PageA8_______________________________ __________ îl!‘ :|]3ortlanh ÛDhôeruer______________ C lassifieds / B ids © Floor C o o rd in a to r p o sitlo n - C e rtifie d N ursing A ssistan t OPEN UNTIL CLOSED position- OPEN UNTIL CLOSED $12hr+ full benefits after 30days of SlOhr* full benefits after 30days of employment (40hoursM-Fri) NO WEEKENDS or HOLIDAYS Volunteers of Am erica Oregon- Marie Smith Health and Social Center (Albina neighborhood) (a s e n io r a d u lt d a y s e rv ic e program, working in partnership with Providence ElderPlace) The Certified N ursing Assistant (CNA) provides a broad range of personal care, therapeutic and health & w ellness support for the disabled adult and elderly p a rticipants o f th e Adult Day Center, with a focus on care for clients identified as having high ca re n e e d s/sp e cia lize d care needs. employment (M-F, 8am -4:30p) NO WEEKENDS or HOLIDAYS Volunteers o f Am erica Oregon- M arie Smith Health and Social Center (Albina neighborhood) (A s e n io r a d u lt d a y s e rv ic e program, working in partnership with Providence ElderPlace) The Floor Coordinator will lead, coordinate and assist direct care staff who serve our senior and disabled client base, under the g u id a n c e o f th e P ro g ra m Director and RN. This position is responsible for creating and m anaging the day c e n te r flo o r s c h e d u le , and m o n ito r th e n e e d s o f s ta ff, v o lu n te e rs , a n d d a y c e n te r supplies. The Floor Coordinator will serve as a liasion for day center direct care sta ff and brin g issues/ concerns an d /or solutions to P ro g ra m D ire c to r/ R N / partnership center staff. Required: Must have valid drivers license and car to perform some duties of this job. Minulm Qualifications: Associate degree in Gerontology or Social services, plus 2 years of successful expereince in a leadership role. Preferred but not required: BA degree in Gerontology or/Social s e rv ic e s a n d / o r 5 y e a rs o f s p e c ia liz e d tra in in g in th e p ro v is io n of c a re g iv e r te c h n iq u e s to th e d isa b le d / elderly population w/leadership experience. Other Qualifications & Skills: C o m fo rta b le w o rk in g w ith M ic ro s o ft W o rd , E xc e l and Outlook W ebsite for application: http:// ToApplysend: Resume and cover le tte r, a c o m p le te d a g e n c y application, and 3 professional references: Volunteers of Am erica-Oregon M arie Smith Health and Social Center co/ Tiffany M cKenna, Program Director 4616 N. Albina Portland, OR 97217 PORT OF PORTLAND T h e P o rt o f P o rtla n d is a Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica's most livable cities is the Portland Developm ent Com m ission’s mission. PDC is the C ity's urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e're currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our w orkforce for the follow ing positions: Project Program Specialist-Administrative Support to Director Lawson Systems Administrator GIS Research Student Trim Systems Administrator W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values diversity in its work force and is com m itted to E x p e rie n c e a d m in is tra tin g m edications for seniors and/or person's with disabilities in a nursing, ALF, RCF or Adult Day Care setting, is a preferred, but not required. The employee will be required: Tobe certified for CPR and First Aid (m ust be kept current) Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action. Apply online at Portland Developm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 W ebsite for application: http:// ToApplysend: Resume and cover le tte r, a c o m p le te d a g e n c y application, and 3 professional references: Volunteers of Am erica-Oregon Marie Sm ith Health and Social Center co/ Tiffany McKenna, Program Director 4616 N. Albina Portland, OR 97217 Oregon Department of Transportation NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ODOT Competitive Bidding Exemption The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will hold a public hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 15, 2008, in the first floor Public Meeting Room of the ODOT Region 1 Headquarters Buikjing, 123 N.W. Flanders St., Portland, OR. The public hearing is to accept oral and written comments on ODOT’s draft findings in support of an exemption from competitive bidding under ORS 279C.335 for the modernization project known as OR 217: Sunset Highway - Tualatin Valley Highway on Oregon 217 in Washington County (Exemption No. 2008-01). ODO'f is requesting the exemption to allow the use of an alternative procurement method known as “A plus C - a form of Best Value.” The A plus C contracting method uses the integration of technical aspects to provide the owner a high-quality project result and opportunities for local business participation. Selection of the successful contractor is considered “Best Value” because evaluation and scoring of technical proposals will be added to price proposals to provide a total score. Draft findings may be obtained from ODOT Procurement Office - Construction Contractor Plans at 455 Airport Rd. SE, Bldg. K, Salem, OR 97301. Draft findings may also be viewed on ODOT’s Web site at: TRUCIION/. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the public hearing at the time and place stated above. Advance written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008, and should be addressed to: Nursing More than you ever expected in a place you never expected. If your career wish list includes things like real autonomy, true ca m arad erie, m ore flexibility, g re a te r clin ica l e n viro n m e n t, fewer physical demands, lower d ia g n o s tic a c u ity , and th e opportunity to work side-by-side with d octors and PAs, yo u ’ve come to the right place. And that p la ce is at W e xfo rd H e a lth Sources - a nationally recognized leader in contracted m edical services for correctional facilities. Please join our team as: Comments on Draft Findings - Exemption No. 2008-01 Jim Cox ODOT Major Projects Branch 680 Cottage St. N.E. Salem, OR 97301-2412 • HEALTH SERVICES ADMIN -FT M ust be licensed RN N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u rt docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-m ail your notice for a free price quote! Chandler, Arizona 85226 (480) 706-1100 Attorneys for Petitioner Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: dassifieds@porUandobsefyer.cpm The Portland Observer To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-m ail: classifieds@ Century,. 21. Eddie Lincoln Broker Ó ÌÌS • LPN - FT, PT, PRN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA • RN - FT, PT, PRN IN AN D FOR THE CO UN TY OF PINAL Clark County Jail Vancouver, WA In the M atter of the Estate of: IBRAHEEM RAM ADAN (DOB 10/27/1995) Com e think of it, you'll also enjoy a very attractive salary, great benefits, and lots of promotional opportunities. For full consider­ ation, contact: Nina Dow, Staffing Consultant; Phone: 8 0 0 -40 3 - 3616; Fax: 412-937-8874 ndow @ W An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F/D/V t j Wexford Health s n ti it r. r s i n c n n r- o n a t f r. DIETARY AIDE/COOK F e rn h ill E s ta te s h a s an opening for part tim e dietary Aide/Cook. Please call 503- 288-5967 or stop by 5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211. Goods and Supplies CAREER OPPORTUNITIES regional government operating MERC Request for Bids - airports, m arine term inals and industrial parks in the greater The M etropolitan Exposition Recreation Com m ission (M ERC) Portland m etropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive cargo and passenger access to world markets while is soliciting bids for Audio Equipm ent and Supplies at the Portland Center for the Perform ing Arts - Arlene Schnitzer enhancing the region’s quality of life. C o n c e rt H a ll. S p e c ific a t io n s a re p u b lis h e d at To view current jo b openings and to access the application form, w w w .m and can also be obtained by contacting visit the Port's website at or call (503) M E R C C a p ita l P ro je c ts D iv is io n a t 5 0 3 -7 3 1 -7 9 2 7 or 944-7400. reneepace@ m Bid packets are also available The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to at the M ERC Business Office located at 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd workforce diversity and affirm ative action. (inside the Oregon Convention Center) by request. Education: CNA certification and two years relevant experience • Regional M anager-FT Must be licensed RN. August 6, 2008 A M inor No. G C2008-00166 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINM ENT OF CONSERVATOR FOR MINOR NOTICE IS GIVEN that M ARGARET NELSON, Petitioner, has filed with the S uperior Court a N otice of H earing on Petition for Appointm ent of C onservator for Minor. Hearing has been set to consider the Petition telephonically on the 28th day of October, at 1:30 P.M. before Com m issioner M cCarville Superior Court Building A, 971 Jason Lopez Circle, Florence, Arizona, 85232, Division 5. Dated this 9 day o f July, 2008 Hastings & Hastings, PC Joesph L. Brown Attorneys for Petitioner Bids are due by 11:00am A u g u st 26, 2 0 0 8 and can be subm itted via certified mail, fax (503)731-7870, electronic mail to heatherpeck@ m, or hand delivered in person to the attention of Heather Peck at the M ERC Business Office. Bid opening will be at 1:30 p.m. at the M ERC Business Office. M ERC reserves the right to reject all or any Bids not confirm ing to the intent and purpose of the Contract D ocum ents and specifications or to reject for good cause any and all Bids upon a finding of M ERC that it is in th e public interest to do so or to w aive any inform ality or irregularity in any Bid or Bids. MERC further reserves the right to award the Contract at any tim e within thirty (30) days follow ing the Bid op ening date. For any additional information concerning this request for bids, please contact Heather Peck, M ERC C o nstruction/C apital Division M anager at (503) 731-7846. Portland State University Facilities & Planning Assistant Plant Operations Manager Facilities & Planning seeks FT A s s is ta n t P la n t O p e ra tio n s M a n a g e r a s s is ts th e P la n t O p e ra tio n s M a n a g e r w ith scheduling & budgeting of all w o rk re q u e s t m a in te n a n c e , p re v e n tiv e m a in te n a n c e , & projects being completed by our Electrical, Systems, and Building M a in te n a n ce d iv is io n s . T h is p o s itio n h a s th e p rim a ry re sp o n s ib ility o f e s ta b lis h in g project budgets, work schedules and com pletion dates. Salary ra n g e fo r th is p o s itio n is $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 7 3 ,0 0 0 p lu s EXCELLEN T benefits package in c lu d in g m e d ic a l, d e n ta l & vision. Other benefits include paid sick & vacation leave & S taff Fee Tuition Reduction for you or a dependent. PSU is an AA/EO institution and, in keeping w ith the P re sid e n t's d ive rsity in itia t iv e , w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who s u p p o rt d iv e rs ity . S e e fu ll announcem ent fo r qualifications requirem ents & for instructions on hot to apply, v is it w w w .h rc .D d x .e d u / o p e n in g s / u n c la s s if ie d / ind ex.h tm A p p lica tio n review will begin on August 2,2008 and re m a in o p e n u n til fin a lis ts identified. Bradley-Angle House, a s o cia l service/social change domestic v io le n c e in te rv e n tio n o rg a n iz a tio n , seeks a supportive, versatile, dynam ic Executive Director to join our team of dedicated professionals. For an application packet call 503- 5 9 5 -7 4 1 1 or go to R e c e p tio n is t/ A d m in is tra tiv e Assistant position available at M eyer M em oria l Trust. View position profile and application p ro c e s s a t w w w .m m t.o rg . A p p lic a tio n s due A u g u st 10, 2008. GET MONEY FOR SCHOOL Earn the college degree you're alw ays wanted. M oney to help pay for it - and a piece of the action - all in the navy. Must be 17-34 with a H.S. diplom a. Call M -F l-8 7 7 -6 G 0 -N a vy LAID OFF, NEED A JOB? W e h a ve o p e n in g s in m a n y fields. Training with good starting salary and benefits. High School graduates. Mon - Fri, 8am-4pm, (800) 914-8536 Multnomah County The D epartm ent o f Com m unity Justice is cu rre n tly a cce p ting a p p lica tion s for the follo w in g positions: Secure Treatment Services Specialist On-Call $18.82 per hour The on-call Secure Treatm ent Services Specialists will ensure the security of the residential treatm ent facility and the safety of clients, staff and surrounding com m unity. They will lead and m onitor th e daily activities of crim inal justice clients who are participating in secure alcohol and drug treatm ent and provide a structured living environm ent w hile assisting clients im prove their social and life skills. Please a p p ly fo r jo b # 6 2 8 4 -0 2 by August 15, 2008. Probation/Parole Officer $21.60 per hour P rob a tion / Parole O ffice rs p ro v id e c o u n s e lin g , c a s e m anagem ent, supervision, and sanctioning of adult clients on form a l probation and parole. O ffic e rs u s e m o tiv a tio n a l interview ing and m otivational techniques designed to produce positive change in individuals. Som e Probation/Parole Officer p o s itio n s re q u ire B ilin g u a l E n g lis h a nd S p a n is h co m m u n ica tion (re a d in g and writing) skill. Please apply for jo b #62 7 6-1 3 by A u g u st 22, 2008. For m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e s e p o s itio n s , in c lu d in g a p p lica tion m aterials, please v is it our w e b s ite at www.m or call 503- 988-5035. M ultnom ah County is actively recruiting persons from diverse backgrounds to enhance service d e liv e r y to o u r d iv e rs e com m unity. Our com m itm ent to excep tional custo m e r service re lie s u p on a te a m -o rie n te d w o rk p la ce and a co n tin u o u s q u a lity im p ro v e m e n t environm ent. Advertise w ith diversity in