May 21. 2008 Œl|C JJurtlanb ©bseruer Page B2 H ealth MATTERS Poor Families Scramble as Resources Shrink relies heavily on her $312 m onthly allotm ent o f food stam p s— aration ad justed ju st once a year, in O cto­ ber. This is w hat the skyrocketing cost o f food looks like at street (A P) - D anielle Brown stands level: Poor people w hose food outside a C hicago m arket at m id­ stam ps d o n 't buy as m uch as they night for her first chance to buy once did rushing into a store in the groceries since her food stam ps ran dead o f night, filling shopping carts with cereal, eggs and milk so their out nearly tw o w eeks ago. For days. Brown said, she has kids can w ake up on the first day of been turning cans o f “w hatever we the m onth to a decent meal. “People w ith incomes below the got in the cabinet" into breakfast, lunch and dinner for her children, poverty threshold are in dire straits because not only are food prices ages I and 3. "A in ’t got no food left, the kids increasing but the food stamps they are probably hungry," said Brow n, are receiving have not increased,” a 23-year-old single m other w ho said Dr. John Cook, an associate Food Stamps don’t cover rising costs New Prices Effective May 1, 2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services 8 % $45.00 Minimum Service CHG. Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas nr more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: ! small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (on/v) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Additional $ 10.(X) ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection poor. Start with milk. Betw een March 2(X)7 and this year, a gallon o f milk jum ped from ju st o ver $3 a gallon to nearly $3.80, according to the Bu­ reau o f Labor Statistics. During the sam e period, eggs clim bed from about $ 1.60 adozen to $2.20. Bread, chicken and tom atoes are all more expensive than last year. A nd ju st getting to the store is a lot m ore expensive. Since O ctober, the cost o f gas has shot up nation­ ally from $2.70 a gallon to $3.62, according to the Lundberg Survey, a petroleum m arket research firm. D iane D oherty, executive direc­ tor o f the Illinois H ungerC oalition, said sh e’s seeing people more fran­ tic for food than ever. "T he level o f desperation is just frightening,” she said. “ People are calling, saying they have no idea w hat they are going to do.” But even as dem and is rising, m any food p an tries nationw ide have been forced to cut back on the am ount o f food given to individual fam ilies because higher fuel costs and com m odity prices have sliced into private donations to the pan- tries. Lead Hazard Tests Now Available Free kits raise awareness Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25,00 (With Other Services) • Heavily Soiled Area: South Side. professor at Boston U niversity’s medical school w ho has studied the food stam p program , particu­ larly how it affects children. People like Brow n w ait for the stroke o f midnight, when one month gives way to another and brings a new allotm ent o f food stamps. Dennis Kladis began opening h i s fam i I y ow ned O ne Stop Food & Liquors once a m onth at m idnight nine m onths ago to give desperate fam ilies a chance to buy food as soon as possible. As prices rise, the num ber of A m ericans relying on food stam ps has also clim bed by 6 . 1 percent in the past year, increasing from 2 6 .1 million in February 2007 to 27.7 m il­ lion in February this year. The sput­ tering econom y, persistent unem ­ ploym ent and the m ortgage crisis have all contributed to the increase. T he A griculture D epartm ent ex ­ pects the overall num ber o f partici­ pants to reach 28 m illion next year. For Lynda W heeler, w ho re­ ceives $281 in food stam ps each m onth, the rhythm o f life has been one o f shopping for food, running out o f food and then turning to churches, food pantries and friends “ I’m telling you, by the end of for help. And all the while, she is the m onth th ey ’re ju st dying to get doing things like cutting milk with back to the first,” said Kladis, who w ater to m ake it last a bit longer. “You get it on the first and it runs has w atched other stores follow his out by the 14th and 15th,” said lead. "O bviously, they are strug­ W heeler, a single mom who brought gling to get through the m onth.” Jean Daniel, a spokesw om an for her 14-year-old son and 2-year-old the A griculture D epartm ent, which daughter shopping at midnight with runs the food-stam p program , said the Link card, the Illinois version o f there is only so m uch the aid can do. food stamps. The consum er price index for “ Food stam ps were designed to be a supplem ent to the food bud­ food rose 5 percent last year, the get,” she said. They "w ere never highest gain in nearly tw o decades. intended to be the entire budget.” It is especially grim new s for the In order to raise aw areness about the danger posed by lead in older hom es, the Portland R egional Lead Hazard Control Program is offering free lead dust w ipe kits to house­ holds throughout the Portland area. T h e free kit can be o rd ered o n lin e at p d c .u s/le a d h a z a rd or p ic k e d up at p a r t i c i p a t i n g c h ild re n 's retail and resale shops. M any hom es in the Portland re­ gion built p riorto 1978 may contain lead-based paint. W hen lead-based paint is disturbed through rem od­ eling, daily w ear and tear on doors, w indow s and other painted sur­ faces, or deteriorated by age, it cre­ ates dust. It is this dust that can poison children. “ Lead in h o u seh o ld d u st is the prim ary so u rce o f lead p o iso n in g in ch ild ren . T estin g y o u r hom e is the first step in p rev en tin g lead p o i s o n i n g , ” a d v i s e s S a ra h G o u rd e, P D C ’s L ead P rogram C o o rd in ato r. E ven a sm all am o u n t o f dust can be en o u g h to harm a child. L ead can cau se p erm an en t le arn ­ ing d isa b ilities, b eh av io ral p ro b ­ lem s, and, at very high levels, se izu res, co m a and ev en d eath . It is im p o rtan t to h av e c h ild re n 's b lood lead tested at age on e and tw o sin ce lead p o iso n in g does not alw ay s show sym ptom s. In ad d itio n to the free lead h az ard -test kits, g ran ts o f up to $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 to red u ce lead h azard s in o ld e r h om es are av ailab le. T o q u alify , h o u se h o ld incom e m ust be at o r b elow 80 p ercen t o f the a r e a m e d ia n f a m ily in c o m e ($ 5 4 ,3 0 0 for a fam ily o f fo u r); a ch ild u n d er age six o r som eone p reg n an t m ust resid e in the hom e an d the p ro p erty m ust be built p r io rto 1978. For m ore in fo rm atio n about e i­ th er the free te st k its o r the grant p ro g ram visit p d c.u s/lead h a za rd o rca ll 503-823-3400. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows (With Other Services) $79.(X) $59.00 $ 109 - $ 139 $35 - $49 $5.00 Mental Health Careers Advanced f % See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 i T he M ental H ealth and H um an S ervice p rogram at M t. H ood C o m ­ m unity C o lleg e is now accep tin g ap p licatio n s for fall term . T he p ro ­ gram is lim ited to 4 0 students. G rad u ates rep o rt th eir ed u catio n p rep ares them to step in to w e ll­ p aying po sitio n s in co m m u n ity c o r­ rectio n s, w o rk in g w ith the eld erly , d isa b le d and tro u b led y o u th /ch il- d ren o r p erso n s w ith m ental illness. T he tw o -y ea r d eg re e program is also a g reat startin g p o in t for a four- y ear b a c h e lo r's d eg ree as cre d its easily tran sfe r to several u n iv e rsi­ ties. F or m ore in fo rm atio n about the p rogram and how to apply, visit m h c c .e d u /p a g e s/1 2 2 8 .a sp o r call Leslie A llen at 503-491 - 7 178. Walgreens Free Clinic A traveling education and health screening clinic on wheels will arrive at the W algreens at 6 1 16N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. BI vd. and A insw orth Street T hursday, M ay 22 offering six free health screenings valued at $115. The health tests are part o f the W algreens T ake C are Health T our making stops across the country. The procedures will take about 20 minutes. The custom ized clinic will be open to the public betw een 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. No appointm ents are necessary. C hildbirth Preparation - Fri­ days, beginning M ay 30, from 7 to 9 p.m., the four-week series to help first-tim e parents prepare for a m ore com fortable labor and delivery with lec­ tures, practice and discussions; $85 per coilple. To register, call 503-574-6595. support, coping skills, behav­ ior m odification, m edication, patches, everything needed to stop sm oking: $225 fee. To reg­ ister, call 503-574-6595. H ealth W atch Ready or N o t? -T h u rsd a y . May 2 8 ,fro m 6 :3 0 to 8 :3 0 p.m.. learn how to prepare your family for a major disaster. The class is free. To register, call 503-335-3500. SUPER 17U M A IN EVENT M ATC HU PS 5:00PM_________ m#JaWARLD,WIDE .RENEGADESiCGA^ WFR¡ENDS’OF«SOP SEAntE^WÄTr- _:15PM . ....._.. ¿ /E A M iF R E p p ^ J O N E S ^ O ^ A Jx aíli _. 7:30PM R f T R ö RTHWEST PÀNTHERST w W ~r ] h ? <• h o s | ■ Cancer Survivors D ay —Saturday, June I fro m 2 to 4 p.m., at Legacy Good Samaritan H ospital’s Building Three, Lower Level, cancer survivors and their fami I ies, friends and care providers will com e together to cel­ ebrate life and unveil the new American Cancer Society Resource Center. This free event is open to the public. To register, cal1503-335-3500. C hildbirth Preparation C lass — M ondays starting June 2, from 7 to 9 p.m., this four-w eek class series helps first-tim e parents prepare for a m ore com fort­ able labor and delivery; $85 per couple. T o register, call 503-574-6595. A rthritis D isco v eries—T uesday, June 3 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. the O asis C enter at M acy 's 4th Floor, dow ntow n; $5 fee. For more inform ation, call 503- 241-3059. Infant M assage - W ednesdays, beginning June 4, from 6:45 to 8 p.m., this four-w eek class teaches the rhythm ic m assage strokes designed to relax your baby (up to 6 m onths) and you; $45 per couple and baby. T o register, call 503-574-6595. Breaking the C ycle M en ’s C o n f e r e n c e - Saturday, June 7, from 8 a.m. to 4 p .m ., Calvary Christian Center. 126 N.E. A lberta St., will host the w orkshop for men o f all ages to discuss health, nutrition, addiction, com m unication and other issues facing men today. T o register, cal1503-422-8573. Infant C PR - M onday, June 9 from 6 to 8 p.m ., for fam ilies with infants 1-12 months, teaching how to perform rescue breathing, CPR and choking m aneu­ vers. T his is a non-certifying class; $34 fee per person. T o reg 503-574-6595. Sm oking C essation -- M ondays, beginning June 9, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.. this 11 -week series will provide C aregiver R esource Fair - Saturday. Jurfe 14 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. at the Legacy Em anuel Hospital Lorenzen C onference C enter, the PBS docum entary “Caring for Y our Parents” will explore the com plex issues o f keeping an aging or disabled parent at home. This is a free event. T o register, call 503-413- 8018. M anaging’C hronic Hepatitis C — T hird W ednesday o f each m onth at 5 p.m ., the inform ative session led by a registered nurse to help m anage side effects o f m edications and dosage preparations and adm inis­ tration: d o cto r’s referral required. T o register, call 503-251-6313. Big B rother & Big Sisters - Saturday, June 21 from I O to 11 a.m ., this special sibling class is for ages 3- 6, to help prepare them for their new role as a big brother or sister. Parents m ust be present. To register, call 503-574-6595. M aternity W ater W orkout - H elping new moms regain m uscle tone, strength and flexibility, all in the support and freedom o f the water. C all 503-256-4000 for more inform ation. Peer-to- Peer R ecovery - P eer-to-peer education recovery is a free nine-w eek course for mental health patients. M entors w ho are recovering from mental illness are trained to teach coping strategies to oth­ ers. For more inform ation, call 503-228-5692. Bereavem ent Support G roups - Free, confidential group m eetings for those w ho have experienced the death o f a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registration, call 50.3- 215-4622. Leg Alert Screening - C heck for peripheral arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. T he fee is $40. To schedule an appointm ent, call 503-251-6137. Stroke Alert S creening - Check your carotid arter­ ies with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call 5 0 3 -2 5 1 -6 137.