50 jé years •'com m unity servi Scramble to Survive Hip Hop Helping Schools Food Stamps don't cover rising costs Leading acts come together fo r music programs See Health Matters, page B2 See story, Metro inside Œbi' < ‘City of Roses’ Established in 1970 w w w .p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII. N um ber 21 .Week ¡n The Review Wednesday • M ay 21, 2 0 0 8 Fighting a Stigma Kennedy has. Brain Tumor A c a n c e ro u s b r a in tu m o r cau sed the se i­ zure Sen. E d ­ w a rd M. K en n e d y s u f ­ fered ov er the w eekend, d o c­ tors said T uesday in a grim d ia g ­ nosis for one o f A m erican p o li­ tics' m ost end u rin g figures. S ee story, p ag e A 3. Pernell Brown and Leslie Esinga walk the streets of New Columbia to check on neighborhood complaints and keep in touch with residents about concerns. Three-year-old New Columbia prioritizes safe activities Obama Packs Waterfront bv R aymond R endi . eman T he P ortland O bserver Sen. BaraCk O bam a drew the larg­ est political crow d in O regon h is­ tory S unday w hen 75,000 packed the P ortland W aterfront to hear the D em ocratic presidential c a n ­ d id ate speak. S ee r e la te d s to r y , p ag e A2. Community organizers in the New Colum ­ bia neighborhood o f north Portland gear up each spring to prom ote a safe environm ent, and this year th ey ’re confident that a full slate o f activities will prevent any flair-ups of violent activity. The first residents o f New C olum bia moved in during the spring o f 2005 as con­ struction replaced C olum bia Villa, the low ­ cost public housing that had turned into a focal point o f gang-related concerns. Now that the new houses, apartm ents, streets and businesses that replaced the Villa will be fully occupied for the first sum ­ mer, optim ism runs high, especially for the Housing A uthority of Portland and most of the neighborhood's 2,5(X) residents. "I never really felt as though this was an experim ent,” says Leslie Esinga, a H A Pem - ployee for New Colum bia who, as a single mother. I i ved i n Col u m b i a V i 11 a be fore safe t y concerns led to its razing in 2003. Quran Shooting Apology P resident Bush has ap ologized to Iraqi Prim e M in ister Nuri al- M aliki and p rom ised p ro sec u ­ tion o f a U.S. so ld ier accused o f u sing a copy o f the Q uran for target practice, Iraqi officials said on T uesday. Oil Drives Downturn W all S treet tu m b led T uesday after oil prices spiked to a new record above $ 129 a barrel and a g o vernm ent report raised in v e s­ to rs’ con cern s about the im pact o f in f l a t i o n o n c o n s u m e r sp e n d in g . continued on pane AS P h ila d e lp h ia P o lice C o m m is­ sio n e r C harles FI. R am sey fired fo ur police o fficers w ho w ere cau g h t on telev isio n n ew s-h eli­ co p ter video b eating three su s­ p ec ts in a d ru g -re la te d trip le sh ooting on M ay 5. R am sey said three o th e r o ffic ers have been su spended and one o ffic er has been dem oted. In the Neighborhood by Ho moni » R endi kman /T he P orti photo by Officers Fired for Beating R aymond R endi . kman and M ark W ashington /T iie P ori land O bserver The gas prices are giving me extra motivation to do what ! should be doing already, which is bike to work. -Jan Underwood' and O bsery er Are your plans for Memorial Day weekend llliptlC tC cl b y t h e SOU1 111^2 COSt Ot g clS O llIie ? / don't ever drive because I can't afford it, but / hope to be able to buy a car someday. We’ve got to stay close to hom e. I hope it gets better, but what can we really do? -DawaGyaltsen -Shelli Curry Homeowner Rescue Plan A key S enate panel approved a h o m eo w n er rescue plan T u e s­ day to give ch e a p e r, g o v e rn ­ m ent-backed m ortgages to up to 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 strapped borrow ers. It also in c lu d es to u g h e r re g u la ­ tio n s f o r g o v e r n m e n t- s p o n ­ so red m ortgage g ia n ts Fannie M ae and Freddie M ac. China Takes Toll R e scu e rs freed a 6 0 -y e a r-o ld w om an T u e sd a y w ho w as trap p ed for m ore than 195 hours after last w ee k ’s e a rth q u ak e and had survived by drin k in g ra in ­ w ater, w hile the confirm ed death toll rose to m ore than 4 0 ,0 0 0 in a d isa ste r that left m ore than 5 m illion hom eless. Child Pornography Ruling T he S uprem e C o u rt's 7-to-2 d e ­ cisio n M onday has upheld an effo rt by C o n g ress to m ake it illegal to o ffe r or prom ote child p o rn o g ra p h y . T he hig h c o u rt said the law p ro tects innocent ch ild ren from a thriving form o f a b u se . W ere being a lot wiser about the types o f business trips we take. Z now think about which car has better gas mileage and how many people we can fit in the ear. --Robert Bush --DaveForsIund \ll traveling has to be done in more moderation. -L arry Collins Roots Festival Celebrates Diversity cam p aimed at raising aw areness o f g eno­ cide and the current crisis in Darfur. "The art installation will show visitors through photos, histories, questions, m aps, and DVDs what happens during genocide and what people can be doing now to end the current ethnic cleansing in the D arfur re­ gion," says Katie-Jay Scott, com m unity outreach cixirdinatorol Stop G enocide Now. C am p Darfur was invited to participate because of its work to ignite social change and raises awareness. "This year’s them e o f diversity through politics and activism supports the idea that art. music, dance, and dialogue are great ways to honor a culture, but can also be used as a tool to preserve, cherish and ensure a culture's survival, "says Scott, "C am p D arfur w orks to create com m unity betw een those who can bring an end to genocide in Darf ur and the victims of the genocide in D arfur." The annual festival is alw ays held on Thursday because th a t's the day o f the week when the most students are on ca m ­ pus. " It's difficult to determ ine how many people will attend since many sim ply drop in or walk th ro u g h ," says M eijer, “ But we are expecting more people than usual since we have such a fantastic schedule o f events planned." Event to heat up PSU Park Blocks C harity P rater T he P ortland O bserver by People o f all backgrounds will com e to­ gether to celebrate diversity on the Port­ land Stale U niversity cam pus for the third- annual Roots Festival, sponsored by the m ulticultural student groups. The festival will heat up beginning at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 22 on the South Park Blocks. A ctivities will then continue until 8 p.mt The celebration will include local music and dance, international cuisines and a variety o f m ulticultural artwork. This y ea r's them e is “D iversity in Poli­ tics and A ctivism ," which will educate and inspire the com m unity to em brace civic engagem ent and a m ulticultural perspec­ tive in political action. “We are going to have local, hip-hop artist Lifesavas perform ing, and our first com m unity mural that the com m unity will participate in creating," says Leah Meijer, Roots Festival coordinator. "W hen it’s fin­ ished, it will be bn display in the Portland State University library." The Roots Festival has a full day o f fun and entertainm ent scheduled including reggae music, DJs, Native A m erican dance, hip hop and Latin dance lessons. “The Festival gives us a chance to ex ­ plore our roots by celebrating and recogniz­ ing our sim ilarities,” says Meijer. S to p g e n o c id e n o w .o rg w ill d isp lay "Cam p Darfur "at the event, a mock refugee Native Americans from Painted Sky Northstar are among the diverse groups to perform Thursday at the Portland State University Roots Festival. Pictured are Colt Nicol o f the Cree nation, Mary Bodine o f the Warm Springs tribes, Betty Stephens o f the Dine/Yaktma nation, Rebecca Friedländer o f the Atnabascan native Alaskan nation and Reggie Johnson o f the Umatilla tribes. I O ther noteworthy events will include a speech from Charles M cG ee about his non­ profit Black Parent Initiative. M ikeS truw in will be perform ing acoustic roots m usic, the PSU Breakers will perform with DJs and Eatcho will be painting live. continued y f on page A2