on the way. The powder killed five and sent numerous vic­ tims to hospitals and caused near panic in many locations. It’s not your standard funeral home... it’s the new standard in funeral homes. RRY FAMILY UNERAL H O M Lay Witness Night o f the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Pacific North West Conference The Lay Organization Invites you, your fam ily & friends from the Portland, Tacoma & Seattle Areas To Celebrate with us! You see, when we went into business we aspired to be so far and away the best that a new level of excellence was to be created. We w ould like you to know that we've achieved our goal. In a business where things seemingly stay the same, a change has taken place. A change that may raise the bar on the level of service a family can experience from a funeral home. 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