Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 21, 2008, Page 18, Image 18

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    May 21, 2008
ftortlauh (Obstruer
Toni Lincoln Performs-
- Sunday, M ay 23, from 7:30
to 10:30 p.m., at Rafati's Encore
3 1 0 ,3 I0 S .W . Lincoln. For more in ­
formation, call 503-221 -0353.
N o rm a n S ylvester Band — Satur­
day, M ay 24, at 8 p.m., the Norman
Sylvester Band w ill play at the M e ­
m orial Weekend Blues Festival at
the Nehalem Bay W inery, and Sun­
day, M ay 25 at 9 p.m. at Roadhouse
101 in L in co ln C ity.
B e n e fit C o n c e r t --
M c M e n a m in s and P ink
M a rtin i host FundFest 2008,
a fo u r-n ig h t fu n d ra isin g concert
at the C rysta l B a llro o m fro m June 3 to 6
to b e n e fit local n o n p ro fits Friends o f Trees,
K B O O C o m m u n ity R adio, O utside In and
the B ic y c le T ra n sp o rta tio n A llia n c e .
O re g o n Zoo Buck Tuesdays — On the 2nd
T uesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2- Buck
Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo during
regular zoo hours fo r the discounted price o l $2
per person!
Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday from 8 to 11
p.m., the T h ird Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlace
Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor W ay, w ill host the ongoing
weekend series featuring Portland's rich jazz scene
w ith no cover or m inim um purchase. For more inform a­
tion, visit pdxjazz.com.
Dinosaurs! - C h illin g prehis­
to ric roars reverberate over
lush rain-forest canopies as
the Oregon Zoo takes visitors
back m illio n s o f years w ith its
summer blockbuster exhibit,
“ D in o s a u rs !” The life -s iz e
aminatronie beasts roar, snarl
and move w ith realistic feroc­
ity. A dm ission is $4 plus regu­
lar zoo admission.
Mars Landing — Sunday, M ay 25, the O M S I A udito-
rium at I945S.E. Water Ave., w ill o ffe r front-row seats
fo r N A S A 's Phoenix Lander touch down at 4:36 p.m.,
on the outskirts o f M ars' northern polar ice cap; doors
open at 3 p.m. (lim ite d seating available) the first
images from the Phoenix w ill be seen at 7 p.m.; fo r more
information, call 503-797-4000.
(?oo4t*<y C dibceac r uc
the boater/
% t6c ’lo a fe r/
2nd A n n u a l ( la rk Jazz N ig h t - Friday, May 30 at 7:30
p.m.. the C lark College M usic Department, host the
final performance o f the ‘Jazz@ Clark’ series at the
G a is e rlla ll Student Center, showcasing the acclaimed
student jazz ensembles and directors; admission is
free, donations accepted. For more inform ation, call
Peggy at 360-992-2662.
Deceptions and Disguises
Hours: 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM
7339 M L K Jr. Blvd., Portland. Oregon 97211
All You Can Eat Buffet Sunday, M ay 25, 2008
• M eatloaf w/Mashed Potatoes
• Smothered Pork Chops
Candied Yams
• Riee
Macaroni & Cheese
Cornbread M u ffin s
Fountain D rinks
• Deep Fried Chicken Wings
• Deep Fried Cattish
• CollardGreens
Thank you for NOT Wasting food!
Phone (503)978-9229
Fax (503)978-9229
$15.00 — Adults
$13.00 — Seniors
$8.00 - Under 12
-- M ilagro Theatre, 525 S.E.
Stark St., presents perfor­
mances o f the Labyrinth
o f Desire, a comedy that
explores how rom antic in ­
trigue and the delightful
and essential mystery o f
love can challenge the
boundaries o f human desire. Plays during the month
o fM ay.T icketscanbepurchascdonlineatm ilagro.org
or by eal ling 503-236-7253.
M u sic M ille n n iu m Free S how s—The M usic M i I len-
nium , 3158 E Burnside, host many in-house live
performances. E njoy free music and the opportunity
to meet local artists. Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
I ,ast T h u rs d a y Reception - Thursday, M ay 29 from
5:30 to 9 p.m. the Talisman Gallery, 1476 N.E. Alberta
St., w ill host an artist reception fo r Dan Bronson,
photographer and Raina Im ig, mandala fused glass
artist. The exhibit w ill be available through June 22.
OMSI $2 Days - T h e first Sunday o f every month can
spark your passion fo r science at the O M S I when
admission is just $2. E xhibits and over 2(X) hands-on
activities and planetarium shows w ill be showcased.
For more inform ation, v isit O M S I.edu.
Portland Police M useum - This spring the Portland
Police Museum, 1111 S.W. Second Ave. otters a
hands-on e xhibit on crime-scene investigation spe­
c ific a lly geared toward school-age children. V isitors
w ill be able to operate an actual fingerprint scanning
machine and examine evidence, and receive a tree
child-safety kit. Free admission. For more in fo rm a ­
tion, call 503-8234» 19.
F irs t T h u rs d a y A r t G a lle ry O p e n in g - Every first
Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and jo in the
street party fo r gallery receptions and openings
introducing the w orks o f many artists; this is a free
Free F irs t F rid a y N ig h ts - The Portland C h ild re n 's
Museum has partnered w ith Target to pro­
vide free admission to everyone on the first
Friday o f each month from 5 to 8 p.m.
H ip -h o p Dance Classes - Vancouver-Clark
Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly
hip-hopdanceclasses for ages 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordina­
tion, agility and teamwork through urban dance
moves. For more information, call 360-696-
O pen M ic N ig h t — Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m.,
Proper Eats M arket and Cafe, 86.38 N. Lombard St.,
hosts opcn-m ic night.
N obody Here But llsC hickcns -C u rre n tly thru Sat­
urday. M ay 24, the Interstate Firehouse C ultural C en­
ter. 5340 N. Interstate. This audacious comedy ex­
plores the perceptions o f disabilities. For more in fo r­
m ation, v is it ifccarts.org.
S lid e rs G r ill- S lid e r s G rill. 3 0 1 1 N. Lom bard, fea­
tures an eclectic assortment o f performers on the
main stage, accompanied by delicious food. C all 503-
459-4488 fo r more inform ation.