www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity May 21. 2008 Nuborn Tribe M etro Reggae band supports community radio y CX*/ ò '>/ ~ community service See story, Arts & Entertainment |Lìax‘tIanb (Obseruex* SECTION /com m unity ^ a le n d a r Pride and Culture Festival Live perform ances, lectures and m ore to celebrate regional and national artists with disabilities takes place through T ues­ day, M ay at the YW CA dow ntow n, 1111 S.W. 10th Ave., from May 15-27.Formore information, call 503-358-9085. Gospel Fest 2008 Saturday, May 24 from noon to 10 p.m. and Sunday, May 25 from 10a.m. to 5 p.m., at the M ineral Lake Event Center, in M in­ eral, W ash., enjoy a w eekend o f country gospel in the fundraiser benefiting the Lew is County Flood Relief. Garden Party Saturday, May 24 from 9 to 11:30 a.m., volunteers are needed at the Clinton C om ­ munity G arden at Southeast 18th and Clinton Street. Tohelp, call 503-823-1612. Learn to Swim Swimming lessons for ages 8 months and up will begin on June 16 at the Mt. Htxxl Community College Aquatic Center. Adult classes available in water aerobics, sw im ­ ming lessons and more: beginning at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 2 1. Register online at mhcc.edu/aquatics. For a complete sum ­ mer schedule, cal I 503-491 -7243. Memorial Day Blood Drive The American Red Cross will honor veter­ ans through a bkxxl drive and (low erjudg­ ing contest on Wednesday, May 28 from 11:15a.m. to5:45p.m .at3!31 N.Vancouver Ave. Donors will receive a miniature rose while supplies last: live music by pianists Sally Harmon and Jim Fischer. Hip Hop Helping Schools Top acts come together for music programs Hosted by local hip-hop starC ool Nutz, seven Pacific Northwest bands.are donat­ ing their tim e and considerable talents by com ing together on Friday, May 30 for the second-annual Music in the Schools ben­ efit concert to raise money for Portland Public S chools’ high-school music pro­ grams. T he Blue Scholars, a socially conscious hip-hop duo front Seattle, will headline the concert to be held from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Crystal Ballroom in dow ntow n Portland. D oors open at 6:30 p.m. Indie bands Y A CH T, the Shaky Hands and T yphoon will jo in local student-led hip-hop groups G ray M atters and Slate of M ind Crew, as well as O nlyO ne and Im­ m aculate, m em bers of internationally rec­ ognized Sandpeople group. Last year, form er Lincoln senior Dash Robb, now a freshm an at Oberlin C ollege in O hio, spearheaded the first benefit con­ Career Connections Job Fair T hursday, M ay 29 from 11 a .m .to 4 p .m „ the Urban League o f Portland host the annual career fair at the W orld Trade C enter, 121 S.W. Salm on St. Dress pro­ fessionally and bring lots o f resum es for an opportunity at a new and exciting career. Pre-register at info@ ulpdx.org; attach a current resum e and they will be distributed to all vendors at the fair. Summer Camps for Kids Plan an exciting sum m er for your child through the Mt. H ood C om m unity C ol­ lege sum m er cam p programs. All cam ps begin at 9 a.m. and finish by 4 p.m. with beforeand aftercare available. For regis­ tration details, visitm hcc.edu/kidscam ps. Juneteenth Celebration Port land'sJunetecnth celebration will be held Saturday, June 14 with a parade at 11 a.m., starting from the W ells Fargo bank at 5730 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. B ou­ levard. A ctivities will follow at Jefferson High School from I to 8 p.m. with free food for children, entertainm ent and booths set up by local businesses. For more inform ation, call D oris Rush at 503-605- 8252 orT isha Stigler at 503-249-9093. OHSU Tram Run & Walk Saturday. June I . from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. the family-friendly event will start at the base o f the aerial tram. 3303 S.W. Bond Ave., benefiting D(x*mbecherChildren's Hospi­ tal , featuring a health fair, games and more. Breaking the Cycle Saturday, June 7 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.. at Calvary Christian Center, 126 N.E. Alberta St., hosts a w orkshop teaching men o f all ages how to deal with addiction, depres­ sion and other pressing issues; $ 10-lunch provided. Form ore inform ation.call 503- 422-8573. Race for Justice Saturday, June 21, the St. Andrew Legal C linic’s ,5 K Run/W alkand Kids Fun Run will k ick o ff at the M adeleine Parish. 3 123 N.E. 24th Ave., follow ed by a post-event party at the parish hall with free pizza, beer, and rt beer, proceeds to benefit low -incom e fam ilies receive legal repre­ sentation; to volunteer or register visit salcgroup.org/evenls/hom c.cfm . Concert Volunteers Needed Saturday. June 28 at 7 p.m.. W arner Pa­ cific C ollege will host a concert to benefit higher education for the people o f G hana. W est Africa. V olunteers to handout fly­ ers and hang posters are needed. Call 503-348-4912 Homebuyer Programs P IX "s homebuyer-assistance programs address the gap in home ownership rates between whites and communities o f color. For information about the new and ex­ panded hom ebuyers’ assistance programs, visit pdc.us/nhporcall 503-823-3400. Cool Nutz The Blue Scholars, a socially conscious hip-hop duo from Seattle, will headline a concert for Music in the Schools. Friday, May 30 at the Crystal Ballroom in downtown Portland. cert with several other students. Held at C leveland High School with an audience o f over 500, these students raised over $7.000, w hich w as evenly distributed thro u g h o u t the d is tric t's high-school music programs. W ith a stellar alternative and hip-hop lineup, these students hope to raise over $ 18.000 by draw ing in an audience o f over 1.5(X) students and music fans from around the city. “Due to budget cuts over the past few years. P P S 's m usic program s have gradu­ ally been disappearing and as students of this district we are passionate, determ ined and feel very strongly about keeping music and the arts in our schools,” said current organizer, seniorG aliaSlayen. “If the dis- trict w o n 't ensure that the arts/m usic are kept in our schools, then we will.” The concert is also intended as com m u­ nity builder and com m unity event. Stu­ dents from Lincoln. Grant. Cleveland, W ilson and Roosevelt are all sponsoring the event and working together to make this happen, thinking it would be a great way to conclude the school year. N ext year they intend on turning M usic in the Schools into a nonprofit organization. Tickets will be available for purchase online at Pdxm usicintheschools.com , be­ fore the concert or at the dtxir on the day o f the concert. Tickets are $ 12 for students with ID. and general adm ission is $17. F o r in fo rm a tio n , p le a se c o n ta c t gslayen@hotmail.com or call 503-756-7461. Cleveland Jazz Takes Center Stage Band director builds winning program W ith the 2006 hiring o f Kenney Polson as hand director, Cleveland High School has becom e the rising star of the metro area's jazz scene. Thanks to a generous grant from First O ctave, the school’s jazz band is not only heard on the southeast Portland cam pus, but at neighboring schools, jazz festivals and m onthly at the nearby Com m unity Music Center. T opping it all off, the band has pro­ duced a 55-m inite C D recording o f 10 of their favorite standards and will perform a special benefit concert on W ednesday, May 21 a t6 p .n i.at Jimmy M ak's,22l N.W. IOth Ave.. “C om ing from a district where the arts budget had rem ained slashed just a few years ago, C leveland High S chool's Jazz Band has connected our revitalized music program s to the local com m unity," Polson said. The b an d 's intensive concert schedule has included special guest perform ers from P ortland's professional jazz com m unity such as Thara M emory, R enato Caranto. Derek Sim m s, Mel Brown, and W arren Rand. During the first school year with Polson, Director Kenney Polson and his Cleveland High School Jazz Band are rising stars in the local jazz scene with trophies from five jazz competitions, a new CD and a CD release party performance Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Jimmy Mak s. the jazz band brought home trophies from each o f live jazz com petitions, including I st place aw ards at Sky view Jazz Festival, the Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival and the Mount Htxxl Jazz Festival. This past sc hcxil year Polson has entered the band a, a higher level of com petition than the previ­ ous year, and the students took I st place aw ards at the Clackam as C(imm unity C ol­ lege Jazz Festival and at the Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival, making Cleveland High the most decorated jazz band in the Portland Public Schools. An established jazz musician. Polson ( K enneypolson.com ) insists on teaching only well-known jazz standards to give his students access to the language directly from the jazz greats, also com posing and arranging many o f the b an d 's selections to capitalize on the b an d 's strengths. "The talented and dedicated students in the band have all the ingredients for greatness.” Polson said. Jazz is considered one o f the most A merican o f musical styles, and is ex p eri­ encing an upsurge am ong young m usi­ cians. C leveland added another section of jazz band for this school year, giving twice as many students the opportunity to play jazz from professional charts. The stu- enntinued on PaSe