il|C |Jnrtlaxxb © b s e r u e r PageA8 Delivery Contractors C lassifieds / B ids Possible Revenue $80,000/yr + Home daily Fuel Surcharge Day Cab or Straight Truck 1 yr exp. 1-888-336-8979 Iuly 30. 2008 For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for valuable inform ation on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases W eb Page: City of Portland Bureau of Purchases C e r t i f i e d N u r s in g A s s i s t a n t Greater faith Community TEA PARTY position- OPEN UNTIL CLOSEO $10hr+ full benefits after 30days of employment (40hours M-Fri) NO W EEK EN D S or HOLIDAYS Volunteers of America Oregon- Marie Smith Health and Social Center (Albina neighborhood) (a senior adult day service program , w orking in partnership with Providence ElderPlace) For Men & Women A lb e rta S im m o n C o n fe re n c e R M A ug 2 , 2 0 0 8 3 : 0 0 to 6 : 0 0 pm 6 6 1 1 NE M a rtin L u th er K ing JR. Btvd F o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n c a ll M a rth a Thom as 503-841-6942 or 971-533-2800 Eddie Lincoln B ro k e r Hart Realty 9738 SE Washington St., Suite Q Portland, Oregon 97216 Business (M3) 252-2121 Fax(503)252-2621 Cell (503) 789-0861 E Mail eddie.lineoln@eentuiy21 .com Each office Is Independently Owned and Operated The Certified N ursing Assistant (CNA) provides a broad range of personal care, therapeutic and health & wellness support for the d is a b le d a d u lt a n d e ld e rly p a rtic ip a n ts o f th e A d u lt Day Center, with a focus on care for clients identified as having high c a re n e e d s / s p e c ia liz e d c a re needs. Education: CN A certification and tw o years relevant experience E x p e r ie n c e a d m in is tra tin g m edications for seniors and/or p e rs o n ’s w ith d is a b ilitie s in a nursing, ALF, RCF or Adult DayCare setting, is a preferred, but not required. The employee will be required: To be certified for CPR and First Aid (m ust be kept current) To Apply send: Resume and cover le tte r, a c o m p le te d a g e n c y application, and 3 professional references: W ebsite for application: http:// Volunteers of Am erica-Oregon Marie Smith Health and Social Center co/ Tiffany McKenna, Program Director 4616 N. Albina Portland, OR 97217 Nursing M o re th a n you ever ex p ec ted in a p la c e you never G a n g P r e v e n tio n C a s e M a n a g e r expected . (FT Portland, OR) Case m anagem ent & outreach to non-adjudicated youth at risk of jo in in g gangs. A d voca cy, c o u n s e lin g , m e n to rin g & co achin g. V io le n ce p reven tion th ro u g h y o u th s k ill b u ild in g g ro u p s . V o c a tio n a l and educational support. BA preferred & 2+ years exp w orking with at risk youth and families. Knowledge of current gang trends, African A m e ric a n , L a tin o , & A s ia n cultures. Basic com puter skills required. If your career wish list includes th ings like real autonom y, true c a m a ra d e rie , m o re fle x ib ility , g re a te r c lin ic a l e n v iro n m e n t, few er physical dem ands, lower d ia g n o s tic a c u ity , a n d th e opportunity to work side-by-side with doctors and Pas, you’ve come to the right place. And that place is at W exford Health S ources - a nationally recognized le ad er in contracted medical services for correctional facilities. Please join our team as: • HEALTH SERVICES A D M IN -F T Subm it resum es & cover letters via e-mail at:; fax: 503-690-9605 or mail to: L ife W o rk s N W , 1 4 6 0 0 N W Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229 Attn: Hum an Resources. Equal Opportunity Em ployer G r e a t O p p o r t u n it y f o r C .N .A . New W age Scale with Hire on Bonus! ! ! Please contact Cheryl Emerson at 503-288-5967 Send your resum e via fax: 503-287-4127 or email: Stop in for an application at 5737 NE 37th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 M ust be licensed RN City of Eugene, Oregon will receive sealed bids until Tuesday, August 19, 2008, unitl the Bid Closing tim e 2:00 p.m. at the office of the city Engineer, 244 East Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. The bid Opening will be at 2:05 p.m., on Tuesday August 19, 2008 at the above location, at which tim e and place those Bids will be opened and read. Plans and specifications may be reviewed and/or obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 244 East Broadway, Eugene, Oregon 97401, for a non-refundable fee of $15.00 plus $6.50 postage. For other reviewing locations and any question regarding the project please call (541) 682-5560, or use our Engineering Bid W ebsite w w w /Engineering?Bids to review Plans and Specifications. Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla ChiroprcK tic Physician M ust be licensed RN. • L P N -F T , PT, PRN • R N -F T , P t, PRN Com e think of it, yo u ’ll also enjoy a v e ry a ttra c tiv e sa la ry, g re a t benefits, and lots of prom otional o p p o rtu n itie s . For fu ll consideration, contact: Nina Dow, S taffing Consultant; Phone: 412- 937-8874; dow @ W An Equal Opportunity Em ployer M /F/D/V | 4Wexford Health S 3 IJ R C K I N i. 0 R P O R A 1 F U Chandler, Arizona 85226 (480) 706-1100 Attorneys for Petitioner IN AN D FOR THE CO UN TY OF PINAL A M inor No. G C2008-00166 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOIN M EN T OF CONSERVATOR FOR MINOR NOTICE IS GIVEN that M ARGARET NELSON, Petitioner, has filed with the Superior Court a Notice of Hearing on Petition for Appointm ent of Conservator for Minor. Hearing has been set to consider the Petition telephonically on the 28th day of October, at 1:30 P.M. before Com m issioner M cCarville Superior Court Building A, 971 Jason Lopez Circle, Florence, Arizona, 85232, Division 5. Portland Development Commission Request for Proposals # 08-03 Lawson Software Upgrade - LSF 9 (503)228-6140 E njo y F is h in g o n t h e b e a u t if u l S n a k e R iv e r in R ic h la n d , O r e g o n House for Rent Snake River Richland, Oregon Three bedroom s, sleeps 8 + Full kitchen, Cable, W asher and Dryer Rent Daily or W eekly Proposals due August 11, 2008 by 3:00 (PDT) T h e P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n (P D C ) is s e e k in g com petitive proposals from qualified firm s for the provision of consulting, technical, training and related services to upgrade PD C’s Lawson Softw are environm ent and applications to version 9, as outlined in RFP #08-03. The full RFP m ay be obtained from the PDC website , under Formal Bid Opportunities, and ORPIN < >, n o tic e n u m b e r K P 0 0 4 2 -R F P 0 8 -0 3 -0 8 . No p re -p ro p o s a l m eeting is scheduled. Proposals m ust be received no later than the proposal due date and tim e listed above at 222 NW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209. Fax or em ail proposals will not be accepted. Direct any questions regarding this RFP to Daniel Spero, 503-823-3291 (office) or (email). PDC encourages p a rtic ip a tio n o f M / W /E S B firm s in th is and a ll c o n tra c t opportunities. TriMet Hearing Notice B ob’s G uide S ervice available “ B o b k n o w s w h e r e t h e f is h a r e ! ” Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon ( “TriMet") is in the process of issuing its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan for FY 2008-2009. TriM et's proposed aspirational goal for FY 2008-2009 is 11.15%. T riM e t is s e e k in g fe e d b a ck on its D B E p rogra m re g a rd in g contracting opportunities and potential barriers for DBEs. A public hearing will be held at 710 NE Holladay St. in Portland on Septem ber 2 from 10a.m.-Noon. The m eeting room is accessible. The plan can be reviewed weekdays from August 4 to September 4,2008 between 8 a.m .- 5 p.m. at: 710 NE Holladay St. Portland, OR 97232 4012 SE 17th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 Send written com m ents to Bruce M. W atts, TriM et’s Diversity and Transit Equity Senior Director, at 710 NE Holladay St., Portland, OR 97232 or to com m e nts@ trim e Comments will be accepted through September 19,2008. M ore info call Lionel @ 503.933.0200 For alternative form ats, call 503-96 2 -2 2 13 or TTY 503-238- 5811. I All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an am ount equal to five percent (5% ) o f the am ount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Cam as. Bid packages m ay be picked up in the Public W orks Departm ent located at 616 NE 4th Avenue, Cam as, W ashington as of Tuesday, Ju ly 29, 2008, a fte r 10:00 a.m . The firs t se t o f Plans and Specifications will be offered for $40.00 plus tax. The im provem ent for which bids will be received follows: This contract provides for the installation of approxim ately 4,500 lineal fe e t o f 1 6 ” d u ctile iron w a te r m ain, six w a te r se rvice connections, traffic control, tem porary access road construction, HM A overlay and other related items, all in accordance with the attached contract plans, contract provisions, and the standard specifications. The City of Cam as reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than the estim ated cost and to w aive any form ality or technicality in any proposal in the interest of the City. C o n ta ct G ordon D illon at 817-1561 ext 4 2 3 6 fo r a dd itio n a l inform ation. Joan M. Durgin, City Clerk Block U - Impacted Soil Removal NW 6th Avenue and NW Hoyt Street, Portland 1716 N .E . 4 2 nd Ave. Call for an appointment! Sealed bids will be received by the City of Cam as, Office of the Finance D epartm ent, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Cam as, W ashington, u n til 1 0 :0 0 A .M ., Tuesday, A ug ust 1 2 th , 2 0 0 8 and will then and there be publicly read for the construction of the im provem ent. Invitation for bids (Solicitation No. 08-50) Dated this 9 day of July, 2008 Hastings & Hastings, PC Joesph L. Brown Attorneys for Petitioner We are located at • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries CALL FOR BIDS C ITY OF CAMAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C ITY PROJECT NO. WS-660 OSTENSON CANYON TO NW 23RD AVENUE WATER IMPROVEMENTS C h a m b ers , C a m a s M u n ic ip a l C en ter, 6 1 6 NE 4 th A ve., C am as, W A 9 8 6 0 7 . IBRAHEEM RAM ADAN (DOB 10/27/1995) (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) T h e P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n (P D C ) is s e e k in g co m p e titive p ro p o s a ls from q u a lifie d firm s fo r p ro visio n o f providing Property M aintenance Services, as outlined in RFQ #08- 01. The full RFQ m ay be obtained from the PDC w ebsite http:// e.asp. (under Formal Bid Opportunities), or may be obtained from the Oregon Procurem ent Inform ation N e tw o rk (O R P IN ) h ttp ;/ / o rp in .o re g o n .g o v / . n o tic e n u m b e r K P0042-PD C #08-01-08. No pre-proposal m eeting is scheduled. Proposals m ust be received no later than the proposal due date and tim e listed above at 222 NW 5th Avenue, Portland OR 97209. Fax or em ail proposal will not be accepted. Direct any questions regarding this RFQ to Larry W right, 5 03 -82 3 -3 3 28 (office) or w rightl@ (em ail). PDC encourages participation of M/W/ ESB firm s in this and all contract opportunities. B id o p e n in g a t 1 0 :0 0 A .M ., Tuesd ay, A u g u st 1 2 th , 2 0 0 8 in th e C ou ncil In the M atter of the Estate of: P o rtla n d , O R 97213 Portland Development Commission Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #08-01 Property Maintenance Services Proposals due August 21,2008 by 3:00 pm (PT) • R eg ion al M a n a g e r - F T IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA North Game Farm Road - Job #4376 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204 5 03 -82 3 -6 8 55 T h e PO R TLAN D D E V E L O P M E N T C O M M IS S IO N ( C O M M IS S IO N ) w ill receive sealed bids in w riting at the Com m ission’s office located at 222 NW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209 for Block U - Im p a c te d S o il R e m o v a l c o n s is tin g of, b u t n o t lim ite d to . Rem ediation, site preparation, and related w ork located at NW 6th Avenue and NW Hoyt Street, until the deadline of 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight tim e (PDT) on August 19, 2008 (“Bid D eadline”), after which bids will not be received. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Com m ission's Office im m ediately after the tim e o f th e Bid D e a d lin e . Each b id d e r sh a ll s u b m it to th e Com m ission's office the First-Teir Subcontractor Disclosure Form, the Good Faith Effort Com pliance Form 1 and the Good Faith Effort Program Form 2 (the form s of which are contained in the Project M anual) either (1) along with its respective bid or (2) by delivering such item s to the Com m ission's office no later than 4:00 p.m., on August 19, 2008. All W ork shall be preform ed in accordance with the provisions of the Contract D ocum ents contained or referenced in the Project M anual now available at the C o m m issio n ’s office. (5 0 3 -8 2 3 - 3688). Questions, Bids, Good Faith Effort Form s, and First Tier Subcontractor Form s should be directed to Linda Naum cheff, Construction Services Supervisor. (503-823-3322) W age rates as included in the contract, must be paid on the project in accordance with the Com m ission’s Construction W age Policy. The Com m ission may reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Commission that it is in the public interest to do so. The Com m ission is com m itted to acting affirm atively to encourage and facilitate the participation of Em erging Sm all Business (ESB), M in o rity B usiness E n terp rises (M B E), and W om en B usiness Enterprises (W BE) in the Com m ission’s projects and operations. Bidders m ust com ply with established goals and/or good faith efforts in this project as required in the Project M anual. Bidders m ust also com m it to com ply with the C om m ission's requirem ents fo r W o rk fo rc e T ra in in g and h irin g and E q u a l E m p lo ym e n t O pportunity as outlined in the Project Manual. The C o m m issio n 's w orkin g hours are 8:00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m. M onday through Friday excluding holidays. Portland Developm ent Com m ission By Linda Naum cheff, Construction Services Supervisor First Published: Daily Journal of Com m erce July 31, 2008