¿riiv July 30. 2008 ^Jortlanh (Dhserucr PageA7 Art ' V Advertise with diversity /// JJurtlarth (lF)b ser nev ( all 503-288-0013 ads@portlandobserver.com ISIIIIMSHISI ini Summer Movies at Portland Parks Free lineup builds community Looking forfree family activities this sum m er? W ant to enjoy the beauty o f your own neighborhood? Portland Parks and Recreation is once again bringing "Big Screen on the G reen.” a free parks program developed to bring com m unity m em bers and neighbors together for a great sum m er activity in their neighborhood parks. "I love that we can offer som e­ thing in the parks that is both free and an extrem ely positive use o f the park," said Je ff M ilkes, south ser­ vices manager. "The screen is 268 square feet and the projection and sound system are exceptional." M ovies will begin at dusk, be­ tw een 8 p.m. and 8:45 p.m., weather perm itting. Prior to each m ovie at­ tendees will be greeted with vari­ ous entertainm ent. M arquis Soudam ire of Abstract V isionz is presenting a series of movies o f particular interest in north and northeast Portland. &OSfEN Thu. AUG. 28 * 7:30 PM OPENING NIGHT TICKETS $10!* Frl. AUG. 29 Sat. AUG. 30 Sun. AUG. 31 3:30 PM 7:30 PM 1:00 PM 7:30 PM ’ (Excludes Circus Celebrity4*". Front Row and VIP seats. No double discounts ) For the fastest and easiest ways to order tickets, go to www.Ringling.com, comcast .^ '.c o m , The Rose Quarter Box Office or call 1-877-789-ROSE TICKET PRICES: $16 & $22 Limited number of Circus Celebrity, Front Row and VIP seats available. Call for details. (Service charges and handling fees may a p p ly ) Come one hour early to meet our animals and performers at the All Access Pre-show - FREE with your ticket! The upcoming summer movies schedule: • Friday, Aug. 1 - "Shrek 3," Gabriel Park and "Love Jones,” Peninsular Park. •Satu rd ay, Aug. 2 - "W illy W onka & the Chocolate Factory," DeNorval Unthank Park. • S u n d ay, A ug. 3 - "N ancy D rew," Sellw ood Park. • T uesday, Aug. 5 - "The Spiderw lck C hronicles," W oodlaw n Park. • W ednesday, A ug. 6 - "Juno," Colonel Summers Park. • T hursday, A ug. 7 - "E.T.: The Extra- T errestrial," Kenton Park. • Friday, A ug. 8 - F ive Heart Beats,” A lberta Park and "E.T.: The E xtra-T erres­ trial," L aurelhurst Park. •T h u rsd a y , A ug. 21 - "Dirty Dancing," Colonel Sum m ers Park. • F riday, A ug 22 - “Sandlot,” Argay T er­ race Park and "The M ask o f Zorro," Irving Park. • Saturday, Aug. 23 - "The Princess Bride," Lents Park. • Saturday. Aug. 23 - "H orton Hears a W ho,” Hazeltine Park. • Friday, Aug. 2 9 - "Roll Bounce," McCoy Park and "W illy W onka & the C hocolate Factory," Holly Farm Park. •Saturday. Aug. 3 0 -"T he Sound o f M u­ sic," Laurelhurst Park. • Friday, Sept. 5 - "Horton Hears a W ho," Berkeley Park. • Saturday, Aug. 9 - "Zathura: A Space Adventure," Dickinson Park. •T uesday, Aug. 12- "A Few G ood Men," Sellw ood Riverfront Park. • W ednesday, Aug. 13- 'Jerry Maguire." Colonel Summers Park. • Thursday, Aug. 14 - "Spiderm an 3," Brooklyn Park. • Friday, Aug. IS - “ Lord o f the Rings," Femhill Park and "W illy W onka & the Choco­ late Factory," Kenilworth Park. •Saturday, Aug. 16- "Shane," Sewallcrest Park. • W ednesday, A ug. 20 - “ Finding For­ ester,” Grant Park and "Field o f Dream s," Sellw ood Park. $5.00 Tees 3 Jazz Legend ‘Little Giant’ Remembered (A P) - Jazz tenor saxo­ phonist Johnny G riffin, w h o p la y e d a lo n g sid e sueh lum inaries as Lionel H am pton, Art Blakey and T helonius M onk, is being remembered afterhis death last Friday in France. He was 80. Nicknamed the LittleGi- ant, Griffin studied music at th e D u S a b le H igh School in his native C hi­ cago, and joined vibes star H am pton's orch estra in 1945 before leaving with trum peter Joe Morris to join the latter's own band. T hroughout the 1950s, he played with a variety of Johnny Griffin co m b o s, in c lu d in g Art Blakey'sJazz Messengers. He also played alongside cor- Ronnie Scott's described G riffin as netist Na, A dderlcy and recorded a "m ember o f jazz's e lite ... his burn­ with John C oltrane. The fruits of ing solos and furiously nimble runs that collaboration produced the anchored by an am azingly w ell-in­ 1957 Blue Note album for w hich he form ed and com p lete grasp o f is perhaps best rem em bered, "A melody and harm ony, marking him out as one o f the greatest tenor sax Blow in’ Session." Legendary London jazz club players." J ~ j i d d e n "7 re a s u re s G ift & Resale Shop Open Tue - Sat • N EW A ND RE SA LE • C L O T H IN G • LO CA L A RTIST •C O L LE C TA B LE S • BATH & BEAUTY • G IFT BASKETS • HOM E DECOR • VINTAGE PO R TLA N D . OREGON Screen Printing 503-762-6042 Bring this ad In receive $2 o ff your purchase o f $ l() or more Reggie Houston & June 1 June 8 Janice Scroggins &/or special guest June 22 June 29 Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express July 13 Catering XfF»* Chicken * Sausages Events ISHBEB 5410 NE 33rd Ave July 27 Aug 3 in New Season's shopping center) Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a 3 New Orleans’ sax legend and ■bsome'of the'best playersin < town! * Pork Meetings Heel 503-290-4860 Fast Track Marketing FU R N IT U R E & M O RE 1703 NE Alberta Portland. Oregon 97211 FAMILY REUNION LANE FAMILY REUNION • Aug 24 Aug 31 Sept 7 Sept 14 Sept 21 r' What could be better? Musicians are welcome to £ sit in for a jam, so you never ' know.who. will show Supplying Northwest Cooking Woods 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood. Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Call For Appointment (503) 254-0774 — Portland, OR Ask for Paul I P retexted by Cenxon't Rib E ip r e tt M bltS______ n i w n r c r m [www.regg iëhoustonTcom--------- |