Page A5 Iuly 9. 2008 F ood • 3 pounds ground beef • 8 slices provolone cheese • 8 sandwich rolls, split • 2 eggs, beaten INGREDIENTS Provolone Burgers "Grilled hamburgers that are seasoned with garlic, onion and herbs and topped with melted cheese are a summertime staple for my family! ” • I medium onion, chopped • 1 tsp. dried oregano • 2 garlic cloves, minced DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, combine the first seven ingredients. Crumble beef over mixture mix well. 2. Shape into eight patties. Grill, uncovered, over medium-hot heat for 5-7 minutes on each side or until juices run clear. 3. Top each patty with a cheese slice; grill I minute longer or until cheese is melted. Grill roll scut side down for 1 -2 minutes or until toasted. Top with lettuce and burgers. SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life. . Lawry’s Grilled Maple Country Style Ribs earn HEWARbS Make Your Summer Sizzle With a Creative Twist to Tradi­ tional Barbeque. Ingredients •2-1/2 to 3 lbs. country style pork ribs • 1 -1 /2 tsp. Lawry's® Seasoned Salt • 1 -1/2 tsp. Lawry's® Garlic Salt • 3 tsp. dried basil • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1/4 tsp. pepper • Lettuce Leaves • 3/4 cup pure maple syrup • 3/4 cup ketchup • 2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce • 1 Tbsp. prepared yellow mustard • I tsp. hot pepper sauce EVERY TIM E y(?U SHOP- Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325°. In 13 x 9-inch baking dish, arrange ribs. Season with 1 teaspoon each 2. Lawry's® Seasoned Salt and Garlic Salt; set aside. 3. In medium bowl, combine remaining ingredients. Evenly spoon 1/2 cup sauce over ribs. Bake covered 2 hours or until ribs are tender; drain. 4. Grill ribs, turning occasionally and brushing with remaining sauce, 10 minutes or until browned. IT'S EASY! CHICAGO, !L (July I. 2(K)8) - Barbeque has become a staple of American cuisine often associated with summertime fun and family gatherings. In the July installment of the "Cooking UpCulture" program, which each month celebrates the variety of cuisines enjoyed in America, Lawry's pays homage to the cuisine that has become one of America's favorites - all-American barbeque. “Barbecue has a rich history in this country and has become a traditional favorite for most Americans, said B. Smith, restaurateur and Lawry’s spokesperson. "Law ry’s brings new, exciting flavors to tradi­ tional barbecue with its Marinades made with delicious fruit juices. With such marinade flavors as Sesame Ginger with Mandarin Grange Juice or Tequila Lime with Lime Juice, you can quickly and easily infuse tastes from around the globe into your grilled meals by marinating them for only 30 minutes,” said Smith. While different regional areas of the United States often vie for the title of best barbeque, there is no denying the cooking style’s global roots. When English colonists arrived in the present day United States, they brought the word barbecue and this unique method of cooking with them. American barbeque is claimed by the South as the originator of this method in cooking. What started in the South is now enjoyed across the nation, and is prepared in varying ways depending upon the region visited. The East coast is known for using pork as its meat of choice, accompanied by vinegar-based sauces. The East is also known for adding cole slaw and hushpuppies as a side dish. In the South, the meat of choice is beef or mutton, which is slowly cooked. The barbequed meat is accompanied by sauces that range from sweet tomato sauces, to fiery hot sauces. In the central South, the meat of choice is, and has remained for many years, pork, and pork ribs. Typically, the meat is pulled apart rather than chopped into pieces and is later slow-cooked, shredded and then covered in sauce. “No matter what grilling method is preferred, barbecued meals always seem to hold a special place in the hearts of most Americans." said Smith. Lawry's offers recipes that celebrate All-American barbecue, while infusing new flavors. Visit to inspire your creativity when grilling this summer, and try one of their recipes for your family toenjoy: • Earn 10c o ff a gallon w hen your shopping trip s* add up to $100. • Then save another 10c per gallon fo r every additional $100 you spend, and so on. Your Rewards add up! R A N C H E R 'S ófteáeMe. «■K* •. * CLUB F Rancher’s Reserve® Boneless Beef Chuck Blade Steak Rancher’s Reserve1 Boneless Beef Petite Sirloin Steak Extreme Value Pack. SAVE up to S2.50 lb. Extreme Value Pack. SAVE up to S3.50 lb. * 4®? • • You can even earn gas Rewards by buying selected g ift cards or making prescription purchases. O»Ffi 4 Fresh Cooked Northwest Shrim pm eat CDC C ■ ■ 1 1 Weattw permitting. Or choose Cooked 91 to 110-ct. Shrimp. Froren/thawed SAVE up to S2.00 lb. equal oh itsaxB /