Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 23, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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e JJortlanb (Observer
Iuly 23. 2008
M inister Steve Lawrence
TD Jakes Ministries
Portland, Oregon
Reed College campus and main building.
Free College Course
Music Workshop, Concert,
Gospel Preaching
For low-oncome
Portland-area adults
O regon Council for the H um anities, in
partnership with Reed Col lege, offers eighth
year of free college-level hum anities course.
H um anity in P ersp ectiv e ( H IP ), a free,
tw o -sem ester, co lleg e -lev e l c o u rse in the
h um anities for low -in co m e ad u lts in P ort­
land o ffered by the O reg o n C o u n cil for
the H um anities (O C H ) and Reed C ollege,
is cu rren tly ac cep tin g ap p lica tio n s for
the 2 0 0 8-09 y ear until Friday, July 25,
July 24 -27,2008
Anti-Immigrant Measure Challenged
Thursday & Friday - 6:30PM
Music Workshop
st Church:
H ighland Christian Center
7600 NE Glisan Sh Port Jan d, Oregon
ndm inistries.org
Saturday- 7:00PM
Minister Steve Lawrence
DaNell Daymon and Royalty
Of Seattle, W ashington
Host Pastor:
Rev. Dr. W.G. Hardy Jr.
-,.. ».4 • -
(Guest Soloist)
.. .
more information contact:
Minister Steve Lawrence
'f,! ■. s " w Î
A pplications are available for dow nload
on the OCH w ebsite (w w w .oregonhum .org
< http://w w w .oregonhum .org/> ) or by re­
quest from Sarah Van Winkle, OCH Program
Coordinator, at (5 0 3 )2 4 1 -0543.
A pplicants must be 18 years o f age or
older, able to speak and write fluently in
English, and w illing to com m it to attending
class tw o evenings per week during the
seven-m onth program. A pplicants should
not already have a bachelor’s degree and
are not required to have a high school
diplom a orG ED .
V irg in ia Cqtc
Pot tland. Oregon,
73 VP
A hroad coalition has form ed to educate
voters o f the consequences Initiative Peti­
tion 19 would have on O reg o n 's children
and eco n o m y . T h e u n fu n d ed m an d ate
term ed "E nglish L anguage In struction”
would prohibit teaching a public-school stu­
dent in a language other than English for
more than two years. This N ovem ber, O r­
egonians will have the choice to reject or
pass a law which wil 1 take control away from
local school boards, fam ilies and educators.
“M any o f these children suffer from eco­
nomic hardship and som e have spent years
in refugee cam ps with no form al schooling
before com i ng to O regon,” said key s Jam a o f
the C enter for Intereultural Organizing.
Sim ilar m easures passed in other states
have been show n to hinder the ability o f
children to learn English. In California, a
recent study revealed that, six years after an
anti-bilingual education m easure’s passage,
ju st one-quarter o f a H ispanic pupils could
expect to be reclassified as fluent in English.
Last year, there w ere 62,084 students
enrolled in English language developm ent
program s in O regon school districts.
In Loving Memory
Everett Martin
Everett Martin died July 11, 2(X)8 at his hom e
surrounded by fam ily and friends. Services were held
______________ Monday, July 21 at H ighlandChris-
tian Church, 7600 N.E.
G lisan St.
He w as b o rn on
M arch 14, 1959 in
B eaum ont, T exas to
the union o f Robbie
and Everett M artin Sr.
He a tte n d e d K in g ,
Sabin and Vernon el­
em entary schools and
graduated from John
A dam s High School in
northeast Portland.
He was most recently em ployed
with TriM et as a rider advocate.
P revious em p lo y m en t included
work with the Youth G ang O ut­
reach program . theC risis Response
T eam , the M eier and Frank w are­
house and the Political Inn tavern.
He enjoyed going to Spirit M oun­
tain Casino, howling and dominoes,
but his true pleasure was when he
w as surrounded by children o f all
ages, starting with his son, Everett.
A nother enjoym ent, as well as ac-
/n o m m u n ity
c a le n d a r
“Field Day - A Day in the Life
of the Water Bureau”
1 X wm
T h u rsd ay , Ju ly 24, the W ater B u­
reau in v ites the public to p a rtic i­
pate in this free ev en t featu rin g
the o p era tio n and m ain ten an ce
o f P o rtla n d ’s d rin k in g w ater sy s­
tem. for m ore inform ation call 503-
West African Dance
BY JANUARY 1 st , 2 0 0 9
The tru e a ro m a o f fo o d . V in ta g e p la id m in u s the
"post b a r " s m e ll. Just a c o u p le o f th in g s to r e d is c o v e r
as b a rs , b in g o h a lls a n d b o w lin g ce n te rs g o s m o k e fre e
fo r the h e a lth o f th e ir e m p lo y e e s a n d p a tro n s
S atu rd ay s, cu rren tly thru July 26,
from 3 p.m . to 4 :30 p.m .; R ichard
S o k p o r, a fo rm er m em b er o f the
N a tio n a l D a n c e C o m p a n y o f
G h an a will in stru ct classes for
age 14 and up at the In terstate
F ireh o u se C u ltu ral C en ter, 5340
N. In terstate A ve. T o reg ister,
call 503-8 2 3 -4 3 2 2 o r ju st drop in!
Gathering of the Gardeners
T hursday. July 3 1 from 4 p.m. to 7
p.m. the Alberta C ooperative G ro ­
cery Store will host the open trade
market for gardeners to exchange
seeds, tools, produce and more; for
m ore inform ation contact 503-287-
Viva La Raza' Rebel
Reading Circle
W ed n esd ay s, cu rren tly thru July
30, at 7 p.m . at the B read & R oses
C en ter. 8 19 N. K illin g sw o rth St..
com plishm ent was his help on the
annual Seattle and Portland picnic.
He was know n as a good, giving
and thoughtful man.
He leaves to cherish his m em o­
ries, tw o brothers, Elston M artin Sr.
and E d w ard “ Pee
W e e” M artin ; his
so n E v e r e tt an d
d a u g h te r D e lia h
R o ss; fiv e a u n ts,
Bonnie W eens, Bar­
b ara W a sh in g to n ,
C o ra M y e rs an d
Elizabeth Branch, all
o f New York; three
cousins, Clint Bowie,
K eith B ranch and
Travis Bowie, all o f New York; five
nieces, Shai wanna Martin, Danielle
G o n z a le s , D o m in iq u e M a rtin ,
M akela M artin and T asha Martin,
al I o f Portland; six nephew s, Elston
M artin Jr., D ’A ngelo and Shapiro
M artin, Edw ard M artin Jr. and A n­
tonio M artin, all o f Portland; his
significant other D ebra Sm ith o f
P ortland; his adopted m om m a,
Juanita Clark o f Portland; and a
host o f relatives and many friends.
A rrangem ents by Cox & Cox
Funeral Chapel.
d isc o v er the stolen history o f d e ­
fiant o rg an izin g by farm w orkers,
stu d en ts and C h ican a fem in ists
in the te llin g o f th eir d ram atic
story; for m ore in fo rm atio n call
MHCC Par Excellence
Golf Scramble
T u esd a y , A ug. 5, startin g at 7:30
a.m .. at the S tone C reek G o lf C lub
in O reg o n C ity ,.s p e n d the day
, g o lfin g for a good cau se the event
b en efits the Mt. H ood C o m m u ­
nity C o lleg e S ch o larsh ip Fund;
$ 150 fee includes green fees, eart,
and m ore; for m ore in fo rm atio n
call 5 0 3 -4 9 1-7206.
Summer in the City
Sunday, Aug 3, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.,
A ugustana Lutheran Church, 2710
NF. 14 Ave. will host a free celebra­
tion o f diversity in the heart o f the
city; featuring food, fun, jazz, gos­
pel, bluegrass and more on the
church lawn.
Guide to Summer Stargazing
T h e se c o n d M o n d ay o f ea ch
m onth the Ml. H ood C om m u n ity
C o lleg e P lanetarium Sky T h eater
g u id e s sta rg a z e rs th ro u g h the
m y steries o f the u n iv erse, show s
are at 7 p.m . and 8 p.m .; $ I ad m is­
sion. for m ore in fo rm atio n visit
planetarium skytheater.com o r call