Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 06, 2008, Page 3, Image 3

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    ^Llartlanh ©bsetucr
August 6.2008
Page A3
Local Leaders Form New Partnership with Jefferson
Jefferso n Principal C y n th ia
A non-profit organization run
said the next step is for the
by a prom inent local A frican
backers to establish tim elines,
A m erican family and two giant
roles, and responsibilities, with
institutions in education and gov­
training and im plem entation to
ern m en t have en tered into a
unique partnership to provide
"T he mentoring piece is very
mentoring, career and educational
im portant and it augm ents part­
o p p o rtu n itie s to stu d e n ts at
n ersh ip s we already h av e in
Jefferson High School.
place," Harris said.
T he co llab o ratio n involves
W i I hams T wo said the purpose
the Portland D evelopm ent C o m ­
o f the collaboration is to provide
m ission, P ortland C o m m unity
a 2 1 st Century Educational Model
C o lleg e and the D iversity In sti­
to Jefferson students that coordi­
tute, an o rg an iz atio n charged
nates and collaborates with local
w ith prom o tin g d iv e rsity , e d u ­
schools, governm ent agencies,
ca tio n and b rid g in g the gap
unions, private entities, social
betw een the d isfran c h ised and
and com munity colleges
enfranchised in north and north­
east P ortland.
“ We al I share the understand-
T he in stitute is headed by
ing and know the im p o rtan ce o f
Harold W illiam s Sr. and his son
public involvem ent and g iv in g
Harold W illiam sTw o. The senior
back to the y outh in o u r c o m ­
W illiam s brings prestige to the
m u n ities,” he said. “ W e b eliev e
effort as a long time com m unity
strongly in the five k ey s o f su c ­
advocate, business ow ner and
photo by M ark W ashington AT he P ortland O rserv er
cess: A ccess, a c c o u n ta b ility ,
m em b ero fth e Portland C om m u­
Local business owner and community advocate Harold Williams Sr. (from left); Damon Hickok and Algie Gatewood of Portland
co m m u n icatio n , e d u c atio n and
nity C ollege Board o f Directors.
Community College: Jefferson Principal Cynthia Harris; John Jackley of the Portland Development Commission; and Harold
relatio n sh ip b u ild in g .”
W illiams Tw o is also an executive
Williams Jr. usher in a new partnership to give career and educational opportunities to students at Jefferson High School.
"The key to changing the world
with his father at CH 2 & A ssoci­
PCC will help students with vide internships and jo b shadow ­ is that you must be w illing to
ates and the D iversity Institute career mapping and tracking help, Academy.
It expands on a Jefferson part­ coursework and build school cred­ ing for the Jefferson kids, along change your m ind,” he said.
w ho has w orked in the field o f internships and other exposure
For more inform ation, contact
child developm ent and social to career and educational oppor­ nership that already exists with its, giving them added college with m entoring in a variety of
tunities for Jefferson high School PCC and its Cascade Cam pus, exposure, career counseling, and careers and trades, sum m er jobs Harold C. W illiams T w o at 503-
e m a il
Beginning this fall, the pilot students, with special em phasis across Killingsworth Street from tutoring, both during and after with other partners and business 4 9 0 -0 7 5 5
school hours. The PDC will pro­ exposure.
haroldt wocha@ m sn.com .
program will provide m entoring. on the school’s Young M en's the high school.
Dear Deanna!
I broke up w ith my b oyfriend
o v er som eth in g silly and now I
regret my actions. I th o u g h t he
w as ch e atin g on m e w ith my
best friend but they w ere a c tu ­
ally buying m e a gift. 1 said
som e h o rrib le things to both o f
them and th e y ’re not speaking
to me. 1 w ant to get back w ith
him but I think he is lo o k in g at
my friend b ecause she seem s
m ore m ature than me. W hat
should I do if they start d atin g ?
I know it’s my fault but it’s
going to tear me apart. —M ade
a M istake; A tlanta
Dear Mistake:
You o b v io u sly have trust is­
sues if you c a n ’t feel secure
w ith your m ate or y o u r friends.
Y our fo olish tongue has caused
you to lose y o u r relatio n sh ip
and your friend. T he only thing
you can do is ap o lo g ize to both
p arties and ask your boyfriend
for an o th er chance. If he says
no and goes w ith y o u r buddy,
then you learned a v aluable les­
son and if th e y ’ll do this in your
face, you d id n ’t need them an y ­
Dear Deanna!
I allowed m yself to gel pregnant
because my boyfriend convinced
me that we would be together and
we were going to get married.
Now I am alm ost ready to del i ver
the baby and he has changed his
mind. He m oved out o f my house
and now h e’s not w orking and
living with his mother. I am so
Ask O
Real People, Real Advice
A n advice column known for
its fearless approach to
reality based subjects!
Creole Jambalaya Dinner
The M artin L uther King, Jr.
Loaves and Fishes Center, 5325
N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd., is hosting its third an­
n u al
A u th e n tic
C r e o le
Jam balaya Dinner on Saturday,
Aug. 9, from noon to5 p.m. The
event will include music and
dance dem onstrations.
Teletha Benjamin and Joan
Smith, both o f whom have con­
nections to southern Louisiana,
will be using a traditional Creole-
style recip e passed d ow n in
Teletha’s family. T heevenl raises
money to help serve hot meals to
in northeast Portland.
sum ptuous feast to delight the
“The daily menu at the Marlin ta ste b u d s!”
L u th e r K ing, Jr. C e n te r has
The menu includes authentic
evolvgd to include a variety of C reole-style jam balaya (a non­
soul food entrees," said David seafood version is av ailable),
Lomax, center manager. “The food along with bread, salad, beverage
has received such good reviews and dessert.C ost is $10 for adults
that we decided to make it avail­ and $7 for children. Tickets are
able to the general public for one available from the center. M eals
special night. We guarantee a are available for take-out.
Po’S hines; Cafe de la Soul, a
n on-profit soul food cafe in the
K enton n eighborhood o f north
Portland, w ill be hosting a co m ­
m unity craw fish feed and block
party on Friday, A ug. 8th from
6 p .m . to 10p.m .
W ith live m usic and art. sp o ­
ken w ord, art ex h ib its, fam ily
activ ities and food, the event
hopes to be a unique co m m u ­
n ity c e le b ra tio n to c re a te a
Hosts Local
Crawfish Feed
stronger, safer and m ore united
n eig h b o rh o o d .
For more inform ation or to re­
serve your plate, you can call
poshinests’gm ail.com .
/x \
-Anika; O n-Line R eader
Dear Anika:
You lost your sen se w hen you
decid ed to fall for the oldest
trick in the book. T h ere is no
w ay you s h o u ld ’ve b eco m e
p re g n a n t w ith o u t a h u sb an d
a n d a p la n . Y o u 're g etting ready
to be stuck w ith a baby, a bill for
18 years and a stupid looking
dead beat dad. You need to look
at y o u r re so u rc e s, g et y o u r
m oney and ed ucatio n to g eth er
and grow up. W hen the baby is
born, have a DN A test, get your
child support and be ready to
raise your child and keep it
m oving.
African American
Health Coalition, Inc
Please join
Chip Shields, Oregon State Representative &
Ken Coleman, former contestant on NBC’s Biggest Loser
lor the
6th Ainnal AAHC health walk!
A sk Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I @yahoo.coin or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 128J
upset and don ’ t know what to do. Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
How do I handle this situation? - www,askdeanna.com
Saturday, Aug. 16th a t 9:00 AM
in Dawson P ark (a t N. Vancouver & Stanton)
1.5 mile loop and 5K W alk!
Music, food, & fun!
$20 registration,
children under 6 FREE (m ust be accom panied by an a d u lt)!
Interested in forming a team? Discounts available!
Contact the AAHC
a t 503.413.1850 or www.aahc-portland.org
6111 Annual AAHC HEALTH Walk Registration
3 Beys M arket
(formerly The Old Bee Company)
6728 NE MLK Blvd
Corner of MLK & Dekurn
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
first name
last name
zip code
phone number
Please send registration and check te: African American Health Ceeltfiee, In«.
2800 N Vancouver Ave Suite 100 Portland, OR 97217 ph: 503-413-1150
To pay by credit cord go to www aohe portlond org
5 0 3 2 8 3 8818
signature of participant
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IlK ^portlattb (Obscrucr Established 1970
USPS 959-680 ___________________________________
4 747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211
l.itiior-is Cun i . Pi hi is h i h : ( harles H. Washington
M ic h a e l L e ig h to n
M ark W a sh in g to n
C i n n n D ih ic t o h : P a u l N e u fe ld t
Aovmi i s i s i ,: K a th y L in d e r
E o it o h
OisiHim t h is
M ahaukh :
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