Page A3 May 28. 2008 Are You a Parent of a Preschooler Aged 2-5? We Need Your Help! Receive $50 to take part in a 90-minute discussion group with other parents. We are scheduling Portland dates in May & June CALL tollfree 1-877-366-3119 for info & to sign up Research study funded by the National Institutes of Health; program developed by Oregon Center for Applied Science (Eugene) Sort less, Recycle more! Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is proud to partner with the Office of Sustainable Development to spread the word about the Portland Recycles! Program. Portland Observer reader Alana Shaw submitted this photograph o f her granddaughter Taylor Jade at a Barack Obama for President rally in Portland, saying it shows “ There is hope in Generation Y." Ihrnout Pushes Results Landslide wins for Obama, Adams T he largest vo ter turnout in a prim ary election sinee 1976 gave Portland C ity C om m issioner Sam A dam s m ore than 58 p ercent sup­ port for m ayor to defeat b u si­ n ess-m inded Sho D ozono w ith ­ out a runoff. Sen. B arack O bam a also c a p ­ tu red a landslide 65 p ercent o f D em ocrats in the presidential pri­ mary against Sen. H illary C linton. ln o th e re ity council races, N ick Fish and R andy L eonard coasted to victo ries, but A m anda F ritz 's nearly 43 percent w a s n 't q u ite enough to w in ou trig h t. T his N o ­ v e m b e r F ritz w ill fac e n o rth P o rtla n d 's E thos M usic C e n ter founder C harles L ew is, w hose 12 p ercent barely ed g e d out John B ranam , the A frican -A m erican develo p m en t d irecto r o f P ortland P u b lic S c h o o ls , a n d J e f f B issonnette, a north P ortlander w h o c ru s a d e d a g a in s t u tility fraud. A n o th e r c l o s e r a c e c o n ­ c lu d e d fo r H o u se D istric t 45 o f n o rth e a s t P o rtla n d and P a rk ro se ; P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o l l e g e p r o f e s s o r M ic h a e l D em b ro w e d g e d o u t C y re e n a B o sto n , an A fric an A m eric an h e a lth - d is p a ritie s a c tiv is t, by le ss th an 1,000 v o te s. Along with community partners and volunteers, the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods will be conducting a door-to-door campaign talking to Northeast neighbors throughout our twelve neighborhoods over the next couple of months. W/e look forward to talking with you! Super Delegate Endorses Obama Portland super delegate Jenny G re e n le a f e n d o rse d U .S. Sen. Barack Obam a, D-I1I. Friday for the D em ocratic nom ination for presi­ dent. G reenleaf is a D em ocratic Party Com mittee woman. "T he voters o f O regon have spoken, and 1 have listened,” she said. “Sen. O bam a has the vision and leadership ability to move this country forward and to undo the dam age done by the Bush adm inis­ tration. I am proud to support him in this endeavor." O re g o n is h o m e to 12 o f the s o - c a lle d s u p e r d e le g a te s . O b am a now h as 4 o f th o se and S en. H illa ry C lin to n 2. U n c o m ­ m itted su p e r d e le g a te s S e n a to r Ron W y d en an d S e c re ta ry o f S ta te B ill B rad b u ry m ay th ro w th e ir su p p o rt in th e n ex t few w eeks. T he D em ocratic Party says the resu lts from O reg o n 's p resid e n ­ tia l p r im a r y e l e c tio n g iv e O bam a 31 pledged d eleg ates to C lin to n 's 21. Jenny Greenleaf ' '' ' ........... ‘..... » Sheriff Giusto to Retire July 1 (A P ) — S h eriff B ernie G iusto o f M ultnom ah C ounty plans to resign July 1. His announcem ent T hursday cam e a little m ore than a w eek after a police standards c o m m it­ tee recom m ended he be stripped o f his badge because o f evidence he lied nearly 20 years ago when he told his O regon S tate Police Ask ö su pervisors he w asn't having an affair w ith the w ife o f then-G ov. Neil G oldschm idt. G iu sto w as a m em ber o f the g o v ern o r's security detail at the time. The com m ittee also determ ined that G iu sto lied e a rlie r th is y ear w hen he said in a sw orn sta te ­ ment that he didn't rem em b erev er being co n fro n ted by his su p e rv i­ sors about his relatio n sh ip with M argie G oldschm idt. Lying violates the state's moral fitn ess standard required o f all p olice o fficers. Building Livable Communities J Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods 0 For more information about the Portland Recycles! plan visit she needs to shape up or ship out. If you have some joint agreem ents, then you need to change som e locks, m ake new rules and try again before sending her packing. Dear Deanna! R eal P e o p le , R eal A dvice A ii advice column known fo r its fearless approach Io reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! My sister has moved in with me and it's a total disaster. She is a liar, a thief and a master manipulator. I am used to a calm life that doesn't involve anyone opening my mail, answering my phone and acting as if they live in a hotel with room service. I'm going to put her out but I have to face drama from my fami ly because she's told them a pack of lies. O ur family is torn and she al­ ready has everyone on her side. How do I evict her and still save face. -•Anonymous; Los Angeles Dear Anonymous: You need your sister and all of this m adness just like you need a hole in the head. However, your sister is som eone you grew up with and you knew most things about her before she moved in. This decision is quick and to the point. If it’s your house, your rules and your money, then t I have to choose who I want to marry. I have a childhood friend that would love to be with me but I d o n 't feel any firew orks for him. I really w ant to m arry my ex-boy­ friend but I know he would only marry me for stability since he has a history o f unem ploym ent. I am so anxious to become a married woman but I'm having a tough tim e with this decision. N either man has ex ­ pressed this interest so I will be the one proposing. W ho do I choose? N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o rite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . —Marriage Confusion; On-Line Reader Dear Confusion: You are missing the m ajor dynam ­ ics o f m arriage such as a mutual agreem ent and o f course, a loving com m itted relationship. This is a union from God and not to he taken lightly or as a game. Your child­ hood friend doesn ’t deserve heart­ break and yourex-boyfriend would use you. You deserve better and should invest tim e in building a loving relationship with som eone that has love, trust, respect and a joint decision for com m itm ent and matrimony. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email; askdeimna I ( or 264 .S'. LaCienega Itlvd. Suite ¡28.1 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: www.askdeanna.ivm w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)