il» PageA2 1 IJortlanh ffîbsertier lune 25. 2008 Imus Explains Race Remarks Says he was misunderstood in latest rant photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver North Portland Streets Turned to Pathways Portland Police Officer Mark McLaughlin keeps North Kerby Avenue near Jefferson High School clear from cars and trucks as it fills with cyclists Sunday for ‘Sunday Parkways, ' an experiment by Portland Parks and Recreation to ban automobiles on six miles o f north Port­ land streets from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to provide space for non-motorized fun. A series o f neighborhood events at local parks and other venues encouraged exercise and new community connections. Bill Clinton Offers Support to Obama (AP) - Form er President Clinton said through a spokes­ man Tuesday that he is com m itted to helping Barack O bam a becom e president, his first com m ents in support o f his w ife’s former rival since their prim ary ended three weeks ago. "A unified Dem ocratic Party is going to be a powerful force for change this year and we're confident President Clinton will play a big role in that," said O bam a spokesman Bill Burton. Hillary Clinton spokesm an Mo Elleithee said, "Senator Clinton is very pleased with how quickly the party ¡scorning together after the prim aries, and she will continue to do everything she can to unite D em ocrats behind Senator Obama as our nominee." Bill Clinton was an outspoken critic o f O bam a during the primary race. He said O bam a's opposition to the Iraq war was a "fairy tale" and raised questions about w hether the first- term Illinois senator had the experience to lead the country. President C linton has been the most valuable personality in the D em ocratic Party, but his angry outbursts while cam paigning for his wife tarnished his image. O bam a prizes a tightly controlled image and lack o f dram a in his cam paign, which are not President C linton's hallmarks. In this Sept. 5, 2005 file photo, former President Bill Clinton carries a young girl as he and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-lll. visit with Hurricane Katrina evacu­ ees in Houston. The former president said through a spokesman Tuesday that he is committed to helping Barack Obama become president. (AP photo) Ridership Grows Again Community Activist Honored T riM et M AX and bus rid e r­ ship is breaking new records. W eekly rides on M A X and buses w ere up 4.4 p ercent last m onth from a year ago, averaging 2 ,0 6 4 ,8(M) rides. T he m ass transit agency also ex p e rien c ed a 3.3 p erc en t in c re a se o v e r A p ril's w eekly figures. O verall, m ore co m m u ters arc rid in g d u rin g b o th m o rn in g rush h o u r and ev e n in g rush hour. "T his co n tin u atio n o f record rid ersh ip show s that riders are lo o k in g fo r altern ativ es to d riv ­ ing and w ay s to help o ffset high fuel prices, and T riM et is a great altern ativ e," said T riM et G e n ­ eral M anager Fred H ansen. Charles Ford contributions noted M ayor Tom Potter and the P ort­ land C ity C ouncil will honor long­ tim e A frican A m erican co m m u ­ nity activ ist C h arles Ford w ith a p ro clam atio n hon o rin g his m ore than 4 0 years o f serv ice m aking P ortland a b etter p lace for e v e ry ­ one. Ford - a resident o f Portland for H waMu 58 years — has m ade extraordinary contributions as a com m unity ac­ tivist in both public safety and co m ­ m unity relations. In 1967, he began serving as a m em ber o f the A lbina N eighbor­ hood Association. O ver the next 40 years, he worked on the Police B ureau's C o m m u n ity R elations C itizen’s Advisory C om m ittee: as the King N eighborhood Facility director; as a board m em ber for the N ortheast Coalition o f N eighbor­ hoods; on the G ang V iolence Task Force; the Portland Internal Audit Committee. “C harles Ford has m ade an im­ m easurable contributions to Port­ land. helping create a lasting link betw een residents, public service agencies and non-profit organiza­ tions,” said M ayor Potter. T he h o n o r w ill be m ade d u r­ ing a sp ecial ce rem o n y at 2 p.m . on T h u rsd ay , Ju n e 26 at P o rt­ land C ity Hall. (A P) — Don Imus said Tuesday that he was trying to "make a sar­ castic point" with his latest on-air rem arks about race, but that they had been m isunderstood. Imus resurrected his radio career six m onths ago w ith a pledge to m e n d th e w ounds caused by a r a c is t an d sexist com ­ m ent he m ade about the Rutgers w o m e n 's b a s k e tb a ll team. Don Imus O nTues- day he said he was follow ing the spirit o f that prom ise by calling attention to the unfair treatm ent of blacks — in this case the arrests of s u s p e n d e d D a lla s C o w b o y s cornerback A dam Jones. "W hat p eo p le should be o u t­ raged ab o u t is that they arrest b lack s for no reaso n ," Im us said T u esd ay . "I m ean, th e re 's no rea­ son to arrest th is kid six tim es. M aybe he d id so m eth in g o n ce, b ut e v e ry o n e d o e s so m e th in g o n c e ." He called the Hurry o f criticism su rro u n d in g the co m m en ts "ri­ d ic u lo u s " a n d s a id th a t h is p ro g ra m 's ca st is now m ore d i­ v erse than e v e r — and in clu d es a black p ro d u ce r and tw o b lack c o ­ h o sts, a m an an d a w om an. T h e latest co m m en ts by Im us to com e u n d er scrutiny w ere aired on M o n d ay 's b ro ad cast. D u rin g a co n v e rsatio n ab o u t Jo n e s' run- ins w ith the law , Im us ask ed , "W hat c o lo r is he?" S p o rts an ­ n o u n ce r W arn er W o lf said Jo n es — fo rm erly k now n as P acm an — is "A frica n -A m e ric an ." Im us re ­ sp o n d ed : "T h ere you go. N ow w e k n o w .” T h e o n -a ir e x c h a n g e c a m e m o n th s after Im us' retu rn to w ork on a new show on W A B C -A M follow ing his firing from M SN B C and C B S R ad io for ca llin g the R u tg ers U n iv ersity w o m en 's b a s­ k e t b a ll te a m " n a p p y - h e a d e d h o s." W h en he retu rn ed to w ork, Im us g av e a len g th y o n -air a p o l­ ogy and p led g ed to use his new show to fo ster an o pen d ialo g u e on race relatio n s. Portland Parks & Recreation presents G reat Parks à G reat Cities SPEAKER S E R I E S Reinvigorating the 21st century city through the greening of our urban environment Shirley Franklin .Mayor o f Atlanta, Georgia ^ « i S S l M u s i c & F ° ° dVC Tuesday, July 8 First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Ave. • 7:00 p.m. King School Park 4800 Block ol NF 6th & Humboldt Streets O pen House K ickoff P arty S unday, .lune 15 5:0« pm - 9:00 pm M cM cnam ins K ennedy School Networking < (pportunity, Meet the sponsors and Live Music! G ood in the Hood C om m unity P arad e S atu rd ay , Ju n e 28 11:00 am Saturday, June 28 M a rlin l.u lh cr King Jr. Blvd. To King .School Park Friday, June 27 6:00 - 9:30 pm ! ( orne Join The F u n !J Sunday, June 29 order tickets on-line Featuring: The Linda Homhucklc Band. Patrick I ¡nnb. Norman Sylvester Band. Soul Vaccination, t 'h . illu Addy A Snvurna. Asa and many more. .. New SE A SO N S It [J ]b a n k 0 w Albina Gommumry Bank ;4i «^ m e t r o tickets are also available at the door PPG »OIH1D tHVUOmUN» tyUMIU'OS SAFEWAY O NKCN Stdnnsw 503.282.1288 Ç at Enjoy great fond m ulticultu ral entertainm ent A great m inie PACIFIC POWER A < « r ln < A lffo r e n c e y o u < «n to o l Neil Kelly N am e d o n e o f th e n a tio n ’s to p five b ig city m ayors by T im e M agazine, S h irley F ran k lin is th e first W oman m ay o r o f A tlanta and th e first African A m erican w o m an to lead a m ajo r S o u th e rn city. S h e ’ll discuss how h e r in itiativ es to increase A tla n ta’s parks and g reen sp aces have c o n trib u te d to th e city ’s rev italizatio n and e c o n o m ic d ev elo p m en t. Noon - 9:30 pm Dancing and Live : Music by Ocean 503 Bring your lawn ehair* and blank« Is “77»e Greening o f Atlanta: the Revitalization of an Urban Landscape" III n <¿3» PORTLAND PARKS & RECREATION H o a lth y P a rk s , H e a lth y P o r tla n d 503-823 PLAY www PortlandParks org C o m m is s io n e r Dan S a ltzm a n D ire c to r Zari S a n ln e r Pit Ataetn Anontsn **•*> Thanks to our sponsors Portland Parks Foundation. Portland Spaces Portland Tnbune Sustainable Lite, The Heathman Hotel and AM 620 KPOJ Additional support from Metro City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, The Trust for Public Land Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Tualatin Hills Park 8 Recreation District and Bank of America »