Ö'* l’c •) J nr t lattb (Observer Page A4 July 9. 2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. O pinion C5n“ lifer It’s Summertime and the Living ain't Easy M vwng - Economy is week and growing weaker V BY >7 « » IU . f a s it. 3 ■ A ! - * R ¥ l t 'J M ^ i \ w w jR s I | L _ -------- PL? J 5 ^ - HOWVREZAl » aü U SHOUU> ÛE ’ FREE Tb W hoever " HE CHOOSES/ 1 NÓT \MH oê S/ER,.. , economic downturn. The overall impact is that many people are not able to secure the income needed to support their fam i­ lies and keep them healthy. The Reclaiming Our Youth by . |i dge G rk <; M athis Last week, Rainbow PUSH launched its na­ tio n a l “ R e cla im O u r Y outh” campaign at its annual con fe re n ce in Chicago. The goal is to bring parents back together w ith teach­ ers to save young people from the pull o f the streets and to w ork in partnership to increase pressure on elected o fficia ls to fight for equal funding fo r all school districts. Congressmen Jesse Jackson Jr. and Danny D avis o f Illin o is joined educators and 150 school superin­ tendents from around the country to launch the campaign and dis­ cuss the education disparities that com m unities o f co lo r face. Such a crusade is desperately needed. There are stories com ing out o f school districts across the country that paint a picture that is far from rosy. Some students co m p la in the curriculum presented to them is outdated and below grade level. They say books and computers are in short supply and teach­ ers aren't fam iliar w ith the material they teach. T eachers c o m p la in that students lack inter­ est and c o m m itm e n t. They say some parents It is no wonder the drop out rate fo r black and Latino students is so high: About ha lf finish high school, compared w ith one third o f w hite students. Drop outs are tw ice as likely to live below the poverty level as high school graduates. They also earn $35,000 less per year than col lege graduates - over the course o f a lifetim e, this adds up to about $1 million. The jo b m arket is c o m p e titiv e and positions fo r those w ith o n ly a high school education are rare; w ith o u t one, an in d iv id u a l w ill struggle. T h is is a problem that affects us a ll. B y w o rk in g to ­ gether, students, parents, teach­ ers and lawm akers can im p ro ve o u r education system and save o u r c h ild re n . The 150 superintendents who support PUSH'S campaign have agreed to bring together parents in their districts to ask them to sign a s ix point pledge prom ising to take their kids to school, meet teach­ ers, exchange phone numbers, turn o f f the television fo r three hours a night and w ith their children, jo in a spiritual institution. This last step is critica l: C om ­ munities o f co lo r are faced w ith so many challenges; our faith is what w ill help us overcome. Involved parents m otivate students, m ak­ ing their path to academic suc­ cess that much easier. There is p roof that, w ith a some­ what level playing fie ld and com ­ m itted adults in their corner, our children do more than achieve, they excel. Rainbow PUSH is w orking to create such a playing fie ld , one that combines pressure on la w ­ makers to develop education fo ­ cused public p olicy w ith a net­ w ork o f parents, caregivers and students who acknowledge just how important their com m itm ent is to overall success. Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member o f the Southern Christian Leader­ ship Conference. 1 |NEW S E A S O N S ......J M A R K E T r N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r f a v o r it e n e i g h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s t o r e n o w d e l iv e r s r-i/nsrr* r in h f continued rise in the cost o f staples like gas and food is also a huge obstacle to economic stability and w ill force most low - and moderate- income fam ilies to use their gov­ ernment rebate checks sim ply to keep their heads above wa­ ter. The National Urban League recommends an infrastructure stimulus package focused on jo b creation to improve the lives o f struggling Americans across the country. A n d w ith A fric a n A m erican teens experiencing a devastating unemployment rate o f nearly 30 percent, we are in dire need o f the immediate restoration o f the Sum­ mer Youth Jobs Program. As the statistics clearly show, em ployment fo r a grow ing number o f Am ericans is still a "dream de­ ferred." As such, we must continue to push fo r federal policies designed to strengthen our economy and put more Am ericans back to work. •Marc H. M orial is president and chief executive officer o f the Na­ tional Urban League. Fighting the pull o f the streets By working together, students, parents, teachers and lawmakers can improve our education system and save our children. are ghosts, not attending school function and showing little to no interest in their c h ild 's education. School administrators say they are doing the best they can w ith the lim ited resources available to them. < 7 - t/KE ^N lG H T A U b P A V -^^p tç housed / M a K( M o RIAI. The Bureau o f Labor statistics has now confirm ed what we have known for a long time - the A m e ri­ can e c o n o m y is weak and grow ing weaker. So, we are faced w ith the fact th a t m ore than 100,000 Americans have lost their jobs - 80,000in Marchand another 20.000 in A p ril. In fact, this year has seen a steady erosion o f employm ent w ith a total loss o f a quarter o f a m illio n jobs since January. By any mea­ sure, this is bad news fo r o u r economy, but it's even worse news fo r African Americans. Black unemployment, now at 9 percent, continues nearly to double the current 5.1 percent rate fo r Whites. Clearly, A frican Americans are being hit hardest during this \/o i ir h /n m o An Oil Conspiracy? L et’s consider the evidence by D o n ald K aul As we all know, gas prices have taken o ff like a Jupiter rocket and people are mad as hell about it. They're thrashing around, looking fo r somebody to blame. Last month, Congress held hear­ ings on the matter, the 40th they've held this year, tryin g to fin d out w hat is causing these ungodly prices. They haven't found out yet (it w ould take Congress five hearings to learn how to fin d its hip pocket w ith its left hand) but they’re get­ ting closer. The main suspect these days seems to be speculation. A s John (He W ho Speaks W ith Straight Tongue) M cCain said recently; “ In­ vestigation is underway to root out this kind o f reckless wagering, un­ related to any kin d o f productive commerce, because it can distort the market, drive prices beyond rational lim its, and put the invest­ ments and pensions o f m illio n s o f Americans at risk.” I f you don't understand that, don't w orry about it. I don't either. supposed to accept that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin acting alone and to do it w ithout giggling. I know that. But I'm an old-fash­ ioned kind o f guy and when I see something that looks like a con­ spiracy, walks like a conspiracy and quacks lik e a conspiracy I say “ Damn the torpedoes, it's a con­ spiracy.” Let us consider the evidence: M r. Bush (whose fa m ily fortune was made in munitions and o i l ) took us to w ar in Iraq on a series o f prem ises that had the te n sile strength o f wet toilet paper. We went to war not because Iraq had weapons o f mass destruction or Saddam was g ivin g sanctuary to terrorists or even because he was a bad, bad man (although he was). We went to w ar because President Bush and the o il gang wanted to install a puppet regime to ensure that Iraqi o il Bowed to favored oil companies. M r. Bush's W hite House then proceeded to botch the war but the co n flict did help drive up o il prices resulting in record profits fo rth e o il companies. In the meantime, V ice- President D ick Cheney's old com ­ pany. H alliburton, made a ton o f money helping to botch up the war. We went to war because President Bush and the oil gang wanted to install a puppet regime to ensure that Iraqi oil flowed to favored oil companies. À It’s not English. It’s not Spanish. It's n o t even E sp e ra n to . It is Washingtonese, a language used by politicians to disguise the fact that they don't have anything to say. Personally— defender o f Free Enterprise that I am — I've always thought speculation was the pur­ est form o f capitalism . You buy a com m odity or piece o f land or what­ ever in the expectation it w ill rise in price. H it does, you sell it and make a lot o f money. I f it doesn't you say "Waiter, check please." So I really don't think that specu­ lation is the reason your eyes fill w ith tears every tim e you have to fill your tank. But I do have a theory. I think it's w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) I I the fru it o f a vast conspiracy set in m otion by the o il companies in c o l­ lusion w ith high-ranking members o f the Bush adm inistration, includ­ ing the tw o rankest. I mention no names. I know it's not fashionable to believe in conspiracies. We re all So everybody was happy ( w ith the exception o f the fam ilies o f the young people who were actually fighting the war, not a large co h o rt). M eanwhile, back at home, the adm inistration was m aking every e ffo rt to thw art efforts to reduce consumption o f o il, from pooh- poohing the threat o f global w arm ­ ing to refusing to consider an EPA report that suggested raising m ile ­ age standards fo r autos w ould be good fo r the economy. O il prices kept rising u n til the time was right fo r proposing more oil-gang assaults on the environ­ m e n t-o ffs h o re d rillin g , tapping into Alaska's A rctic W ild life R ef­ uge. And then, last month, Iraq leaders tentatively O K 'd no-bid oil contracts w ith the Western o il g i­ ants: E xxo n M o b il, Shell,Total and BP. Hark! Was that a quack I just heard? Me thinks it was. Don Kaul is a Washington t or- respondent.