Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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May 28. 2 00 8
rt lattò © hserucr
Jazz Serves His Soul
Page B3
m o r n s m R edd W illiams
Poet hangs out,
takes pictures
by R aymond R endleman
T he P or i land O bserver
Redd W illiams serves his soul
with the live jazz that can be found
in abundance around town.
W illiams recalls spending his
youth around big-nam e beat poets
lik e Jack K ero u ac and A llen
G insberg and
now puts his
ow n creative
juices to work
on the P ort­
la n d -m e tro
m usic scene
rather than re­
tiring to his
hom e in the
round apart­
Redd Williams
ment tower in
dow ntow n Vancouver.
Seeking out show s with particu­
lar promise each week, W illiam s
sees a music scene that will con­
tinue to have the energy o f under­
ground clubs during the ‘50s. He
publishes poetry inspired by the
p erfo rm an ce s and in te rsp erses
Portland’ s jazz scene with original
photographs on a local website.
With more than 200 photographs
and dozensof poems already online,
W illiam s, 72, doesn’t plan to slow
dow n anytime soon.
O f Toni Lincoln’s recent perfor­
m ance at C ly d e’s on Northeast
Bassist Ed Bennett strikes up a tune
Jazz trumpeter Thara Memory and saxo­
phonist Patrick Lamb at Jimmy Mak's.
Sandy Boulevard, he concludes a poem , he gets personal sa tisfac­
poem by describing her vocals that tion from the act o f w riting p o ­
“co n ju re/u p /d ecad en t n ig h ts/o f/ etry. His w ork provides a creative
love and in tim a c y /in /d im ly -lit w ay to m ake d isco v eries.
“T h at’s the other thing I like
sp a ce s.”
“ I started out trying to fashion about w riting— your imagination
m yself after G insberg and som e of ju st takes off,” he says.
S om etim es the subject gives
those others, so I try to express
m yself in the fewest w ords pos­ W illiam s a clear literary path and
sible," he says. “Periods, co m m as- m essage to elaborate.
He w rites that “funk/is/infec-
that stu ff blow s my m in d .”
strong rhythm ic/groove/
Even w hen W illiam s d o e s n 't
get com p lim en ts on a p articu lar that requires freedom ." The words
come from a piece on jazz trumpeter
Thara M emory and saxophonist
Patrick Lamb playing dow ntow n at
Jimmy M ak's.
If a poem isn’t (lowing the way
W illiam s would like, he turns to his
“ My whole world is visual, so I
often take a photograph to figure
out w hat word to use,” he says.
More of W illiam s' photography
and p o etry can be v iew ed at
Jsojazzscene.org in “Clubscene.”
Bassist Skip Elliot Bowman at an Incredible Journey o f Jazz event
at Pioneer Courthouse Square.
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Photographer Shares Rwanda Rebirth
Portland photographer A dam
Bâcher took an em otion-fi I led jo u r­
ney to Rwanda in the fall o f2007. He
is now sharing the devastation and
rebirth o f the African nation.
B ather will present a free pro­
gram that's open to the public on
Thursday. May 29, from noon to 1
p.m ., at Providence St. V incent
M edical C enter’s Souther A udito­
rium, 9205 S.W. Barnes Road.
Bâcher hopes his photographs
will inspire othci*. to ask questions
and learn more about crisis o f h u ­
manity at home and abroad.
“ Rwanda has a lot to teach the
world, from genocide to the rebirth
o f peace," he says.
Providence St. V incent M edical
C enter's Diversity C om m ittee is
hosting the presentation to help
spread the word about R w anda's
Your Care
Our First Priority
Dr. Mareelitte l ailla
Chiropractic Physician
Portland photographer
Adam Bacher presents
"Rwanda - The Return to
Peace after Genocide," a
journey of photographs
and stories documenting
his time in the African
nation on Thursday, May
29 at Providence St.
Vincent Medical Center.
We are located at
1716N.E. 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213
(Between Broadway
and Sandy Blvd.)
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"A s we w itness the tragic e f­
fects o f racism on a global scale
w e becom e even m ore aw are o f
the hate crim es h appening in our
ow n b ack y ard ," says sister Lynda
T h o m p so n , M ission Integration
d irecto r. “ W e need to be about
the h ealing o f o u r co m m u n ities
d aily .”
Horror Road Show
Charles Band, founder o f sci fi/horror movie studio
Full M oon Features and w hose 270-plus films has
established him aso n é o f H ollyw ood's most success­
ful and prolific cult-m ovie im presarios, brings his
stage incarnation Full M oon H orror Road Show to the
Aladdin Theater on Friday, May 30.
This one-night-only perform ance is a horror-
palooza o f sorts. Band packs his shows to the brim
with puppets, creatures and rare film clips.
Sci-fi and horror-movie director Charles Band
brings his Full Moon Horror Road Show to the
Aladdin Theater on Friday. May 30.
'- s - s z - '
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amenca's natural healing profession
Part 19. The Golden Years: Keeping in full
swing throughout the autumn of life
: Back when I was younger, ten thought that they must "learn tw inkle in their eyes they get
I loved playing golf. Now to live with it" or be given yet an­ through C hiropractic. Why d o n 't
som e-thing is alw ays hurting so
I pain pill. Actually that may be you get back in the swing of things
d o n ’t dare play! Could you help'.’ anything but true. In our office we again? G ive us a call today. Isn't
: It is so u n fo rtu n a te that com m only see people in their sev­ it tim e you stepped up to C hiro­
millions o f our senior citi­ enties and eighties. And they love practic? L ife's “golden years"
the spring in their step and the truly can be golden once again!
zens have worked and saved and
give to their C om m unity only to
find the "golden years' more "old"
than "gold". Right at the height of
2 124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
their freedom, they often find it
difficult to get around, their old
P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 - 5 5 0 4
activities. Unfortunately, it is of­
SS ea S O
ot a « y
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
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