Art Driven to Extremes Advocate Takes Charge Mixed media art by Serena Barton and Bonnie Meitzer at Onda Gallery. Paige Coleman is the new interim director o f the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods. See inside, page AIO See inside, page A3 ‘City of Roses’ AJ Established in 1970 Volume XXXVIII, Number 28 z^oni m u n ity C a le n d a r Annual Community Garden Tour Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • July 16. 2008 Historic Albina Dome Refurbished Saturday, July 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m „ take a tour o f six com ­ m unity gardens via van and ear pool; call 5 03-823-1612 to reserve your seal. Represents proud past for African Americans Camp SCRAP July 21 thru July 25, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m ., children ages6-10 wi 11 learn new skills from local artist at Camp SC R A P; activities include tile m osaics, bike part wind chim es, and reuse art projects all week, with field trips to several local re­ cyclers. Call 503-294-0763 for dis­ counts and scholarships. “Held Day - A Day in the Life of the Water Bureau” T h u rsd ay , July 24, the W ater B ureau invites the public to p a r­ tic ip a te in this free event fea tu r­ ing the o p eratio n and m ain te­ n an ce o f P o rtla n d ’s d rin k in g w ater system , for m ore in fo rm a­ tion call 503-823-7637. West African Dance Saturdays, currently thru July 26, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Richard Sokpor, a form er m em ber o f the National Dance Company o f Ghana will instru ctclassesfo rag e 14and up at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. To register, call 503-823-4322 or ju st drop in! ‘Viva La Raza’ Rebel Reading Wednesdays, currently thru July 30, at 7 p.m. at the Bread & Roses Center, 819 N. Killingsworth St., discover the stolen history o f defi­ ant organizing by farm workers, stu­ dents and Chicana feminists in the telling o f their dramatic story; for more i nformation cal1503-240-4462. MHCC Par Excellence Golf Tuesday, Aug. 5, starting at 7:30 a.m., at the Stone Creek G olf Club in Oregon City, spend the day golfing for a good cause the event benefits the Mt. Hood Com munity College Scholarship Fund; $ 150fee includes green fees, cart, and more; for more information call 503-491 -7206. Student Exchange Host Needed The nonprofit international stu­ dent exchange program, AFS-US A is currently seeking local volun­ teers to host students in high school; volunteers are also needed as liaisons to w ork locally with fam ilies and their hosted students; to learn more visit hostfamily. Guide to Summer Stargazing T he second M onday o f each month the Mt. H ood C om m unity College Planetarium Sky Theater g u id es sta rg azers through the m ysteries o f the universe, shows a re a , 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.; $ I adm is­ sion, for more inform ation visit planetarium or call 503-491-7297. Interstate Farmers Market T he Interstate Farm ers M arket with its rich variety o f quality fresh local produce, baked goods, cut flowers, artisan cheese, m eat and fish, is held each W ednesday through Sept. 24 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. just off Interstate Avenue between O verlook Park and the Interstate K aiser W est Building. Breaking the Cycle Every 1st and 3rd Friday o f the month, at the C alvary Christian Church, I26N .E. Alberta, Brother Eric Carson, invites men of all walks o f life to join a safe and confiden­ tial m en 's forum exam ining issues and struggles that arrive in life, netw orking together. For more in­ formation, call 50.3-422-8573. Student Summer Jobs Portland Public Schools has posi­ tions open for high school stu­ dents to work as custodial help­ ers. For in format ion, cal 150 3 -9 16- 3544 or visit hr.pps.k photo m M ark W \ s h im ; ton /T he P or it . and O bserver Serena Stoudamire Wesley (left), Albina Rotary president, celebrate the rededication of the Dawson Park Gazebo,and Harold Will­ iams, local business owner and community activist. The structure one adorned a building on North Williams and Russell in the heart of a former African American business district. A rea resid en ts are invited to celeb rate the red ed icatio n o f the D aw son Park G azebo during a com m unity concert featu rin g lo ­ cal m usician P atrick L am b on W ednesday, July 16 from 6 p.m . to 8:30 p.m. T he park is located on the c o r­ ner o f N orth S tanton S treet an< N orth V an co u v er A venue. The beautiful dom e and brick flooring o f the D aw son Park G a ­ zebo w ere salv ag ed from the Hill B uilding, last located on North R ussell S treet during the early 1970s in the last days o f a sig n ifi­ cant business d istrict for the A f­ rican A m erican co m m u n ity b e­ fore d isp lacem en t by the ex p a n ­ sion o f E m anual H ospital. T h e d o m e w a s p la c e d in D aw son Park in 1978. T he Hill B uilding w as built in 1890 and w as once a co rn ersto n e o f the fo rm e r c ity o f A lb in a . T h e Daw son Park G azebo serves as a rem inder o f the A lbina o f y ester­ day. T h e P o rtlan d D ev e lo p m e n t C o m m issio n fin a n c e d all the g a z e b o ’s re n o v a tio n an d im ­ provem ents using tax increm ent proceeds from the Interstate C o r­ rid o r Urban R enew al A rea. T h e re n o v a te d g a z e b o e n ­ hances and pro tects the historic dom e and brings focus to the cultural significance o f the dom e. All o f the ren o v atio n w as c a re ­ fully planned w ith P ortland Parks & R ecreation; the A lbina R otary and Eliot N eig h b o rh o o d A sso ­ ciation co m m u n ity partn ers; w ho have en co u rag ed and supported the renovation o f the gazebo. Billy Webb Elks Lodge to receive a $1 million face-lift! > Preserving historic African American heritage T he N ational A ssociation o f the p roject will do n ate their tim e M inority C ontractors o f Oregon and labor. T he group has o rg a­ (N A M C O ) announced its plans to nized a Project M anagem ent Team remodel the Billy W ebb Elks Lodge and is asking for help with m ate­ on T illam ook Street in Northeast rial co n trib u tio n s, new fu rn ish ­ Portland. N A M CO will work with ings, tlo o rin g and carp etin g , re s­ Hoffman C onstruction, C’J Jackson tau ran t eq u ip m en t and cash c o n ­ C onstruction, Portland D evelop­ tributions from org an izatio n s and ment Com m ission, IBFW local 48, con tin tied on page A 2 W a lsh C o n s tr u c tio n , L eg a cy Health System , Stacy W itbeckG eneral Engi­ neering, NW Natural G as and other local partners on the project. Built in the early 19 0 0 's, the historic Elks Lodge was known then as the YW CA and to­ day is one o f the few re m a in in g A fric a n American owned build­ ings. T he Elks Lodge, currently ow ned hy the local lodge m em ber­ ship. serves as a place for e v e n ts, birth d ay parties and wedding re­ ceptions; however, the entire building is in need o f im m ediate re­ pairs and NA M CO has w illingly stepped for­ ward to organize a team that can assist w ith m trm m M \ rk WA shington /T iii P orii smi O bsik \ m Jennifer Dishman in front of the North renovations. C o n tracto rs for Tillamook Street Elks Lodge Billy Webb Elks Club History Built as The Colored YW CA in 1921, the building was first co n ­ structed as a portable structure like a portable classroom . In 1926, Mrs. E.S.Collinsaw hite woman donated $ 12,(XX) to bu i Id a permanent YWCA. Some city offi­ cial tried to block construction. T he feeling was that black females d id n ’t need a YW CA. The YW CA was m anaged by a I black w om an’s group The building had a gym, boys and girls lockers, stage and office. All o f the black social clubs used the Y for their social functions, in­ cluding the Black USO for service men and woman. Dick Bogle, form ercity com m is­ sioner, and Mrs. Hepburn, were chaperons at teenage dances. NA ACPmeetings were held here. Several w om en’s groups, such as the Oregon Federation o f co l­ ored W omen, used the facility for scholarship teas. Bethel African M ethodist Episcopal Church, lo­ cated at N ortheast M cM illan and Larrabee, used the site to host for­ mal dinners. T oday the W illiam A venue YW CA iscalled the Billy Ebb Elks Lodge IPBOE.