Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 09, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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' ÏJortlanii Olhseruer
luly 9. 2008
Go Diego’s
Live Adventure
The live-action stage show . G o, Diego, G o
Live! conies to the Rose G arden arena with
show s on Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July
The interactive stage production follows Di­
ego, his sister A licia and cousin Dora on an
action-packed, special m ission to get Baby
Ja g u a r's grow l back from the Bobos.
Every child in the audience gets a jaguar mask
to help on the interactive adventure to rescue
animals, navigate through the rainforest and pass
agiant waterfall to get to the Anim al Carnivale.
Preschoolers will enjoy the high-stakes jo u r­
ney inspired by the rich environm ents o f Latin
A m erica and by the anim als that m ake their
hom es in those habitats.
Nickelodeon's touring production o f Go, Diego, Go Live! The Great Jaguar Rescue will come to the Rose Garden Saturday and Sunday, July 12-13.
“ Roald D ahl’s W illy W onka’’ - Thursday,
July 10 through July 27, W ashington Park
Am phitheatre w ill host the theatrical adapta­
tion o f "C harlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
A d u lt perform ances are scheduled every
evening except Mondays, at 6:30 p.m.; and
youth performances w ill beat 10 a.m. and noon
on Saturdays and Sundays. For more inform a­
State Farm11’
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
tion, call 503-402-1994.
We moved to our new location at:
Aloha Spirit on Stage
- Hapa, the aw ard-w in­
ning H aw aiian band
known fo r its incred­
9713 S.VV. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
fe s
"The Game Plan" starring Dwayne “ The Rock”
Johnson as a football star who suddenly finds
out he has an 8 year old daughter. For more
inform ation, call 503-
R e-Tilling the Soil —
Saturday,July ^ . v o l ­
unteers are needed fo r
a 9 a.m. clean-up be­
g inning at Jefferson
High School and con­
cluding w ith acelebra-
tion at Irving Park from
noontobp.m. For more
in fo rm a tio n , e m a il
posoulent@ live.com .
ible instrumental and
h a rm o n ie s ,
brings Polynesia to the
Oregon Zoo, Wednes­
day, July 9 at 7 p.m. as
part o f the zoo’ s Sum­
m er C oncert Series.
Tickets are $10.
Your Care
Our First Priority
Dr. Marceline Tailla
C hiropractic Physician
G ay M en 's Chorus —
W ednesday, Ju ly 9, at
7:30 p.m .. the C h ris t C hurch E piscopal Par­
ish in Lake O sw ego hosts the P ortland Gay
M e n ’ s C horus fo r an encore
We are located at
1716 N.E. 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213
I Between Broadway
and Sandy Blvd.)
perform ance o f BraveSouls and
Dreamers, coupled w ith a fa b u ­
lous reception and auction. For
tickets, call 503-226-2588 o r visit
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
Call for an appointment!
I M 1 1 I U M I1M
Stop Pointing a Finger
And Lend a Hand...
Join P.0.P.A (People of Purpose & Associates) forthe 3rd Annual Day
Of Re-tilling the Soil
Saturday, July 12th, 2008
A celebration o f community spirit and pride
to rejuvenate and reawaken
the neglected soil o f NE Portland.
Registration Breakfast at 8:15am-8:45am
(see locations below)
Clean-up begins at 9:00am
Celebration at Irving Park 12:00pm-6:00pm
more; $5 donation.
Paintings at Reflections - Re­
fle c tio n s C o ffe e H ouse, 446
N .E. K illin g s w o rth St., is host­
ing an e x h ib it o f a c ry lic p a in t­
ings o f portraits, ou td o o r scenes
and animals by G abriella Steele.
A reception w ith the a rtist w ill
be held at R eflections on Satur­
day, July 12 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
International Day Festival --
Saturday, July 12 from noon
to 6 p .m . at the Roseway Park
Blocks at Northeast72 A v ­
enue, enjoy the rich cultural
d ive rsity o f Portland w ith
R xk I. danc ing and music from
around the w orld.
through Sunday, July 13, at the Sheraton A ir ­
port Hotel w ill host a celebration o f country,
swing and line dancing. T o register, visit
Contact Larry Collins for more information:
503-839-8676 or 503-823-4575.
P.0.P.A.( People of Purpose & associates) • The Portland Observer
Have you seen me?
day, July 12 from noon to9:30 p.m., the fa m ily-
friendly fundraiser benefiting the Sandy R iver
Rescue Fund w ill host a m ix
o f Bluegrass performers at
M a y o r Square and M a in
Street w ill be teaming w ith
various foods, shopping and
pdxgm c.org.
Portland Dance Festival--Thursday, July 10
Clean-up Groups located:
• Maple Mallory Apartments, 3720 NE Mallory Ave. Portland, OR 97212
• Jefferson High School, 5210 N Kerby Ave. Portland, OR 97217
• Cornerstone Community Church, 2216 NE Klllingsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
T ro u td a le B ite &
Bluegrass — S atur­
Totally Gospel - Wednesday. July 9 thru July
12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. the Northeast
Baptist Church, 6 7 0 1 N.E. Prescott St., w ill host
the country and contemporary gospel show
under the big tent. For more inform ation, call
I)iv e -ln Movies - Friday. July I I. M t. Hood
C om m unity College Aquatic Center hosts the
fa m ily fun summer D ive-In Movies featuring
Endangered Missing
Parenting W orkshop — Sat­
urday, July 12 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, at the
Rose C ity Nazarene Church hosts a free w o rk ­
shop provides latest techniques fo r integrat­
ing m ultiple cultures w hile parenting. For more
inform ation, visit pdixid.com .
Israeli Street Festival - Wednesday, July 16,
from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Oregon Jewish M u ­
seum, .310 N .W . Davis, w ill host the celebra­
tion, featuring Israeli food, games, and live
Klezmer music by Yankl Falk and DoinaGroove,
and the "T o Return to the L a n d .. photogra­
phy exhibit.
Dinosaurs! - Prehistoric roars
reverberate over lush rain fo r­
est canopies as the Oregon
Zoo takes visitors back m il­
lions o f years w ith its summer
b lo c k b u s te r
e x h ib it,
“ D onosaurs!” The life -size
aminatronie beasts roar, snarl
and move w ith realistic feroc­
ity. Adm ission is $4 plus regu­
lar zoo admission.
Kids Live Large -- Kids can
grab on, push o ff and glide
through the Jurassic in the D i­
nosaur R evolution e xhibit at
the Portland C hildren's M u ­
seum. The traveling show runs through Sept.
I w ith dinosaur-themed mazes, v iv id murals
Khalia English
Lonnie Henderson
Pierre Joseph
Nicole McDonald
and hands-on, interactive fun.
C urrent Age: 14
Missing: May 22,2008
C u rren t Age: 13
Missing: June 8.2008
From: Tampa, EL
C urrent Age: 12
Missing: May 28,2008
From: Immokalee, EL
C urrent Age: 13
Missing June 11. 2008
From: Gainesville, V A
Young A rtists Camp - July 28 thru Aug. 9. from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., children ages I O to 13, w ill
experience the fun. games, exercises, w ritin g
and performances to build confidence and
creativity at the Interstate Firehouse C ultural
From: Phoenix. A Z
Center. For more inform ation and to register,
I f yo u have any inform ation please contact:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
I-8 0 0 -T H E -L O S T (1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
call 503-823-4322.
Oregon Brewers Festival -July 24thru July 27
from noon to 9 p.m., at the Tom M cC all W ater­
front Park, beer fans w ill he able to sample
brews from 72 craft breweries.
C a r Show and Festival - Aug. 16, from 11 a.m.
to 9 p.m. at the W algreen's on Lombard and
Greeley, w ith food, music, cars, games, door
prizes, rock clim b in g , face painting, and lots o f
Festa Italiana ‘ Piazza Ita lia ’ — Aug. 21 thru
A ug. 24, Pioneer Square w ill come to life w ith
the rich culture o f Italy at the fa m ily-frie n d ly
Italian celebration o f good food and music
featuring the Carter Fam ily Marionettes, com ­
petitions in pizza tossing, grape stomping, danc­
ing, vino and more.
Oregon Zoo B u ck Tuesdays - On the 2nd
Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-B uck
Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo during
regu I ar zoo hours fo r the di seou n ted price o f $2
per person!
Live Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday from 8
p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird Degrees Lounge at the
RiverPlaee Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor W ay, w ill
host the ongoing weekend series featuring
Portland’ s rich jazz scene w ith no cover or
m inim um purchase. For more inform ation, visit
O M S I $2 Days - The first Sunday o f every
month can spark your passion fo r science at the
O M S I when admission is ju st $2. Exhibits and
over 2(X) hands-on; also offered on $2 days is
a special reduced admissions o f $5 each forthe
P la n e ta riu m , O M N I M A X , and the USS
Blueback submarine tours. For more inform a­
tion, visit O M S l.e d u .
Portland Police Museum - This spring the
Portland Police Museum, 1111 S.W. Second
Ave. offers a hands-on exhibit on crim e scene
in v e s tig a tio n s p e c ific a lly geared to w a rd
school-age children. V isitors w ill be able to
operate an actual fingerprint scanning machine
and examine evidence, and receive a free child
safety kit. Free admission. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-823-00 19.
First Thursday A rt G allery O p e n in g -Every
first Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and
jo in the street party fo r gallery receptions and
openings introducing the works o f many art­
ists; this is a free event.
Music M illenn ium Free Shows - The M usic
M ille n n iu m , 3158 E Burnside, host many in­
house live performances. Enjoy free music and
the opportunity to meet local artists. C all 503-
231-8926 fo r a schedule.
Community in Motion - Port­
land people and landscapes o f
public transit become the stars
in print works by F. X. Fosica
currently on display in a fee
solo e xh ib it at the Interstate
FirehouseCultural Center, 5340
N. Interstate Ave.
Free First Friday Nights - The
Portland C hildren's Museum
has partnered w ith Target to
provide free admission to ev­
eryone on the first Friday o f
each month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
H ip-hop Dance Classes - Vancouver-Clark
Parks and Recreation is hosting fa m ily friendly
hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­
tion, a g ility and teamwork through urban dance
moves. For more information, call 360-696-8236.
Open M ie Night - Every Wednesday night at
7 p.m.. Proper Fats M arket and Café, 8638 N.
Lombard St., host open mie night.
S lidersG rill -S lid e rs G rill.301 I N.Lombard,
features an celeetie assortment o f performers
on the main stage, accompanied by delicious
food. Call 503-459-4488 fo r more information.