Slight Decrease Jazzy Vibes Oregon gas prices have dropped ever so slightly. The price fo r regular hit a record high on July 3 at $4.29, before falling Tuesday to a statewide average o f $4.28. Blues artist Catherine Russell to bring her saucy smile and jazz chops to the Oregon Zoo Summer Concert Series. see inside, page A 7 ‘City of Roses' Established In 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII. Number 27 Wednesday • July 9. 2008 .Week in The Review Obama Picks Stadium for Nomination Speech Barack O bam a will accept the Dem ocratic presi­ d en tial n o m in a ­ tio n d u rin g a speech Aug. 28 at Invesco Field at M ile H ig h , a 7 6 ,0 0 0 -se at s ta ­ dium and home to the Denver Bron­ cos. The venue was preferred over D enver’s Pepsi C enter, the site o f the D em ocratic Party Convention. See story, page A2. Rosa Parks’ Belongings will go to Auction A probate court ju d g e in D etroit h a s a s k e d an auction house to find a b u y er - preferably a m u­ seum , university o r other institution - for thou­ sands o f personal items from the estate o f civil rights icon Rosa Parks. See sto ry , page A3. Iraq Wants Pullout Timeline Iraqi officials stepped up pressure on the U nited States on Tuesday to agree to a specific tim eline to w ithdraw A m erican forces, a sign o f the governm ent's growing co n ­ fidence as violence falls. Dubious Home Lending Targeted The Federal Reserve wi11 issue new rules next week aim ed at protect­ ing future hom ebuyers from dubi­ ous lending practices, its m ost sw eeping response to a housing crisis that has propelled foreclo­ sures to record highs. Venus Retains Title V enus W illiam s beat her younger sister Serena in straight sets Sat­ urday to retain her W im bledon tennis title and win her seventh Grand Slam championship. Venus, 2 8 , d e f e a te d Serena 7 -5 ,6 -4 to becom e the first w om an to repeat as cham pion at the All England Clubin southw est London since her sis­ ter in 2003. It's her fifth Wimbledon crown. Vick Files for Bankruptcy F o rm er A m eri­ can football star M ic h a e l V ick filed for ban k ­ ruptcy at a U.S. B a n k ru p tc y C o u rt M onday, seeking C h a p te r 11 p ro tectio n and citin g debts betw een $10 m illion and $50 million. Neglected Woman Dies on Hospital Floor A N ew York City Hospital has agreed to im plem ent reform s at a psychiatric ward w here surveil­ lance footage show ed her fall from a chair, withering on the floor and dying as w orkers failed to help her for more than an hour. See story, page A9. Hurricane Bertha Weakens Forecasters say H urricane Bertha has w eakened to a C ategory 1 storm. Tuesday, the center o f the storm was about 620 miles east- northeast of the northern Leeward Islands and about 900 miles south­ east o f Bermuda. ycaï s of •^community service photo by M ark Field „f Dreams The Little League Urban Initiative, the Portland Park and Recreation Department, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, and the Portland Beavers, have collaborated on a field revitalization project for the Penin­ sula Little League, serving inner north and northeast Portland. “Peninsula is a deserving recipient,” said Stephen D. Keener, president and chief executive officer o f Little League Baseball and Softball. “ It has done an outstanding jo b at providing a quality Little League program for the children W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Peninsula Little League players, coaches and supporters gather for the dedication o f a state- of-the-art baseball field at Lillis Albina Park a t North Flint Avenue and Russell Street. Inner city youth draw support and adults o f this com m unity.” A dedication cerem ony was recently held at Lillis A lbina Park to unveil the im provem ents m ade by Portland Parks that include a new grass infield and mesh fence on the backstop, irrigation system, outfield fencing, renovation o f the dug- out area, and installation o f bleacher seat­ ing, a concession trailer, batting cage and pitching machine. "T o us as coaches and volunteers, the renovation is more than a grass infield, a fence and a hatting cage,” Mary Dunn, president o f Peninsula Little League, said. “We believe that the activity level o f our Little League is a barom eter that reflects the health and spirit o f the com m unity. The Little League Urban Initiative is a great program that helps to lift the spirit and morale o f volunteers w orking with innercity youths. From talking with other leagues that are part o f the Urban Initia­ tive, it is apparent to me that Little League is having a m ajor impact on urban life.” The costs o f renovations and improve­ ments to the Peninsula Little League field totaled $150,000. A portion of the Little League Urban Initiative'scontribution was made possible by the donation provided through the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. The Little League Urban Initiative pro­ vides assistance packages for eligible leagues that aid the local volunteer group with equipm ent acquisition, capital im­ provem ent cash grants, field im prove­ ment and renovation, access to Little League Baseball and Softball education and training program s, advocacy, and networking. Apparel Designer Achieves Trend Status Tony Haynes keeps it ‘bubbly’ by R aymond R endi . eman T he P ortland O bserver T ony H a y n e s’ sh irt co m p an y has com e a long w ay since its in cep tio n eight years ago, but the local e n tre p re n e u r's co n cep t has rem ained the sam e. H aynes started out m aking T -sh irts w ith p ress-on m aterials out o f his n o rth ­ east P ortland house, and now his b u si­ ness, B ubbly B ubbly W how ear, has an o ffice and prin t shop at the R oseland T heatre dow ntow n. All the w ay th ro u g h , his m ission has involved in sertin g the w ord “ b u b b le” into various catch phrases. "G et y o u r rest and be B ubbly fre sh ” is an ex am p le o f one T- shirt slogan he has created. H aynes has a social ratio n ale for c re a t­ ing hu n d red s o f slo g an s using the “ bub- continued on page A3 Shirt company designer Tony Haynes brings his positive message and line o f apparel to the Good in the Neighborhood celebration. Mosquito Season Warning West Nile Virus still a concern . Heard the buzz? M osquito sea­ son is here and public health o ffi­ cials want to rem ind residents that m osquitoes can transm it a num ber o f diseases, including W est Nile Virus. W est N ile has had a presen ce in O regon since 2004, and last year C la c k a m a s C o u n ty , M ultnom ah C o u n ty , W a sh in g ­ ton C o u n ty , and C lark C ounty all had co n firm ed cases w here birds w ere infected. T he sp read o f the virus is u n ­ p r e d ic ta b le ; h o w e v e r, tre n d s th r o u g h o u t th e c o u n try h av e show n a sig n ifican t increase of ca se s in su b seq u en t years o f the v iru s. W es, N ile V irus is carried by in fected m osquitoes. It can cause serio u s illn ess in som e people and horses. M o squitoes becom e in fected w hen they feed on in ­ fected birds o f the C o rv id fam ily, such as ravens, cro w s, ja y s and m agpies. T he m o sq u ito can then transm it the infection to hum ans and anim als by biting them . You cannot get the virus from ano th er person o r anim al. M ost people w ho b ecom e in ­ fected w ith the W est N ile V irus do not becom e ill. O nly about 20 percent dev elo p W est N ile fever, w hich features fever, headache, body aches, and o ccasio n ally a rash on the trunk o f the body and sw ollen lymph glands. Sym ptom s b egin 3-14 d ay s after the bite o f an infected m osquito and in c ase s o f m ild d isease last a few days. P e o p le w ith q u e s tio n s a b o u t W N V sym ptom s should call their h ealth care provider. O nly about one o u, o f 150 o f th o se w ho becom e infected d e ­ v elo p s a severe infection know n as W est N ile en cep h alitis or m en ­ in g itis. S ym ptom s o f a severe in ­ fec tio n can in c lu d e h ea d ach e, high fever, neck stiffn ess, stu ­ por, d iso rie n tatio n , com a, tre m ­ o rs, co n v u lsio n s, m uscle w eak ­ ness and p araly sis. S ym p to m s o f severe d isease m ay last several w eeks, alth o u g h som e brain and nerve d am ag e m ay be perm anent. T here is no effec tiv e treatm ent for W N V in fectio n o th e r than su p p o rtiv e m edical care. There are no vaccinations for humans, but vaccinations are avail­ able for horses. H orse ow ners should contact their veterinarians for more information. There are two basic prevention strategies: reducing the mosquito population and avoiding mosquito bites. T he best way to reduce the continued on page A2 « A