^Jorthxub (©böerUCr__________________________ May 21. 2008 PageA2 Obama: Lay Off My Wife Calls strategy ‘low class' (A P) — D em ocrat B arack O b a m a has a m e ssa g e for Tennessee’s Republican Party: "Lay o ff my wife." Obam a, his party's presiden­ tial front-runner, and his wife. Michelle, were asked in an in­ terview aired Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America" about an online video last week by the state's G O P taking her to task for a com m ent some consid­ ered unpatriotic. "The GOP, should I be the nominee, can say w hatever they want to say about me, my track record," O bam a said. "If they think that they’re going to try to make M ichelle an issue in this cam paign, they should be care­ ful because that I find unac­ ceptable, the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family." He called the strategy "low class." T h e v id e o , p o s te d on YouTube, centered on remarks M ichelle Obam a made while cam paigning in W isconsin last February, when she said: "For the first tim e in my adult life, I am really proud of my country." The four-m inute video re’ played the remark six times, interspersing it with com m en­ tary by Tennesseans on why they are proud o f America. In a news release that included a link to the video, Tennessee's G O P said "the Tennessee Re­ publican Party has always been proud of America." It urged ra­ dio stations to play "patriotic music" during Michelle Obama's visit to Nashville last Thursday. M ichelle Obam a later clari­ fied the rem ark, saying she meant she was proud o f how Am ericans were engaging in P o rtla n d W a te rfro n t R a lly - Sen. Barack Obama generated the largest political crowd in Oregon history Sunday when 7 5 .0 0 0 people packed the downtown waterfront on a sun-drenched afternoon to hear the Democratic presidential candidate speak. It was also the biggest crowd by any candi­ date in the presidential primaries this year. the political process and that "W hoever is in charge o f the campaign they want to run, and she had alw ays been proud o f Tennessee G O P needs to think I think that stru eto rev ery b o d y , her country. long and hard about the kind of D e m o c ra t o r R e p u b lic a n , Obam a said in the ABC inter­ view, adding: "These folks should lay o ff my w ife.” O bam a said his wife "loves this country. For them to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflat­ tering to her is, I think, just low class. I think that most o f the American people would think that as well." T e n n e s s e e ’s R e p u b lic a n Party was roundly criticized in March, including by likely presi­ dential nominee John McCain, for a news release that used Barack Obama's middle name — Hussein — and showed a photo o f him wearing what it said was "M uslim attire." The release ultimately was rem oved from the party's Web site at the urging o f the state's tw o Republican senators and Republican National C om m it­ tee Chairm an M ike Duncan, who said he "rejects these kinds o f cam paign tactics." PDC Considers Heritage Markers The P ortland D evelopm ent C o m m issio n is inviting the com m unity to review and com ­ ment on a concept m aster plan fo r a sp ec ia l g a te w a y and m arkers into northeast P ort­ land neighborhoods. An open house will take place W ednesday, M ay 28, betw een 6 p.m . and 8 p.m . at Irvington V illage, 420 N.E. M ason St. The main gateway would be located at the traffic triangle A North Star beacon is one o f the conceptions for a series o f heritage markers for N ortheast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUILD YOUR SMALL CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS? where M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Grand Avenue merge. The plan also includes a series o f heritage makers along MLK between the gateway and Rosa Parks Way. The concept for the m ark­ ers project was d ev eloped in collaboration with m em bers o f the northeast com m unity. A stak eh o ld er advisory co m m it­ tee has been m eeting since O cto b er to provide guidence to PDC staff and the design team . In ad d itio n , public events w e re h e ld in Ja n u a ry an d M arch to obtain input and com ­ m ent from com m unity m em ­ bers. T he plan also suggests that a gatew ay should enhance the pedestrian environm ent, incor- Sheltered Market Program. Certified Minority, Women and Emerging Small A panel o f historical im ages is one o f the conceptions for a Portland Development Commission “Gateway" marker into northeast Portland neighborhoods. Festival Celebrates Diversity continued The City of Portland is Re-opening the application period for the Construction porate m ulticultural public art and announce the entrance to an historic area o f P ort­ land. The heritage m arkers may honor individuals, cultural or historical ev en ts or topics o f significance to P o rtlan d 's in ­ ner northeast neighborhoods. PDC is in the p ro cess o f securing funding for the c o n ­ struction phase. For m ore inform ation, con­ tact Irene B ow ers, p roject m anager at 5 03-823-2419 or B o w e rsl@ p d c .u s. from Front “We seek answers to the ques­ tions of why there is so much racial discrimination,” says Zach Free­ man is a junior at PSU and a Roots Festival coordinator. "Why is there is so much man-made pollution and an overwhelming lack of tolerance for difference in the world? This day is a chance to celebrate our flourishing differences in concert.” PSU is the most diverse student body in Oregon, representing ap­ proximately 25,000 students. For more information, visit the Roots F estiv al’s w ebsite at ro o tsfe stiv al.g ro u p s.p d x .ed u / index.php. Businesses (M/W/ESB) in business for two years or more may apply for The Portland hip- hop group Lifesavas will perform at Thursday's Roots Festival on the Portland State University Park Blocks. r- the program. Program participants will have opportunities to bid on City of Portland construction projects, and can receive free technical assistance to Oregon D ep a rtm en t o f Transportation improve their business management skills. The following areas of work will be open for applications from Monday April 7 to Friday May 30 Street Improvements Concrete flat work Reinforced concrete construction Sewerage treatment lines Excavation Plumbing Building construction Structural Demolition For more information, contact: Gene Jackson, Program Coordinator (503) 823-9166, Eugene.jackson@ci.portland.or.us I WORK ON OREGON’S HIGHWAYS Please drive cautiously in all work zones. Because at the end of the day, just like you, I want to come home to my family. This summer the Oregon Department of Transportation is working on our highways, repairing and replacing bridges on Interstate 5. Please, be patient, be safe and be prepared: Visit TripCheck.com or dial 5-1-1 before you go. OHM M M M TMWMWTIM WW1T«H»1 M l SLOW DOWN! BETTER ROADS AHEAD