May 21. 2008 Page B4 AFFORDABLE f (A JJ t LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE * RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.28 4.9582 • Oregon City 5 0 3.65 6.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) Amber Allen Happy Birthday! Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Mareelitte Fallía Ch ir o p r a i tic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandx Blvd. ) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! Eddie Lincoln Broker •A r a (503)228-6140 History Made at Morehouse a iii Joshua W. Packwood (left) and Shannon K. Joyner aregraduating-class "brothers" during the 124th Commencement Service on Sunday at Morehouse College. Packwood stood out as the Atlanta college's first white valedictorian, while Joyner was honored as Morehouse's salutatorian. NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH "The Voice Speaks” Rev. ILL. H odge, ,’h.l). Pastor/Teacher A new door has been opened. N orthwest Voice For C hrist Com m unity Church is now worshipping in the New Jerusalem building at a new time. “The Faithful C hurch" (Revelations 3:7-13) "K eeping It Real Jesus' W ay” Join us each Sunday! lim e: 9 A.M. 1637 N E K illingsw orth St.. Portland. Oregon You are w elcom e to join us in worship and praise; we are the obedient, faithful church speaking the W O RD- G o d 's way! M ic h a e l T illery B roker 5 0 3 .9 7 5 .8 0 0 4 Hart Realty 9738 SE Washington St.. Suite Q Portland, Oregon 97216 Cleveland Jazz Takes Center Stage A treasure trove o f established jazz m usicians have shown invest­ Fax (50.3) 252-2621 dents also learn jazz history, listen­ ment in furthering jazz education Cell (50.3) 789-0861 ing skills, chord scales, modes, with the young m usicians by m ak­ EMail eddie.lineoln@century2l.eom m elodic concepts and im provisa­ ing them selves available as per­ Each office Is Independently formers and clinicians at the school. tional techniques. Owned and Operated "These com m itted resources to / --------- education help to address society's ------------ — greatest challenges,” Polson said. State Farm" "B y also exposing the students to Providing Insuiauce amJ financial Services other m usic career choices besides Hume Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 perform ance, this opportunity will help them proceed to college with confidence.” Agent The process o f recording a CD 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97217 has generated even more interest in 503 28R 1103 tax 503 286 1146 the music program for the next erme lull tibrnb*® statetar ru com school year, helping retain students 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® currently enrolled in hand and grow- Business (503) 252-2121 co n tin u ed f rom M etro Ernest J. Hill, Jr. ing audiences at venues through­ out the city. The b and's new recording con­ tains com positions by Thelonius M o n k , B e n n y G o ls o n , Jo h n C o ltran e, C arla B ley, A ntonio Carlos Jobim, Dizzy G illespie, Ray Brown, and more. Five of the 10 selections are P olson's own jazz- band arrangements. T he b en e fit p erfo rm an ce at Jim my M ak’s will raise donations forthe Cleveland Jazz program. Call 503-295-6542 for reservations. For more information or for other opportunities to buy the CD, visit C levelandhand.pps.k, call 5 0 3 -3 8 3 -9 8 6 1 or e -m a il k p o lso n@ michael@ Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. Iesha & Jumaane Guess May l()th 2008 BRID G ETO W N r REALTY □ Congratulations Your Dad and The Washington Family $ TO P CASH $ F or A ny J unk C ar , T ruck or V an JUNE Call Driver Direct-Ask for Ron 503 975-5301 or 5 0 3 6 6 3 -2 2 1 1 Aids Relief Auction M ayor Tom Potter invites the c o m m u n ity to jo in him fo r a fundraising auction to raise money to fight AIDS in Zim babwe. T he event, organized by the Portland-M utare Sister City A sso­ ciation, will be held Thursday, May 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m . at City Hall. A silent auction and “M utare M arket" will accom pany light hors d ’oeuvres provided by W est Cafe and a no-host bar. All proceeds from the purchase o f beer and wine will be donated to further support the cause. T h e P o rtla n d -M u ta re S iste r C ity A ssociation is sending a d e l- eg atio n o f P ortland citizen s to M utare to co n tin u e the goodw ill and co llab o ratio n that began 17 years ago. Potter will join the group along with m edical professionals, stu­ dents and teachers who will be trav­ eling to Zim babw e in Septem berto bring medical, educational and so­ cial, support to those affected by HIV/AIDS. It will be the first tim e a Portland M ayor has traveled to M utare as part of the sistereity relationship to help with hum anitarian efforts. “ Having our m ayor visit sends a strong signal about P ortland'seom - m itm ent to strengthening our citi- zen-to-citizen w ork," said M aria Kosmetatos. president of the group. Additional inform ation is avail­ able at A 30545 Hwy 212, Boring, OR Finding the right loan is not hard when you have a great Lender Relationship. W e »r e -L O C A L! P articipate in D em ocracy Z o te Reduce your monthly debts starting today! 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