il!l |J n rtla n h ffibseruer iu iy 2 .2008 Page az Obama Likes Rap, Rock and Classical Candidate’s iPod playlist shows variety Ernestine Anderson Jazz Vocalist Faces Foreclosure (AP) - J a z z vocalist Ernestine A nderson is facing foreclosure on her hom e in Seattle in yet another sign that the mortgage loan crisis is hitting traditional w orking-class neighborhoods hard. A nderson, • who once sang with the likes o f Q uincy Jones and Ray Charles, is m ore than $30,000 in arrears in paym ents and penalties, public records show . F rie n d s and fam ily have started a last-ditch effort to save her Central District hom e by pleading for donations. They hope to raise $45.000 for the 79- year-old to cover the back pay­ m ents and taxes. Jam es Kelly, president o f the Urban League o f Seattle, said counselors will try to find out how A nderson got a loan that now asks for a m onthly pay­ ments o f $5,(XX). G ayton said A nderson's monthly incom e is $ 1 ,(XX) from Social Security, and at her age, her perform ances are limited. "She never should have got­ ten that loan," G ayton said. "It's a difficult issue for her. The house is her mom's and father's hom e, since 1946." (A P) - Bob Dylan. Y o-Y o Ma. Sheryl Crow. Jay-Z. T hese aren't musical acts in a sum m er concert series: T hey’re artists featured on Barack O bam a’s iPod. “I have pretty eclectic tastes,” the D em ocratic presidential con­ tender said in an interview pub­ lished in the current issue o f Roll­ ing Stone. G row ing up in the '70s, O bam a said, he listened to the Rolling Stones, Elton John and Earth, Wind & Eire. Stevie W onder is his m usi­ cal hero from the era. The Stones’ “G im m e Shelter” tops his favorites from the band. T he Illinois senator's playlist contains these m usicians, along with about 30 songs from Dylan and the sin g er's “ Blood on the T racks” album. Jazz legends Miles Davis, John C oltrane and Charlie Sen. Barack Obama, D-lll., on the July 10 cover o f Rolling Stone Magazine. Will Smith stars as ‘Hancock’ he saves the life o f PR execu­ tiv e R ay E m b re y (Ja so n B atem an), and the sardonic su­ perhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be H ancock’s greatest challenge yet— and a task that may prove impossible as Ray ’ s wife, Mary (C harlizeTheron), w ho insists that h e’s a lost cause. O scar nom inee Will Sm ith is bri nging another blockbuster re­ lease to theaters this sum m er as the superhero “H ancock,” in a July 2 release. H ancock is edgy, conflicted, sarcastic and m isunderstood, and his w ell-intentioned hero­ ics might get the jo b done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping dam ­ age in their wake. As grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens o f Los A nge­ les are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn’t the kind o f su­ perhero who cares w hat other people think— until the day that In a July 2 release. “Hancock” isn 't the kind o f superhero who cares what other people think, until now. never lost track o f his roots, who P arkerare also in the mix. "A ctually, one o f my favorites know s w ho he is, who has never d u rin g th e p o litica l se aso n is put on a front.” A nd did he address him as the ‘M aggie's Farm ,” ’ O bam a said of one o f D ylan s tracks. “It speaks to B oss? “ Y ou've got to,” the candidate me as I listen to some of the political said. rhetoric.” Asked what he thought o f rap, In the song, Dylan sings about trying be himself, "but everybody O bam a said the genre has broken dow n barriers w ithin the music w ants you to be just like them .” Several m usicians on O bam a’s w orld, th o u g h h e 's co n c ern ed iPod support his bid for the W hite about his daughters — M alia, 9, H o u se , in c lu d in g B ru ce and Sasha, 7 — listening to it. Springsteen. Earlier this month. "I am troubled som etim es by the D ylan told a British new spaper that misogyny and m aterialism o f a lot he believes O bam a is redefining of rap lyrics,” he said, "but 1 think politics in the United States and the genius o f the art form has shifted could deliver change to a nation in the culture and helped to desegre­ upheaval. gate m usic.” He said hip-hop mogul Russell “I ’ve got to say, having both D ylan and Bruce Springsteen say Sim m ons and rappers Jay-Z and kind w ords about you is pretty re­ Ludacris were “great talents and m arkable,” O bam a said. "Those great businessm en.” “It would be nice if 1 could have my guys are icons.” O b a m a said he h a s n ’t m et daughters listen to their music without S p rin g steen , but the tw o have me worrying that they were getting bad images of themselves,” he added. talked over the phone. O bam a appears on the cover of "N ot only do I love Bruce's m u­ sic, but 1 ju st love him as a person,” the m agazine, which endorsed him O bam a said. “He is a guy w ho has for president in March. Cultural Center Funds Restored Financial support for the In­ Ave. is celebrating 25 years terstate Firehouse Cultural Cen­ of awakening cultural aware­ ter has been restored with ap­ ness by creating an environ­ ment for artists and audiences proval of a new city budget. The Portland City Council to explore, honor and cel­ adopted a revised budget ear­ ebrate diversity. City support for the non­ lier this month that includes profit center was in jeopardy $80,(XX) for the IFCC. The multi-disciplinary arts after an earlier budget pro­ center at 5340 N. Interstate posal by Mayor Tom Potter. W atermelon 29< a Pound with Coupon Limit 3 per customer Sparks on Life One Year after American Idol: Young star almost lost her voice O ne y ea r after Jo rdin S parks w as crow ned the 2007 "A m erican Idol" ch am p io n , the 18-year-old sin g in g sensation is taking the m usic industry by storm . From landing her second spot on a m ajor national to u r alo n g ­ side A licia K eys and p erform ing the N ational A nthem at Super Bowl X LII to w inning O u tsta n d ­ ing N ew A rtist by the N A A C P Im age A w ards, the th rilled n ew ­ c o m er is taking her "Idol" su c­ cess to an asto n ish in g new level. T h e y o u n g sta r, w h o se hi, sin g le N o A ir topped the B ill­ board Pop c h a rts, opens up to Jet m a g a z in e in its c u rre n t issue about her recent vocal cord h em ­ orrh ag e that could have ended her career. "T hat w as one o f the scariest feelings I've ev er fe lt,” Sparks recalls. She also d iscu sses the latest In tern et g o ssip th at she w as recen tly m arried to her "al­ leged" b oyfriend , sin g er/m o d el S teph Jones. "I'm o nly 18-years- old. I'm not gettin g m arried for a w hile," she said. Jordin Sparks is crowned the 2007 American Idol champion. $5.00 Tees State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent W e m o v e d to o u r new lo catio n at: portlandob se n 9713S.W . Capitol, Portland, OR 5 0 3 -2 2 1 -3 0 5 0 F a x 5 0 3 -2 2 7 -8 7 5 7 T erry F amily Simple Cremation ♦ * M eetings Pork * B eef á iii Mon-Sat 9am-7pm • Sun 10am - 6pm Advertise with diversity zzz '“'in' Eddie Lincoln Broker 722 ‘N- Sumner at JUbina (Portland, 0