Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 16, 2008, Page 5, Image 5

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July 16. 2008
Sizzling Summer Salads
Enjoy a bounty o f healthy and delicious perfection fresh from the garden or your local farmers
market. With all the barheques, picnics anti friendly get-logetliers, it's a perfect time for sharing
favorite foods ami lasting memories.
Q 11 m n i A r Q • t 1 < >/ 1 T i IK
^ U I I llI lC I u d t
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" u ' ’m 'lim et ju st
a m p le salads for side dishes o r as the main attraction.
M ost salads require little a r no cooking o r i f they do require cooking it can be
done well a head o f time when it is cooler outside. Ilie wide range o f fresh p roduce that is available is never belter - and the prices
are their low est while the quality is usually at its highest. Here are a few o f o u r fa v o rite salad lips.
• Be sure to use fresh seasonal
• Use extra virgin olive oil and vin­
egar or lemon juice for vinaigrettes.
• Use herbs to flavor the dressing,
and m aybe mustard, or ch ili's, or
garlic to further punch up that fla­
• W hen serving, most sum m er sal­
ads look best on a platter rather
than in bowls to show off the ingre­
• D on't be afraid to substitute low
fat in gredients in m ost salad reci-
• Any salad can be served in a slice
o f melon, half o f a pear or peach, in
a decorative lettuce leaf, on half of
a muffin, in a tortilla cup, in a hol­
lowed out pepper or halved cucum ­
ber, or any of a variety o f decorat i ve
touches that you think will blend
well with your salad.
• Add some crunch to your salad
w ith sesam e seed s, su n flo w e r
seeds, cooked bacon, toasted nuts,
ramen noodles,chow mein noodles,
crum bled tortilla or potato chips.
crushed croutons, or French fried asaladspeciul.C onsidersprinkling
onions. T o make sure these ingre- on some paprika, chopped parsley,
dients stay crunchy, add them right chervil, chives or other fresh herbs,
before serving.
diced red onions, diced olives, diced
• Even a simple garnish helps make m eats, d iced p e p p e rs, to a ste d
chopped nuts, sliced m ushroom s,
or other ingredients. Don't forget
the stand-bys o f sliced p ep p er
rings, hardboiled egg slices, or
sliced pickles.
Ingredients for life
BLT Salad
In g re d ie n ts
• I pound bacon
• 3/4 cup mayonnaise
• l/4 c u p m ilk
• I tsp. garlic pow der
• 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper
• salt to taste
"On a hot summer af­
• 1 head romaine lettuce - rinsed,
ternoon this delicious
dried and shredded
• 2 large tom atoes, chopped
salad is perfect. ”
• 2 cups seasoned croutons
• 2 hard boiled eggs, optional
• 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
• I large avocado, peeled, seeded, thinly sliced
Or Northwest Grown
Sweet Cherries S2 98 lb.
SAVEuptoS4.01 lb.
D ir e c tio n s
1. Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. C ook over medium high heat,
turning frequently, until evenly browned. Drain, crum ble and set aside.
In a blender or food processor, com bine m ayonnaise, milk, garlic-
pow der and black pepper. Blend until smooth. Season the dressing with
3. C om bine lettuce, tom atoes, bacon aijd croutons in a large salad bowl.
Toss with dressing, and serve imm ediately.
Pork S p aren te
2-lb. Blueberries
froren. Sold in a 10-lb. box at $9.90 ea.
SAVE up to $16.00 ea.
Or Ron Raspberries
Hall flat S‘l 9 9 «
SAVE up to $5 00 ea
i Farms
Greek Picnic Salad
“Nothing tastes more like summer
than tomatoes, cukes and peppers
from the garden, and this salad
showcases them all to perfection!
This is a summertime family
favorite at our house."
vurdly fresh
Rancher's Reserve1
Beet Ribeye Steak
S a la d
D re s s in g
6 ripe tomatoes, chopped
2 green bell peppers, seeded and diced
I red onion, diced
2-3 cucum bers, seeded and diced
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
I can black olives, sliced lengthwise
1/4 pound feta cheese, crum bled
Foster Farms
Lean Ground Turkey
Bone-in. Extreme Value Par*. Or Cooked 31 to
40-ct. Shrimp ® $6 99 lb. Froan/thawed
SAVE up to $5.50 9).
SAVE up to $4.49 un 2
F quai on t r«i«sFn vAiur
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbs. lemon juice
2 Tbs. w ine vinegar
I 1/2 Tsp. Dijon mustard
1/8 tsp. black pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced
tree Sweetened
CluliPnct SI » » .
SAVE up Io S2 48 oil 2 II»
D ir e c tio n s
1. Toss the salad ingredients in a large non-metal bowl.
2. Place all the dressing ingredients into a food processor or blender:
process until well blended and toss with salad ingredients. M arinate for
at least 30 minutes.
Fresh Alaskan Sockeye
Bacon Sale!
Salmon Fillets
12-02. Jimmy Bean 16-az. Butcher > Cut a
16-oz. Far mbnd. Selected variétés.
SAVE up to S5.99 on 2
Weather permitting
SAVE up to $10.00 A
“Throughout the M edi­
terranean, bread salads
have long been a staple.
This particular version is
an excellent way to use
up leftover pita bread.
Serve with a glass o f dry
white wine. "
Lucerne M ilk
Galon. Whole. 2%. 1%.
Skim Supreme or fat free
At checkstand. first item
will scan at regular price,
second item will reflect
Chips Ahoy! or
Toasted Chips
General Mills
10.710 14.25-02.
Selected varieties
SAVE up to S5 29 on 2
6 to 1525-02
Selected varieties
SAVE up to S3 79 on 2
Broccoli Crowns
C M Prior SI M ill,
SAVE lip Io
nt »
Fattoush Salad
In g r e d ie n ts
• 2 pita bread rounds, 3 to 4 days old and each 8 inches in diam eter
• I cucum ber, peeled, halved, seeded and diced
• Salt for sprinkling cucum bers, plus salt to taste
• 3 tomatoes, seeded and diced
• 6 green on io n s, including ten d er green portions, cut into slices 1/
4 inch thick
• I green bell pepper, seeded and diced
• 1/3 cup coarsely chopped fresh mint
• 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
• 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro
• Freshly ground pepper, to taste
• 2 large garlic cloves, minced
• 1 /4 cup lemon juice
• 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
• I small red onion, diced
Crystal Geyser
35-pack. 169-07. bottles
SAVE uptoaoc
Safeway SELECT
Ice Cream
1.75 gt
Selected varieties.
SAVE up to $5 99 on 2
D ir e c tio n s
1. Preheat an oven to 375 degrees F.
Minute Maid or
Florida’s Natural
Orange Juice
Safeway SELECT'
64 02 Selectee varieties
Club Price S3 00 ea.
SAVE up to S? 78 on 2
24-02 Select«! varieties
Club Price: $2 50 ea
SAVE up to SI 38 on 2
Charmin Bath
Tissue or Bounty
Paper Towels
12-02 cans.
24-Pack Coors
Or 30 -Pack Bud or Mitici
Selected varieties
Plus deposit xi Oregon
SAVE up to $1100
24 Big Hull Charmin
or12-Big Roll Bounty
SAVE up to $6 00
2. Split each pita bread into 2 rounds by separating it along the outside
seam: then tear the rounds into I-inch pieces. 3. Spread the pieces out
on a baking sheet. Bake until lightly golden and dry. 10 to 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and place in a howl.
4. M eanwhile, spread (he diced cucum ber on paper towels in a single
layer, salt lightly and let drain for 15 minutes. Transfer to a colander, place
under cold running water for a few seconds and then pat dry with clean
paper towels.
5. Add the cucum ber, tomatoes, green onions, bell p e p p e rm in t, parsley
and cilantro to the bread. Season with salt and pepper and toss well,
ft. In a small bowl, whisk together the garlic, lemon juice and olive oil.
Season to taste- with salt and pepper. Drizzle over the vegetables and
bread and toss well
7. T ransfer the salad to a platter and serve imm ediately.
Serves 6.
I t ’s Peak Season
j É a RN 6A5
L y<7l/ S'
Products m ay n o t be av.idabic m ail
«torto $«••• <jif11 <K(h fo r drtatK . te n m
and ;<yxt'tK>rn Myt<h m*y\t»ry
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