luly 23. 2008 Page A6 Eminem is Back - July 23, G eorge T horogood and blue legend Buddy G uy will perform at the Oregon Garden- Amphitheater, 879 W. M ain St., and Sara Evans will perform on July 31. G ates open at 5, with shows beginning at 7 p .m .; bring a blanket, for more inform ation visit or call 50.-874-81 (X). D iv e-In M o v ies — Friday, July 25, Mt. Hood C om m unity College Aquatic Center hosts the family fun sum m er D ive-In M ovies featuring “S u rf s Up” an anim ated tale o f a surfing pen­ guin and on Aug. 1 swim in for “ Ice Age: The Meltdown". For more information,call 503-491 - 7243. O regon B rew ers F estival - July 24 thru July 27 It’s been four long years since Eminem released his last solo album, b u t a s s o c ia te s say th e m u sic m egastar is getting serious about his long-anticipated return. “ Em is excited,” says rapper Bishop Lamont, a fellow protege of Dr. Dre. "H e’s been quiet too long, and he’s got a lot to get off his chest." W hile no release date has been announced for E m inem 's next al­ bum, his label says he’s currently at work in the studio. Em inem was reportedly devas­ tated by the 2(X)6 death o f his close friend Proof in a shooting, but Lam ont says h e’s heard “some am azing stuff” from the 35-year- old provocateur's recent record­ ing sessions. “ He went through what he had to go through, and now h e’s been able to take all the pain and stress and put it out in his music." Natalie Meets Health Challenge with Optimism (A P) G ram m y-w inning singer N atalie Cole has been diagnosed with hepatitis C, her publicist said in a statem ent W ednesday. Hepatitis C is a liver disease spread through contact with in­ fected blood. The statem ent said the disease was revealed during a routine exam ination and was likely caused by her drug use years ago. "I've been so fortunate to have learned so much from my past expe­ riences," said Cole. "I am em braced by the love and support o f my fam ­ ily and friends; I am com m itted to my belief in m yself and in my abid­ ing faith to meet this challenge with a heartfelt optim ism and determ ina­ tion. T his is how I intend to deal with this current challenge in my life." Her physician at Cedars-Sinai M edical C enter in Los A ngeles, Dr. G raham W oolf, said C ole has had a "terrific response to her m edication and is now virus negative." "This gives her an increased chance o f cure," he said. W oolf said Cole is recovering from side effects o f the m edicine she's taking, including fatigue, muscle aches and G reeley, with food, m usic, cars, gam es, door prizes, rock clim bing, face painting, and lots o f fun. W o o d en N ick el S u m m e r C o n certs S eries - from noon to 9 p.m., at the T om McCall W ater­ front Park, beer fans will be able to sample brews from 72 craft breweries. O regon Zoo C o n cert S eries - Enjoy live music- under the stars at the O regon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Rd., the concert series features: Sharon Jones and the D ap-K ings on Friday, July 25, H abib K oite on July 30, and on Aug. I, M atisyahu will perform ; for m ore inform ation or call 503-226-1561. N o rm a n S y lv ester B and - Friday July 25 and Saturday, July 26, at 9 p.m.. Boogie Cat - Norman Sylvester will get the party started at T illicum ’s in Beaverton; for more information call 503-281- 5989. S p iritu a l T ra d itio n s — Sunday, July 27, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Portland Insight M ediation Center, 6536 S.E. Duke St., will host Matthew Flickstein, distinguished author and teacher lecturing at the fundraiser in support o f this inspirational docum entary featuring over 30 spiritual leaders from around the globe. F esta Italian a ‘P iazza Ita lia ' -- Aug. 21 thru Clark County Fairgrounds, 17402 N EDelfel Rd., in Ridgefield, W A; for more inform ation call 503-335-313 2 o r360-397-6180. “ C raw fish o f th e C a rib b e a n ” - Friday, Aug. 8 and Saturday, Aug. 9, the fam ily-friendly Tualatin Craw fish Festival, 8325 NW Nyberg St., offers a wide variety o f food, entertainm ent and fun for everyone; for more inform ation call 503-692-0780. B ite o f O re g o n - Friday, Aug. 8 thru Sunday, Aug. 10, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m ..theT om McCall W aterfront Park, at SW N atio Parkway and C olum bia St., the outdoor festival show ­ cases: Iron C hef O regon- top profes­ sionals com peting for honors in wine and food, live music and more; $7 at the gate, for more information call 503-248- 0600. •T h e T h ree M u sk e te e r s’ - Currently thru Aug. 24, the Lakew ood Theatre C om pany presents the fresh, fast-paced funny adaptation o f the sw ashbuck­ ling trio. Performed at the Lakew ood C enter for the Arts, 368 S. State St. in Lake Osw ego; for tickets call 5 0 3 -635-3901. F ree ‘ R ecess M o n k e y ’ C o n cert - Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.. Recess M onkey the critical ly acclaim ed trio o f Seattle schoolteach­ ers, will bring their undeniably hip kid-friendly music and hum or to the H ollyw ood Library, 4040N E Tillam ook St; for more information call 503-988-5391. Rodeezy and Portland’s most prom inant Spo­ ken word artist in the NW, Blacque Butterfly. A lso fe a tu rin g R o d e e z y . T h e M .A.C.ECenter 126NE Alberta July 25th doors open at 6:00 p.m. A dm is­ sion $ 10. For more inform ation call 503-995-0272. through July 27, W ashing­ ton Park A m phitheatre will host the theatrical adapta­ tio n o f “C h a rlie and the C hocolate Factory." Adult perform ances are scheduled every evening except M on­ days, at 6:3 0 p .m .; and youth perform ances will be at 10 a.m. and noon on Saturdays and Sundays. For more infor­ mation,call 503-402-1994. dehydration. Cole, 58, the daughter of jazz legend Nat King Cole, has sold m illions o f records over her long career. She is due to release "Still Unforgettable," the follow-up to 199 l's G ram m y-w inning, m ulti­ platinum CD "Unforgettable ... With Love," on which she remade some o f her father's classics, in September. r 722 7?? 'N. -Af Sumner ç, at jlibtna Vortiand, 04( 97217 503-445-4959 Mon-Sat 9am-7pm Sun 10am - 6pm Coupon Expires 8 /6 /0 8 Local Green Cabbage 29 cents per pound w/coupon Sweet Cantaloupe 99 cents each w/coupon In-House Specials this week: X-Large Ruby Red Grapefruit 2/S1.00 Organically Grown Pineapple $2.99 Each Big Local Grown Cucumbers 3/ $1.00 S u m m er C o n certs in th e P a rk s - Portland Parks and Recreation spon­ sors free concerts in neighborhood parks throughout the city during July and A ugust. C oncert sched­ ules are posted on orcall 503-823-5466. B eh in d th e S h oji A rt S h o w -Ju ly 26 through C o m m u n ity in M o tio n - Portland people and Septem ber 2, the Portland Japanese G ardens, 6115 K ingston Dr., will host the G arden’s big­ gest art event o f the year featuring Asian- inspired original artw ork and unique gifts; for more inform ation v . landscapes o f public transit becom e the stars in print w orks by F. X. Fosicacurrently on display in a fee solo exhibit at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. D in osau rs! - Prehistoric roars reverberate over Y oung A rtistsC a m p -- July 28 thru Aug. 9, from lush rain forest canopies as the O regon Zoo takes visitors back m illions o f years with its sum m er blockbusterexhibit,"D onosaurs!"T he life-size am inatronic beasts roar, snarl and move with realistic ferocity. A dm ission is $4 plus regular zoo adm ission. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., children ages 10 to 13, will experience the fun, gam es, exercises, writing and perform ances to build confidence and cre­ ativity at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C en­ ter. For more inform ation and to register, call 503-823-4322. K id s L ive L arge - Kids can grab on, push off and glide through the Jurassic in the D inosaur Revolution exhibit at the Portland C h ild ren 's M useum . The traveling show runs through Sept. 1 with dinosaur-them ed mazes, vivid m u­ rals and hands-on, interactive fun. P a in tin g s at R eflectio n s — Reflections Coffee House, 446 N.E. Killingsworth St., is hosting an exhibit o f acrylic paintings o f portraits, outdoor scenes and anim als by G abriella Steele. C o u n try G osp el C o n cert - Saturday, Aug. 2 at C a r S h ow and F estival - Aug. 16, from 11 a.m. 1 p.m., and Saturday, Aug 9 at 11 a.m., Riny Horst will perform county gospel at the 2008 to 9 p.m. at the W algreen’s on Lom bard and Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 6,710 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third D egrees Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor W ay, will host the ongoing w eek­ e n d s e rie s f e a tu rin g Portland’s rich jazz scene with no cover or minimum purchase. For more infor­ mation, visit, - T he first S un d ay o f every m o n th can spark y o u r passio n fo r scien ce at th e O M SI w hen ad ­ m ission is ju s t $2. E x h ib its and o v er 200 h an d s-o n ; also o ffered on $2 d ay s is a sp e­ cial red u ced ad m issio n s o f $5 each fo r the P la n e ta riu m , O M N IM A X , an d th e U SS B lu eb ack su b m arin e tours. F o r m ore in fo r­ m ation, visit O M S I.ed u . O M SI $2 D ays P ortland P olice M useum , 1111 S.W . S econd A ve. o ffers a hands-on ex h ib it on crim e scene in v e stig a tio n sp e c ific a lly g e a re d to w ard sch o o l-ag e ch ild ren . V isito rs w ill be able to o p erate an actu al fin g erp rin t scan n in g m a­ ch in e and ex am in e ev id en c e, an d receiv e a free ch ild safety kit. F ree ad m issio n . For m ore inform ation, call 503-823-0019. F ir st T h u r sd a y A r t G a lle r y O p e n in g - E v ­ ery first T h u rsd ay in the P earl, m eet the artists and jo in the street party for g allery rec ep tio n s and o p en in g s in tro d u c in g the w orks o f m any artists; th is is a free event. M u sic M ille n n iu m F r e e S h o w s - T he M usic M illen n iu m , 3158 E B u rn sid e, host m any in ­ h o u se live p erfo rm an ces. E njoy free m usic and the o p p o rtu n ity to m eet local artists. C all 503-231 -8926 for a schedule. F r e e F ir st F r id a y N ig h ts - T he P ortland C h ild re n ’s M useum has p artn e re d w ith T a r­ g et to p ro v id e free ad m issio n to ev e ry o n e on the first F riday o f each m onth from 5 p.m . to 8 p.m. H ip -H o p D a n ce C la ss e s — V ancouver-C lark P ark s and R e c re a tio n is h o stin g fam ily frien d ly h ip -h o p d an ce classe s for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rh y th m , tech n iq u e, co o rd in a tio n , ag ility and team w o rk th ro u g h urban dance m oves. For m ore in fo rm atio n , call .360-696-8236. S u n d a y N ig h t J a z z — Jazz e n th u sia sts can en joy listen in g to the cool sounds o f M el B row n, in the R ogue R iv er R oom at C h in o o k W inds C asin o R esort in L incoln C ity . No co v e r charge. Bicycle sale and repair shop with a full line of accessories for all your cycling needs Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland OR 97217 503 2Rfi 1103 Fax 903 2861146 ernie.hill h5inMSstatefarrn com pus GYM L ive Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday from 8 cade yding State Farm * Providing Insuidhte and Finai’cu; 503*281-0255 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service’5” O O regon Z oo B uck T u esd a y s - On the 2nd Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo during regular zoo hours for the discounted price o f $2 per person! P o r tla n d P o lic e M u se u m - T h is sp rin g the P oetry in M otion P o etry S lam - Featuring “ R oald D a h l's W illy W o n k a ” - Currently Natalie Cole Aug. 24, Pioneer Square will com e to life with the rich culture o f Italy at the fam ily-friendly Italian celebration o f good food and music featuring the C arter Fam ily M arionettes, com ­ petitions in pizza tossing, grape stom ping, danc­ ing, vino and more. 122 N. Killingsworth St Leon's Barber Shop Family owned/operated. Extremely Competitive Monthly Membership Kates! “// \ NEVER too late to yet in shape!! ” Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 A. D . W illiam s Barber 1319 NE Fremont St Portland. OR 9 7212 8 AM • 6 PM Tuesday • Saturday 4545 NE M LK Jr. Blvd. PDX, 97211 503.288.4717 michael @ Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. Shop: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -2 9 2 0 Cell: (S03) 309-4488 Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 graphics panndrw(s>yahoo.coni Quality Design and Business Support Graphic Design Logos • • Signage Company Identity • • Outdoor Events Ad Design • Web Design i BRIDGETOW N r REALTY IB