|uly 16. 2008 Page A9 ]Porfland GL s e r v e r Auf© R evuew News and reviews on new motor vehicles 2008 BMW 128i Convertible Droppin’ the Top and Soakin’ Up the Sun K athleen C arr Ah, sum m er tim e to drop the top and soak up some sun. If you’re looking tojoin the convertible club, BMW has added a model to the mix with its I Series, w hich is new to the U.S. for 2 0 0 8 .1 tested a 128i con­ vertible with the 230-horsepow er inline-six-cylinder engine. The 128i is everything you'd ex­ pect from BMW. It offers a robust engine, engaging rear-w heel-drive dynamics and com municative steer­ ing. It also com ports itself well as a convertible (a coupe version o f the I Series is also offered). W hat's b o u n d to m ak e b u y e rs g a sp , though, is the price tag for this pint- sized ragtop, w hich can reach $40,000 easily once som e basic options are added. The 1 Series convertible has a standard pow er-operated cloth top, as opposed to a pow er-retractable hardtop I i ke the B M W 3 Series con­ vertible. O ne o f the advantages of a retractable hardtop is that it lets the convertible keep the sleek lines o f its coupe counterpart. As you might expect in a convertible, rear and over-right-shoulder visibility with the top up isn't as good as it is by R unning O ur N ation Into the G round con tin u ed fro m A 4 Bush, a self-styled war president, ‘the normalization o f w ar’ was thus established." W hat’s more,Carroll writes, un­ d er form er D efense S ecretary Donald Rum sfeld, the Pentagon in 2002 em barked "on the stun­ ning project o f developing a new generation o f nuclear w eapons in­ cluding a burrow ing device de­ signed to go after underground targets and ‘m ini-nukes’ to be used in concert with a conventional attack.” T he effect o f all this, C arroll w rites, "is to leg itim ize nuclear- b ased p o w er p o litic s , g iv in g o th e r n atio n s, frien d and foe . alik e, co m pelling reaso n s to a c ­ q u ire a nuclear ca p ac ity , if only for d eterren ce, and prom pting them to behave in sim ilar w ays." C arro ll says the U .S. return to n u c le a r d e v e lo p m e n t w as to sp u r Iran and N orth K orea to b ecom e n u clear-cap ab le and to m ake states that ren o u n ced the ato m — such as B razil, E gypt. South A f r ic a - - rethink that d e ­ cision. M eanw hile, Carroll says, Rus­ sia, China, Israel, India and Paki­ stan “are all furiously adding to their nuclear arsenals" and "The Pentagon has becom e the engine o f proliferation." If the public hasn’t figured it out yet. the United States of America cannot go on this way forever, ! spending nearly half o f every tax dollar on war. It is being run by a criminal enterprise, just as surely as if some family of M afia gangsters occupied the W hite House and ; decided to loot the world. The Bush regim e is in Iraq to steal oil, to sw indle taxpayers, to give lucrative defense contracts to its friends, to fleece m otorists, to explode radioactive am m uni­ tion, to test new w eapons, and to intim idate the world. And the tyrannosaurus Rex in j the family room sm ashing ourdo- m estic tranquility is the military in d u strial co m p lex . P resid en t Eisenhow er had the guts to warn us o f it. Sen M cCain is a traveling salesm an for it. And Sen. Obam a, w ho seem ed to be the last best hope for checkm ating it, appears in his July 3 call forexpandingthe m ilitary, to have sold out to it. j W hat now, peace-lovers'.’# Sherwood Ross is a Miami- bused writer formerly employed as a reporter at the ( 'hieago Daily News. Specifications: 3.0-Liter DOHC, 230-hp @ 2 00 Ib-ft. torque, 24-Valve Inline 6-Cylinder engine: 6-Speed manual transmission; 18-City 28-Highway MPG: $41,950. MSRP in the coupe, but it's not terrible, either. If you're looking at the 1 Series convertible prim arily as a car for Sunday drives, the 230-hp, 3.0-liter inline-six-cylinderengine in the 128i should provide m ore than enough thrust. The inline design o f the engine yields im pressive sm ooth­ ness, and the engine also provides quite a bit o f low -end pow er that's appreciated in city driving. I'm not a huge fan o f BM W 's e x tra -ta ll m anu al tran sm issio n shifters, but I'd definitely favor the greater control and slick overall operation o f the standard six-speed manual to the autom atic. You also pay a small highway gas mileage penalty with the autom atic; it gets 18/27 mpg city/highw ay, compared to 18/28 mpg for the manual 128i. BMW recom m ends prem ium gas. B M Ws are known for exceptional handling, and the 1 Series contin­ ues that legacy. The rear-wheel- drive 128i rewards the driver with nicely balanced cornering perfor­ m ance and a chassis that's entirely com fortable pow ering out o f a turn. Contributing to the sporty driv­ ing experience is the steering sys­ tem. which offers good feedback and requires a little m uscle to steer thecar. Som e people might not like the extra effort needed to turn the F or Y our H ealth L arry L ucas Sum m er is a sea­ son o f celebrations. G raduations, family reunions and h o li­ days provide oppor­ tunities for catching up with friends and lo v e d o n e s . F o r many, these special occasions also m ean parties filled with lots o f delicious, yet high- calorie, food. But with the National Institutes o f Health reporting that more than half o f all African Ameri- by readily available to treat a w hole host o f diseases, in­ cluding many that are linked to obesity, such as type 2 dia­ betes. But prescription m edi­ cines are not the solution to the obesity crisis - lifestyle changes are. In fact, being overw eight can impact the effectiveness o f y o u rm ed icin es. A recent study by W ake Forest U niversity found that participants who were obese had h ig h er blood pressure and blood sugar levels and m ore abrior- wheel — it's not one o f those steer­ ing wheels you can easily spin with a fin g er— but I like this setup, and I imagine the enthusiasts that BMW caters to will like it as well.A big concern with convertibles in gen ­ eral is structural rigidity, which is com prom ised when you remove the roof. In the 128i convertible, though, there's no noticeable flex in the body, and the convertible's w ind­ shield pillars only shake slightly when you hit a large bum p in the road. The 128 i convertible 1 tested fea­ tured the $1.300 Sport Package, which features 17-inch wheels shod with perform ance tires, sport seats, D on’t Let Summer Sabotage Your Health For exam ple, w hile it’s w onder­ ful to say y o u 're going to “eat healthier," a better goal would be to “eat five servings o f fruits or veg­ etables five days a w eek." This holds you to a clear standard, but is also flexible. For our kids, sum m er vacation is a particularly important time to rein­ force good eating and exercise hab­ its. A study published by the A m eri­ mal cholesterol profiles than did norm al-w eight participants, even though the form er group took more m edications for these conditions that are com m on heart disease risk factors. I know w hat y o u ’re thinking: "Som e people ju st aren’t built to be tall and thin," or, " I ’m big boned!" Yes, genetics play a part. But it's the things we can control - like diet and exercise habits - that primarily contribute to obesity. T o start rein­ ing in yourdiet and kicking up your exercise, it’s important toestablish goals that are m easurable, specific and attainable. can Journal o f Public Health found - indulging in a piece o f cake at that one m easure o f obesity rose your daughter’s graduation party more than twice as fast when kin­ is okay! W hat is im portant is to dergarten and first-grade students exercise more often than not, and to wereon summer vacation than when fill most o f your diet with fruits and they were in school. D on't let these vegetables, w hole grains and lean be the lazy days o f sum m er - try meats. These changes w o n ’t just taking them to the park instead of help you look better - y o u 'll feel play ing video games, and give them better too. Larry Lucas is a vice president water instead o f soft drinks. M anaging your weight this sum ­ fo r Pharmaceutical Research and mer isn’t about depriving yourself Manufacturers o f America. ____________THE____________ SPINACOUJMN Being overweight isn’t just about vanity - it’s staying alive. can adults are overw eight o r obese, we need to learn how to celebrate without a side o f sweet potato pie. B eing o v erw eig h t is n 't ju st about vanity - it’s staying alive. O besity steals years, and in some cases whole decades, from your life. A ccording to the NIH, young African A m erican men w ho are obese lose up to 20 years o f life; African A m erican women, up to 5. W hen you think o f it that way, it’s a lot easier to say no to the hot dogs and yes to lean m eats like chicken at the next cookout! W e’re lucky to live in an age w hen innovative m edicines are a sport suspension and different trim. Even with this package the ride was tolerable on rougher pave­ ment. W ith the top up, the cabin is well-isolated from its surroundings, but with the top down at 60 mph it's a little windy in the driver's seat. Simple elegance is the name o f the gam e with BM W 's interiors, which have a modernity to them that isn't found in all luxury cars. The 128i convertible's cabin is a good exam ple of this design con­ cept, as it features mostly plain surfaces splashed w ith upscale accents, like gray poplar wood trim. The 128i convertible is a fairly small car, but there's enough room in the front seats for taller people to get com fortable, and headroom with the top up is good. Leather seats are optional, and the sport buckets provide com fortable cush­ ioning and have side bolsters that grip the sides o f your torso, which is ap p re cia ted w hen co rn erin g quickly. T he co u p e has six stan d ard airb a g s, in c lu d in g sid e -im p ac t airbags for the front seats and side curtain airbags. An electronic sta­ bility system and antilock brakes are also standard. The convertible loses the side curtain airbags, but keeps the side-im pact airbags and features popup roll bars. T he 1 S eries a lso c o m e s w ith a full co m p lem en t o f tech n o lo g y : B luetooth for the phone, USB co nnection for the iPod and S irius satellite radio, HD rad io and a prem ium sound system for the audiophile. W hether due to higher gas prices or an iffy econom y, many car buy­ ers are considering sm aller, less expensive alternatives to what they might have purchased ju st a few years ago. Despite the other m odels in its price range, the 128i convertible still seem s like a lot o f m oney for such a small car. C onvertibles are often play cars, though, where price matters less than it w ould in an­ other segment. If that's what your convertible will be, then the driver's seat o f a 128i droptop seems like a great place to pass the spring and sum m er months. An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 25. Chiropractic and Fitness: The way to wellness in the eighties : I continue to hear that diet well as alcohol. Get plenty o f exer­ entire chem istry. Finally, always and exercising are helpful cise. For most people it only takes keep a healthy nervous system. an hour or so a week to stay fit. C hiropractic is especially suited in m aintaining a strong body. But w here do I begin? There is so W alking at a brisk pace with gd for understanding the effect o f much literature and when I ask my arm swing isexcellent. Rest is para­ stress on the nervous system and doctor he seem s unconcerned. mount. Everyone feels better after how to elim inate it. Total fitness a good nights sleep. In C hiroprac­ can be only a cal I away and worth How can I get started? : A good way to begin is with tic, w e wi II often recommend relax­ so much more than just another the basics. Since 1895 C h i­ ation exercises as well. Have a jo y ­ pain prescription. Isn't it tim e you ropractic has been the leader ful in spirit. Scientists know now that stepped up to safe effective C h i­ our attitudes actually affect our ropractic? teaching the basics o f health to our society. G ood health must include proper nutrition. A gen­ eral rule o f thum b is that foods 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 high in fiber are best for you. Limit P h o n e : ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 your meats and refined foods as Q A Flowers' Chiropractic Office Stay In Touch with Your Health Saturday, August 2,2008 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. A Day of Wellness for Women of Color Join us for a m orning of educational talks by trusted health professionals, with screening tests, information, tasty healthful eats and fun activities related to your well-being! Hormone Therapy and Menopause • I leart 1 lealth - blrxrd pressure, body tat measurement, cholesterol testing, bhxxl sugar analysis 8:30 a.m. Presented by Dr. Linda Mixire, OB-GYN • Stroke Screening assessment Keeping a Healthy Colon • Colonvtal Screening - take home kits to test for blrxxJ in stool 9:30 am . Presented by Dr. Angela Iewis-Traylor, surgeon Cancer Risk Reduction: Screening, Lifestyle and Nutrition 10:30 am Presented by Dr. Nathalie Johnson, surgeon, and Marti Reed, RD, I D, dietitian Legacy Cancer Services FREE!! REGISTRATION REQUIRED! Call 503-335 3500 to register. For m ore inform ation, call 503 413 7284. with stroke risk mini- Information and activities related to a variety of health topics and com m unity resources will be offered, including breast health, can­ cer prevention, chair massage and exercise*. Participants include the African American Health L oalltion, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the Breast & Cervical Cancer Program and the American Cancer Scx’iety. I egacy Health System, a n o n profit orqanizatton, includes F manuel Hospital A Health Center, F manuel ( hi Wren's Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital A M edwal C M ount Hood Medical ( enter, Salmon Creek Hospital I egacy Climes and C areMark, Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO 2008 CHF 0 0 Î9 I Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Family Living Center 8725 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, OR The following screenings and blood tests will be offered: www.legacyhealth.org Funded by the Good Samaritan Foundation r, Meridian Park Hospital, Legacy Cancer Services LEGACY Hr Tilth