Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 06, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    'Dîortbxnh (©bsertier
August 6, 2008
H ealth
Food Lobby Killed Tougher Rules
For tracking
(A P) — O ne o f the worst out­
breaks o f foodborne illness in the
U .S. is teaching the food industry
the truth o f the adage, " Be careful
w hat you w ish for because you
m ight get it.”
T h e industry pressured the
Bush adm inistration years ago to
limit the paperw ork com panies
w ould have to keep to help U.S.
health investigators quickly trace
produce that sickens consum ers,
according to interview s and gov­
ernm ent reports review ed by The
A ssociated Press.
The W hite H ouse also killed a
plan to require the irtdustry to
m a in ta in e le c tro n ic tra c k in g
records that could be review ed
easily during a crisis to search for
an outbreak's source. C om panies
com plained the proposals were
too burdensom e and costly, and
w arned they could disrupt the
availability o f consum ers' favor­
ite foods.
The apparent but unintended
consequences o f the lobbying
success: a paper record-keeping
system that has slowed investi­
gators, w ith estim ated business
losses o f $250 million. So far,
nearly 1,300 people in 43 states,
the D istrict o f C olum bia and
C anada have been sickened by
salm onella since April.
Investigators initially focused
on tom atoes as a culprit. Now
they are tu rn in g atten tio n to
jalapeno peppers.
A form er m em ber o f Bush's
Cabinet and three former senior
officials in the Food and Drug
A dm inistration told the AP that
governm ent food safety experts
did not get the strong record­
keeping and trace-back system
o rig in a lly p ro p o sed u n d er a
bioterrorism law to cope with a
m ajor foodborne illness.
"In retrospect, yes, if they (the
regulations) had been broader
Mark Roh, U.S. Food and Drug Administration's acting regional director, holds a bag of
tomatoes being tested for salmonella bacteria at FDA's southwest regional research lab, in
Irvine, Calif. (AP photo)
H ealth W atch
Persuaded Crusade
M ed ica re O p tio n s E x p la in ed - If you are
confused by M edicare, Mt. Hood C om m u­
nity C ollege can help with a free class called
"W elcom e to M edicare.” The course will be
offered on Thursday, Aug. 14 from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. at the M HCCC Bruning Center, 1484
N. W. Civic Dr. in Gresham . A second session
will be held Saturday, Aug. 16from 10a.m. to
noon in Room 1266 on the M HCC campus.
“A Community Event”
Aug 16,2008 12pm to 5pm
731 N Mason St Portland OR
Entertainment, food, games, and more
Sponsored by
House ofPrayer for All Nations, Inc Youth Dept
“ V eg eta ria n D essert H ea v en ” - Thursday,
Aug. 7, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Mt. Hood
Com m unity College will offer acourseteach-
i ng the art o f cooking low fat and cholesterol-
free nutritious and delicious dessert: $34 fee.
To register, call 503 -4 9 1 -7572.
Tige McSwain, Youth Director • 503.880.5972
Jamila Allen, Event Co-ordinator • 971.275.6589
Leon's Barber Shop
Infant C P R -M onday, Aug. I l,fro m 6 p .m .
to 8 p.m., this class will teach fam ilies how to
perform rescue breathing, CPR and choking
maneuvers for infants 1 to 12 months old; $34
fee. For more inform ation and to register, call
A. D W illiams
1319 NE Fremont St.
Portland, OR 97212
8 AM - 6 PM Tuesday - Saturday
W elco m e to M ed ica re - Thursday, Aug. 14,
Shop: (503) 282-2920
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 16,
from 10 a.m. to noon, Mt. Hood C om m unity
C ollege will provide the free classes explain­
ing the fundam entals o f M edicare allow ing
new recipients to make inform ed decisions
regarding various options available; to reg­
istered! 503-491-7572.
Cell: (S03) 309-4488
State Farm*
Providing ln::u din eawl Fir.inc..:: .wvites
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61 /1U
New horn ('a r e an d F eed in g fro M u ltip les-
T w o S e s s io n C la ss - S atu rd ay , A ug. 16
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
from 1 p in. to 5 p.m . and S unday, A ug. 17
from 5 p.m . to 8 p.m .. th is class series is
d esig n ed for p aren ts ex p ectin g tw o or
4946 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland. OR 9721 /
m ore babies teach in g the b asics o f fee d ­
ing, carin g and estab lish in g ro u tin es. To
reg ister,call 503-574-6595.
N e w b o r n C a r e - S atu rd ay , A ug. 16 from
noon to 5 p.m ., ex p ectan t p aren ts get a
co m p lete look at p rep arin g for the new
arriv al, topics in clu d e b ath in g , d iap erin g ,
safety and answ ers to com m on q u estio n s;
$45 fee p er co u p le. T o reg ister, call 503-
B erea v em en t S u p p o r t G r o u p s -- Free, safe
confidential group m eetings for those who
have experienced the death o f a loved one
offered on various nights and locations. For
inform ation and registration, call 503-215-
M am m ograp h y S creen in g — Early detection
is a key factor in the prevention o f breast
cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your
high-tech, soft-touch m am m ogram .
C a n cer R eso u rce C en ter - Providence St.
V incent M edical Center and the Am erican
Red C ross have jo in ed forces to create the
first in-hospital resource center providing
books, printed m aterial, com puter access
and more for individuals and families dealing
with cancer. T he center is open M onday
through T hursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
F ree B ody B asies - This physician recom ­
m ended class is appropriate for all ages and
health conditions. Plan to attend this one-
session class and learn the sim ple guidelines
for safe exercises, including stretching. Call
503-256-4000to register.
P a ren tin g C la sses — N ew borns d o n 't com e
with instruction m anuals but parents and
and a bit more far-reaching, it
could have helped with this,” said
Robert Brackett, senior vice presi­
dent o f the G rocery M anufactur­
ers A sso ciatio n . "It w o u ld n ’t
have hurt, for sure." Brackett for­
merly w as a top safety official at
the FDA.
U nder pressure in 2003 and
2004, the W hite H ouse agreed to
dilute record-keeping proposals
by FDA safety experts.
"If the FD A had been given
th e re s o u rc e s an d a u th o rity
y ears ag o th at it ask ed fo r to
solve th ese k in d s o f p ro b lem s,
1 th in k w e w ould h av e solved
th is a lre a d y ," sa id W illia m
H ubbard, a fo rm er FD A asso ci­
ate c o m m issio n er.
Tom m y Thom pson, who was
h e a lth s e c r e ta ry d u rin g th e
industry's lobbying cam paign,
acknow ledged that a m ore robust
food-tracking sy stem — opposed
by business groups as too expen­
sive — could have helped stem
the current illnesses and busi­
ness losses.
parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f
to p ic s fro m p a in a n d c h ild b ir th to
breastfeeding to infant CPR and m uch more.
For a schedule o f events, call 503-574-6595 or
visit: providence.org/classes.
H eart T alk S u p p ort G rou p m eets - on the
second Monday o f each month; from 6 p.m. to
8 p.m. For more information,call 503-251 -6260.
M aternity W ater W orkout -- Helping new
moms regain muscle tone, strength, and flex­
ibility, all in the support and freedom o f the
water. Call 503-256-4000formore information.
C ard ia c-R eh a b E xercise C lasses - A medi­
cally supervised exercise program for people
dealing with heart conditions. For more in­
formation,call 503-251 -6260.
- An ultrasound
bone density screening with personalized
education; fee $30. T o schedule an appoint-
ment, cal1503-261-6611.
O steo p o ro sis S creen in g
S tro k e A lert S c r een in g - C heck your ca­
rotid arteries with a painless ultrasound to
assess your risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a
screening, call 503-251 -6137.
L eg A lert S creen in g - Cheek for peripheral
arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screen­
ing using ankle and arm blood pressure. The
fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call
M a n a g in g C h ro n ic H ep a titis C - Third
W ednesday o f each month at 5 p.m., the
inform ative session led by a registered nurse
to help m anage side effects o f m edications
and dosage preparations and adm inistra­
tion; doctors referral required. T o register,
call 503-251-6313.
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m eets the first W ednesday at 4
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third
W ednesday o f each month, from
7 p.m. to 8:30p.m . For more infor­
mât ion,call 503-256-4000.
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