Page B4 îl!e sportiani* (©hseruer ,une 25,2008 Happy 16th Birthday Davont’e Lightfoot From all your family & friends We love & miss you dearly First Step Academy Childcare & Education State Registered Day Care Home * Infant to School Age Vernon Neighborhood Location *Openings Available* (503) 288-8367 Finding the right loan is not hard when you have a great Lender Relationship. W e a r c -L O C A L ! Lake Oswego’ s Kevin Love drives to the basket on a basketball court in New York that once saw the likes o f Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Dr. J compete. Love is one o f elite former high school players profiled in the new documentary "Gunnin' to that #1 Spot. ” opening Friday in Portland. Reduce your monthly debts starting today! Get rid of that 1st and 2nd mortgage payment for a One Loan Fixed Rate Mortgage. “Gunnin’ forthat# l Spot con tin u ed fro m M etro track to the NBA, as they are adored by fans, w ooed by colleges and sneaker com panies, and face fierce pressures w hile being groom ed to be in the spotlight o f a multi-million dollargam e. Com bining a unique directing style by Adam Yauch, a founding Bush’s Dentist Comes Home continued 4^ fro m M etro forces in their first full-scale invasion o f the M iddle East and was dentist for the most pow ­ erful leader in the world, but he m aintains a matter-of-fact attitude about w hat he had un­ dergone. “You travel around and do different things, member o f the Beastie Boys, and the w orld's most popular hip hop music, G unnin' highlights these soon to be NBA All Stars as they wow the crowd with gravity-defying skills in a way you just get a different perspective on life in the U .S.,” he says. "I ju st see the sacrifices for the men and w om en who serve.” Upon returning to Portland, the differences he saw in his hometown, and particularly in his boyhood neighborhood, caught him by surprise. “ Being gone 24 years and com ing back, you think. ‘W hoa, a lot o f changes,’” he says. Recognizing the vital role Jefferson played in developing his own career, Smith has taken adv antage o f opportunities to volunteer at the school. He is also im pressed by the historic significance Barack O bam a’s presidential can­ didacy. never before seen on film. “G unnin’ for that #1 Spot opens Friday, June 27 in Portland exclu­ sively at the Regal Fox Tow er, 846 S.W. Park Ave. As he cares for an increasingly Hispanic, Eastern European and A frican-American popu­ lation in Gresham , he is saddened to see how a lack o f fluoride in the water supply has ravaged som e people’s teeth. “ It’s heartbreaking in my mind to see a kid w ho is 10 to 11, and you got to start taking out perm anent molars because they c a n 't afford a root canal.” he says. He w ould much rather a world where every­ one gets preventive care from birth, which he reasons would be cheaper in the long run, saying, “1 kind o f jo k e with my patients— I say I'm trying to put m yself out o f a jo b .” Call today for your - Personalized Rate Quote! 503-972-2719 office - 503-975-2769 cell cky les @ Calvin Kyles - Broker Commercial and Residential NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.D. Pastor/Teacher/Revivalist What: “ The Voice Speaks’’ *A Different Location* Where: Now at Emmanuel COGICU 4800 NE 30th A venue, Portland, OR 97211 W hen: Sundays 8:00 A.M. W orship Service W ednesdays 7:00 P.M. Bible Study Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone to jo in us at our appointment with Jesus. W e Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ N a m e !!! To inquire about our Training M inistry call 503-863-6545 orem ail: Mass Choir Rehearsals $5.00 Tees 5 Local Leader Named M arcus C. M undy, president and chief executive officer o f the Urban League o f Portland, has been nam ed to the Portland M etro LeadershipC ouncil o f the O regon Com m unity Foundation. The foundation w orks in partner­ ship with donors to im prove the lives o f O regonians through philanthropy, pro­ viding more that $55 million annually in grants and scholarships. M undy also was recently appointed by Gov. Ted K ulongoski to serve on the O regon Health Fund Board to help d e­ sign and im plem ent a state healthcare sy ste m p r o v id in g a c c e s s and affordability to all O regonians. FAMILY REUNION L A N E FAMILY REUNION PO R TLA N D , OREOON Screen Printing 503-762-6042 Fast Track Marketing Supplying Northwest Cooking Woods 100% M esquite C harcoal, M esquite W ood, H ickory, Pecan, W ild C herry, Oak, M aple, Plus O ther W oods & Supplies Call For Appointment (503) 254-0774 — Portland, OR Ask for Paul In Loving Memory D en e ll A nn T a n n e r M u llen passed aw ay June 28, 2007 from H odgkin’s lym phom a cancer. She was a great m other, sister, wife and most o f all a w onderful friend. She is m issed and loved always by her m other Sally Tanner: sister Sheila; brother Darrel; daughters N enia, Ariel and Ahsia; grandson Trevonni; and husband o f many years, Douglas Mullen. 3rd Annual Women Of The Cloth Convention Marcus C. Mundy D e n e ll A n n T a n n e r M u lle n The Music Department of the District Association is preparing for a “Come On Let's Sing Musical” which will be held July 5th at 6:00 at the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, featuring the Association Mass Choir and local guest artists. Choir members throughout the City are invited to participate in the mass choir. Rehearsals will be held June 30th at 7:00 PM and July 3rd at 7:00 PM. Mrs. Lorene Wilder, Music Director. Dr. Raymon H. Edwards, President. For info please call 503-281-5445. Theme: “Night Seasons” Psalms 12:7 At The House o f Prayer 2728 NE 34th, Portland, OR 97212 Saturday June 28,2008 • 10:00 A.M. - 3 P.M. Convention Musical • Friday Night June 27th at 7:30 P.M. Call 5 0 3 -9 3 9 -5 4 8 8 For more information! Catering Chicken * * Events Sausages * * Meetings Pork Join P.0.P.A ( People of Purpose & Associates) for the 3rd Annual Day * Of Re-tilling the Soil Saturday, July 12th, 2008 Beef 5 0 3 -2 9 0 -4 8 6 Ü A dvertise w ith d iv e rs ity in (O b s e rv e r Call 5O3-288-OO3B adsGf'portlandob serv m Stop Pointing a Finger And Lend a Hand... A celebration o f community spirit and pride to rejuvenate and reawaken the neglected soil o f N E Portland. Registration Breakfast at 8:15am-8:45am (see locations below) Clean-up begins at 9:00am Celebration at Irving Park 12:00pm-6:00pm Clean-up Groups located: PENINSULA LITTLE LEAGUE LITTLE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL, AND PENINSULA LITTLE LEAGUE INVITE YOU TO THE DEDICATION CEREMONY FOR THE NEWEST URBAN INITIATIVE FIELD RENOVATIONS AT LILLIS ALBINA PARK. • Jefferson High School, 5210 N Kerby Ave. Portland, OR 97217 • Cornerstone Community Church, 2 2 16 NE Klllingsworth St. Portland, OR 9721 1 Contact Larry Collins for more information: 503-839-8676 or 503-823-4575. P.0.P.A.( People of Purpose & associates) • The Portland Observer PLACE: Lillis Albina Park ADDRESS: North Flint Ave and Russell St. State Farm * Providing Insurance and Financial Services Portland, Oregon DATE: Saturday, June 28, 20 08 Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper TIME: 10:30am V IM tW B A M C I - Agent We moved to our new location at: P re sen ting S p on so rs: 9 7 1 3 S .W . C a p ito l, P o r tla n d , O R Conrad N. Hilton Foundation The Urban Initiative Program • Maple Mallory Apartments, 3720 NE Mallory Ave. Portland, OR 97212 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Portland Parks & Recreation 1 I