ï lî August 6. 2008 l ^Jnrtlanò (Db serti er Concerts Promote Peace Portland musician Loveness Wesa brings traditional African dancing, singing and drumming to the stage. Z im babw e native and local m usician L oveness W esa is spreading a m essage o f peace, freedom and u n d e rsta n d in g w ith a new slate o f concert d ates. W esa will perform W ednes­ day, Aug. 6 at p.m. at M issis­ sippi Pizza Puband Friday, Aug. 8 at the N orthw est R aggae Festival in Eugene. She will appearagainat Mississippi Pizza at 9 p.m. on Sept. 1 and at the A lberta Street Fair and M usic Festival on Sept. 13. W esa has traveled the w orld as a cultural am b assad o r for Z im babw ean w om en artists. bringing to her audiences not only traditional A frican d an c­ ing, and singing but she also does drum m ing, w hich used to be a taboo for w om en in her culture. She w as first exposed to the traditional m usic and dance o f her country as a sm all child w atching her m other, aunt and g r a n d m o th e r w h o w e re S angom as — the traditional spirit m edium s w ho use song and dance to channel an ces­ tral spirits. A s a m u sic ia n , she has toured A frican, E urope and the A m erica. Buddy Guy, 72 Hits Charts While teen idol Miley Cyrus was grabbing all the attention on the U.S. pop chart last week with her third No. 1 album in two years, 72-year-old blues guitarist Buddy Guy also had cause for celebration. His new album , "Skin D eep," opened at No. 68, his highest posi­ tion to date on the Billboard 200. His previous best was the No. 136 peak for his first chart entry, 1991 s "Damn Right, I've Got the Blues." Guy started recording in 1957, but his early career was stymied by under ap­ preciative executives at his Chess Records label. He enjoyed a renais­ sance in the 1980s, and "Damn Right" became the first o f eight albums to reach the pop chart. "Skin Deep,” hit the chart, aday after the DVD release of the Rolling Stones' concert movie "Shine a Light," which features a guest turn by Guy on the tune "Champagne and Reefer." Page A7 Fast Track Marketing Supplying Northwest Cooking Woods 100% Mesquite Charcoal. Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Maple, Plus Other W oods & Supplies T Call For Appointment (503) 254-0774 — Portland, OR Ask for Paul First Step Academy C hildcare & Education State Registered Day Care Home * Infant to School Age Vernon N eighborhood Location ^Openings Available* (503) 288-8367 ipyvtr n wwrirw C a te rin g S a u sa g e s * M eetin g s Pork * B eef 5 0 3 -2 9 0 -4 8 6 0 Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 Buddy Guy commercial movies — including the "Pirates of the C aribbean” series — and more challenging, independent roles, earned $72 m illion in same period. M urphy, 47, earned $55 m il­ lion in the last 12 months, mostly from the films he starred in, but above all for being D onkey’s' voice in the anim ated “ Shrek" series o f films and videogames. “Shrek the T hird" also made Canadian actor M ike Myers — the green ogre's voice — the Will Smith panndrw @ yahoo.com th ird to p H o lly w o o d moneymaker, at $55 million. And also thanks to “Shrek” and the voice o f princess Fiona, Cameron Diaz was not far be­ hind in earnings, with $50 m il­ lion. She w as fo llo w e d by Leonardo DiCaprio with 45 mil­ lion, Bruce W illis with $41 mil­ lion, comedian Ben Stiller with $40 million and Nicolas Cage with $38 million, according to Forbes. Quality Design and Business Support Graphic Design Logos • • Signage Company Identity • • Outdoor Events Ad Design C -T ran to Clark C ounty Fair — The Y oung A rtists C am p — Children ages 10 to 13. will experience the fun. games, exercises, writing and performances to build confi­ dence and creativ ity at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. For more informa­ tion, call 503-823-4322. C raw fish Festival - Friday, Aug. 8 and Sat­ urday, Aug. 9, the family-friendly Tualatin Crawfish Festival, 8325 N.W. Nyberg St., offers a wide variety of l'txxl, entertainment and fun for everyone. For more information, call 503-6924)780. FAMILY REUNION LANE FAMILY REUNION Aug. 8 through Sunday, Aug. 10, from 11 a.m.to 11 p.m., at Tom McCall W a­ terfront Park,. The outdoor festival showcases foods from some of Portland's best restaurants. For more information, call 503-248- 0600. scapes of public transit become the stars in print works by F. X. Fosica currently on display in a fee solo exhibit at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate A ve. D in osaurs! — Prehistoric roars reverberate over lush rain forest canopies as the Oregon Zoo takes visitors back millions of years with its summer hlockhusterexhihit, “Donosaurs!" The life-size aminatronic beasts roar, snarl and move with realistic ferocity. Admission is $4 plus regu­ lar zoo admission. Kids Live Large - Kids can Car Show and Festival — ‘ The Three M usketeers' — Currently through Aug. 24, the Lakewood Theatre Company presents this fresh, fast-paced funny adaptation of the swashbuckling trio. Performed at the Lakewood Center for the Arts in Lake Oswego. For tickets, call 503-635-3901. S um m er C oncerts in the Parks — Portland Parks and Recreation sponsors free concerts in neighbor­ hood parks throughout the city during July and Au­ gust. Concert schedules are p o sted on portlandparks.org or call 503-823-5466. 1 C om m unity in M otion - Portland people and land- I Screen Printing 503-762-6042 zoo hours for the discounted price of $2 per person! grab on, push off and glide through the Jurassic in the Dinosaur Revolution exhibit at the Portland C hildren’s Museum. The traveling show runs through Sept. I with di­ nosaur-themed mazes, vivid murals and hands-on, interac­ tive fun. Bite o f O regon - Friday, • Web Design $5.00 Tees PO R T L A N D , OREOON Vancouver area transit agency C-Tran is providing shuttle service to the Clack County Fair, now underway through Sunday in Ridgefield. The shuttles will depart from six locations throughout Clark County. Formorc information, visit www.c-tran.com orcall 360- 6954)123. C h ic k e n * E v en ts Smith Tops Highest Paid Hollywood Actors (AP) — Will Smith, Johnny Depp and Eddie Murphy were the best paid H ollyw ood actors in the past year, according to Forbes m agazine’s special is­ sue “ Entertainm ent All Stars.” Smith, 39, made $80 million in the last year, thanks to block­ busters like “ I Am Legend,” "H ancock” and “The Pursuit of H appyness," for which he was nominated for best actor in the 2007 Oscars. Depp, 45, who straddles both tty»?«»» ♦ Aug. 16, from 11 a.m. to9p.m. at the Walgreen’son Lombard and Greeley, with food, music, cars, games, door prizes, rock climbing, face painting, and lots of fun. Festu Italiana ‘Piazza Italia' - - Aug. 21 thru Aug. 24, Pio­ neer Square will come to life with the rich culture of Italy at the family-friendly Italian cel­ ebration of g»x)d food and mu­ sic featuring the Carter Family Marionettes, competitions in pizza tossing, grape stomp­ ing. dancing, vino and more. Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.. the Third Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel. 1510 S.W. Harbor Way, will host the ongoing weekend series featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene with no cover or minimum purchase. For more infor­ mation, visit pdxjazz.com. OMSI $ 2 1 Jays - The first ____ Sunday of every month can spark your passion for science at the OMSI when admission is just $2. Exhibits and over 200 hands-on; also offered on $2 days is a special reduced admissions of $5 each for the Planetarium, OMNIMAX, and the USS Blueback submarine tours. For more information, visit OMSI.edu. Portland Police M useum - This spring the Portland Police Museum. 1111 S.W. Second Ave. offers a hands-on exhibit on crime scene investigation specifically geared toward school-age children. Visitors will be able to operate an actual fingerprint scanning ma­ chine and examine evidence, and receive a free child safety kit. Free admission. For more information, call 5O3-823-OOI9. June 1 Janice Scroggins June June Reggie Houston & 22 &/or special guest June 29 July 6 Sundays 5-8pm July 13 at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave lin New Season's shopping center) Aug 10 Aug 24 Aug 31 S ept 7 Sept 14 Sept 21 * Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a , New Orleans’ sax legend an< ’’ some'of the'best players’in' town! What could be better? Musicians are welcome to sit in for a jam, so you never .know .w ho. will show upl First Thursday Art Gallery O pening - Ev­ ery first Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and join the street party for gallery receptions and openings introducing the works of many artists; this is a free event. Music Millennium Free S h o w s - The Music Millennium, 3 158 E Burnside, host many in­ house live performances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to meet local artists. Call 503-231 -8926 fora schedule. Free First Friday Nights -- The Portland Lw.ww. r e g g ie h o ust onTcom r P rettnH d by Cannon's Rib Express and SEASONS s’ * nznzn ....“ »••« «tan State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services iN tv ia N d Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Children s Museum has partnered with Tar­ get to provide free admission to everyone on the first Friday of each month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Michael E Harper ( Jregon Zoo Buck Tuesdays - SlidtTsGrill--.SlidersGrill.30l1 N.Lombard, We m oved to our new ItK a lio n at: - On the 2nd T uesday of every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the zimi during regular features an eclectic assortment of perform­ ers on the main stage, accompanied by deli­ cious food. Call 503-459-4488 for more infor­ mation. 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 5 0 3 -2 2 1 -3 0 5 0 Fax 503-227-8757 Agent