Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 09, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    July 9. 2008
Page A2
Mosquito Season Warning
fro m F ront
mosquito population is to drain
sources of standing water. This
will prevent mosquitoes from lay­
ing eggs and breeding.
• At least once a week, empty
water from flow erpots, pet food
and w ater d ish es, bird b ath s,
swimming pool covers, buckets,
barrels and cans.
• Check for clogged rain gut­
ters and clean them out.
• Remove discarded tires, and
items such as cans, bottles and
other containers that could co l­
lect water.
• Be sure to check for contain­
ers or trash in places that may be
hard to see, such as u nder
bushes or under your home.
• Check around faucets and
air conditioner units and repair
leaks and elim inate puddles that
service, but supplies are limited.
Personal protection (avoid­
ing m osquito bites)
• C onsider staying indoors at
daw n.dusk and ¡nearly evening,
which are peak mosquito biting
• When possible, wear long-
sleeved shirts and long pants
o u td o o rs.
• Place mosquito netting over
infant carriers.
• Install or repair window and
door screens.
• Apply insect repellent con­
taining DEBT (N, N -diethyl-
m eta-toluam ide) when yo u ’re
outdoors. O ther EPA approved
repellents containing picaridin
or oil o f lemon eucalyptus are
also shown to be effective. Be
sure to read and follow the
m anufacturer’s directions for
use as printed on the product.
Dead Corvid birds, such as
crows, jays, magpies and robins
may indicate that virus is
circulating between the birds and
the mosquitoes in that area.
emain for several days.
• Cover boats or store upside
Jown or in a dry place.
• Where feasible, fill all holes
in the trees on your property.
• When swimming season is
aver, empty and store wading
pools in a dry place. Cover large
pools and check frequently to
insure against m osquito breed­
ing. Ordinary concentrations of
->ool chemicals will not kill mos­
quito larvae. Keep pool water
;irculating and run filters April
hrough October.
• Gambusia affinis (mosquito
larvae-eating fish) can be placed
in closed system ponds in O r­
egon; however, stocking ponds
with gambusia is illegal in W ash­
ington. In Oregon, call your
local county vector control for
more information. This is a free
A lternatively, spray clothing
with DEFT since m osquitoes
may bite through thin clothing.
If you spray your clothing, there
is no need to spray repellent
containing DEFT on the skin un­
der your clothing.
• Repellents may irritate the
eyes and mouth, so avoid ap­
plying repellent to the hands of
c h ild r e n .
R ead
m a n u fa c tu re r’s in stru c tio n s
thoroughly when applying to
Dead Corvid birds, such as
crows, jays, magpies and robins
may indicate that virus is circulat­
ing between the birds and the mos­
quitoes in that area. The public
can play an important role in help­
ing to monitor for the virus by
calling your local county vector
control to report a dead Corvid.
Obama Picks Stadium for Big Night
T o a ccep t n o m in a tio n
in 7 6 ,0 0 0 -s e a t venue
(A P) - Barack O bam a will accept the
D em ocratic presid en tial nom ination at
Invesco Field at M ile H igh, a 76,000-seat
stadium hom e to the D enver Broncos, the
D e m o c ra tic N a tio n a l C o m m itte e a n ­
nounced M onday.
T he party's convention will be held Aug.
25-28 at D enver's Pepsi C enter, which
holds up to 21 .(XX) people. T he decision to
m ove O bam a's acceptance speech to the
giant football stadium w as expected to
boost fundraising, convention organizer
Jenny B ackus said.
“ L ots o f conventions have had no con­
nection to their host cities, but this one is
really going to take advantage o f being in a
state that's going to be an im portant g e n ­
eral election battleground,” Backus said.
"A nd w hat better w ay to kick o ff the fall
cam paign and get thousands o f supporters
and grass roots organizers all in one place
to get fired up.”
W ith a heavy in flu x o f y o u n g e r vo ters
and H isp a n ic s in re c e n t y e a rs, C o lo ra d o ,
o n c e h e a v ily R e p u b lic a n , is one o f a
h an d fu l o f sta te s in the m o u n ta in W est
that have been tre n d in g m ore D e m o ­
O regonians w ith regular un­
em ploym ent claim s that w ere
exhausted or expired m ay be
eligible for up to an additional 13
w eeks o f benefits under a law
passed by C ongress and signed
by President Bush as part o f
additional w ar funding.
P otentially eligible claim ants
(A P ) — O re g o n is p u ttin g
m ore m o n ey in to H ead S ta rt,
the g o v e rn ih e n t-fu n d e d pre-
Return your ballot by mail or drop ifo ff at any designated voter
drvpstte. Call 1-866-673-8683 to find a location near you.
1 ^ j j n r t l a n h O O b s e r D e r
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On Way
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P e o p le o f c o lo r
■smly itoetrr.i
will receive a notification from
the O regon E m ploym ent D e­
partm ent by mail. Individuals
w ho think they may be eligible
are encouraged to file their claim
as soon as possible.
For m ore inform ation, go to
the d e p a r tm e n t’s W eb site ,
W orkingInO regon.org.
fin d a p o lit ic a l f i t
k in d e rg a rte n p ro g ra m fo rc h il-
dren from p o o re r fa m ilie s,
L ast w e e k , the L e g isla tiv e
E m e rg e n c y B o a rd re le a s e d
C ?S m illi I ZA IT rY A Z A fZ * F " /\r f ln z *
g ram .
O ffic ia ls ho p e th a t w ill be
e n o u g h to re a c h 70 p e rc e n t o f
all e lig ib le c h ild re n . T h e 80
percent m ark is c o n sid e re d full
T he L e g isla tu re 's ex p an sio n
w ill allow H ead S tart pro g ram s
to add a n o th e r 1,336 c h ild re n ,
p u sh in g th e sta te w id e to ta l
b e y o n d 12,000 by th is fall.
R e se a rc h sh o w s th a t c h il­
d ren w h o p a rtic ip a te in H ead
S tart a re m o re lik e ly to c o m ­
p le te high sc h o o l and go on to
fu rth e r e d u c a tio n .
H e a d S ta rt a lso in c o r p o ­
ra te s h e a lth s c r e e n in g s fo r
c h ild re n an d te sts fo r p h y sic a l
an d m en tal d isa b ilitie s.
A dvertise w ith diversity in
P o v t k t n b ( O b s e r tu ’r
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Woodlawn Garden’s
Helping Hands
The Woodlawn Park Commu­
nity Garden in northeast Portland
got a recent sprucing up thanks to
the Portland Trail Blazers, Fred
Meyer and other volunteers.
To commemorate the inaugu­
ration of a program designed to
educate children and volunteers
about gardening and nutrition, as
well as advocating organic alter­
natives, a ceremonial planting of
kohlrabi, cucumbers and mari­
golds was completed by Zari
Santner, directorof Portland Parks
& Recreation, Judi Luchsinger,
Fred Meyer community relations
coordinator and Antonio Harvey,
former player and current radio
analyst for the Trail Blazers.
Following the ceremony, hosted
by Trail Blazers ambassador Todd
Bosma with a little help from mas­
cots Blaze the Trail Cat and Fred
Bear, guests were treated to healthy
snacks, tours of the garden, and a
demonstration on preparing re­
freshm ents w ith ingredients
straight from the garden.
Throughout the summer. Trail
Blazers and Fred Meyeremployee
volunteers will return regularly to
assist with the maintenance of the
A late summer harvest event
with the Trail Blazers, Fred Meyer
and Portland Parks & Recreation
will feature Harvey in the role of
celebrity chef, serving up produce
grown in the garden over the sum­
D ep artm en t
o f Transportation
Clmtopt»« P»«v- -4» <«>4 I»
r«*«di ».hop-
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photo by J eff H inds
Zari Santner, director o f Portland Parks and Recreation, gets a
helping hand with the Woodlawn Park Community Garden from
Trail Blazer m ascot Blaze the Trail Cat and Fred Meyer's Fred Bear.
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O b a m a is sc h e d u le d to d e liv e r his
a c c e p ta n c e sp e e c h on T h u rsd a y , A ug.
28, the fo u rth an d fin a l n ight o f the
c o n v e n tio n . It c o in c id e s w ith the 45th
a n n iv e rsa ry o f M a rtin L u th e r K ing Jr.'s
"I H ave a D ream " sp e e c h on the ste p s o f
the L in c o ln M em o rial in 1963.
Headstart to Enroll
Additional Kids
Uiluinr XXXIV
c ra tic . B o th c a m p a ig n s v ie w it a s a
g e n e ra l-e le c tio n sw in g sta te ; O b a m a is
k n o w n fo r d ra w in g huge c ro w d s to m any
o f h is sp e e c h e s. In M ay, a re c o rd 7 5 ,0 0 0
ja m m e d in to W a te rfro n t P ark in P o rt­
lan d to h e a r him speak sh o rtly b e fo re the
O re g o n P rim a ry .
Unemployed Get Extension
P a rtic ip a te in D e m o cra cy Z o te
Dem ocratic p residential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-lll, (center) greets support­
ers Tuesday a fte r a town hall-style m eeting in Powder Springs, Ga. (AP photo)
fteW • ' * « • '•»*
Premiere bonds live theater to live basketball >»* «<d» «t trar»«l rd *<i »»/•l ibri» - ■•»
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T o c o n ta c t
Please drive cautiously in all work zones. Because at the end
of the day, just like you, I want to come home to my family.
This s u m m e r th e Oregon D e p a rtm e n t o f T ransportation is
w orking on our highways, repairin g and replacing bridges on
Interstate 5.
l?l ^Jnrtianb (Obscruer
Call 503-288-0033
o r e m a il
Please, be patient, be safe and be prepared:
Visit TrlpCheck.com or dial 5-1-1 before you go.
a d s@ p o rtla n d o b server.com
maw iu«w»«rnn» lantraim mt